Tyreek Wisoky

Tyreek Wisoky



  • The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption

    Tyreek 2022-03-21 09:01:03

    The combination of hope, freedom and salvation

    The movie "Shawshank's Redemption" was released in 1994. This movie won seven nominations at the 1995 Oscars, including best film, best actor, best adapted screenplay, and the most Best photography, best editing and other awards, but ultimately failed to win any awards, the whole Oscar was robbed of light by another movie "Forrest Gump". Surprisingly, although the film did not receive a lot of praise when it was released in theaters, and the box office was not high, it has achieved great...

  • Mary and Max Mary and Max

    Tyreek 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    lay it on me, my friend

    I haven't been able to find a suitable title until I just opened the theme song of Prison Break Ultimate. Suddenly it felt right.

    “If you got dreams in your heart
    why dont you share them with me ?
    and if dreams don't come true
    I will make sure that you're nightmares are though

    If you got pain in your heart
    why don't you share with me ?
    and we just wait and see
    If it's half what it used to be

    If you've got love in your heart

  • X-Men: Dark Phoenix X-Men: Dark Phoenix

    Tyreek 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    It's not necessary to be black for black's sake.

    There are spoilers, read carefully. (sniffing, talking about ideas)

    split line---

    After the change of reversing the future and the rescue of the apocalypse, the X-Men became the heroes in everyone's mouth at that time. In order to prevent the mutants from being maliciously attacked, Professor X finally chose to fight and let the mutants save the damn astronaut captain. As a result, it is understood that Professor X is trying to save face. In other words, as a terrible existence,...

  • Like Stars on Earth Like Stars on Earth

    Tyreek 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    Education is not a standardized competition, every child is unique

    Bill Gates was very shy when he was a child.

    When an average parent encounters such a situation, most of them will encourage their children to socialize boldly, talk more and practice more, and it will get better slowly.

    But Gates' mother is not an ordinary person after all: "Do you know why you stutter when you speak? It's because your brain is spinning too fast and you can't keep up with your speech."

    Look at the level of what he said. Not only did Gates feel...

  • The Burnt Orange Heresy The Burnt Orange Heresy

    Tyreek 2022-03-11 08:01:36

    Screenwriter with high artistic attainments

    The first excellent commercial film of 2020. All the elements involved in the film are played very well. From the perspective of the script, the screenwriter has a very insightful understanding of art, at least image art, and has a certain level of artistic conception, which has risen to the level of consciousness, rather than simply pursuing form. With the blank canvas of the artist in his later years, he expresses the intention that only exists in his consciousness. As a creator, I...

  • Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins

    Tyreek 2022-02-04 08:16:12

    There are flaws in Yu.

    Quite good looking.
    Originally, I didn't care about this drama. I liked it when I read the comics more than ten years ago, especially the reminiscence chapter, but the author was still in the serialization at that time, so I didn't have the patience to wait. Also watched some animations.
    Even more than ten years ago, it was clear that at the beginning of the story, the character setting, especially the cross scar on Kenshin's face, was basically drawn for the sake...

  • Shinjuku Incident Shinjuku Incident

    Tyreek 2022-02-04 08:01:13

    I accidentally saw the Shinjuku incident

    This is not the intention.
    I'm doing an internship recently. I'm busy working as a cow and pretending to be a grandson. I'm irritable when I go out early and come home late. It's been half a year since I broke up with my boyfriend, and every meal is packed in my cabin, not to mention the extravagant activity of watching a movie. I'm a person who hates being alone, and I'm afraid of being alone in the public eye.

    On Friday, I got off work half an hour earlier than usual, and my...

  • Like Sunday, Like Rain Like Sunday, Like Rain

    Tyreek 2022-01-29 08:10:17

    12-year-old domineering little Zhengtai's brain theater

    The following are all brain supplement Zhengtai Brain Theater.

    1, for the first time to pick goddess is too found him playing the violin

    goddess: a good listen, it's beautiful music

    is too :( playfully face) ah, I wrote Well

    2, until the goddess is too class at the school gate, wanted to call him ride back Home, Zhengtai Gao Leng said to walk home

    Goddess: ok

    Zhengtai: Oh yeah, let's walk home together (*´艸`*)...

  • Southpaw Southpaw

    Tyreek 2022-01-27 08:03:02

    tough guy tenderness

    Later, I still didn't see who killed his wife, but that's not the focus of this show. What I understand most about this movie is not about body, technique, and persistence. But how to cherish the people around you and think more about them. Also, to mature, learn to control, the brain can not be dominated by the body. It won't cause the tragedy in the play.

    Sometimes, the so-called "prosperity" around you is just an illusion. Billy's wife is right, and it has come true later. The...

  • The Ides of March The Ides of March

    Tyreek 2022-01-25 08:08:39

    On the chessboard, you and I are both pawns!

    The US election may be the most eye-catching non-sports competition in the world! In the months-long campaign, breaking the news, digging insiders, and counter-scheduling are all traditional skills that both sides must have! And this movie shows the above skills vividly!

    The No. 2 leader of the campaign team, Stephen Young, got his ambition and decided to meet with the opponent under the compliment of his opponent, thus committing a major taboo in the...

  • Battle for Sevastopol Battle for Sevastopol

    Tyreek 2022-01-22 08:01:46

    About "Female Sniper", these five details you can't ignore


    Blood cross on forehead

    Liu De and the ace sniper sent by the Germans prepared for a duel all night, until dawn was approaching, she found that her wound began to ooze blood again. Then, she dipped her finger in blood and drew a cross on her forehead.

  • Big Bad Wolves Big Bad Wolves

    Tyreek 2022-01-17 08:03:44

    Perseverance of pervert

    This movie is about a perverted murderer. After being cruelly lynched, he still has a calm expression. He repeatedly denies what he has done. In the end, don’t kill or admit that he murdered, as a perverted murderer. Crazy, it is not easy for you to do this, how strong his heart is to endure the physical torture without telling the secret of his own murder.

           The progress of this movie's plot is also special. I thought that the plot could allow the audience to gradually see the...

  • Robot & Frank Robot & Frank

    Tyreek 2022-01-03 08:02:18

    "Go and see the garden and tomatoes grown by the little robots"

    He is Frank, an old man with a slight Alzheimer's stubbornness and willfulness.
    It has no name. It is a robot.

    It wakes him up on time every day and cleans the room.
    It makes nutritious and good-looking meals. There will be no more expired milk and unnutrition. Oatmeal,
    it shaved him,
    it walked with him, helped him carry the bag,
    it cultivated a small piece of land in the garden to grow vegetables,
    it nagged him but had nothing to say to other people, and...

  • Aloha Aloha

    Tyreek 2022-01-02 08:02:21

    Immature feelings make me be careful and scared

    . We tend to be silent in love, and we are used to guessing each other. The love came to my lips, and he hesitated to say it. I'm afraid that once I say it, my feelings will be frivolous and not solemn. So I started to guess "Will he not cherish it?" "Will he return the same love?" In the end, the most asked question is "Does the apex of my heart love me?" Just like in the movie, You love him, how can you hide it? The look in your eyes is an unstoppable spring, and the flood discharge...

  • Can You Ever Forgive Me? Can You Ever Forgive Me?

    Tyreek 2021-12-26 08:01:52

    Such a beautiful disease.

    Rows of mansions,cubic office with rigorous work rules,old fashion jazz music.....you can make a decent guess about the location without seeing the actual neiborghood.And yes it's new york, again.From countless films depicting people living in this metropolis,This one is the newly update with similiar background but a memorable twist.

    New york is the epitome of big cities.In one corner,billionaire is drinking wine in Michelin restraunt,in another,charlatan is stepping on the bench...

  • Tyreek 2023-09-29 19:40:51

    This movie is really good! Grow, go cutters! Dennis Quaid used to be so tender

  • Tyreek 2023-09-15 05:35:54

    One more star for the theme song of the collaboration between Higher Brothers and Snoop Dogg.

  • Tyreek 2023-09-15 00:17:53

    If a lie can never be exposed, it is true love OR truth.

  • Tyreek 2023-09-09 14:00:21

    3.5, still wonderful. From a ghost-like supernatural event, it involves the high concept of sci-fi interlaced in time and space, and finally points to unknowable mysticism. In addition, the director of "Furious Fang" used his "low-cost and small-scale" directing ability, and the suspenseful and tense audio-visual atmosphere was properly grasped. The mystery of the story is like the tall grass in the film, and the audience needs to explore and interpret it carefully.

  • Tyreek 2023-08-30 02:30:16

    Two stars for grandma rene inspiring us the importance of keep fit anytime, anywhere

  • Tyreek 2023-08-20 10:38:45

    The main character is so disgusting.

  • Tyreek 2023-08-10 01:14:57

    This is not simply changing the shell of a gorgeous future. The old and new forces are changing. What remains unchanged is the never-ending battle of good and evil, and the dark style as always. Give the thrilling atmosphere a like and a star!

  • Tyreek 2023-08-08 16:25:05

    Re-view in 2021, the different life trajectories of the embarrassing Dutch Alumni Association under the wave of World War II, how absurd the hilarity of the first acquaintance is, and how trembling the death at the end is. The line of tragic man two directly raises the historical weight of the whole film. The standard war movie hero framing, shots and scheduling have emerged, and Verhoeven's erotic humour has taken shape.

  • Tyreek 2023-07-17 22:04:43

    The truth is so cruel, how can I bear it...Human

  • Tyreek 2023-07-16 11:29:33

    The plot doesn't make sense.

  • Tyreek 2023-07-09 16:58:33

    Don't expect a classic, but it's still a good-looking blockbuster. The two weakened versions of MONLIN ROUGH's technique + GONE WITH WIND's story

  • Tyreek 2023-07-07 21:56:53

    It's a long film, two and a half hours long. It is rare to come across a film that is not serious and serious about history. Although the main line is tangled in love, it is not petty. French people talk about the changes of the times and the splendor of the apocalypse with a melancholy tenderness. .

  • Tyreek 2023-06-17 13:35:48

    Life is a bitch but you have to accept it's dirty images are the worst. . .

  • Tyreek 2023-06-08 08:46:34

    Pure love idol Hara. I was deceived by the name of the movie and wanted to hear Turkish, but where did it go?

  • Tyreek 2023-06-06 13:05:33

    Juggling – diving (deep sea photography), kayaking, etc., last shot (tumble). If there is sound and color in this piece, the effect should be better. There are several places where color needs to be used to convey information, but it has little effect.