Bradford Koelpin

Bradford Koelpin



  • The Mountain II The Mountain II

    Bradford 2022-12-30 13:54:25

    Isn't this mountain 2 already there?

    Look at a pirated copy. The plot is mediocre, the acting skills are mediocre, I think of the previous Turkish patrols that wiped out the terrorists, um... I admire Turkey's tone - it really blows. I'm a black man, I really don't think Turkey has anything good, and there are people who "want to take you to romantic Turkey", whoever goes to Shabi! Refugees, terrorists, extremist religious forces, ethnic separatist forces, plus the already chaotic public order, have nothing to do with romance...

  • Friends: The Reunion Friends: The Reunion

    Bradford 2022-12-19 08:58:18

    young woman young woman

    1. I feel lost when I miss a bit of your news, and you probably don't feel sorry for missing my life.

    2. I want to turn into blood to perfuse your whole body, but I am not your life after all.

    3. Those who make you sad and give up your heart only hurt you because of your care.

    4. Whoever passed by the old time will...

  • Danton Danton

    Bradford 2022-12-06 00:14:25

    Why does "Dandong" frighten me so much? [cat]

    Fear of a movie I don't know when it started Until I feel conscious Until it bites my flesh Until its venom penetrates my veins and seeps through my body I start to tremble I don't know if it's the heart, the veins or the empty stomach... … no gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, blood, only burning venom that “tremors” I have all kinds of colors, all kinds of tiny, dense flavors in my body It’s still spewing red letters and spewing hypnotic rituals I’m sitting on pins and needles...

  • Falling Skies Falling Skies

    Bradford 2022-12-02 06:32:41

    A bowl of warm water

    Compared with the 70s and 80s of last century, the shooting of science fiction movies is not much easier now. The wider the creative area accumulated by the predecessors with wisdom, the higher the degree of difficulty of wanting to make a breakthrough. Technology has become more advanced, making the imaginary picture easier to realize, and the consequent increase in high costs constitutes a more ruthless capital barrier. The taste of the audience is getting more and more difficult to serve,...

  • Steins;Gate Steins;Gate

    Bradford 2022-11-28 21:25:37

    the beginning of fate

    The protagonist Rintaro Okabe is a college student suffering from a serious secondary disease. He and his friends formed the "Future Invention Research Institute", doing bizarre experiments and investigations. On July 28, 2010, Okabe and childhood sweetheart Mayuri went At the science lecture hall, he met the talented girl Makase Kurisu, but soon after, he heard a strange scream in the hallway. When he arrived at the scene, Makase was already in a pool of blood. Panicked, he immediately sent...

  • One Week One Week

    Bradford 2022-11-25 11:47:55

    What if you had only one week left to live?

    Ben fell while driving. When he woke up, he saw a blue sky in front of him. It turned out that he was still alive. At that moment, his body shook uncontrollably, and he began to dance. Whenever you open your eyes the next day, you can still laugh, dance, and see the blue sky. It's all so beautiful, and seemingly ordinary things seem so precious at this time. We always tend to ignore the small beauty around us, until we realize that we are about to lose it, we don't realize how happy we were!...

  • The House of Small Cubes The House of Small Cubes

    Bradford 2022-10-23 17:36:05

    Even if it's plain, even if it's lonely

    ---Analysis of "Reminiscence Building Block House"

            Memories are like peeling onions, there is always a layer that makes you cry.

            This kind of dim tone reminiscent of dusk, and the texture of the gray oil painting, is very nostalgic.
            In the film, it is obvious that there is a tone that caters to the main theme of environmental protection, but more people are more willing to ignore this tone, and instead feel the memories of the old man in the...

  • Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast

    Bradford 2022-09-19 20:29:41

    If you like weirdos then I'm beautiful

    Belle took the beast to caress the white horse, and then Belle threw the snow ball into a beast like a beast. The beast that was hit turned around and threw a snow ball to Belle and knocked Belle stunned.

    Seeing this, I just want to say, eldest cousin, if you do this, you won’t have a girlfriend.

    Speaking of the movie itself, the reason why fairy tales are so desirable is that no matter what the process is, the ending is beautiful. The beast understood love, broke the curse,...

  • Radius Radius

    Bradford 2022-09-19 11:33:53

    clear mind

    In 2017, the sci-fi movie " Death Radius | Radius "

    The brain hole is good, very clear, and the plot at the beginning is still very attractive. Of course, the unfinished ending is also because of this, too large a brain hole, and the final theme is inexplicably sublimated to the good and evil of human nature. .

    (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ There are spoilers below.

    The beginning of the sci-fi is fascinating. When everyone is thinking...

  • 3 Days to Kill 3 Days to Kill

    Bradford 2022-09-18 01:19:00

    unusual spy action movie

    It's actually 3.5 points. The reason why it can't be higher is that the plot of this film really can't stand scrutiny. Even netizens who scored high on imdb said at the beginning, don't watch this film too seriously. In addition, I am a fan of Costner, and I have a preference for this film, so I deducted a little bit from the score.

    The highlight is the warm family theme interspersed between the action scenes. Neither sensational nor vulgar, and often hilarious. That's why I say this...

  • Me Before You Me Before You

    Bradford 2022-09-14 04:33:23

    before I met you

    One star for the male protagonist, one star for Long Ma's eyebrows, one star for Will and Lou's seaside trip, one star for the last kiss between Lou and Will in the Norwegian room

    Personally, I think the movie will be better if the emotional line between Lou and his ex-boyfriend is removed. In a fast-paced situation, the audience is often confused and can't get the key to Lou leaving his ex-boyfriend and falling in love with Will.

    Movies and warmth and comfort give a sense of...

  • Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist

    Bradford 2022-08-19 13:13:24

    Assassination Fist

    Assassination Boxing tells a story very delicately, the story is very sincere, the character setting and framing of the film are in place. Since the film is very serious and sincere in telling a story and a legend, it may be difficult for those impetuous people to watch it. I think the content of the film looks a bit like the American past. Although it is completely unmatched, it can also be called "Assassination Fist Past". The brotherhood between Long and Ken is also very delicately...

  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

    Bradford 2022-05-23 16:40:03


    Spock peas is really pink and lovely. He was quite handsome when he was young, but fortunately, the LN Grandpa version of Spock is back, no one can replace him!
    Saavik is very good. It would be great if the two people were combined when SPOCK erupted. Haha~
    KIRK's son is still very good. He sacrificed himself in the end and was very brave, although I had never liked him before.
    When KIRK's son died, KIRK was very sad. He fell to the ground and covered him with clothes after going...

  • Black Orpheus Black Orpheus

    Bradford 2022-05-08 19:27:46

    FIFF4丨DAY4 The Ancient Greek Mythology of Folklore and Love in "Black Ophir"

    The 4th #法罗岛电影节# The 4th screening day of the unknowing section will bring you "Black Ophir", and here is the evaluation of the publication group!


    The Brazilian magical masterpiece born out of ancient Greek mythology, fell asleep.


    No matter how strong the...

  • Confucius Confucius

    Bradford 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Why is the score so low? ? One star right?

    Surprise~ The score is so low~ Although I am here for entertainment, I still give 3 stars, so I have worked hard~ In addition, I think there are still remarkable things, such as Zhou Xun and Chen Jianbin's acting skills~ Besides, such a big theme is also It 's not very good to shoot~

    Before I watched the movie, the newspapers had already reported that women would cry when they watched it. I didn't see any place to cry. Okay, I admit that the part of Yan Hui's rescue book is very...

  • Bradford 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Not as scary as I thought

  • Bradford 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Good thought and scene

  • Bradford 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    This rating is absolutely right for this movie, and movies that make money can no longer fool the current audience.

  • Bradford 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    Li Xinjie's performance is perfect, and the plot reversal is the biggest highlight of the film. The first half of the elevator and the scene of myopic ghosts are so classic that they have been used for reference in similar movies later. The problem is that after the reversal, the last third seems to be a different movie? The death and grievances of Thai women are not enough to move people, in other words, they cannot be believed. Isn't it really plagiarizing "Death is Coming" in the last step to get out of the car to save people? In addition, the male protagonist is very rude, the doctor is very uniform, and the image of the ghost is not stable enough. It will be a creepy oriental ghost for a while, and then it will become a wandering ghost floating around, and the sense of terror is greatly reduced! The last expression is also very puzzling? ? ? I hope to be able to give people a little more thought like "Ghost Call" or "Alien Dimension".

  • Bradford 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    The following story is too boring and boring, but this school is too rock music, it is simply the school of my dreams.

  • Bradford 2022-03-10 08:01:26

    3.5 Why do some people talk about the so-called political correctness of today when they talk about ethnic minorities and Islam? I really have had enough of this word. Isn't the theme of the film an old anecdote to show that the queen of the greatest nation in the world's eyes is also a lonely old woman. The friendship between master and servant is ups and downs, but it lasts for a long time. Judi Dench perfectly interprets the strong and sensitive queen and the elderly and fragile old man, which makes the short story full of readability.

  • Bradford 2022-01-07 15:52:55

    Once Xi Pang returns to the UK, there will be many localized elements added to the movie. This has obvious suspicion of entraining private goods in his Hollywood productions. It is difficult to see this British style in films made in the United States. Expression.

  • Bradford 2021-12-30 17:20:42

    Peter Lorre has lost so much. Back then, it was not like this in M ​​is the murderer...please ask him the secret recipe for weight loss. The movie is not black, let's talk about a mess, but the sense of suspense is quite strong. You must not believe that Mao Zi is probably the central idea of ​​this movie.

  • Bradford 2021-12-28 08:02:18

    It's a pity that this fairy lineup

  • Bradford 2021-12-25 08:01:44

    The last story is amazing, very enjoyable

  • Bradford 2021-12-21 08:01:22

    If you understand, sports is real education.

  • Bradford 2021-12-15 08:01:14

    In fact, it’s still exposing politics. Mel Gibson is old and old and has such a style. The ending is good, everyone is dead.

  • Bradford 2021-12-15 08:01:07

    A person like a rainbow, I know if I meet the top

  • Bradford 2021-11-30 08:01:28

    This film is also known as: "Dad, Love Me Again"

  • Bradford 2021-11-30 08:01:25

    Hollywood's playmaking technique is to put the overall atmosphere in the lines and micro-scene narratives to the illusion. At a very tense point in time, it was made to pretend to be high-profile. And this is also a routine. The only thing to watch is Kevin Spacey.