Chet Dietrich

Chet Dietrich



  • The Smurfs 2 The Smurfs 2

    Chet 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Really childhood memories

    The Smurfs really carry on many people's childhood memories.
     Compared to the first one, this Smurfs is actually no significant improvement. In one respect, it basically follows the characteristics of foreign blockbusters: the visuals are okay, but the content is empty. Although The Smurfs 2 also has positive values, the plot is a bit cliché, and the connection between the two is not closely linked. The sudden appearance of China's Got Talent in the movie, the placement of advertisements...

  • Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

    Chet 2022-03-25 08:01:02

    Beware of the delusional propaganda of "Intelligent Design Theory"!

    At that time, I thought that this film really provided reliable scientific evidence for the "intelligent design theory", especially the connection between the evolution theory and the Nazi Holocaust dealt a fatal blow to its moral consciousness (yes, yes, aside This is what a Darwinian world of the jungle that abandons the standard of the Creator will become).

    Yet all this so-called scientific evidence and social-historical facts are nothing more than propaganda that has been...

  • Dylan Dog: Dead of Night Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

    Chet 2022-03-25 08:01:01

    Themes are old, the plot is simple, the scenes are average

    Handsome guys and beauties, gags and funny supporting roles, an underground world composed of werewolves, vampires and zombies, plus a huge conspiracy, all the elements that a commercial film with a fantasy world view should have, but they lack the organic integration and sticking of these things together. 's power. Looking at the whole article, I feel that there is only one word, rotten. Fortunately, it's not two words, it sucks.

    ps, just like I have always wondered why such a...

  • Future Diary Future Diary

    Chet 2022-03-23 09:03:07

    I can't write the title anymore

    I really don’t know what title to give the article, so I really need to continue writing with my writing ability. T^T

    So, I really don’t know how to write comments. When I watched the animation earlier, I would briefly comment on the characters. Let’s review it. The plot, or talk about the ideal of life or something, but, I suddenly feel that it is so meaningless and empty.

    My mood at this time is quite the feeling of the last Koyuki in the 2nd world. It's empty, it's really...

  • Taking Woodstock Taking Woodstock

    Chet 2022-03-23 09:02:57

    I just want to watch that same-sex fight

    Rock 'n' roll got boring, the offspring, Linkin Park, greenday all those oil-and-pink guys roaring in there all day is just empty stuff I hate the president you dumped me again I'm annoyed and stuff like that, I can't hear it What's the difference between today's Xie Tianxiao's new pants Muma and those pop singers who sing slobbery songs, they still sound like those songs from thirty or forty years ago, and my CD rack is still far from the 90s The albums that I listened to seven or eight years...

  • The Secret Life of Pets The Secret Life of Pets

    Chet 2022-03-23 09:01:37

    A very interesting family movie in the summer protection month~

    Watercress in adults look at this piece may be a bit boring really
    it seems routine now is a bit like a toy
    , but I can feel it
    originally Carnival animation (body or an object-oriented kids, right)
    adults did not need to be serious
    next to me Children laughing all the way? Disgusting face.
    Her mother laughed too.
    The animation of the family carnival is already quite good during the summer vacation protection period.
    As long as the children are happy~...

  • Hollywood Hollywood

    Chet 2022-03-22 09:02:57

    Is it a love letter from the golden age, or an idealized utopia?

    The great irony of Hollywood is that Americans are starting to define themselves in terms of Shadow America, which was created by Eastern European Jewish immigrants — Eastern European Jewish immigrants who couldn’t fit into the real America.

    So these immigrants and their second generation used their street smarts...

  • Great Expectations Great Expectations

    Chet 2022-03-22 09:02:05

    Treat life kindly

    This is a 1998 film based on Dickens' novel. Gwyneth Paltrow was in power in her youth and thin, and she is one of the few "small but natural" actresses in Hollywood that I have seen so far. To be honest, I have a problem with the Chinese translation of the title of this movie - "Love the Wind and Cloud"? It is obviously a literary film with soft colors and slow rhythm, which is made like a passionate pornographic film.
           Life is full of twists and turns, and some people's fate...

  • Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

    Chet 2022-03-22 09:01:39

    Forcible routine

    The story of the characters, the inner monologue like a chatter... It's not just me that feels familiar, right?
    His plot, um, nonsense, forced HE, this is my feeling. The reading of this film is divided into several narratives. Well, the clue of the writing is a 60-year-old old man who lost his memory at the beginning and found out that he was just the ultimate killer of beating people, drinking and drinking.
    To briefly summarize these stories, they are the revenge of fresh meat, the...

  • Inside Out Inside Out

    Chet 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    I thought Wall-E was already the greatest, until I had it

    When I saw the poster of the Secret Agent Team, it was really difficult to watch this film with interest. Fortunately, I haven't seen the poster of this film before entering the theater. Otherwise I will also miss this unspeakable great movie. When I remembered that I was immersed in Pixar’s Well-E’s classic shots and perfect emotional curve arrangement, I just thought, if there is a film, because it is produced by Pixar, as long as it can be close to Wall-E, then it must be It's worth seeing....

  • On Body and Soul On Body and Soul

    Chet 2022-03-21 09:03:23

    flesh and spirit

    Part of the function of the film is to magnify the impossible in life, to become a kind of extreme, to create a marginalized character. The protagonists of Flesh and Spirit, while seemingly a routine setting in the slaughterhouse, are both physically or psychologically incomplete. The heroine is autistic and the hero is disabled in his left hand. This has caused the two to become marginalized from the heart. Such a character design obviously makes the audience feel that there must be a...

  • Che: Part Two Che: Part Two

    Chet 2022-03-21 09:02:52

    The soul of the 'loser' is floating in the sky

    Che said, the only thing we can do now is to live as if we were dead.

    If what you see in the first part is belief, then the second part is full of existential nihilism. It suddenly occurred to me that when we see that tiger-like avatar in any corner, does it really become a commercial means? Even so, we are still continuing such a dream. A dream from which one must never wake up.

    He can do it in Cuba, but he can't do it in Bolivia. The common people couldn't see what they...

  • Exodus: Gods and Kings Exodus: Gods and Kings

    Chet 2022-03-21 09:01:49

    Different interpretations of history

    I remember watching a cartoon a long time ago, and now I'm watching it for comparison with "Secrets of the Bible".
    It is clear that the basic plot remains consistent with the Bible. The big differences are as follows.
    First of all, a lot of personalized content has been added, such as the brotherhood between Moses and the king of Egypt. The king did not want Moses to die. After all, they grew up together, and Moses also saved himself on the battlefield. Life. There is also the king's...

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

    Chet 2022-03-21 09:01:45

    death of bob

    After watching the movie, I found out how inconsiderate the Chinese name "Death of the Sharpshooter" is, either because of commercial considerations, or the translator is simply an object of anti-three vulgarities. The whole story is more like saying "Bob's death", but the bout is too dazzling, which makes everyone have a preconceived illusion, as if the protagonist of "Boom Club" is actually Edward Norton. It should be said that the original English name "The Assassination of Jesse James by...

  • The Purge The Purge

    Chet 2022-03-21 09:01:37

    war between idiots

    The first reaction after watching it is that my life is complete again. This is the first movie in my barren movie watching career that can be performed by all the actors without barrage alone. It can be seen from the director to the screenwriter. To the good intentions of the actors.

    In order to fully appreciate the excellent flavor of this movie, it is strongly recommended to indicate when buying tickets at the movie theater: You can watch the movie under the age of 8. The simple...

  • Chet 2023-09-30 23:02:13

    The filming expresses the consistent attitude of Americans towards Eastern culture: I use my own culture to tell my story, you are just a gimmick. Wim Wenders said in his photo collection his impression of the United States: a country that has completely lost the ability to reflect, and a narcissistic national complex.

  • Chet 2023-09-22 14:53:43

    Barbara's temperament is so good, looking at it from the left side, sometimes there will be Pfeiffer's illusion. The young lady has a high appearance and wild beauty. The movie is very warm, and it would be nice if the ending was HE.

  • Chet 2023-09-22 00:44:32

    The idea is good. But it is too detached from reality, a group of primary school students would be so united, and it is unbelievable to have a well-organized design with plans and arrangements. Nowadays, there are many substitutes in the domestic entertainment industry, and they are openly recruited. It is ironic that they are not ashamed but proud.

  • Chet 2023-09-18 19:09:01

    I didn’t see this. I really don’t know that John Last has a Disney background after all, and the dark side can’t be explored. Otherwise, the story of Ruster’s turnaround from being expelled to the current chief executive would be too cheesy, that person. "The Head", which is not mentioned in the film, is definitely not an ordinary stuffy chest

  • Chet 2023-09-07 06:03:01

    This is the worst Jude Law movie I've ever seen.

  • Chet 2023-08-30 23:34:27

    Not bad, the viewing angle is very unique after being reduced

  • Chet 2023-08-12 12:30:45

    The last few minutes of revealing the secret were good. It showed the multi-dimensional world with another presentation, not as rigid as "Interstellar". The previous plot was too gentle, and it was not an experimental project. There is no need to ask the audience to observe this way. Find details here.

  • Chet 2023-08-07 07:08:25

    There are no large sea monsters, even if there are, they are hidden in the deep sea and basically have no face; there is no bloody love scene between men and women, even if there is, it will stop; so don't worry about these two points, please watch it with confidence. However, the infectious power and penetrating power of this biological source are really amazing. Did the creators learn something from "Alien"? The female No. 1 has a dignified justice, abandoning her own self for the public, and resolutely shows no mercy once she finds out that she is infected, even if it includes herself, she is really a ruthless person. Although it is in line with mainstream values, I have to say that this setting is a little far-fetched, and if there are some previous backgrounds, it will not be abrupt. Humans' awareness of epidemic prevention still needs to be strengthened. They take themselves too seriously. Seeing everything is an attitude of disapproval, which will really lead to mass extinction of the population.

  • Chet 2023-07-26 18:33:59

    Very long background introduction.

  • Chet 2023-07-25 22:50:27

    get to black humor, but the first half still needs tw: hostile working environment, Norton with shaved hair and hood looks like a cute Billy Boyd, anyone understand!

  • Chet 2023-07-17 06:26:14

    Amo 5 points version. What do you say... If a news headline has a summary, you can say whether you want to watch the detailed video, hum. .

  • Chet 2023-07-13 06:46:01

    so fluent and intriguing, inspiring and touching, just like any Pixar animation a documentary of the amazing studio itself.

  • Chet 2023-07-09 21:04:05

    I really don't see a movie like this

  • Chet 2023-07-09 17:49:44

    Maybe it's cannibalism insinuated by hating parental intimacy, or maybe it's real. In any case, the disappearing teacher's chunks of flesh seemed to indicate that it was not a dream. The attitude of the grandparents after the death of their parents says it all. Welcome to the cannibal cave again.

  • Chet 2023-06-26 09:58:59

    The story is beautiful.