Christine Heller

Christine Heller



  • The Return The Return

    Christine 2022-12-30 15:30:14

    metaphorical meaning

    Tones, the picture is beautiful, quiet and lonely.
    There is almost no soundtrack, and only music similar to the conjuration is played in the last 5 minutes.
    The expression of the story is straightforward, and there may be more metaphors than the father -son relationship.

    During the journey, the father's orders are short, the actions are powerful, and even death is the same
    . In the photo at the end, But my father's face can't be seen clearly.
    Maybe this is the...

  • Due Date Due Date

    Christine 2022-12-26 15:49:11


    First of all, if I were Robert Downey Jr., either I would shoot Zach to death on the road or I would die by myself. For sure.

    This film is to bring the audience into the role played by Downey, and then endure all kinds of hardships, and finally fall in love with Zach.
    But unfortunately, in the end the audience thinks that he is the king of the lack of eyes. Maybe you have a good impression of him. Humor must be harmless, and it’s enough for us to greet his family...

  • Selfie Selfie

    Christine 2022-12-16 16:33:09

    Why is the No. 1 drama objectifying women so popular in China

    I understand why the show Remade Ladies has such low ratings in the US. I couldn't accept the idea of ​​transforming a woman after watching one episode. Whether she's wearing scantily clad social freak it's her freedom especially or a male to comment on her makeover with a strong sense of discomfort. Especially in the social environment that advocates freedom and self in the United States, it is too normal for this drama to be hated. In the drama, there are many scenes where the female...

  • Deconstructing Harry Deconstructing Harry

    Christine 2022-12-15 03:41:49

    A Qiba in the works of the little old man

    Literally translated as "Deconstructing Harry". (The deconstruction movement vigorously promotes the dissipation of the subject, the diffidence of meaning, and the freedom of signifiers. In other words, it emphasizes the free play of language and thought, even if this freedom is just a "fettered dance." In addition to its inherent rebellious character, Deconstructionism is also a self-contradictory theory. In Derrida's words, deconstructionism is not a kind of presence, but a trace. It is...

  • Kingsman: The Secret Service Kingsman: The Secret Service

    Christine 2022-12-04 20:03:56

    A totally uninspired sleazy movie

    One star for the hand-tailored suit inside, and one star for Lancelot, who was cut in half as soon as he came out. The bloody scene with the symphony runs through the whole movie. This is probably the so-called violent aesthetics. However, I don't like it very much, and the scene with headshots is not at all beautiful in my opinion, but there is a kind of disgust from the bottom of my heart. Respect Life. Except for the suit, there is no bright spot in the whole movie, and the plot is...

  • Martyrs Martyrs

    Christine 2022-11-26 13:48:31

    Analysis of the theme of the film

    The effect is really good. But it is really tangled. I thought that reading the film review would solve my various doubts, but I didn't expect to deepen my doubts... The following is purely personal understanding.... 1. Why the ending will say endless doubts. I think I understand, I think the intention of this film is to use this sentence to tell us that this senseless sacrifice experiment is completely meaningless, because the answer is also impossible to find. 2. The final video notes...

  • The White Lotus The White Lotus

    Christine 2022-11-26 04:04:14

    keep mistake

    Yi Shu borrowed the words of Xi Bao and said: If you want a lot of love, if you don't have it, you need a lot of money. In fact, it is not easy to get one of these two.

    When I took a shower these two days, I started to turn on the warm light in the bathroom. It's not even October yet, and the coolness of the morning and night in Beijing has already begun to jump out. When the cooler-than-body air hits me through every pore on my body, it feels much...

  • Elephant Elephant

    Christine 2022-11-18 06:31:00

    plain photo

    The picture really likes the color of the sky. I don’t understand the metaphor of the elephant very well. After all, it is a Western proverb. The use of Alice made me even more obsessed with the music and lyricism of the violent scenes. The woman in red finally died because I couldn’t stand it. The person who walks like this, 囧~ The
      blond guy actually looks good after he lifts his hair, but the dye is disgusting. The two who are
      not gay should have been arranged by the director to...

  • Desert Flower Desert Flower

    Christine 2022-11-11 06:35:02

    make this world a better place

    A very good movie.
    Reject cruel circumcision, stand up bravely, tell the truth, and appeal to the people.
    I often think that there are people who are short-sighted,
    only to see the immediate interests, entanglement and waste time.
    Instead, it is better to do your own thing well and
    care for some people who really need our care.

    It is prevalent on the Internet now, excluding who and who, whoever is excluded, and who is hated.
    I think it's a kind of speech...

  • As Tears Go By As Tears Go By

    Christine 2022-10-31 04:53:39

    Not all happy endings are perfect

    "Mong Kok Carmen", the name of this movie has been seen many times. I haven't watched it because of Wong Kar Wai. I always thought Wong Kar Wai's films were made for the petty bourgeoisie.
        I'm a 1986-year-old, and I can only experience watching movies in recent years. In the past, it was only superficial, basically visual and plot. The so-called blockbuster must have planes and cannons, the action must be muscular and sexy, love is inseparable from handsome guys and beauties, and the...

  • The Third Man The Third Man

    Christine 2022-10-27 12:13:19

    Not really black

    I knew it was a classic in film noir before I saw it, so I thought it was full of twisted humanity and dark plots like Sunset Boulevard and Double Indemnity, but it turned out to be far less distorted, but a very intense film .
        Although I guessed who the third person was early on, it didn't affect the tension and grip of the film. In the use of many images, they have created a tense atmosphere very well; and the most impressive thing is that in the tense plot, there is always a...

  • Lost Lost

    Christine 2022-10-19 03:46:02

    The chess game of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai (a post written more than a year ago)

        A long time ago, there was a mysterious island located somewhere in the South Pacific. Underneath the center of this small island, there is a strong magnetic field hidden. There is a pool in the middle of the magnetic field. There is a hole in the center of the pool. The hole is blocked by a pillar, and the pool is exuding all around. With a mild yellow light, this place is called the light source of the island. If someone pulls the pillar out of the hole in the center of the pool,...

  • Escape Escape

    Christine 2022-10-12 22:03:15

    Small countries also have spring

    For the four Nordic countries with a population of less than 1 million, it is very good to be able to produce such a sophisticated and compact low-budget movie. Compared with the United States, which has a population of more than 300 million, it is a bad movie. Grid Bolso Bedard, of authentic Nordic descent, has blonde blue eyes and golden eyebrows, which is different from those in the United Kingdom and the United States. People who have played The Elder Scrolls 5 are looking...

  • The Kid with a Bike The Kid with a Bike

    Christine 2022-10-09 11:15:54

    Abandoned child, you don't have to fight the world alone

    Cyril's father disappeared with the bicycle, the most important thing in his life.

    In everyone's memory, it seems that there is a bicycle, free and unrestrained, carrying all the happiness and sadness.

    When Milan was sitting on Ma Xiaojun's bicycle, when Wei Hong dragged a parachute and pedaled the bicycle under his feet hard, when Xiaogui and Xiaojian took turns riding the seventeen-year-old bicycle, the...

  • My Brilliant Friend My Brilliant Friend

    Christine 2022-10-05 15:58:02

    The Growth History of Bad Girls and Good Girls

    After finishing the first season of the genius girlfriend today, the two girls fell in love and killed each other on the way to grow up. Once they knew what the other was good at, they secretly worked hard to be better than her, and the two sides were fighting behind their backs.

    Still, when they need company and comfort, they think of each other. I admire Laila very much. Because of her poor family conditions, her parents did not allow her to continue her...

  • Christine 2022-03-24 09:02:26

    After reading the four stars given, it was changed to three stars after many years. Because I've forgotten about anything other than the floral shirts related to Al Pacino.

  • Christine 2022-03-24 09:02:21

    Such a good subject is shot like this. . . Can only go to direct Twilight. . .

  • Christine 2022-03-24 09:01:44

    To be added to the original work, just looking at this level is very good, the suspense design and violent impact are well handled, but the overall visual can't go back to the texture of the 70s, the saturation must be turned up a little to be interesting, Carpenter The deity's return to the soundtrack has greatly improved the viewing experience. Gordon Green also made a lot of fun tributes in the film: "Kiss of the Killer", "The Male and Female Thief", "The Pursuit" and so on...

  • Christine 2022-03-24 09:01:16

    As a commercial film, the degree of completion is quite good. From actor performance, plot arrangement to scene scheduling, "Parasite" has achieved a level of dripping water. The precise and accurate video narrative makes it condense strong spatial tension and grand class confrontation. The theme also easily influences the audience's mood of watching the movie. But compared with Bong Joon-ho’s previous local creations in Korea, "Parasite" is actually closer to a perfectly crafted but lifeless handicraft. What it lacks is the kind of humanistic atmosphere that focuses on the struggling state of life at the bottom. The absurd sense of humor and Feng's complex posture between the commercial director and the artistic author. ★★★

  • Christine 2022-03-24 09:01:10

    I don't know much about music, especially Mozart, but I like his music very much. Now the ringtone of the mobile phone is his minuet. The film and the values ​​it conveys are incompatible with me. I have never seen geniuses, nor do I believe in so-called geniuses. Rather than having God’s darlings, I would rather believe that they are like the righteous wisdom under "Sneeze" with nine knives. , When the government and Superman are powerless, let the tempered mortals save the world

  • Christine 2022-03-23 09:03:17

    The girl shouted "Talita Gumu" with all her heart, talked with friends about the difference between Catholics and Jews, pretended to be sick to pray secretly. The indifference of adults to death contrasted with the desire of children to resurrect their mothers. Praise the children The unpretentious performance, the best actress at the Venice Film Festival is well deserved. Online video

  • Christine 2022-03-23 09:02:39

    Just like I don't understand why the Millennium Trilogy has a sequel, I don't understand why a sequel is being made in this way. From the beginning of the parody of the previous work, it is neither like a god nor like a god. The best-selling book adaptation lacks the creative factors of excellent filmmakers, and the gap is really huge.

  • Christine 2022-03-23 09:01:07

    Can it be four-and-a-half stars ||| But it's already very good

  • Christine 2022-03-22 09:02:56

    How tragic the Chongqing bombing was, this history should be remembered by everyone, in any case, tribute to director Xiao Feng who has always insisted and all the creative staff who worked hard

  • Christine 2022-03-22 09:01:29

    It's not easy to be disappointed if the story can be flat like this

  • Christine 2022-03-22 09:01:15

    Still Reeve looks comfortable! !

  • Christine 2022-03-21 09:03:21

    It's still okay, it's old-fashioned and tends to be conservative. Of course, the little old man's line is more interesting, and the love scene between Turturro and a Jewish woman is vulgar and boring.

  • Christine 2022-03-21 09:03:10

    The film is based on real events, and being filmed by the director really makes people want to search for the stories that really happened to them.

  • Christine 2022-03-21 09:01:14

    2009.05.27 Sister Luosi really deserves the title of "sweetheart" when she was young. She is very beautiful and extremely cute~~ Richard Gere is still WS as always, but other characters in the film always praise him as "handsome". How do you feel ill-intentioned. The story is very sweet, like a fairy tale, you know it is impossible with your toes, but the audience just loves to watch it... Or how to sing at the end of the film: This is Hollywood, there is always time to dream~~

  • Christine 2022-03-20 09:03:03

    It's a very special movie, and this idea deserves full marks. It is more ironic, the audience is getting more and more serious, the ordinary can no longer satisfy the audience, and it is becoming more and more violent and direct, which makes people breathless. It's quite attractive from the beginning to the end. As for the plot, I can only ignore it. Overall, I am very satisfied. I like the feeling of running back and forth in it. The heroine finally chose a woman instead of an ex-boyfriend. Didn't kill the heroine, maybe she killed one of them.