Alvena Rodriguez

Alvena Rodriguez



  • Blind Chance Blind Chance

    Alvena 2022-09-22 15:28:53

    A song of opportunity? Elegy of Opportunity

    A puzzling opening, with a young man roaring, followed by a creepy, low-camera fixed shot at the height of a corpse after the title card for "A Song of Opportunity" in the title sequence, followed by Jump to a little boy, followed by a series of subjective shots. Through slight lens panning, we find that it is not a simple POV of the protagonist, but an illusion full of subjective invitations, and the shots themselves are actually objective With a certain immersive effect, it...

  • The Beauty Inside The Beauty Inside

    Alvena 2022-09-20 11:33:35

    Inner beauty, love love

    ☔️I watched the movie "Inner Beauty" at home, the plot setting is very interesting, the male protagonist Jin Yuzhen suddenly wakes up every day when he wakes up in high school and turns into a different person, male, female, old and young / tall, short, fat and thin / race and skin color completely changed , for this reason, he had to drop out of school and live in seclusion. His only friend, Han Shangren, was the one who knew all this and accepted him. In order to make a living, the male...

  • The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption

    Alvena 2022-09-18 14:59:28

    Don't waste time looking at it as soon as possible

    The film is the sequel to The Scorpion King 2: Rise of the Warriors. Universal Investment, Thailand-made TV movie, DVD has been released in 2011. In the beginning that king was Egyptian or Roman! ! ! The officers are wearing Roman uniforms! ! ! The soldiers are wearing Arab uniforms! ! ! ! The king who helped is from Thailand! ! ! ! How far is Nima Egypt from Thailand? ! ! ! This king's princess is a Nima ninja! ! ! Is it a Japanese sword? ! ! Where are the ninjas in Nima Thailand! ! ! Japan...

  • The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory

    Alvena 2022-08-20 16:20:18

    Is not funny

    Some people said that Sheldon is very similar to me,
    so I went to watch it
    , but I really didn't like it
    after watching it. At least after the first season,
    I can't understand why so many people like this show
    even though it has me in it The reason why I don't like watching sitcoms is,
    but I don't even think he doesn't have a funny

    hero from Friends. Sheldon lives in his own world.
    Every day, everything he does is arranged.
    Delicious food has a...

  • Rare Exports Rare Exports

    Alvena 2022-05-13 14:39:02

    Santa Claus was raised like this?

    At the beginning of the new year, I saw such an inexplicable movie. The theme is actually very attractive, Finland is the hometown of Santa Claus, but Santa Claus turns out to be an evil monster. But this movie was really hilarious.

    A silly little boy who can't open his eyes with a bulging face. He hugs an ugly doll who can't see what it is anywhere he goes. The film begins to pester his father to play with him, and almost breaks out into a father-son war. In the end, a small universe...

  • Reservation Road Reservation Road

    Alvena 2022-05-02 06:01:08

    "Road to Redemption" is pretty good-there are serious spoilers, be careful

    If there is no conflict, there will be no drama. If there is no conflict, I will create conflicts for you, and even create conflicts that are difficult to occur in reality. This is probably the concept of creating conflicts in "Road to Redemption".
    A father’s son was hit and killed by a car. The driver who caused the accident ran away, but the police did not do his best. The angry father had to investigate and find a lawyer by himself, but he accidentally discovered that the lawyer...

  • Your Name Engraved Herein Your Name Engraved Herein

    Alvena 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Imperfection is our perfection

    This is my first time writing a movie review, it's just my personal opinion and I'm happy to accept different opinions

    In fact, the real feelings of life are mixed with embarrassment, abruptness, and far-fetchedness. The peculiar subtlety and restraint of Chinese people actually have a unique charm.

    The school uniform, the screening room,...

  • Chapter One: MADMAX Chapter One: MADMAX

    Alvena 2022-04-23 07:06:06

    I just want to type more hahaha

    Will you want to be so pitiful?

    Those devil dogs, that mouth is disgusting, it's all teeth oh my god

    But I remember that I don't know who said that what you see and the things you are afraid of are also evolved according to the appearance of people. It's just that your hands have become longer or longer, fingers, less eyes, more ears, etc. It's just something that people want to imagine based on their own appearance. In the end, they still look like people. They're all fake, so...

  • Raw Raw

    Alvena 2022-04-23 07:03:15

    Not suitable for common people to see...

    Maybe I watched it with my boyfriend. From the second half, it was my sister who ate my sister's finger and kept laughing at me, causing my boyfriend who felt disgusting in the early stage to laugh with me later, ?. The sister was eating her finger, and then the sister woke up, and then the two sisters looked embarrassed. The second is the part of spitting out the hair, and the part of digging the cow's dung, I feel very disgusting, but I can accept it, my boyfriend's mentality collapsed...

  • He's Just Not That Into You He's Just Not That Into You

    Alvena 2022-04-23 07:01:52

    He doesn't really like you that much

    Well, I warmed up a glass of milk in the microwave and sat in front of the computer with it, no men, it's my milk movie time again. I picked a romantic comedy called "He Actually Doesn't Like You That Much" because I saw Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson on the poster, as well as the overly handsome Ben Affleck. As soon as the movie started, I knew, wow, it hit my heart.
    Several older young women are talented and beautiful, but they are all overwhelmed by emotional problems. A fell...

  • Phone Booth Phone Booth

    Alvena 2022-04-23 07:01:28

    "Sniper Phone Booth"

    In terms of space, the film is actually extremely limited, and it always revolves around the phone booth. But the film's foothold is obviously to reflect the depth of the psychological space from the narrow physical space. The film's dramatic meaning is strong, and the director almost gave up the richness of the film's spatial layers brought about by the transformation of multiple scenes. However, the limitations brought by the lens frame have another deep meaning. The impression given by...

  • Contagion Contagion

    Alvena 2022-04-23 07:01:23


    I gave 5 stars because this movie deserves more! ! Those who have experienced it may feel more immersed in this film. Compared with the infectious disease in South Korea, it is more realistic and the details are more acceptable! I can't stand infectious diseases, it varies from person to person. In the face of such a disaster, the plot of this film has developed to the other extreme. When we are all people in the film, we are glad that we still live in a relatively stable society! It has a...

  • The Way The Way

    Alvena 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    life choose us

    After a long walk, enjoying the scenery along the way, trying different people and things, I finally understood my son's heart, and liked the free, fresh, simple and full of unknown travel life. Whether it is life or destiny, some people can always choose or control easily, some people want to choose it is really difficult to achieve, and some people want to change their lives. Most people have probably been struggling with their chosen lives, trying to change or reach set...

  • Inside Men Inside Men

    Alvena 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    This game is not over

    After watching the movie for more than three hours, I was amazed by Koreans' imagination of corrupt power. Three sanctimonious politicians, entrepreneurs, and senior media people gathered together for prostitution. It was like exchanging names and sitting together. Going to jail, carrying guns together, and whoring with prostitutes together is the standard of being a grasshopper on a rope. It is very creative to use male organs as golf clubs to hit wine glasses.

  • A Perfect Plan A Perfect Plan

    Alvena 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    Virgin Film Review - Well, the title needs to be eye-catching

    For the first time, it can be a lot, including movie reviews. Among the many firsts, one is gone. (Don't ask me) Why do I highlight such a sentence, I'm still too young. . .

    Well, this is a movie.
    Mistress, beauty. The male protagonist, although not handsome, is likable enough.
    104 minutes, tell us:
    you can never guarantee that you are the best;
    people will like the new and hate the old;
    life is always full of opportunities.

    Life is always full of...

  • Alvena 2023-09-25 18:25:58

    Chestnut is so handsome~ Yamada is so cute~

  • Alvena 2023-08-09 14:20:45

    Fortunately, the first half was a little procrastinated, and the latter was okay, I always felt that I didn't explain it completely.

  • Alvena 2023-08-08 00:49:56

    This film once again proves that an unexpected ending can bring a movie back to life and a new look

  • Alvena 2023-08-05 01:36:11

    Hard sci-fi can inevitably have hard wounds that cannot be solved

  • Alvena 2023-07-26 00:34:43

    Shuang Pian, why do you ask for so much? Batista did well!

  • Alvena 2023-07-25 17:35:51

    Good-looking, very good-looking, awesome director, it's really cool to switch back and forth like this

  • Alvena 2023-06-17 21:52:39

    There are a lot more things than vanity. . .

  • Alvena 2023-06-17 15:50:42

    The filming is very slow, the acting is not bad

  • Alvena 2023-05-28 20:20:18

    It's almost like a master key routine, who pushed my film...

  • Alvena 2023-04-28 15:47:23

    7.2, British nonsense is difficult to be accepted by people outside the British cultural circle. Apart from cultural reasons, it is still the same as this film. It can't do some nonsensical, completely meaningless and irresponsible jokes. powerlessness

  • Alvena 2023-04-25 09:12:00

    I got such a theme based on a real event, but I didn't know what the theme was going to do. I just reenacted the situation inside the hotel during the terrorist attack. The perspective of the jihadists was not enough for a few familiar Hollywood faces. Play a white symbol. In the final analysis, the main creator got such a project and actors, but didn't know what to do. If this film is to restore the process of events from the perspective of white people, after all, it is an Australian-invested film, then the whole process has really become a running account. After an hour, the rhythm is time-consuming, and it lasts until the end. The dramatic tension has collapsed to the point of disappearance, and the running account has been hammered. If the director gets a project, but has no ideas and demands to express, there is no need to do it at all, waste of great subject matter, and the type that is instantly turned into scum by peer leaders like Paul Greengrass.

  • Alvena 2023-04-21 19:12:24

    It basically fits the original, and the content is satirizing selfish humans, but the picture is really scary and impressive!

  • Alvena 2023-04-11 17:09:01

    Got the wrong movie, I was supposed to watch Everything Is Illuminated.

  • Alvena 2023-04-07 07:41:03

    Nothing to do with Grimm's fairy tales

  • Alvena 2023-03-28 16:02:16

    The prostitute Gu La said to the foreigner Raji: Don't start hating yourself one day just because you love someone too deeply. Raj fell in love with Sakina in just one night, and all she loved was Iman. The plot is bloody, I can finish it in one sentence, but the magical blue tone (which reminds me of a dream) is a fairy tale that is always lingering. Every frame of the film can be used as a wallpaper, the beauty is a mess, of course Bollywood songs and dances are still interesting