Vaughn DuBuque

Vaughn DuBuque




    Vaughn 2022-03-21 09:01:07

    Home in the universe, endless romance

    "Robot Story" is a movie that doesn't have many lines, but is very worth watching! A pretty good cartoon. The story starts in 2700. It is said that human beings rely on their own little brains to invent all kinds of machinery, equipment and electronic products to provide them with various life services. For example, if you are hungry, you will shout big pancakes and squeak. …The big pancakes have been transported to you. Another cup of Yonghe Soy Milk, a cup of hot Yonghe Soy Milk is right...

  • Ugetsu Ugetsu

    Vaughn 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    form of secret

    Note: The text is longer. Basically no moisture.

    After watching Yuyue Monogatari, the infiltration of aesthetic consciousness such as "things sorrow" and "your mystery" in Japanese culture can be seen everywhere in the movie. Among them, Genjuro's story has the highest degree of completion, and its artistic value and ideological depth are good, and it is worth mentioning.

    I personally think that the Japanese aesthetics in the film are more reflected in form. It is also the model...

  • Being John Malkovich Being John Malkovich

    Vaughn 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Being John Malkovic

    I didn't understand it, I was disappointed in the fantasy part, and I couldn't feel the deep meaning of the film. The 110 minutes are almost all supported by the praise. But at least the puppet show is wonderful, and laymen can understand it.

        In addition to mood, profound thoughts and rich experience are also indispensable for watching movies.

        Suddenly I thought of a sentence, "Times make heroes." The down-and-out puppeteer changed his outfit and became a highly...

  • Surrogates Surrogates

    Vaughn 2022-03-14 14:12:23

    Corrected version download address

    The download address of the edited version with sound and translation is

           It is less than a month after the movie was released in North America, and the almost perfect version can be downloaded online. The version, for a blockbuster, this time is indeed fast enough. On the one hand, it shows that the pirates are powerful, and on the other hand, it also shows that the development of science and technology has brought changes...

  • Love and Honor Love and Honor

    Vaughn 2022-03-01 08:01:46

    The Sad Little White Collar from "One Point of a Samurai"

    I have been thinking about the name for a long time, but I cannot understand it. From the plot of the movie, it is just a simple revenge story. It's hard to get in touch. Director Yoji Yamada is an awesome guy. Because watching all the reviewers in their bird's-eye-view comments still couldn't help but be in awe of the name. Those of us, because of the director's previous works,...

  • A Coffee in Berlin A Coffee in Berlin

    Vaughn 2022-02-04 08:14:42

    a cup of coffee and a match

    Seeing him thinking of Hitler's boy, I don't know how old he is now, and I don't want to think about it.
    He said he was thinking, but he was actually searching. Struggling to find meaning in life, and then feeling a little out of place in the immediate society.
    He could not meet his father's expectations. A successful lawyer likes a new assistant who is a year younger than his son but has graduated from law. Stopped Nick's account and only gave him money for a haircut and shoes. In...

  • Into the White Into the White

    Vaughn 2022-02-04 08:11:52

    About all the mishaps and helplessness we met

    "Into the White", the first movie I didn't want to rate after watching it.

    Even the usual background music tricks when writing film reviews are reluctant to use.

    If it was the usual judging criteria, this movie would be around 7 points in my heart, but the plot and extremely depressing dialogue in the last ten minutes of this movie made me suddenly realize that it has been out of the scope of the movie, and the tone It simply dragged out the sadness and...

  • Animal Farm Animal Farm

    Vaughn 2022-02-02 08:08:41

    We're following a pig named "Napoleon"

    The film version of "Animal Farm" is adapted from George Orwell's famous novel. Like his other famous book "1984", "Animal Farm" aims to satirize the hypocrisy and ugliness of authoritarian rule - in the pursuit of equality and All that is sought under the banner of freedom is that "some people are more equal".
    If the pursuit of freedom is the eternal theme of human history, then despotism and dictatorship are the curse of history on mankind, and the result achieved under the banner of the...

  • About Endlessness About Endlessness

    Vaughn 2022-01-28 08:32:39

    Find true happiness and get true satisfaction

    "What do I want?" "What is happiness and success for me?" Most of us are going through each stage of our life step by step, just like a program, it is roughly choreographed . Maybe there is a certain deviation in the procedures carried out between people, and the source of this deviation is the same, it may be parents, it may be the system, it may be the environment.

    We just blindly move towards the defined "success" and "happiness", just like...

  • The L Word The L Word

    Vaughn 2022-01-27 08:23:42

    The L word and the 'gay TV' craze

    The L word is a TV series that was launched in 2004 by cable station Showtime and has now aired into its third season. The show, another drama about gay life after "Will & Grace" and "Queer as Folks," was so popular that it sparked the shooting and broadcast of other similar types of dramas.

    The story takes place in Los Angeles, where a man and woman couple move into a community after graduating from college and start a new life. There are many gay girls living in this...

  • Extreme Job Extreme Job

    Vaughn 2022-01-23 08:08:05

    Unexpected surprise

    Recently, the comedy that made me laugh so much is the series of God of Gamblers that replayed a few weeks ago. A very funny drama.

    Comedy can make people laugh. The most important thing is to create a lot of "unexpected", and the so-called "expected" refers to the feeling that things will develop in accordance with our common sense. Ever since, funny scenes appeared before us.

  • Dangerous Beauty Dangerous Beauty

    Vaughn 2022-01-17 08:02:16

    I accidentally found that the two were actually sisters' female version of Casanova

    The Chinese title is [Daughter of Venice], and the story is exactly the same as the structure of Casanova. It also seems to have a sense of preaching.
    I just said that this is the female version of Casanova. It is also the notorious city of Venice. It is also a person who does not know true love. After experiencing everything, finally
    . . .

    I won’t go into the details of the story. I thought of Casanova when I watched it. After reading it, I always look back and make...

  • The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet

    Vaughn 2022-01-16 08:01:18

    After reading it four times, I finally understand why TS wants to start this journey.

    The first time, to the effect.
    The second time, some small snippets that I like.
    The third time, some small details.
    The fourth step is the outline and how it relates.

    I just wanted to write down some of the things I thought about the fourth time.
    I have been thinking about why such a small child travels to half a country to receive an award.
    But the focus has always been on his little thoughts, narrating his own mental journey by himself.

    The fourth...

  • The Angels' Share The Angels' Share

    Vaughn 2022-01-16 08:01:11

    The meaning of "Share"

    "A Piece of Angel" is the first movie I watched after I came to Edinburgh. What's interesting is that this is a movie full of a strong Scottish style-from the streets of Glasgow, Edinburgh, kilts, to the Scottish accent that runs through the whole movie, it makes people feel novel and interesting.

    Speaking of the movie itself, from the perspective of translation, the Chinese name "A copy of an angel" looks strange, because the "share" here is a clever pun in...

  • The Protector The Protector

    Vaughn 2022-01-10 08:01:20

    90-minute movies, mostly good movies!

    As an action movie, it shines!
    Maybe it's because I watched a lot of domestic action movies. It's hard to see the novelty of the routines that I'm used to. As soon as Ip Wen came out, Wing Chun became popular. But this action movie with Thai characteristics made me cheer myself secretly, and it made me have to watch it again.
    Domestic action movies mostly use hand sparring, supplemented by scrolling, but the action of this movie is dominated by feet, and it is shocking through bursts...

  • Vaughn 2023-09-08 17:26:31

    The female protagonist is sometimes ugly and sometimes very good-looking. The male protagonist has a good body and good girlfriends. American high school students are really open. The male protagonist feels so scumbag. Do you really love the female protagonist? Or is American love sex separate?

  • Vaughn 2023-08-20 02:12:40

    Only Oxford is more charming than Matthew TAKE MY BLOOD! ! !

  • Vaughn 2023-08-17 05:43:58

    After all, fans make their own

  • Vaughn 2023-08-16 04:13:52

    A masterpiece of international stylization, a collection of French Impressionism, German Expressionism and Soviet montage, dissolves, morphs, and various push-pull panning shots. It reflects the madness deep inside people, in contrast to the politeness at the end. Us under the mask, others under the mask, redemption and sacrifice

  • Vaughn 2023-08-07 18:02:25

    Culturally bad, but foreigners like it. Didn't you want the poor and lower-middle peasants to educate your educated youth, but as a result, the poor and lower-middle peasants were educated by their Balzac and Van Curlin. Emotionally good, I love it.

  • Vaughn 2023-08-05 07:29:51

    Once again, don't play any weird games. It's not that scary, and the story isn't very complicated, and even the revealing of the truth feels a bit "this is it?" But the audio-visual language is still rich, and the use of paper-cutting is also quite interesting. And the plot is also close to the actual facts. The police finally broke into the abandoned room and shot indiscriminately. The situation is exactly the same as the Brianna Tyler case. Even the heroine is also called Brianna. It can be said that the appeal for racial justice was mixed into the horror. PS, the second half of the secret is afraid that patients should watch carefully, the honeycomb-shaped thing in the male protagonist's hand is really disgusting.

  • Vaughn 2023-07-18 22:45:34

    I still have a big belly. Compared with the baby cobra, the sequel has a slight sense of routine and too much force, but in terms of motherhood, it still explodes frequently.

  • Vaughn 2023-06-20 16:13:21

    There is no reason for everything. A psychologically distorted black police officer and a black-and-white couple have accumulated a lot in terms of lifestyle and other issues, and eventually led to an irreversible tragedy. The difference in the fixed roles of the faces makes the original Samuel's role somewhat unreasonable, and the villain played by Patrick Wilson has also turned over, and the sin wrapped in the legal coat makes people shudder.

  • Vaughn 2023-06-03 06:24:56

    How lonely it must be.

  • Vaughn 2023-05-27 12:11:12

    The best gangster movies always go into micropolitics and the physics of power. Takeshi Kitano did it

  • Vaughn 2023-05-14 16:33:08

    It's a real shot! ! ! So close, NB. Completely burnt out after watching the movie. The bear child's movements and demeanor are so good that it can be seen that the mother's love erupts. The family of three is in various beautiful terrains and light and shadows in Alaska, plus those fish, it can't be more beautiful.

  • Vaughn 2023-04-03 21:10:20

    It's ok, it's a movie that you've seen and forgotten about.

  • Vaughn 2023-03-29 11:15:16

    The reason for the subtitles is still hypoglycemia this afternoon? I was stunned to keep up with the logic of this film...

  • Vaughn 2023-03-21 07:54:18

    Produced by Sony Screen Treasure, Morgan's acting as a good person is also superb, and the villain at the end automatically hangs up. Maybe this is the power of holiness?

  • Vaughn 2023-03-19 05:10:21

    The third Raoul Walsh. Needless to say, the charm of Bogart is interesting. The two women in the film are very successful. The seemingly affectionate but ungrateful, the seemingly vicious but affectionate companion. 7.5