Missouri Bins

Missouri Bins



  • Dreams Dreams

    Missouri 2022-03-23 09:02:50

    Minor and adult

    Akira Kurosawa is worthy of being the hallmark figure of a movie decorator. The beauty of the whole movie is unsurpassed, but it really feels like a waste of money for these overly beautified things... I am also realistic!
       The movie talks about Kurosawa Akira's 8 dreams, and near the end, the dream has become a bit like a trip. In the end, the dream and reality have built a bridge!
       The so-called underage dreams express fear, anxiety, indulging in fantasies, a sense of justice,...

  • Redemption Redemption

    Missouri 2022-03-23 09:02:30

    2013/Hummingbird/Hummingbird - Reality and Ideal Dilemma

    The hard-core sportsman's interpretation of the literary film deserves attention. The story is still good. The story of a deserted soldier and a nun who was sent to a nun for murder at a young age lived in a dark city. Jason Statham is still very charming. Although the heroine is a little old, she feels very temperamental. I checked it on the Internet and found that her father is Jerzy Buzek, the former Prime Minister of Poland and the President of the European Parliament. I was stunned at the...

  • A Single Man A Single Man

    Missouri 2022-03-23 09:02:03

    I went to 1960------ talk about tom ford's costume desgin

    Julianne Moore spent a very important day in the movie : she struggled from the golden-pink mattress in the morning unkempt, drew thick eyeliner, two up and down, cooked by herself, prepared to meet the former lover, the later Gay close friend Professor Faulkner attended the dinner. She is overjoyed and fantasizes about reconnecting with her old lover, who had just lost his gay lover of sixteen years, Jim, in a car accident.

    But a more critical question is, what should she wear?...

  • Remember the Titans Remember the Titans

    Missouri 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    glorious years

    Does everyone have a memorable stage in their life? What are the glorious years that belong to us? There is such a time in your life when you go all out and your blood boils, which is the greatest gift from God to you. No matter whether you will continue on this road, no matter whether you will continue this glorious period, no matter what kind of person you will become in the future, what kind of future you will have, and what form it will end in. You will remember what Titan taught you:...

  • Sicario Sicario

    Missouri 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    several questions

    Generally speaking, there are three problems: the
    rhythm is too slow but the theme is not deep; the
    political conspiracy combined with the half-killer revenge story leads to blurred central ideas; the
    action scenes are few and not exciting, compared to the tunnel decisive battle.Night vision goggles in the assault decisive battle and the immediate judgment

    1. Part of the Mexican police line is too long, which greatly slows down the rhythm,...

  • Rome Rome

    Missouri 2022-03-22 09:01:38

    Rome wasn't built by one person

    This American drama tells the history of the Roman Republic Pompeii, the last two consuls of Caesar, and how Octavian became the first citizen and divided the Roman Empire with Antony. Basically, the protagonists in the play are divided into three categories:

    Politicians: From Pompeii to Caesar, from Octavian to Antony and then to Cicero, there are both intrigue, duplicity, and mutual sympathy. At the peak of their power, they were all high-spirited and bossy. The consuls of the Roman...

  • Alien 3 Alien 3

    Missouri 2022-03-22 09:01:14

    A bit of a dead end...

    One of the interesting points of the 7.0 "Alien" series is that different directors will bring their own different styles into movies of the same theme. Finch has also done this, the religious elements in the film are sober, a little bit of eroticism is added, including the addition of a first-person perspective of the opposite sex in photography. These elements all bring out the personal expression of the director himself. Of course, it is undeniable that, with the filming of a series, the...

  • Hart's War Hart's War

    Missouri 2022-03-21 09:02:17

    The legal traditions of Germany and the United States are fully exposed in this film, which is touching

    I feel that the purpose of this film is actually to show the supremacy of the law. Germany and the United States are both countries with a profound tradition of the rule of law. Therefore, in the German prisoner of war camps, disputes are also resolved by law.

    This is a prisoner-of-war camp of the Wehrmacht, not a concentration camp of the SS. Therefore, this film also reflects the Western attitude towards the distinction between ordinary German combat troops and the SS against war...

  • Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

    Missouri 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    Instinct and survival

    The battle in Alien vs. Predator 1 is a coming-of-age test as a Predator. In the second part, the battle shows the instinct of the creature, that is: survival.

    The plot of the whole film does not leave the stereotype of Hollywood garbage, and in my opinion, it is not even as well plotted as the game of the same name. The only bright spot in the film is the unusual evolutionary ability of the alien. If the aliens born from the Predator are allowed to spawn on the members of the X-Men...

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    Missouri 2022-03-21 09:01:03

    The characters are too representative

    Aragon represents rock, such as heavy metal. Or pink floyd. Long hair, handsome, artist-like, mature, with beard, haha.

    Orcs are industrial metals, such as manson and lordi.
    What is the name of Ge that bewitched the bad guy next to the king of Luo Khanate? It's gothic.

    Elf Legolas is a popular group, well, a long, white, idol group.

    Frodo's few little hobbits, except for their height, like brit pop, the temperament is still consistent, right? Curly hair,...

  • Kramer vs. Kramer Kramer vs. Kramer

    Missouri 2022-03-20 09:01:34

    learn to look at people

    In 1979, the 52nd Oscar's warm and small production was very touching. Speaking of which, this film is 5 years older than me. There are many movies with this theme, but I feel that there is no touching father-son relationship that can surpass it. Parents fight for custody and so on. It's already written and filmed badly. Why would you go to such a movie to watch? Most of the reason is Dustin Hoffman. When I watched "The Graduate", I really didn't like him because he wasn't specific and he...

  • 50/50 50/50

    Missouri 2022-03-20 09:01:19

    Maybe I haven’t really grown up yet, but they are really old

    Yesterday afternoon, Tiangong did not respond to the rainy weather, and the huge empty home was filled with coldness. Standing in the corner of the bar, he finished watching the second half of "50/50".
    The handling methods are not so clever, and the script has no magical aura that flashes brightly. The actors and actors are also performing their duties. But it still touched me. Perhaps a large part of the reason is due to the soundtrack, and more likely because in the cold afternoon, a...

  • Up Up

    Missouri 2022-03-20 09:01:06

    Thanks for the adventures

    I don’t want to talk about how many times I’ve been in the movie theater secretly taking out a tissue, covering my mouth, holding my tears,

    when the old hut slowly rises with the colorful balloons, I know it’s two old people who have been with me for a lifetime. The wish is a cross on the chest, the promise is far more gorgeous than a balloon, far more beautiful than a paradise fall,

    and life is like adventures, facing choices and trials, who knows what is waiting for us...

  • Unbroken Unbroken

    Missouri 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    The difference between a necklace

    I don’t know if you have this experience. When writing an article, you often realize that a certain paragraph does not seem to have much to do with the theme. Keeping it will make the article a bit redundant, but delete it, and it is a bit reluctant. The writing is good, the examples are vivid, and the reasoning is very thorough...
    This movie seems to have encountered such a problem.

    As another film review wrote, I initially thought it was a World War II film, then I thought it...

  • Black Widow Black Widow

    Missouri 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Scarlett is very good, Widow is very good, and Black Widow is not.

    It is a very enjoyable and easy to empathize feeling to watch an actor look back on a journey of escape and exploration in the life of a deceased character. Especially when the role is the widow sister and the actor is Scarlett, she is the black widow who is still agile and good at stealth, and she is the least like the widow sister. Many demeanor and language, to be very similar to Scarlett in "Marriage Story", probably because of the female director, she is better at...

  • Missouri 2023-09-30 18:51:17

    You make me feel safe, but I want you to be safe. I finally understand you, tesse, I understand your love for me, your love for them, and I love them as much as you do now. Now I'm going home with you.

  • Missouri 2023-09-26 19:25:00

    It is still the last remedy for deaf and tinnitus patients. It is guaranteed to hear everything clearly when you walk out of the theater. It is also a good remedy for patients with amnesia. When you walk out of the theater and look up at the starry sky, you don’t know which star in the sky is a transgender, and you will remember the pride of the Chinese people. In one episode, Zhang Yimou went to direct one, and it was filmed in Mandarin. Fans of Han Geng observed a moment of silence. Mr. Han did not make the mistake of Mr. Guanxi, so why should he enjoy the treatment of one scene in "Batman".

  • Missouri 2023-09-26 14:26:31

    The rhythm could be slower.

  • Missouri 2023-09-21 08:02:14

    Indians are really weak at being cool, just look at beautiful women.

  • Missouri 2023-09-16 21:48:26

    I haven't watched the first one, but I think it's quite interesting, suitable for all ages, and it is far better than the domestic animation.

  • Missouri 2023-09-10 03:29:53

    The dubbing of the old comedy is good. It's a long time ago. I only remembered it after watching more than half of it. Although I thought I must have seen Hitler teasing it before, it's so good.

  • Missouri 2023-09-09 09:51:34

    Courtroom film, but set it in the context of World War II, allowing the Germans to reflect on their sins again. The film's pursuit of justice is actually nothing more than revenge by blood relatives who retaliate against each other. If history is continually traced, where is justice? The film's thinking is a bit left-handed, left-handed, and a bit naive.

  • Missouri 2023-09-05 06:11:20

    3.5 The two murders are really well done, the cinematography is impressive, and the director turned out to be Henry Vladivostok. Too bad the last ten minutes were lost. Cotton slay

  • Missouri 2023-08-27 06:50:51

    What the hell! Unexpectedly beautiful! The court debate part was so exciting! ! !

  • Missouri 2023-08-17 05:53:35

    Eh, as a fan, I felt that the seventh episode was too boring and gave up.

  • Missouri 2023-07-21 05:25:43

    The music is good, the tights are good, the others are average, Elle Fanning is ugly with a flower head, Nicole Kidman has no rock and roll temperament, and the long-faced male protagonist is looking for someone like Roger Daltrey, the lead singer of the band "The Who" ?

  • Missouri 2023-06-30 19:39:46

    Hyde is so typical and so close to me

  • Missouri 2023-06-28 04:17:53

    You should have watched the first one, and I don’t know how many films have been made in this series. This film is suitable for people who have a special hobby for monster thrillers, otherwise it is estimated that they will not be able to watch it. The arctic scenery at the beginning is still okay, and the special effects of the monsters are so-so, but the plot is really bad, especially if such a big monster can still be caught, I also convinced the screenwriter.

  • Missouri 2023-06-25 12:35:24

    Not scary at all... 4.5 points

  • Missouri 2023-06-22 16:32:42

    The story is simple but delicate