Jessyca Pollich

Jessyca Pollich



  • The Birds The Birds

    Jessyca 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    "The birds": human care under the influence of force

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    Text | Three thousand years old

    "The Birds" is one of Hitchcock's more special films. Without the ups and downs of murder, espionage, and psychological suspense in the past, I simply made a fuss about the...

  • The Red Shoes The Red Shoes

    Jessyca 2022-01-26 08:44:58

    Frustrated Pygmalion, Depressed

    The essence of ballet performance lies in the camouflage of approachability. The lightness on the toes, the grace that is free from the constraints of gravity in the movements of the hands and feet... The dancer hides the agony of the unity of body and spirit, creating a dream full of romanticism. "A great impression of simplicity can only be achieved by great agony of body and spirit."

    Dance is a tangible expression of music, which Boris, director of the dance company, seems to...

  • Suits Suits

    Jessyca 2022-01-25 08:05:11

    Maybe this is reality

    The reason for choosing this drama was to pass the time. At the beginning, it attracted me a little bit, but after reading it, I became more and more painful. Maybe this is the reality. All kinds of intrigue or something. I hate Mike the most, being with a good friend’s ex-girlfriend and flirting with Rachel. And that friend before, I guess when I left, I would come back and find out about their relationship or something, so I finally went to report it. The favorites are Uncle Ha and Dona. God...

  • Chicken with Plums Chicken with Plums

    Jessyca 2022-01-23 08:04:04

    It’s not that I don’t love, but I love that I can’t face each other

    The seventh and eighth days are the essence, and here is the beginning: the male protagonist started to practice the violin but it was unreasonable. (Reflected in the dialogue of the old white-haired man) At that time, he met his first love, which was the woman he met on the street at the beginning. After seeing the parents, the heroine’s father did not recognize the hero and forcibly arranged the marriage of his daughter.

    After being extremely frustrated, the male protagonist’s...

  • Joe Somebody Joe Somebody

    Jessyca 2022-01-19 08:02:17

    A life with a goal will be wonderful

    The previous forty minutes was rather dull. It was mainly about expressing what kind of loser Qiao Tongshoe is. In life, he has just divorced and has a twelve-year-old daughter. It shows that at least twelve years of marriage is broken. The intimacy with Xinhuan in front of him stimulated this wounded heart. His presence at work is almost zero, and the boss doesn't even remember to promote his old scalper and raise his salary. All kinds of unsatisfactory emotions finally broke out after...

  • Stalingrad Stalingrad

    Jessyca 2022-01-17 08:03:30

    How would normal people respond when they hear someone say "I touch her"?

    First of all, the score is given to the mainland release version.

    Reason: It should be deleted very badly, and the translation is relatively scumbag. In addition, the 3D projectors in domestic theaters like to be adjusted darker in order to save power, and the viewing experience is not good.

    1. The nationalist box office victory
    film itself is quite satisfactory, but it seems to be too good at the Russian box office. It is estimated that nationalism has helped a...

  • Gods and Generals Gods and Generals

    Jessyca 2022-01-17 08:02:45

    War without hatred

    It took two nights to enjoy a four-hour and forty-minute movie for the first time. I wonder what should the audience do if it is shown in the theater?

    Fortunately, the film is divided into five chapters. Wouldn't it be better to make a TV series if the story is told in more detail? The story is relatively independent, and it doesn't matter if it is taken apart.

    The film is unfolded in historical chronological order. The first two chapters are the foreshadowing of the whole play,...

  • Never Look Away Never Look Away

    Jessyca 2022-01-15 08:03:05

    "A Masterless Work" clearly clarifies modern art, which is rare

    "No Master" is very controversial. For example, the film prototype-Richter (the most famous modern artist still alive in Germany and the target of half of the modern Chinese artists) is dissatisfied with the film. The original saying is: "This film insults and distorts my experience."

    It's commonplace for adapted biographies to be complained by prototypes, but the contradictions don't stop...

  • [REC] 4: Apocalypse [REC] 4: Apocalypse

    Jessyca 2022-01-14 08:02:19

    What does this have to do with documentary horror movies

    Hospitals, residential buildings, abandoned factories... This time the death video was transferred to the ship. Frankly speaking, this movie feels like it has nothing to do with a documentary horror film, and the video recorder has only appeared once in the film. Zombie movies are always inseparable from mutations and infect each other. This movie is also compliant with the rules. The highlight in the film is the zombie makeup. The spots and decay on the face add some horror to the zombies....

  • Hemlock Grove Hemlock Grove

    Jessyca 2022-01-11 08:01:39

    Some questions (spoilers, don’t like to stray in)

    The drama is that you can't guess the ending, but the clues have told you long ago. When you see the ending, you will realize that everything is so taken for granted. We suspect that it is a monster, but we don't know what makes a monster.
    One, everyone will guess who is the murderer. In fact, it is Cristina, the pure-looking writer. She wants to write her own unique story, so she drank the water in the dragon's footprints and couldn't help turning into a wolf. The reason why I killed the...

  • Tokyo Godfathers Tokyo Godfathers

    Jessyca 2022-01-10 08:01:11

    Tokyo Godfathers-there will be warmth in the cold world

    This is the first Kim Min's work I have seen.

        The content of the film may not be novel. Three scavengers and a small baby constitute a one-and-a-half-hour video. However, the touch it brings me may last a lifetime.

        The three wanderers are the protagonists of course. But under the thoughts of Mr. Jin Min, those who walk in the cold city are all warm people. They are all ordinary people, either doing small business, or sitting in the office, and occasionally passing...

  • The Hidden Face The Hidden Face

    Jessyca 2022-01-09 08:02:57

    Recommendations for introductory open movies

    It's an open ending.

    Fabiana is smarter.

    There are two small plots in the play. One is that Fabiana stands around the house and throws a pit into the lake, and then there is an abnormality on the surface of the lake. The second is that Belém found a structure drawing of the house in the secret room.

    I infer that when Fabiana wakes up, she will find a way to escape the secret room. However, perhaps before she escapes from the secret room, Adrian will come home with...

  • Happy-Go-Lucky Happy-Go-Lucky

    Jessyca 2022-01-08 08:04:06

    I didn't see it well

    I didn't expect it to be the best actress in a comedy category at the Golden Globe Awards. This eldest sister is too heartless. I will definitely break down when I meet this kind of person in reality. How can it be so innocent and there are no taboos. In fact, disregarding other people's thoughts is a bit hurtful. This movie has always given people a feeling of being depressed and unable to explode, a little bit aggrieved.

    Flamingo likes it very much. It feels boring, sleepy, and...

  • Trolls Trolls

    Jessyca 2021-12-30 17:21:35

    As a deadly princess, please start your performance.

    The film is okay as a whole, given to Samsung as a whole, with 1 star for the plot, 1 star for the interlude soundtrack, and 1 star for the picture.
           From the very beginning, the film showed us a good-looking image of a small Gongju who was saved by someone, and then Xiao Gongju proved to everyone that he was not only good-looking, but also arrogant, self-willed, and careless. I thought I was like this, and all the elves would be like this, it was really because I was dying to...

  • Thirteen Days Thirteen Days

    Jessyca 2021-12-23 08:01:18

    This is really a movie that will cry in the United States and will be silent when you watch it in South Korea.

    "13 Days of Explosion" uses two scenes inside the White House and outside the White House to describe how the great American leader Kennedy battled wits with Khrushchev, an old friend of the American people and the chief designer of the Soviet Union’s reform and opening up, so that the missile was finally withdrawn. Cuba has defended the homeland security of the United States.
    But the United States described in this movie is not only full of face slaps, but compared to us, all of its...

  • Jessyca 2023-09-27 15:28:49

    Both male and female pig's feet are well chosen (thinking about it, several important actors should be well chosen) What five elements love, save the earth, it's a bit vulgar, but considering that this is the first script written by the director at the age of 16... … plus 4 stars for pot stickers on the clothing.

  • Jessyca 2023-09-27 08:24:35

    Or compare it to Wusu Cao Nai

  • Jessyca 2023-09-20 12:25:31

    pic² 107 minutes, perverted!

  • Jessyca 2023-09-18 05:44:21

    By the way, the Japanese version is ta2.

  • Jessyca 2023-09-17 03:26:16

    The horror atmosphere created at the beginning is very good, mainly because the lighting and sound are good, but why did the heroine also join in at the end, and the police did not give an explanation? ? ? It's a bit messy~

  • Jessyca 2023-09-01 18:10:34

    I watched Italian films this time. I didn’t know the background beforehand, so I didn’t really understand it. However, not knowing this history does not hinder the appreciation of its soundtrack and visual sense. The director inserts some humorous elements from time to time. Giulio's confession is the only time when he clearly shows his emotions.

  • Jessyca 2023-08-22 05:22:20

    It's quite an interesting 3D clay animation. Even adults love to watch foreign cartoons, but domestic cartoons can't do it. This is indeed not a small gap. Domestic film creators should really review their creative attitude.

  • Jessyca 2023-08-15 03:41:47

    The front is great, the back is delayed, what a pity! one star for encouragement

  • Jessyca 2023-07-29 15:20:55

    bourgeoisie, class, prudence, charm

  • Jessyca 2023-07-25 10:37:33

    Too hot, Washington began to riot because of the death of his good friend Lincoln, and gathered a group of rabble to deal with the gluttonous King George III who manipulated the dark machine in Britain, but never thought that the real villain was Benedict Arnold, who betrayed the revolution. The little friends showed their abilities, Adams, Paul Revere, Edison, Geronimo, the founding father fought back against a diverse background. The prank is slightly larger.

  • Jessyca 2023-07-22 00:18:53

    This movie reminds me of Chainsaw

  • Jessyca 2023-07-12 03:36:35

    A 23-year-old summer slip dress

  • Jessyca 2023-07-11 22:51:20

    Looking at the preview, I can't help but be happy, the humanoid self-walking mid-life crisis 2333

  • Jessyca 2023-07-10 04:27:33

    When I was young, I watched it with my mother's commentary, and earned a love story and a theme song.

  • Jessyca 2023-07-04 21:53:43

    Not not interesting.