Tyreek Wisoky

Tyreek Wisoky



  • The Lover The Lover

    Tyreek 2022-04-23 07:03:42


    There wasn't a breath of wind and that night the music had spread all over the black liner like an injction from heavn related to something unknown like a order from god whose meaning was inscrutable.
    she had wept because she had thought of that man from Cholon--her lover and suddenly she wasn't sure of not having loved him with a love she hadn't seen because it had lost itself in the story like water in the sand and that she was rediscovering it now in this moment of music flung across...

  • From Up on Poppy Hill From Up on Poppy Hill

    Tyreek 2022-04-22 07:01:43

    [Turn] My Girl Manga Experience / Hayao Miyazaki

    "コクリコから" (written by Takahashi Chizuru) /

    Source of my girly manga experience: Hayao Miyazaki's "Starting Point"
    Scan: My Pride
    Proofreading: Aren

      I am a manga fan of Miss Takahashi Chizuru. However, my fidelity varies by location and season, and I only enjoy reading her manga when I'm at Shinshu's hut in the summer. In fact, as long as I have time, I can go to the hut for a few days throughout the year, but if I want to read her comics, summer is the...

  • Boyhood Boyhood

    Tyreek 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    It's an interesting perspective on the world

    It's a very special movie because he made it for twelve years, from the hero's six to eighteen years old. In order not to affect the life of the characters in the film, the filming was completed during the male lead's vacation.
    "This is a very interesting perspective of looking at the world." This line of the protagonist in the film is really suitable to describe the feeling of watching this movie. For example, in the first 60 minutes of the film, when our protagonist was still a primary...

  • Twilight Twilight

    Tyreek 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    cold-blooded temptation

    Vampire stories have been around for a long time, and I don’t know how many I have read them intermittently. I also read books of secret histories from the Middle Ages in Europe in the corner of the bookstore, looking for their origins, tragic and bloody legends, and indescribable pleasure. The most classic movies "Interview with the Vampire" and "Four Hundred Years" are both watched again and again. Yes, that rare species that seems to be more noble than humans has planted a shadow of blurred...

  • Kaabil Kaabil

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:03:42

    Wife was humiliated and hanged to death, blind husband with high IQ revenge all the way

    The recent theatrical movie is really a flutter.

    The films released in the first week of June, not only did not have any hits in China, but even foreign Hollywood IPs were thrown out.

    Yishui's 6-point film , the producer will really save money for the audience~

    However, depending on the word of mouth, this "Omnipotent" , the only one with a score of 7, turned out to be the highest score among a...

  • The Duchess The Duchess

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:02:45

    Why are women born?

    Although each woman has different values ​​and pursuits of life, each woman will have various entanglements with various people: mother, family, husband, admirer, close friend, third party, lover, children... There will be various aspects of experience: marriage, love, sex, childbirth, parenting...

    It seems that it is a woman's responsibility to give birth to a boy, and the wife of a high-ranking duke has to take on this important responsibility. At first I was worried, would I...

  • Ed Wood Ed Wood

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:47

    Another movie about a loser

    It's another movie about an underdog, but since it's directed by Tim Burton, it still attracts a lot of people's attention to Ed Wood, the "worst director in history". There are thousands of directors who make bad movies, but Ed Wood is certainly the most famous of them all. With mediocre aptitudes, he wanted to make a name for himself in history, and worked hard to make films. After he died in poverty, he only left a lot of shoddy junk movies, and of course, the spirit of immortal B-level...

  • The Invisible Man The Invisible Man

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:37

    You probably forgot a rule: sometimes the lesser the supporting role, the more likely it is to be the murderer

    This can't be considered a movie review, I think the plot is actually not that simple.

    This movie is narrated from the first point of view of the heroine from beginning to end, which really lays a trap (for the audience) at the psychological level, because the psychological state of the audience and the heroine is the same, only Judging by one-sided things and experience.

    In my opinion, the murderer is just like the title says, sometimes the less supporting characters appear, the...

  • The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    An article accidentally pulled out of the computer from 2015-2-17

    "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1" I didn't like Katniss in the first part, and she didn't have much presence in my heart in the second part, but the third part is a qualitative leap. A song "The Hanging Tree" made me fall in love with my big cousin. When I watched the preview, I was amazed by Xiao Rose's handsome hairstyle. I always thought that she would be a little pioneer or a little leader of the rebel army, but I never expected it!
        At the beginning of the movie, I understood...

  • Vertigo Vertigo

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:11

    I bet Hitchcock is a Leo

    After watching this movie, the first impression is that Hitchcock is definitely a Leo, and then I checked it and it was true. This kind of naked male control desire in the movie is too obvious.

    Vertigo is a movie that combines suspense, love, psychoanalysis and many metaphors, so it gives the audience a rich imagination. It is the most surprising one to see Hitchcock so far. The process of the male protagonist's victory over acrophobia is rather a...

  • The Pursuit of Happyness The Pursuit of Happyness

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:06

    Single father struggle history

    First need to "sorry", because promised to take an early rest. The ending drew me to the movie. So it took more than 2 hours to read it.

                            > <

    When happiness knocks on the door---it was a long time ago in history or something, a feeling I had before taking A.

    Can it be called a "single father's struggle history"? Yes, there is no need to bother to analyze the results of conflicting views on life and values. Looking at Chris Gardner's life from...

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey

    Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:02

    Turn off the lights

    The most painful thing to watch when reading a movie in college

    "2001 A Space Odyssey"

    You must know that you are lying on the bed in the bedroom and watching the opening movie for 3 minutes with a black screen

    The ending is a proper sleep zzz

    Not to mention the mysterious black stone behind

    rumbling space...

  • The Wind Rises The Wind Rises

    Tyreek 2022-04-20 09:01:45

    Completely whitewash the evil deeds of World War II and divert the audience's attention.

    Completely whitewash the evil deeds of World War II and divert the audience's attention.
        First, the male protagonist is drawn handsomely and looks harmless.
        Second, the male protagonist has a melancholy temperament, which makes people feel good about him.
        Third, the male protagonist has dreams and perseverance. On the premise of chasing dreams, the male protagonist has a certain degree of "justice" in designing planes for World War II, giving people a feeling that...

  • Crash Crash

    Tyreek 2022-04-20 09:01:09

    I'm sure that girl will never be afraid of that gunshot in her memory again.

    The girl who blocked her dad's gun.
    I believe this is the most thought-provoking part of the screenwriter.
    Long section of padding in front.
    Tell the audience that the little girl always thought there was a shooting.
    Dad, who was afraid she had deep psychological shadows, made up a beautiful story.
    The little girl should have been dubious at the time.
    But at the moment of blocking the gun for Dad.
    At a time when most viewers thought she was going to die....

  • John Rabe John Rabe

    Tyreek 2022-04-19 09:02:49


    Taking advantage of a certain gap, I took a taxi to the cinema and watched the Harmony version of "The Diary of Rabe".
    According to the gossip, the original version is five hours long, and the mainland version can be harmonious for three hours. The film bureau is really unlimited.
    The audience in the screening hall is pitifully small, which is the same as "Nanjing! Nanjing! "Rabe Diary" really belongs to those cold films compared to the hot scenes.
    To be honest, there is no name...

  • Tyreek 2023-09-29 19:40:51

    This movie is really good! Grow, go cutters! Dennis Quaid used to be so tender

  • Tyreek 2023-09-15 05:35:54

    One more star for the theme song of the collaboration between Higher Brothers and Snoop Dogg.

  • Tyreek 2023-09-15 00:17:53

    If a lie can never be exposed, it is true love OR truth.

  • Tyreek 2023-09-09 14:00:21

    3.5, still wonderful. From a ghost-like supernatural event, it involves the high concept of sci-fi interlaced in time and space, and finally points to unknowable mysticism. In addition, the director of "Furious Fang" used his "low-cost and small-scale" directing ability, and the suspenseful and tense audio-visual atmosphere was properly grasped. The mystery of the story is like the tall grass in the film, and the audience needs to explore and interpret it carefully.

  • Tyreek 2023-08-30 02:30:16

    Two stars for grandma rene inspiring us the importance of keep fit anytime, anywhere

  • Tyreek 2023-08-20 10:38:45

    The main character is so disgusting.

  • Tyreek 2023-08-10 01:14:57

    This is not simply changing the shell of a gorgeous future. The old and new forces are changing. What remains unchanged is the never-ending battle of good and evil, and the dark style as always. Give the thrilling atmosphere a like and a star!

  • Tyreek 2023-08-08 16:25:05

    Re-view in 2021, the different life trajectories of the embarrassing Dutch Alumni Association under the wave of World War II, how absurd the hilarity of the first acquaintance is, and how trembling the death at the end is. The line of tragic man two directly raises the historical weight of the whole film. The standard war movie hero framing, shots and scheduling have emerged, and Verhoeven's erotic humour has taken shape.

  • Tyreek 2023-07-17 22:04:43

    The truth is so cruel, how can I bear it...Human

  • Tyreek 2023-07-16 11:29:33

    The plot doesn't make sense.

  • Tyreek 2023-07-09 16:58:33

    Don't expect a classic, but it's still a good-looking blockbuster. The two weakened versions of MONLIN ROUGH's technique + GONE WITH WIND's story

  • Tyreek 2023-07-07 21:56:53

    It's a long film, two and a half hours long. It is rare to come across a film that is not serious and serious about history. Although the main line is tangled in love, it is not petty. French people talk about the changes of the times and the splendor of the apocalypse with a melancholy tenderness. .

  • Tyreek 2023-06-17 13:35:48

    Life is a bitch but you have to accept it's dirty images are the worst. . .

  • Tyreek 2023-06-08 08:46:34

    Pure love idol Hara. I was deceived by the name of the movie and wanted to hear Turkish, but where did it go?

  • Tyreek 2023-06-06 13:05:33

    Juggling – diving (deep sea photography), kayaking, etc., last shot (tumble). If there is sound and color in this piece, the effect should be better. There are several places where color needs to be used to convey information, but it has little effect.