Tre Hamill

Tre Hamill



  • A.I. Artificial Intelligence A.I. Artificial Intelligence

    Tre 2022-04-21 09:01:20

    Moved to the point of crying. . .

    Robots and people. . .
    Robots have no emotions? Or do we simply not give them a chance? ?
    On weekdays, we must not develop love for the objects around us. Because they are dead and have no life.

    However, people will love people, not just because people will repay your so-called feelings! !
    Revenge, love, hatred, etc. are just different forms of repayment~! !

    The robot will only act according to the set, but it has no thoughts and no feelings.
    If one day,...

  • Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:03:08

    If you don't shoot your crime-type film well, make a co-production and slap the devil! Really! ! !

    When it comes to patriotism, any movie will become bug-prone, regardless of any loopholes, as long as passion, as long as blood.
    The Inchon landing battle itself is a top military secret. Is it not obvious enough for you to make such a big news to grab the charts? A guerrilla captain can know that the US imperialists will land here, and it is still a secret. The captain who went deep into the enemy's back was so good, did Bobosha shoot the whole army, he was about to tear up the devils...,...

  • Sweet Bean Sweet Bean

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    "The Taste of Chengsha": Dorayaki changes your life, smile when you eat something good

    In the opening chapter, the male protagonist smokes, goes downstairs, and starts a day's business. Although the cherry blossoms on the street are so beautiful, the old man Dejiang appears next, and she happily enjoys the surrounding scenery, trams, overpasses, happiness The family and the cherry blossoms swaying in the wind, all these things are very ordinary in the eyes of others, but they make her feel very happy.

    This is a story that revolves...

  • Assault on Wall Street Assault on Wall Street

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:02:43


    It is said that <> is a classic financial business war film. But don't confuse it with <>. The latter wants to introduce financial knowledge to everyone? Or does it want to be a drama? Z shootout film ? A revenge movie? A superposition of various elements, but without a prominent point. Except for the heart-wrenching when the heroine commits suicide, the hero's last trick is also a good burden, and other plots are very dull. The


  • English Vinglish English Vinglish

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    Just need

    If I watched it a few years ago, I might have used the heroine's perspective as the main line, and saw that she was in a dilemma when she was criticized everywhere. The more you watch it, the more you can feel that every point of conflict is a movie, which is not very natural, there are too many. Every point is pointing to "not knowing English". It seemed that everyone was laughing at her. Therefore, she found the meaning of learning English, turned it into a rigid need, and had endogenous...

  • Whatever Works Whatever Works

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:02:22

    no matter what

    Woody Allen's comeback to New York, "Anything Goes Anything," is actually a story about a man who can't do anything and who can't do anything in the end.
    Different from "The Hangover" in almost the same period, Comrade Woody has always insisted on being intellectuals. You will not laugh, but more knowingly. The scene is in New York's Chinatown, and everyone knows it's New York, but the Chinese signs in the background and the bustling compatriots make you feel that the comrade's...

  • The Cider House Rules The Cider House Rules

    Tre 2022-04-19 09:01:57

    Acceptance after questioning, return after escape

    When I was a teenager, I always liked to resist all arrangements, because I didn't know who I was, what I wanted, and what I could do. As a result, all arrangements have become shackles, and the instinctive stress response is to question and escape. However, there may be nothing wrong with this. You can only see what it looks like when you stay away from the center of a high-cyclone storm. You can only understand its direction when you deviate from the straight path under your feet, and so...

  • Happy as Lazzaro Happy as Lazzaro

    Tre 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    Don't take Lazaro as a saint, he just did what ordinary people can do

    I watched a movie today, the happy Lazaro, from which I saw some of my thoughts on the recent past, so let’s write it down.

    The story begins on a farm where people are busy. Lazaro is an enthusiastic farmer. As long as someone asks him to help, he will go there without complaint. The people in the village live a simple life, busy and tired but Always laughing and laughing.

    The story unfolds slowly. With the arrival of the merchants who help the village purchase, they...

  • The Deep Blue Sea The Deep Blue Sea

    Tre 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    meaningful line recording


    Wife: ~

    --Why do you want to commit suicide?

    ~Disturbed mental balance, anger, hatred, shame, to myself, not wanting to live.

    --How can you fall in love with a man who can give you nothing?

    ~ He occasionally gives me the same thing.


    ~ Himself.

    --Has his love for you diminished?

    ~No, zero minus zero is still zero.

    --This is really tragic.

    ~The word tragedy is really too serious, sad, but not...

  • Jane Eyre Jane Eyre

    Tre 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    A calm woman, an alternative in that era

    This is the second time I've watched Jane Eyre. Haha, my previous memory is already blurred. When I'm in a state of restlessness, I'll go to watch this British classic movie, listen to the pure British pronunciation, look at the castle, and the farm There are large tracts of wilderness, it will be quiet, it has become my magic medicine, "Becoming Jane Austen", "Wuthering Heights", "Pride and Prejudice", "Gone with the Wind", and "Jane Eyre" cure me Uneasy, tried and tested, oh ~ ~ sigh, sigh!...

  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople Hunt for the Wilderpeople

    Tre 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Perhaps the life of a barbarian is the return of true humanity

    When I just watched this movie, I was stunned by the director's close-up shot, which was the close-up on the fat boy's clothes, the Eye of Horus (the symbol of the Illuminati). Did the director allude to the little boy as someone under surveillance under the modern social system (the modern society controlled by secret organizations such as Freemasonry and the Illuminati)? In the progress of the plot, the brave, independent and caring qualities shown by the fat boy are completely unlike the...

  • Away We Go Away We Go

    Tre 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    Introduction to English Story of Relocation for Children

    Verona (Maya Rudolph) and Burt (John Krasinski) are an unmarried couple in their thirties, who are expecting their first child. They live in Denver close to Burt's parents, since Verona's parents had passed away. They thought their life was going great until they found out that Burt's parents were leaving the country for two years and would not be there for the birth of their grandchild. Verona and Burt decide to go on a road trip and travel around the US and Canada to find the perfect place...

  • Boys Don't Cry Boys Don't Cry

    Tre 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Lana is no longer alone, with the love that brandon gave her

    At the end of the film, lana drives alone at night or goes to Memphis or wanders around. Yes, she finally didn't cry. After all this, she will move on with courage.

    When they first met in a bar, Lana was drinking heavily. This is a girl who is dissatisfied with her life. She likes to sing, but refuses to sing to the people in the bar. She is as boring as Brandon. Doing the job of weighing pineapples, day and night upside down, is "evil life" in her own words. When she came to the...

  • The Kite Runner The Kite Runner

    Tre 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    The feelings are warm and painful. A movie that ends the mission like forcing me to go to the market

    1. The first time I jumped faster than this movie and watched it. The old pig asked me how I felt. No. I promised to watch it carefully and then report it to him.
      The second time is over. In. A moment of suffocation. After the game AMIR ran to Hassen. And pretended to be ignorant. Or when AMIR ran to the ruins to find something Hassen threw at him. I want to beat him... I know he will pay for it. Guilty 2.

    I always feel that there are a lot of things missing in the movie. The...

  • The Skin I Live In The Skin I Live In

    Tre 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    Strong narrative masks major flaws revealed by human details

    This is a movie with a very strong narrative. It's like a heavyweight boxer who keeps hitting the moviegoers, making people dizzy and ignoring the details of the movie itself.

    It's a pity that this is a movie that makes people feel regretful whether it is human nature exposure or plot. I believe that if the same script is made by Ang Lee, or Spielberg or the like, this film will definitely get a very high score.

    This is a twisted story, the following will be spoiled in one...

  • Tre 2023-09-25 04:36:14

    Two and a half stars, at least half an hour can be cut off. I thought it was a social satire, but it turned out to be a big character arc, which is really—boring!

  • Tre 2023-09-23 07:03:53

    Was it taken with an iPhone? I don't see it at all. The plot is monotonous, if the mental hospital patients were a little more evil, they would look better

  • Tre 2023-09-15 14:19:47

    Hate women to be respected~

  • Tre 2023-09-09 15:06:20

    Children's Evil + Religion, John Franklin performed the childishness and viciousness of children in his 20s, but then the evil god came out and really surprised me. The soundtrack is just right, but the story is relatively general or relatively old-fashioned, and in the end everyone escaped and gained 2 children, which is too ordinary.

  • Tre 2023-09-05 06:19:25

    Awesome! Seems like the big fanatics still get along occasionally.

  • Tre 2023-09-04 07:57:57

    The screenwriter is unable to save the director

  • Tre 2023-08-23 23:57:34

    After watching the Italian version, the Chinese version, and the Spanish version, the director changed the ending to Family Fun to express that people would rather live in the beauty of lies than face the cruel truth? 190905 2nd time

  • Tre 2023-08-11 12:11:53

    It's too small and fresh for a revenge movie. . .

  • Tre 2023-08-09 04:24:00

    It's hard to see. The U.S. officials, the judiciary, and the Olympic Sports Center bureaucracy all owe Tonya an apology for ruining the life of an athlete whose sole purpose is figure skating. Tonya is too pitiful, born unhappy, outside the positive image that the United States needs, and ultimately unable to rely on his own strength, this society does not sympathize with the weak.

  • Tre 2023-08-02 18:28:32

    "The dangerous thing about dreams, you begin to believe they might come true."

  • Tre 2023-07-28 00:37:34

    Looking at such an incomparably magnificent world, there is only one thought, the uncontrolled expansion of human society is indeed the cancer of the earth.

  • Tre 2023-07-20 00:54:11

    The movie is not good but Baggio is the greatest Italian player of the 90's and the only player's autobiography that he has read seriously The hug with Maldini at the end of the film almost tears

  • Tre 2023-07-19 18:18:31

    director's cut wow! Wow! Wow! Dreamy and pure image expression captured really well

  • Tre 2023-07-10 10:33:45

    It’s true that Shui Kan film critic said that Keanu gave up this in order to partner with Pacino. It was indeed the right choice.

  • Tre 2023-06-30 15:11:13

    Constrained by age and technology, Battlefield isn't as expressive as the original, but it's still the greatest anti-war movie. Every government will claim that the war started by other countries first, every teacher will tell you that it is a great and glorious thing to "die for the country", and those "patriots" who stay out of it will only stand behind with beer. The belly tells the army to move forward and move forward, and those instigators of war will only stand on the podium and agitate the bloody young people to go to hell one by one. Paul's class monologue at the end is enough to go down in history, "You think that dying for the country is a beautiful and sweet thing, I also believed this, until the first time I was attacked by artillery fire, I woke up, dying for the country is the world. The dirtiest and most painful lie ever."