Chet Dietrich

Chet Dietrich



  • The Banker The Banker

    Chet 2022-12-19 23:22:47

    Is this a story about respect?

    The slogan of the movie poster reads, "Respect is expensive, and it's worth rushing off a cliff for that."

    However, I think it should be understood at a higher level - fairness. Here, it includes not only the elimination of racial discrimination, the elimination of gender discrimination, but also occupational discrimination.

    This is a story about America in the 1950s.

    The point of the story is, don't...

  • Mountains May Depart Mountains May Depart

    Chet 2022-12-11 06:14:39

    Jia Zhangke, who wants to make a change

    Not successful. In general, Jia Zhangke's camera language is not beautiful, the actor's tension is not enough, and the music is not too good. There is still a way to compare with Hou Hsiao-hsien. For example, when shooting small county towns, Jia Zhangke seems to be shooting photo stickers, focusing on characters everywhere, occupying most of the screen. Let the characters occupy a small half.
    This film spans 25 years, 3 time periods, and different screen ratios. Jia Zhangke wanted to make...

  • Ocean Waves Ocean Waves

    Chet 2022-11-25 15:38:12

    No storytelling skill can compare to the power of real touch

    Not delicate, not pretentious, flat and straightforward, simple, like an image cut from memory.
      What's even more rare is that the story is told from the perspective of a boy from the beginning to the end. The ignorant and dull teenager, facing a strange creature like a girl, must be full of 100,000 whys in his mind.
      The experiences of adolescence can be summed up in the same way, and there are literally thousands of unique stories unfolded.
      But what...

  • The Banker The Banker

    Chet 2022-11-22 20:54:00

    The first half is a cool movie, the second half is a dry American dream

    This film will inevitably be compared with "Green Book", because the subject matter is really similar. The movie looks good and plays well. Compared with the Green Book viewing experience, it will be easier, there are many jokes, but there is still a certain gap.

    The first half of the film made me very happy to watch, it is the story of the counterattack. Everyone advises you not to do it, and many people sneer that you can't do it, only the...

  • Bicentennial Man Bicentennial Man

    Chet 2022-11-22 16:43:18

    When you humans are so happy

    The thousand-year-old white snake of the ancient friend turned into a human body just for a man, and now there is an immortal robot who gave up its life just for a woman. Human love is really great, as if everything in the world must be moved by it, even if you give up everything, you have to experience all kinds of emotions and six desires. As a genius among robots, he has wisdom that surpasses all human beings. He can become a god-like character, but he is desperately studying how to...

  • My Week with Marilyn My Week with Marilyn

    Chet 2022-11-20 16:05:14

    I see humanity

    A woman can never be as free and easy as a man. Never understand when a man says that he loves her like life has turned around Demanding and galloping on another woman. Maybe it's this patriarchal society that still leads to women still being accessories and still trembling. Men have the initiative because of their desire to control, so women are always a vulnerable group

    . As the novel says, some people suddenly appear and disappear at the end just to accompany you at that stage....

  • Enemy Enemy

    Chet 2022-11-18 07:14:39

    The boundary where desire fades, there is still sea water

    After watching "The Enemy" twice, I feel that Dennis Villeneuve has a curious control over big propositions and complex story texts. A director who used the logic of literary text to make a movie made a wonderful philosophical and anthropological discussion. Adam and Anthony in "Rivals" are two people with exactly the same looks and physical signs, but with very different social identities and life trajectories. This kind of tone can easily lead to suspense film routines such as dual...

  • Baran Baran

    Chet 2022-11-14 17:53:45

    love with heart

      Because of the poor family background, the girl had to go to the construction site to work, and the construction site did not accept girls. So she disguised herself as a boy. Doing things that only men can do, and then cooking for the workers, spending all day alone in a dilapidated room full of condiments.
      The boy didn't like him from the first day she came, broke her things, spat at her cooking, and destroyed her confidence.
      But when the curtain of the broken house was...

  • The Siege of Jadotville The Siege of Jadotville

    Chet 2022-11-09 05:58:35

    History is a little girl who can be dressed up

    The truth is that the Irish peacekeepers were defeated and surrendered with little resistance. The Tshombes dispatched Belgian mercenary pilot Joseph Duran in Katanga's only operational "Teacher" trainer/attack aircraft to bombard UN-Irish positions at will with little resistance. Duran destroyed some UN planes. The number of casualties of the Irish army in Jadotville rose rapidly, and the Irish commander quickly chose to surrender. The entire army was captured by the enemy without...

  • Leaving Neverland Leaving Neverland

    Chet 2022-11-07 04:44:17

    Why create something out of nothing?

    Why slander Michael? He obviously didn't do anything, I don't know what the people who rated high were thinking, please, let Michael rest in peace, Michael is innocent, the child is being used, why do you believe these things, don't just watch This video is the conclusion. Some people say that Michael deliberately had plastic surgery, but Michael has only had skin surgery because of scalp burns and chin gully. Some people say that he bleached, but because of vitiligo, he covered himself with...

  • My King My King

    Chet 2022-11-02 07:53:45

    I saw the shadow of unhappy love from "My King"

    It was originally clicked on by the handsome cover of the male protagonist.

    I also want to distract myself and try not to think about the one-year relationship that officially ended today.

    Starting from Tony's healing memories, watching the early stages of the relationship quickly immerse in sweetness, warmth, ambiguousness, kisses and hugs, and hugs when sleeping, generously pulling the other party into his circle of friends,...

  • La Belle Époque La Belle Époque

    Chet 2022-10-31 14:33:28

    Reliving old dreams is destroying old dreams

    8.9/10 This is my favorite style of work.

    I bent down, picked up the scarf you left behind, and walked out of the pub. I call your name softly, midnight, the rain will come.

    Of all the movies, French movies seem to have a particular appetite for me. Mostly due to survivorship bias, most of the French films I've watched have a special place in my heart.

    It is actually not uncommon for such a setting to be a play within a play, a studio, and a director. Romantic "The Truman...

  • Naruto: Shippûden Naruto: Shippûden

    Chet 2022-10-20 16:25:56

    Sa Ming

    Naruto is over, and no matter how many complicated feelings about it before, it should come out. At first, Naruto was attracted by Sasuke and Naruto. The two peas fought wits and courage every day. In the end, Naruto was the one who was crushed. Later, when he grew up, Sasuke understood the reason why the family was exterminated and embarked on the second year of middle school. Naruto never forgot his promise to bring him back. The two were entangled for a long time, but Sasuke went further...

  • Ju Dou Ju Dou

    Chet 2022-10-17 23:47:30

    sex, love, tradition

    It seems that the relationship between men and women under the oppression of old Chinese culture is the focus of this film. Based on this, the color of the picture and the expression of the characters' lust have become the temptation point of exploration. The entanglements in Eastern ethics, those silences and hatreds have the logic of Western dramas, such as real fathers, false fathers, sons, problems like Hamlet, just twisted and presented in another way. The...

  • Patch Adams Patch Adams

    Chet 2022-10-07 06:11:04

    When everyone in this world is against you, don't give up the last pure land in your heart

    Some time ago, I had a fight with my girlfriend that hurt her the most this year. I don’t want to go into too many words about the content of the quarrel, but every time we quarrel seems to have a fixed pattern. The reason is that life is too bland and lack of passion, so we look for each other to hurt each other. . Presumably many people have different definitions of "maturity" at different ages. In the year since graduating from university, I often think that no matter how bad or naive I...

  • Chet 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    By the way, a musical is to have a good song and dance

  • Chet 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    An invisible character who has never appeared and lived in the descriptions and memories of others, like a ghost, affects the fate of the characters throughout the film, and has become a template for many literary works of later generations. This is where Lei Qing's inspiration comes from. Marriage requires both parties to communicate and be honest with each other in real time. Cowardice is a fatal flaw for both men and women. Blind worship is unacceptable. The desire to control is terrible.

  • Chet 2022-03-25 09:01:04

    Impressions: 1. No amount of abo-words can tell the story of Xing Jue and a female dragon vying to be Alpha... 2. Is there a "former marathon runner" missing from the heroine's setting?

  • Chet 2022-03-24 09:03:05

    I don't know what the real Beethoven was like, but Beethoven's life was a life of constantly resisting fate. It's hard to grasp such a character's character and fate. It's even more difficult to interpret GaryOldman's old drama bones. The piano at that time was different from the piano now. The timbre was not as pure and delicate as it is in modern times, so the director ignored this point, so I cut it.

  • Chet 2022-03-24 09:02:51

    Dickens - Open the British wallet, there are banknotes in it, some dirty, some old, some new, some bloodstained... these are the wealth of the United Kingdom...

  • Chet 2022-03-24 09:01:10

    Standard hero movie, the plot is okay, and the music is not bad. The colored eggs are good, there is Wolverine.

  • Chet 2022-03-24 09:01:02

    A clockwork orange: It is a person's right to choose to do evil or do good. When we saw the protagonist abruptly change from a demon to the poorest weak, I felt that the most terrifying political brainwashing was the most terrifying. Perhaps it was politics that caused the eruption of people's evil roots. Finally, the protagonist retrieves his imagination of sex in Beethoven's music. The devil must be destroyed, but he is given the freedom to choose to destroy. Evil is not terrible, the terrible thing is that you must be kind.

  • Chet 2022-03-23 09:02:48

    The processing of black and white light and shadow, including superimposition, is well used, and the hazy and rough processing of the flashback picture also adds to the strange atmosphere, and the simulated characters are in darkness and helplessness. The first table scene was really catchy, the shots were followed up intensely, and the actors' performances were also great. It was an excellent completion for a movie with strong dramatic tension. Helen's opening scene was tear-jerking, Annie was great.

  • Chet 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    His final choice to die felt lack of foreshadowing. The director's curiosity about people's deformity, greed, selfishness and hypocrisy towards people, his attitude is rather ambiguous, and the mother's lines at the end feel very awkward

  • Chet 2022-03-23 09:01:13

    A sad science fiction blockbuster. Earthlings are humans, as are aliens. It's just that the opposite sex is really painful and sad. Even if the Thunder was on the gun version to the dubbing of Lei Shiren, he finally shed tears on the last rose. After all, love is better than Jin Jian. The relationship between the father and son of the aliens, the relationship between the compatriots, and the relationship between the protagonist and his wife. When he finally became a prawn of the opposite sex and folded a metal rose for his wife on the ruins, who could not be sad from it?

  • Chet 2022-03-23 09:01:09

    It’s a big game of chess. Could it be that the president’s selection is because his voice resembles Obama? ? ?

  • Chet 2022-03-22 09:03:01

    The story is weak and not recommended, and the heroine's acting is not convincing enough, so let's read the book.

  • Chet 2022-03-22 09:01:02

    Stanley Kubrick used "A Clockwork Orange" to interpret Beethoven, which has left me with lingering fears since the beginning.

  • Chet 2022-03-20 09:02:48

    The people of Treasure Island are still too young and fresh. Children like Zhang Zhen should have Onizuka Eiji tied behind a motorcycle and dragged around the island for a week. Unbelief can’t cure his illness.

  • Chet 2022-03-20 09:02:46

    This secret room is set to be horrible, and the more you think about it, the more terrifying, but the filming is dull and tasteless, there are not so many things in it, why is it not over 90 minutes, so long and so many repetitive content, what is the use?