Armani Goyette

Armani Goyette



  • Deadpool Deadpool

    Armani 2022-07-12 20:04:49

    Deadpool: Down-to-Earth Superhero

    The fascinating thing about Deadpool is that he is a magical being who can realize that he is in a movie and can ridicule the audience unscrupulously. This kind of character who breaks the fourth wall is addicting! It is a different viewing experience. Secondly, this film brings the most violent and foul-mouthed characters in Marvel comics because, after the script and test clips are released, it will be audacious to change the superhero from the family-friendly PG13 to R due to the strong...

  • The Black Balloon The Black Balloon

    Armani 2022-07-12 19:51:21

    no choice

       I saw this movie by accident, so I was not mentally prepared at all, and I didn't even know the name of the movie before watching it. The colorful balloons are like the memories of colorful youth. They are full of beautiful, fantastic, rebellious, clamorous, and many ideas that seem childish but hype... Thomas's balloons are black Yes, I've never seen a black balloon, and just think about it, no balloon has to be made black. Maybe everything belongs to him, or most of the part, he most...

  • The Life and Death of Peter Sellers The Life and Death of Peter Sellers

    Armani 2022-06-07 20:33:01

    Describe Petersla's violent indulgence behind the camera

    Cannes Film Festival competition film. An adaptation of the biography of the same name by the British comedian Peter Sellers written by Roger Lewis. The movie, like the book, started with Sellers' stepping into the film world, lavishly describing his violent indulgence behind the camera. There is no shortage of special treatments in this film. Sophia Loren, Kobrick, and Blake Edwards also made their debut one by one. Xie Fei Lushu's performance has done enough homework, even if it is a little...

  • Zack Snyder's Justice League Zack Snyder's Justice League

    Armani 2022-04-23 07:01:23

    DC Universe sits up in shock from dying

    The look and feel of the director-cut version is indeed much better than the theater version. Every character is very plump, and the play is also very exciting. However, the plot is still a little straightforward. Personally, I think that Superman's resurrection and recovery of memory have not been handled well, which is a bit abrupt. In addition, Director Zha seems to have the habit of telling bad stories without adding time. This seems to be not very useful for commercial movies. It is...

  • Into the Wild Into the Wild

    Armani 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Take me down the path of no one

    Some people are always special. Special experience, special thinking, special way of speaking, special way of expressing, special moral standard, special special. Some people are always special. Start with breathing.

    Seeing the vacant old bus, seeing the rising Lan in the snow-capped mountains, seeing the animals flocking to my eyes, seeing the school city highway and the disappearance of lights, I think of myself, I think of you more, and I think of the past The ideal friend thinks...

  • Miss Austen Regrets Miss Austen Regrets

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    that Jane

    I saw this movie online a few months ago, and that page only provided the soundtrack at the time, so I dropped it without hesitation, and I haven't heard it in its entirety. Later, I saw it in the record store on the next floor of the theater. It was placed quietly among hundreds of CDs and DVDs. The cover was not very eye-catching. The initial impression was red, but my eyes were frozen. On it, I bought it without hesitation, and then, tonight, an ordinary but peaceful night, I watched it....

  • The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    fairy tale, call of the wild

    It should be said that the audience looking forward to the original will be very, very disappointed. However, it is acceptable for the old mother to take the baby to watch. It's acceptable as a live-action fairy tale for children.

    The original plot can probably be deleted and summarized in 2 sentences. The main story is the journey of a dog who wants to become a social worker to find himself. Hahaha. Don't think about artistic thinking.

    The overall natural...

  • Café Society Café Society

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Pure teen looks beautiful after falling into life's sauce

    Woody Allen, who lives in New York, really understands the fashions of this society. When he entered the scene, Bobby was a silly boy, but we all know that Woody Allen's protagonists are smart people. He can be comfortable and think himself. Aloofly asking their uncle to arrange work, talking about movie stars, having extramarital affairs, and acting in a simple manner in every embarrassing situation, just like the heroine, they tried to penetrate the truth of the world,...

  • A Lot Like Love A Lot Like Love

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Ten years, it is too early to meet each other, too late to know each other, and too difficult to love each other.

    I had nothing to do tonight, I went to and fro on Youku, and finally decided to watch this movie to pass the time.

    When I saw New Year's Eve, I suddenly remembered everything. This is a movie I watched ten years ago, in 2007.

    In an instant, I sighed infinitely. Ten years ago, I just felt that the male and female protagonists were always missing, kept encountering each other, and then separated and started their own lives. Fortunately, the ending was he.


  • Fast Five Fast Five

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    I think the thing that struck me the most about this movie was still Vin Diesel's brotherhood, and he had a lot of trust in his brother no matter what happened. Even if there have been misunderstandings and suspicions, but a smile can dissolve everything

    I think the thing that struck me the most about this movie was still Vin Diesel's brotherhood, and he had a lot of trust in his brother no matter what happened. Even if there have been misunderstandings and suspicions, but a smile when we meet each other can dissolve everything, only the tightly clasped palms and tightly embraced arms are the theme that has always been warm.

    The train carjacking at the beginning of the movie exploded. Speeding to the rescue, plunged into the lake, in...

  • Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Sudden idea

    If ep9 does not exist, rey is not ppt.

    ben: You are nobody.

    rey: NO! I am a Skywalker! (appeared in ep9)

    ben: What! ! !

    rey: Ben, you may not know, my grandfather and I are both born of the Force. Considering your grandfather's name is Anakin Skywalker, I should be Rey Skywalker.

    ben: ........ (blank, blank)

    rey: So, ben, I am your aunt.

    ben: Nooooooooo! That's not true! ! !

    (Benzai: (tears) I thought they were brothers and sisters in ep7, ep8...

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Kill Bill: Vol. 1

    Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    "Call Me Supergirl"

    Blood, yellow motorcycle outfits, ugly heroine faces, and Japanese swords that sharpen iron to mud make up this action-packed film. When it comes to the ugliness of the heroine, it is necessary to talk about the beauty of several actresses who appear in the Japanese scenes in the film. Especially the bodyguard next to the Japanese killer, who finally appeared with a chain hammer in his hand. Quentin played with violence and blood, but he was actually very restrained. In the first episode, I...

  • Love in the Time of Cholera Love in the Time of Cholera

    Armani 2022-04-21 09:03:50

    i wait for your husband to die

    In fact, I really like this movie. Of course, it is mainly because Marquez wrote it well. When I was young, I was always more inclined to romantic and realistic works. I felt that the postmodern style was really terrible, so it was the first time. When I watched "One Hundred Years of Solitude", I felt like I didn't understand anything. But that's how good books are. You can't understand them at first, but at some point you suddenly feel that maybe you can understand a little bit. When...

  • Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!

    Armani 2022-04-21 09:03:02

    the meanest woman

    It was a sensational title, not because she was so cheap.

     "Tie Me, Tie Me" is a very shocking literary romance. It just touches on the various states of a woman's state of mind when she enters love.
      Is love an innate need of life? Is a woman born without the love that a man gives and thus incomplete? I think it is the long-term development of gender perceptions and female physical weaknesses implanted in social consciousness and social life that lead to women's emotional...

  • Mechanic: Resurrection Mechanic: Resurrection

    Armani 2022-04-21 09:02:26

    Imaginary Movie - The Mechanic 2

    A man, a watch; a woman, a sea.

          This is the initial impression of the mechanic.

          The memory is still at the time of his "death".

          So many people who regret his talent, so many people who forget him. However, only Clary, who hated him the most and admired him the most, followed his footsteps from clues and believed that he would not die so easily.

          Bishop is pathetic.
          The beloved father is gone, the woman I loved so much is...

  • Armani 2023-09-16 12:32:18

    Super nice short film

  • Armani 2023-09-02 19:17:10

    Very melancholy, very sad, sad for jason, sad for joe, very depressed, everyone is a victim, a victim of impulsive irrational, too subjective emotions. It's also a wake-up call for myself, a person who desperately wants justice and doesn't mind any extreme means. I was in tears when I learned that the real murderer would reveal that jason was wrongly killed. . This film, like [Seven Days of Revenge], brought me deep depression and sadness, and my mood has been low for a long time.

  • Armani 2023-09-01 23:50:15

    Been waiting for the final climax result HE. . .

  • Armani 2023-08-17 06:23:43

    It turns out that the pug dog's cock is so big

  • Armani 2023-08-16 23:01:12

    The British style is slow and the rhythm is about a student union. The rotten boy's school will never change. Uncle Colin has a vicious and arrogant look. The way of speaking has not changed for decades. I really love RE. It's a pity that it has been delayed for nearly ten years for being handsome, tall and good-looking

  • Armani 2023-08-01 15:04:01

    Although this is a simple story, I saw Chaplin's self-directed and self-acted skills. My favorite part is the part of boxing, funny performance + playful soundtrack, endless fun! The end scene is said to be one of the most touching moments in film history. It turns out that the silent film is also very good~

  • Armani 2023-07-27 16:54:40

    The plot is compact, the degree of shock is moderate, the creativity is okay, and the ending is average

  • Armani 2023-07-15 16:26:54

    Bright style, smooth rhythm, dark humor

  • Armani 2023-07-14 12:06:34

    I've been trying to judge right and wrong while watching, but in the end it's just a personal choice. Some people are destined to keep trying, some people live in cages, it's just life, but it's so close to the seemingly happy, but just glanced at the door and turned away, it's still sad. Desire is Pandora's box, it is better not to open it, otherwise no one will be able to escape. I think this piece is pretty good.

  • Armani 2023-07-12 19:05:41

    The footage is unbelievably informative, and the angles are well cut. But from a single perspective, accusing the other party that the other party is a gangster is a bit eager for quick success. If you don't choose USR-PLUS to come to power, the people are blind. This conclusion appeared suddenly, and the connection with the event process is not strong enough @ Passion

  • Armani 2023-07-02 03:07:14

    "Moon of Love". ❶ Begins at home, interspersed with home video-style life clips, and ends at home. Not rising to the national level is a basic operation that does not fall into the rut, but the overall situation - the characters are flat, and the story is flat. ❷From "Gemini" to "Apollo", the most refreshing thing is that Gemini 8 is preparing to launch, which catches my breathing rate, the rudimentary interior of the cabin plus the Swiss Army Knife and flies interlude, the astronaut's sense of unease is in the confined space diffused inside. The subsequent runaway flip interprets "silent is better than sound" by comparison. The details of the foreshadowing are also worthy of the time.

  • Armani 2023-06-25 07:37:19

    It's not really a surprise, but it's still worth seeing.

  • Armani 2023-06-23 18:58:31

    It felt so good for the blue man to stand alone on that road by the field. The last paragraph of the rushing climax music clip is good, very moving. Also mark Angela Sarafyan, the little girl in the supermarket, I like it

  • Armani 2023-06-17 00:42:18

    Hearing the girl crying and chanting during the whole process, the whole family is so stupid, their liver hurts with anger.

  • Armani 2023-06-12 05:02:53

    Silly and cute movie, full of childhood imagination