Jessyca Pollich

Jessyca Pollich



  • Bleach Bleach

    Jessyca 2022-12-10 09:04:28

    a favorite anime

    It took me a long time to read Grim Reaper, and I had some small thoughts.

    Before watching Reaper, I have already chased One Piece and Hokage. In these three animes, Reaper is still slightly inferior to One Piece, and it is comparable to Hokage. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Although there are many people who spray death, but after 366 episodes, I still like it very much. The overall storyline is very attractive to me, the key is that there are a lot of...

  • Desert Flower Desert Flower

    Jessyca 2022-12-08 14:37:17

    desert flower

    Growing up in the light means that there is no darkness in this world.

    Since I was a child, there have always been some people who said to me with kindness: "You are too simple, the world is not as good as you think." Even though all kinds of things happened, I began to be disappointed a little bit. But I still believe with luck that only a small number of dirty people pollute the whole world, and most people are still kind. After watching this movie, I began to wonder: Is human nature...

  • When Marnie Was There When Marnie Was There

    Jessyca 2022-12-07 02:22:43

    Memory of Marnie movie review

    The sun shines through the thick clouds, the wind blows, the blue sea water with white waves rushes to the beach, and the two people interlock their fingers back to back. When they first saw the picture of the movie poster, they thought it was a beautiful love cartoon. Boy (she's really like the quiet boy). But Anna is a girl, lonely, sensitive and somewhat inferior.

    When she met Marnie, the strange door of her heart was opened. When she saw the girl in her dream, she would blush and...

  • Synecdoche, New York Synecdoche, New York

    Jessyca 2022-11-29 07:36:09

    standing at the end of time

    When I was thinking of the title, I thought about the one that touched my heart the most. So, after typing the title unnaturally, Mo Ming's tears rolled in his eyes. . . . . .

       When I first started watching this movie, I thought, no way, another boring movie. . . . .
       After watching most of the time (less than half an hour left), it was a messy movie, my thinking was a little messy, and I didn't have a deep feeling. . . . .

       However, from the moment the...

  • Billions Billions

    Jessyca 2022-11-18 22:06:45

    new money vs old money

    Securities trading + psychological counseling perfectly hit my two concerns.

        I also specifically went to check what is insider trading, but after reading it, I still don’t know what to say. Insider trading should be a serious economic crime, but in the film, I feel that the justice side of chuck is very pale, and Bobby is more sympathetic, relying on his own efforts and talent to build from scratch, without a rich and powerful father, There is no good friend who has been with the...

  • La Grande Vadrouille La Grande Vadrouille

    Jessyca 2022-11-10 02:04:16

    Such innocence is rare now

    These comedy films in the past have a strong fairy tale atmosphere. They are innocent, simple, and brilliant. After watching them, people will smile. They are not vulgar, not vulgar, and they are not funny for funny. Childish and young, such as cross-eyed jerking off, but it's not offensive at all. Even the villains are like childhood villains.

    The point is, being funny is funny, but there is no problem with the core, and the three views are positive and correct. This is what comedy...

  • Crying Out Love in the Center of the World Crying Out Love in the Center of the World

    Jessyca 2022-10-26 15:55:10

    Calling out love at the center of the world

    Probably found an emotional outlet, watching Masami Nagasawa calling for love in the center of the world, the tears could not stop, the seemingly ordinary daily life, but the most real emotions.

    Boys always mature a little bit slower, girls always like to think carefully and record what they want to say on tape, but in the end they become the only and most precious memory.

    It feels good to be touched by love occasionally. I recall the boring and mechanical days of high...

  • Sonatine Sonatine

    Jessyca 2022-10-25 20:34:32

    That summer, the quiet Kitano Takeshi

    After three consecutive days of final exams, I wanted to find a relaxing decompression, but I didn't know that I played "Sonata" with a slip of my hand. I don't like watching gangster movies, but Uncle's is always special. Recalling the funny gangster section in "Long Live the Director", I didn't press stop.

      It would be unreasonable for anyone to call the uncle the "master of violence" or the film of "aesthetic violence". If I say Kitano Takeshi is quiet.

      "I love tough...

  • The Undoing The Undoing

    Jessyca 2022-10-22 13:41:06

    The US version of "The Hidden Corner"?

    After watching the fifth episode, everything came to a close.

    At the end of the film, his son's terrified eyes are very similar to Zhu Chaoyang's eyes after he did something wrong, even sacrificing his stepmother's favorite daughter in order to preserve a complete family. And Uncle Hugh's anti-social, narcissistic, and likable personality directly determined the path of little Henry's self-destruction. . . Or did Little Henry inherit the various...

  • The Steamroller and the Violin The Steamroller and the Violin

    Jessyca 2022-10-18 16:33:32

    Children and Class-Longing on Tragedy

    Suddenly I found that the name of the first article of the hot review was repeated, but this was my first flash after watching this short film: "Children and Class", two abstract and appropriate opposite concepts-just like the Wilderness Hunter "Survival and Revenge" in the middle of the game shines with the vivid long lens and the Oscar-level acting of Xiao Lizi-this profound theme is also sharp and angular under the lens of Tarkovsky's textbook.

    To be more abstract, the collision...

  • Bleach Bleach

    Jessyca 2022-10-17 06:50:22


    Reaper's Agent Chapter (1~20)
    Invasion of the Soul World 21~41
    Rescue Chapter 42~63
    Soul Hunting Chapter (Original Story) 64~91
    Soul Hunting·Strike in the Soul World (Original Story) 92 ~109
    Annihilation·Appearance Chapter 110~127 The
    Struggle of the Hisugaya Advance Team (Original Story Chapter) 128~137 The Invasion of the
    Virtual Circle Chapter 138~146
    The Daxu No Mori Chapter (Original Chapter) 147~149
    Annihilation·Fighting Chapter 150~167...

  • Kingsman: The Secret Service Kingsman: The Secret Service

    Jessyca 2022-10-04 22:50:48

    [No spoilers] If you are not sure whether to watch it

    There are only three words: go and see.

    I haven't seen such a fun action movie in a long time. The film enters the state very quickly, and the director tells you that he is here as soon as he comes up, and the game is so cruel. Although we all know that in this kind of movie, the hero will defeat the bad guys and the world will be saved, but the storyline does not make people feel old-fashioned, and the director even deliberately added a lot of cliché lines in the movie plot....

  • Icarus Icarus

    Jessyca 2022-10-01 23:00:30

    Hmm, Citizen Four from Tiyukou

    It’s amazing how I got so many permissions when I went to the production. Just like Grigory himself later said, this is a kind of irony in itself. A high-level person involved in doping has become a person who reveals all of this, no matter what he is based on. Purpose, to save oneself or conscience discovered that this Snowden-style approach at least stunned the audience of this documentary.

    Whether it...

  • I Am David I Am David

    Jessyca 2022-09-28 17:48:31

    All the way north

    The 12-year-old escaped from a Bulgarian concentration camp and made his way north to Copenhagen, with no money, no company, or even life experience...John told him he couldn't trust anyone, his face had a gloomy look that shouldn't be there at his age, exactly Said to be dead silence. I don't know how he persisted to finish this journey. In addition to being distressed, he just wanted to pray. God, please bless this unfortunate child! In the end, the reunion with my mother was both...

  • Ratched Ratched

    Jessyca 2022-09-20 03:28:20

    The change in the grievance between Ratchett and the former head nurse is actually quite subtle (didn't read the summary of episode 8)

    At the beginning of the episode, Ratchett personally expounded the nobleness and greatness of the profession of nurses in the era when the war ended, so the important nurses in the play include the former head nurse, Ratchett, the sex girl, the burn man, and Dolly. (Practice nurses) have their own experiences. Among them, only Ratchett and the former head nurse adhere to their position as self-confessed great female nurses, and as a result, a strange and subtle emotional...

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:03:41

    It's too cute and funny food movie, respect and ridicule for genre movies, respect and ridicule for food. It's a movie that makes you want to go home and cook seriously until you want to live. Need more food movies! ! And that yam sausage hit really hard.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:03:15

    Just kiss like crazy and have sex like crazy.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:02:36

    Is it helpless to lose the moral bottom line to continue to live for life, or do nothing innocent and wait to die~ Even if I die, I will die in the journey~ PS Little Red Shoes

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:02:33

    Drama style: small scene/closed space, plot between the four main actors, dialogue flow. Long shots, close-ups and close-ups. Can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, but pretend to be able to. However, the dream will eventually wake up. The rhythm is found to be good as fiction dies in layers. A mix of love and hate; only love can make people hurt each other so hysterically. It was dawn and everything was calm, but it was no longer what it used to be. riddled with holes

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    What the fuck is this?

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:01:44

    Yesterday I finally watched this famous Japanese manga. Its name should be literally translated as "Soul in the Shell", which is a philosophical film under the guise of science fiction. But because I just read Yuval Harari's "A Brief History of Today", I quite agree with one of the views: in science fiction literature with female artificial intelligence as the protagonist, it is not so much the concern of human beings about artificial intelligence as the concern of men. The fears of smart women. In "Ghost in the Shell", this woman is not only smart, but also physically strong. After "exchanging souls" with the hacker, there is even a possibility of full dehumanization and full masculinity. She was originally a strong, well-built adult woman, and at the end of the film, all her companions can find is a petite, girlish body that brings her back to life, and the ending makes a lot of sense. This film should cultivate (or conform to) the aesthetics of many straight men.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    3.8 Routines and routines are also very good. I can't avoid the petty spirit of the theme and the Korean lyric at the end. The first time I saw a zombie movie on the screen was a routine or I was moved! Father-daughter couple, youthful, old, dutiful driver and selfish human disaster film, the final little plot, and the unexpectedly lovely people all died. The shortcomings are also obvious. The screenwriter of the whole film is in control. It's a bit hard, but the Korean movies are getting better and better.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:49

    Fang Shiyu's story is my great love! Jet Li was really good at that time, especially Miao Cuihua! And the beautiful Li Xiaohuan played by Hu Huizhong!

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Although I'd love to say it's a story of a straight guy who was seduced by a gay and then sold out Hue involuntarily. But it's not actually = =

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    oh i need comedy.....

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    Better than Border Slayer

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:41

    The U.S. government is still sensitive to the identification of class. Once the Black Panther Party calls on the proletariat, it will peel off its skin if it does not die.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Still a shit movie. . . Not too boring. . .

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    It seems that I watched it in high school. It is quite warm. Although the plot is quite dramatic, it is quite reasonable.

  • Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    I have to say that mainstream films are very marketable