Alvena Rodriguez

Alvena Rodriguez



  • Once Upon a Time in China Once Upon a Time in China

    Alvena 2022-12-21 06:32:26

    childhood memories

    I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I have never wanted to comment, because everyone doesn’t need to say it, it is naturally too classic, and even if I comment on the classic, I will continue to be nostalgic, and I will continue to tell the scenes of my childhood; I can’t help it. The impulse in my heart, the memory at that time is too clear, because it is not that I am not old enough to comment on whether such a great director and actor show his own work is immature or feel good...

  • The Newsroom The Newsroom

    Alvena 2022-12-10 15:19:00

    Analysis of "Newsroom" S01E07: The Americans who killed bin Laden on the night

    "The whole country thinks that bin Laden is still alive, even if I let him die a minute earlier, so many years of journalistic career will not be in vain!" - Mackenzie

    Quoting Obama's May 1, 2011 speech on national security: "Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and the world that the United States carried out a military operation that killed the leader of al Qaeda and killed thousands. Osama bin Laden, the terrorist of tens of...

  • Summertime Summertime

    Alvena 2022-12-08 20:44:36

    "Summertime": A Kind of Love Tragedy

    The great director David Lean has made two films about middle-aged love tragedies, one is "Meet and Hate" in 1945, and the other is "Summer Time" in 1954. The former is extremely famous, and the latter are not so famous. However, in my opinion, "Summertime" is also a profound love tragedy.
    It is said that the relationship between each person and the other half of his life is like an apple divided into two halves, and only when the two halves are put together can they bite tightly....

  • Hawaii Hawaii

    Alvena 2022-11-29 13:29:37

    There is only love in their lives, no firewood, rice, oil and salt

    I watched two films in a row, "Hawaii" and "Plan B", the works of the same director. Among them, "Hawaii" was watched twice. The feelings in the ambiguous stage are really beautiful, like the sun shining on the grass.
    Whether it's the love buried by playing together when you were young, or the scheming pranks to get back your ex-girlfriend, when the two get along, they truly fall in love with each other. Test each other, figure out each other, and finally hug and kiss.
    The photo...

  • Mob Psycho 100 Mob Psycho 100

    Alvena 2022-11-27 04:07:22

    Ordinary boy with 100% psionic power

    It's been a long time since I watched anime. This is a pastime I did last winter in the chaos of doing nothing. This may be my last energy at that time before I completely fell into it. Thanks to Station B, one of the few video apps without advertisements, it also gave me more motivation to watch this drama.

    In "100% Psionics", the elder brother is a boy with super powers. He can bend a spoon with his mind, and he can also use his fingers to make...

  • McQueen McQueen

    Alvena 2022-11-25 13:39:42

    God’s favor or the devil’s curse

    After watching the documentary "Alexander McQueen", first of all I want to thank the great documentary director: the art works of good artists are timeless, but the threshold to appreciate this timeless design is to understand the author and his historical background, and follow the director’s perspective. After the protagonist’s gorgeous and dramatic life, I finally realized what a fashion science author wrote, "The theme behind sex, violence, and death is eternal love", or...

  • The Good Fight The Good Fight

    Alvena 2022-11-15 05:23:25

    Western elite women say goodbye to neoliberalism

    In a capitalist society, it is easy to be classified as an elite class, which is an imported product, corresponding to a gentleman and a sage, and can reflect on his own position as a human being.

    Compared with the arrogant and good wife routine, although this drama sets the growth of women, mainly in terms of experience and morality, he is an undeniably good person, but he has made several big mistakes on the way of practicing neoliberalism. Let the audience shout, fool, in addition,...

  • Tunnel Tunnel

    Alvena 2022-11-10 23:44:36

    Go away!

    Buried under the collapsed bean curd dregs tunnel for 36 days, all kinds of Korean government... Summarize it with the first sentence after he came out, get out! The male protagonist is the male protagonist of the horror live broadcast, and the last sentence has the courage to press the button in the horror live broadcast. Thanks to the rescue man, he tried urinating in order to rescue him. He tried to rescue him twice despite the danger. There was also the sacrificial man. Her mother was...

  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

    Alvena 2022-10-11 01:22:32

    Twilight Dream of Hegemony

    If you briefly summarize what the MCU's A3 and A4 are talking about, it is a mutual struggle between two old and new "hegemony". The new hegemony died and was destroyed twice, and the old hegemony also paid a very painful price.

    Needless to say, A1 is a self-defense counterattack, but A2 has completely changed the nature of the reunion. The dragon slayer became famous in the first battle like the upper body of the devil, and the dragon slayer dug a hole for...

  • Gotham Gotham

    Alvena 2022-10-10 13:12:27

    Bad elements are ravaging "Gotham", Inspector Gordon desperately needs the young Batman to grow up!

    The derivative American drama "Gotham" of "Batman" finally won a small climax after the dreary series of episodes after the start was amazing. In the seventh episode, the audience and the young Gordon finally realized that Gotham City is still a criminal. Before Batman came out, the sense of justice had little power to fight back when facing bad people...

    As a fan of the "Batman" movie, in fact, the world of Batman in DC Comics is still a bit strange, but I can still comment...

  • For Whom the Bell Tolls For Whom the Bell Tolls

    Alvena 2022-10-07 20:15:40

    "Battlefield Bells": A classic color blockbuster of war adventures and love with "Casablanca"

    or Pour Qui Sonne Le Glas, For Whom the Bell Tolls and For Whom the Bell Tolls, USA, 1943, 1991-China) Shooting classic color films on war adventures and love in wartime. A representative work of American director Sam Wood. Based on the novel of the same name by a great American writer. In the mountains of northern Spain in 1937, American university teachers who volunteered for the Military Intelligence Agency of the Republic were ordered to use the force of anti-fascist skirmishers behind...

  • The Way We Were The Way We Were

    Alvena 2022-10-06 13:29:48

    Right person, Right time, Right place

    After the end of World War II, the United States also ended the US-Soviet alliance and started the Cold War era. The American society, which has experienced the baptism of war, has also experienced the surging of various ideological trends, and hesitation and helplessness have become the labels of this generation.
        Most people choose to be drunk and have fun, and their understanding of politics is limited to those innocuous gossip jokes; a few people like Katie who are passionate about...

  • Julie & Julia Julie & Julia

    Alvena 2022-10-05 07:36:37

    Small kitchen, big kitchen, the same dream

    I watched "Delicious Relationship" today. It's a story about food, no, it's not just about food, but also dreams.
        Juliet is a little-known civil servant, but has a dream of becoming a writer. In the boring and busy work day after day, her dream is gradually buried in a letter of rejection. She has a love for her. Her husband, but at the beginning of the film, her life seems to me to be cloudy, because with her, those hopes have been lost. After all, she is approaching 30 years old. She...

  • Dark Dark

    Alvena 2022-09-29 16:44:28

    German time and space travel brain-burning drama ~ don't be unfinished

    "Dark" Season 1

    The difference between past, present and future is just an illusion

    Even if the hallucination is very persistent

    --Albert Einstein

    Celtic Triangle - "The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning"

    Do you believe in evolution or reincarnation

    Isn't it also because of the "wormhole" that Malaysia Airlines 370 lost contact?

    Complicated narrative lines, cyclical time horizons, tangled...

  • 211 211

    Alvena 2022-09-23 12:33:43

    Another spicy chicken movie, Nicholas Cage is hopeless

    Seeing the title code 211, I immediately thought of the guarantee of quality (that's a good university code in our country), but seeing the starring actor Nicolas Cage, my heart was basically cold. The final result proved that Cage really has become the king of bad movies.

    Find the fault directly:

    1. The four robbers are simply terrorists

    The opening shows how awesome the four of them are, and then they go to grab the bank. It can be seen from the dialogue that they are...

  • Alvena 2022-10-08 23:30:03

    Bonded by Bros Blood

  • Alvena 2022-09-26 22:21:04

    Shout out candy man five times, and a black man comes to kill. Call 911 once, and a group of white people will kill you.

  • Alvena 2022-09-20 01:45:34

    ~Maybe Johnnie wanted to show something, but he didn't seem to make it clear or make it clear; after filming, I think it should be a classic ╮(╯▽╰)╭. . .

  • Alvena 2022-08-08 23:09:43

    Until the third episode, there are high-quality little cakes. From then on, the plot has been downhill. From the seventh episode, the screenwriter happily feeds the audience shit, fuck you, I hate you

  • Alvena 2022-08-08 19:32:54

    In the peaceful foreign music, there are many things in the past that do not know right and wrong

  • Alvena 2022-08-01 20:19:11

    Netflix finally figured out a cool movie. The lines of the film are blunt and rough, and they look unpolished. According to common sense, I can’t sit still for 10 minutes in this kind of film. However, Evans is worthy of the person who tossed the raid. The soundtrack and photography are seamless, and the rhythm is better than the raid. , The first half of the advancement layer is very solid, the camera movement is quite imaginative, the technical prominence does not appear abrupt, they all serve the plot promotion very well, and there is a refreshing outbreak in the second half. Evans must really like the theme of confinement islands. This time, it is exactly the same as the raid. They are all similar works in spirit, but the first half is much better in character excavation.

  • Alvena 2022-06-29 21:31:28

    Superpower elements are now compatible with almost all themes to make movies and dramas that meet the aesthetic tastes and sales ideas of this era. If you are serious about filming a single mother who raises bear children while working and dealing with scumbags, then not many viewers will really watch it. It is quite interesting to develop into a super-powerful family drama, and you can watch it. I like the appearance and figure of the heroine, so I checked that she was a small character in American dramas before.

  • Alvena 2022-06-14 12:13:43

    The first part was pretty good, but the second part felt a little rough, and the fruit control was very good! Although Sister Carmen looks a little out of the vase, she feels pretty good when s1 is drunk. S2 was destroyed in the hands of the team captain, it made me crazy

  • Alvena 2022-05-13 19:15:37

    TV version 2 is worse than 1 by more than N~! ! It's a pity~

  • Alvena 2022-05-06 06:01:08

    She is so gorgeous! The first female is too beautiful, the third male is too handsome, and the male one is too ugly. It is the most boring teenage gay movie I have ever seen.

  • Alvena 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    martian mob childhood shadow

  • Alvena 2022-04-24 07:01:13

    Okay, nothing to say, plus one star for the debut. After being deaf, I was unwilling to resort to religion, or sought secular medicine, and at the same time became estranged from my girlfriend. This state of drifting with the flow neither awes nor sympathizes with me. Seeing the deaf-mute people shaking their arms and applauding in the film reminded me of watching "The Deaf-mute Tribe" in the archive in 2014, when so many deaf-mute people shook their arms together.

  • Alvena 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    Marx's teacher literally took four classes to show us, and then asked us to share our experience, but in the end, he denied all views and only believed in his so-called philosophy that can be learned from the film (the basis is the so-called heart in the film. Xiong) But teacher, I only see that this film has many drawbacks that many 90's movies have. The extra star is for the soundtrack, and I think the soundtrack is so magnificent because you want to pretend to be historically heavy? ?

  • Alvena 2022-04-23 07:05:44

    There are many bright spots, but they cannot hide the confusion and incoherence

  • Alvena 2022-04-23 07:05:28

    Alas, this film. . . Pity. There is a big problem with the script.