Santos Mayert

Santos Mayert



  • Drug War Drug War

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:03:13

    What you can't take away, what you can't keep, let the heavy rain erode it

    I didn't want to write it at first...

    But, I just wrote "The Cook and Play the Ruffian" a few days ago. If I don't recommend "Drug War", I feel sorry for it.
    The former belongs to movies that you can watch when you have time, and the latter belongs to movies that you will regret if you don't watch them. What? Seattle? Sorry, it's really not an order of magnitude.

    As usual, there are still spoilers, try not to reveal too much.
    The following "*" represents foul...

  • Steamboy Steamboy

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:02:53

    An otherworldly steampunk

    It's hard to imagine that this is an animation from 2004, but I didn't see it until eight years later. I don't know Otomo Keyang. It was the first time I saw his work. In fact, I decided to watch this long-heard animation out of my fascination with machinery. I didn't expect it to be such a delicate and personal masterpiece - at present, I can only find these two vulgar words to describe this film, and I can't wait to say something.

    The tone of the film at the beginning reflects a...

  • Wolf Creek Wolf Creek

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:02:21

    Wonderful film, what do you want to express, director?

    1. The director wanted to make a travel-themed film, but halfway through the filming, he found that he had no talent, so he switched to the road-killing film route.

    2. The first female is holding a Swiss Army knife to fight the boss, and the second female has been dragging her feet, and she has also killed the grandfather who hitchhiked. She must be lifted.

    3. The world's worst male number one, woke up after a sleep and found that something was wrong. He completely ignored...

  • Waking Life Waking Life

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:02:16

    everything is false

    This movie, ahem, how should I say it, it is very clear that the protagonist expressed the desire in the protagonist's heart when he was playing with his childhood sweethearts when he was a child: "desire to dream"
    and then, I don't know if he was in a dream or awake, he started On the road, listen to all kinds of passers-by about their views on reality (either extreme or rational), and they are full of different degrees of desire for dreams. As for those incomprehensible narratives, if...

  • Funny Games Funny Games

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:02:00

    it is not fuuny

    There was a movie last night that kept me awake for so long after watching it that I didn't even know what to do. Pain, depression, despair, anger, helplessness, fear... I could find more negative words to describe the feeling of watching FunnyGames.
      The originally happy and peaceful family of three drove to the holiday cabin in the bright sunshine, but they didn't know that they were falling into the trap set by two mental patients step by step, but these two mental patients...

  • The Last Samurai The Last Samurai

    Santos 2022-03-23 09:01:11

    "The Last Samurai" and China's Westernization Movement

    The story background of "The Last Samurai" is very similar to China's Westernization Movement, but the result is completely different, because the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement and the Xinyou Coup have changed the trajectory of China's history.

    Before the Meiji Restoration, Japan had the foundation of a modern commercial society, while China at that time was essentially a conservative agricultural country.

    From 1851 to 1864, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement...

  • Half Light Half Light

    Santos 2022-03-23 08:01:03

    not related to the movie

    When I was filming this scene, I couldn't accept that the big beauties I used to be can't escape the ravages of the years. I got old fast enough. At that time, I was in the cinema with a boy I liked and I couldn't tell the difference between a good and a bad movie, but I remember the inside The male protagonist is not handsome, but he has that charming taste or masculinity that makes my heart flutter, and Moore wearing UGG cotton boots and casual clothes is so attractive to me that it makes up...

  • Curse of the Golden Flower Curse of the Golden Flower

    Santos 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    Analysis of the reasons for the failure of the mutiny in the Pyramid of Man City

    A mutiny is like a game of chess. The most important thing is not the moment of the mutiny, but the preparatory work done before the mutiny.
        Everything has a general trend. The so-called current events create heroes. If you follow the trend, the natural success rate is high. Go against the trend. The resistance encountered in the military will naturally be much higher.
        In essence, mutiny can be seen as a contest of strength, but accidental factors will increase several times....

  • John Carter John Carter

    Santos 2022-03-21 09:01:19

    I don't regret it

    I don't know what the literary youth is pretending to be. There are so many things that say they are not good-looking. Fortunately, I didn't believe the comments, or I would have missed a good movie.
          A fun, fun movie. The macho during the Civil War traveled to Mars, and because of gravity, he became a superman in his underwear. He was extremely powerful, jumped around again, and had a sense of justice. Princess Mars is also a wild, intellectual, and a good woman. The scenes of...

  • Blood Diamond Blood Diamond

    Santos 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    Drill blood

    Before I saw it, I thought it was about love, about war, about interests. It turned out that everything was about—truth—the truth about diamonds. Those who put Hepburn in shop windows, showcases, and "Breakfast at Tiffany's" stopped Hepburn. , This is what the dreamy girls dream of! "A bloody crime caused by a diamond", my wanton ridicule is really unfair to it, but what can be seen from the back must be shocking.
          Solomon is just an ordinary fisherman. His dark face reveals the...

  • Keeping Mum Keeping Mum

    Santos 2022-03-20 09:02:18

    quite attractive

    I have to say that this is a model of low-budget production. There are not many actors who need acting skills. The rhythm of the whole film is very good, and the music is light and just right, which makes people very comfortable.

        This kind of film is very suitable for my appetite, and the ending is quite in place, which makes people happy!

        It's a pity that Bean's specialty has not been brought into play. And it was completely overshadowed by Maggie Smith's...

  • Blackfish Blackfish

    Santos 2022-03-20 09:02:09

    A killer whale and three victims, the cruel truth behind the marine park.

    On February 24, 2010, the killer whale Tilikum completed another wonderful performance at the Ocean Park.

    Just as the audience cheered, senior animal trainer Dawn Brancheau was suddenly dragged to the bottom by the killer whale and never surfaced again.

    This scene shocked everyone present, and even the operator on the other end of the call...

  • Erin Brockovich Erin Brockovich

    Santos 2022-03-20 09:01:24

    never give up

    Anyone's success requires a lot of hard work, effort, and sacrifice. It is often said that behind every successful man there is a great woman, and a woman can succeed in her career because there is a man behind her. She pays silently, sacrifices her dreams, so that she has no worries and concentrates on her own things. The support of her family is the most important thing. The first half of the heroine's life was unfortunate, but she had three lovely children, and she also...

  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Santos 2022-03-20 09:01:05

    War in marriage

    Thought I was going to talk about marriage? No, just talk about "Smiths". It starts from marriage counseling to the end of marriage counseling, from dissatisfaction with marriage to a happy marriage, as if we should treat it as a marriage discussion film, and treat those wonderful fights as marriage. The metaphor of the relationship can be explained in this way.
        Does anyone have a different opinion? I think this is obviously a gunfight movie. Looking at those professional...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird

    Santos 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Audiovisual language of "Kill a Mockingbird"

    "Killing a Mockingbird" is a movie that contains a lot of court scenes. What is different from other general movies of this kind is that this movie is mostly shot from the perspective of children. In this article, I chose the scene in which a mob appeared in front of the prison and confronted the lawyer Vinci who was guarding outside the prison on the eve of the trial, trying to analyze the implications and potential effects of lighting and shooting angles on the audience's...

  • Santos 2023-09-23 11:16:56

    You can do a lot in a day.

  • Santos 2023-09-21 06:45:06

    Anything that claims it can totally change you is just to make you insane and disgusting.

  • Santos 2023-09-19 15:02:50

    This drama has a special meaning to me. My enlightenment American drama is October Road. After watching countless family dramas, I can't find that feeling. Because of the poster, everwood contains my greatest expectation. At that moment, the snow mountain town in the golden picture frame was shining... Although I haven't finished watching the whole season for several years, I am very relieved to think that there is a story happening in such a small town.

  • Santos 2023-09-15 20:20:24

    The protagonist's brilliance is too bright, and it's hard to go up [30-year-old Judd sister is so beautiful!

  • Santos 2023-09-07 12:22:52

    A good film about the Gypsies.

  • Santos 2023-09-03 00:35:28

    The female pig's feet are very beautiful, but the director's foreshadowing is too little, so they directly make the two of them go to bed... The tangled paragraphs are relatively long, but the intimate scene at the end is very speechless. The two numbness of the female pig’s feet are the bright spots, but for those who don’t understand Middle Eastern culture and the conflict between Israel and Palestine, they will feel that there are too many discussions about race and culture. In fact, the director just wanted to discuss how much resistance Les encountered in this culture, but it was easy for them to come out of the closet.

  • Santos 2023-09-02 12:14:34

    Too TMD ugly, the male protagonist is lame, the female protagonist is paralyzed, the mother is pseudo-bohemian, the plot is abrupt, the songs are ugly, the editing is fucked, the only little brother who can watch is to lie down with his eyes closed until the end of the play, I just don't know where to vomit, I only did three things during the whole movie viewing: looking at my watch, counting seconds, and playing with my fingers in the dark.

  • Santos 2023-08-20 13:27:15

    I read two editions of the "Blood Book" one after another in the afternoon, and felt that the 2009 edition was better. Some of the content in this edition is out of touch with the topic.

  • Santos 2023-08-01 07:47:49

    The small and fresh British style of painting and the brainwashed soundtrack give a soft light to the story of the sisters, which is real and unpretentious plus a little moving

  • Santos 2023-07-18 15:50:25

    [2.5] The idea of ​​anti-war expression is completely caught in the formulaic Vietnam War movie. All the plots are very routine. In the shaping of the core characters, MJ is also clearly based on the Sheen father and son in "Apocalypse Now" and "Field Platoon". Casting.

  • Santos 2023-06-27 21:47:49

    The actors are more outstanding (except for Salma Hayek), the structure of the classic plot is fair. What's interesting is that many movies are no longer successful and counterattacks, and there are more themes that focus on failure, such as American animals and this one.

  • Santos 2023-04-17 22:31:49

    I finally understand that the picture said that the Indians dared to attack, and it was true that the three PLA destroyed one company.

  • Santos 2023-04-16 07:43:56

    Most of the films I watched recently were more than 120 minutes long. This short 75-minute film was edited very smoothly, and the expression was clearly stated, which is very good.

  • Santos 2023-03-29 01:47:02

    There are at least 8 and the screenwriters are top-notch

  • Santos 2023-03-25 03:51:43

    ATFIELD turned out to be the difference between people, and the barrier between people's hearts is their own AT. The more a person does not accept others, the stronger his AT will be to protect himself. If he rejects others thousands of miles away, he will be the least injured.