Andy Thompson

Andy Thompson



  • Shadow of a Doubt Shadow of a Doubt

    Andy 2022-03-22 09:02:01

    mitzvah of flowers

    Sometimes I can see through the lens of society, people and things at that time, and look at their way of life, rhythm, and quality. Looking back today, I really feel that I still cannot reach the height of a hundred years ago.

    A hundred years ago, it was the process of the gradual transformation of the European countryside into an industrialized city. The products of the transition of the old and the new can be seen everywhere in the camera, such as straight and smooth roads and...

  • Daybreakers Daybreakers

    Andy 2022-03-22 09:01:39

    I find the cure, i can change you, it's not late.

    First of all, the angle of this film is novel, vampire prevails, and it is not just a small group of human beings.
    Today's "market first" principle is also vividly expressed in this film.
    As a father, out of fear of death, he volunteered to become a vampire. Greed for countless wealth, just want to get the secret recipe of blood substitutes, repeat production, and squeeze every penny of ordinary vampire.
    The so-called love for a daughter is deeply disregarding her daughter's...

  • The Hateful Eight The Hateful Eight

    Andy 2022-03-22 09:01:08

    There is a movie called Quentin

    In fact, I have been looking forward to this movie a long time ago, and the expectation even surpasses the Wilderness Hunter to some extent. PS: Although I am a fan of Xiao Li, I have to succumb to Quentin’s overwhelming script. In Baidu When I confirmed with various resources that it would basically not be released in mainland China, I shamelessly chose the gun version. Fortunately, the high-definition original soundtrack version in Chinese characters is worthy of Quentin's worth of watching...

  • Into the White Into the White

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:03:31

    "into the white"

    Combining the elements of war and extreme survival, a cabin is used as a space to tell the story of how five men who were shot down by each other's soldiers turned enemies into friends and survived. (This is a good summary)

    I've seen some WWII-themed films, but this is the first time I've seen it. The film was filmed in Norway, winter, blizzard, and three German soldiers and two British soldiers. Well, they shot each other down, and then, Gathered in the same cabin. Then, is how...

  • The L Word The L Word

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    Bette's process of rediscovering herself

    in this betrayal, the victim is of course T, but she is not innocent.
    In the second season, what we see is B's repentance and salvation. The screenwriter presented her repentance process in detail. I think this process is the process of B re-acquainting herself and T. I divided this process into four stages: In the first stage, the betrayal made B's life deviated from the predetermined track. Her panic came from the loss of control of her behavior, and her self-blame came from...

  • Gunpowder Milkshake Gunpowder Milkshake

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:03:00

    The Nth rule on the rivers and lakes, don't touch Star Yun's little tiger embroidered orange school uniform

    Now, again and again, there are new rules in the arena

    First, don't touch John Wick's dog

    Second, don't touch Liam Neeson's daughter

    Third, don't touch Saul Goodman's daughter

    . . . . . .

    Nth, don't touch Nebula's little tiger embroidered orange school uniform

    I'm John Wick's sister, I'm Star Yun,

    Oh yes, our mother is Cersei,

  • Peter Rabbit Peter Rabbit

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:02:45

    love and adventure

    First recommended by the teacher, and now after reading it, I can't help but think, in short: Good! What impressed me the most was the two lines in it. In the first place, Peter looked at the portraits of his parents as the image moved in his mind. His mother said: Child, you are afraid of losing (that painter girl). But you have to know that sharing love will not make it less, just like my love for you after your father and I had our sisters remains the same and will never diminish. Second...

  • Shall We Dance Shall We Dance

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:02:35

    7.8 points?

    On the whole, the story is relatively simple, with a single clue, and the core is probably: dance is a good way to help people get out of trouble. However, this "dance" can also be understood as an opportunity, a source of strength for people in difficult situations to break the status quo. This can be obtained through active creation or through passive influence. The male protagonist should have encountered an opportunity by chance. The ending is more ideal, such as...

  • Alexander Alexander

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:01:44

    Because the mountain is over there

    It must be admitted that I originally watched the movie for the famous male pet and the sultry dance, but the three and a half hour movie did not feel dull at all, what happened to the tears at the end? ? The unwillingness of the failure made me cry, and even YY hit Afghanistan at once, and the Celestial Dynasty is next door. I'll go... um, the history teacher also complained about it at that time.

      The relationship between Alexander and Hephaestine is a bit superficial only by the...

  • The Gentlemen The Gentlemen

    Andy 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    After reading the analysis of the Great God, I probably have

    (The subjectivity of people is too strong. To be honest, I have a very shallow impression of the plot, I feel it is not good, and I have not been able to successfully associate the film and the movie name with my own understanding)

    [Gentlemen in suits and shoes, confident and calm, drinking expensive wine, eating steak, colluding with dignitaries and nobles for huge profits, secretly engaged in dangerous and illegal activities such as drug...

  • The Brothers Grimsby The Brothers Grimsby

    Andy 2022-03-20 09:01:55


    Three years ago, I was still a young high school teenager, and Brother Qun had been a fritter in society for many years. In the small Internet cafe downstairs, my brother group recommended this movie to me mysteriously. Shocked, and always remember this movie, but I didn't watch it because I was lazy, because I was lazy x2, and because I was lazy x3. Today I have nothing to do (very boring) to download, there is a small episode in the middle, and I become the ace power spy (laugh, save it...

  • Four Rooms Four Rooms

    Andy 2022-03-20 09:01:46

    The story is interesting

    A collection of short stories by four well-known directors, including Quentin, about the bizarre events that a hotel concierge encounters while servicing four rooms on New Year's Eve. It's pretty good-looking, each part is about 20 minutes, and the short structure is not boring. The story is somewhat absurd, especially the first two, which are very interesting, witches and cheating, a little attractive. Probably Quentin's least interesting, the story is fairly simple, full of slang that doesn't...

  • Sunshine Sunshine

    Andy 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    A chaotic niche sci-fi film

    This movie can be divided into two parts, the first half I originally wanted to give 4 stars, just the right amount of depression, the dedication of the astronauts for the continuation of the race, and the epic grand picture... For the first time I even wanted to give 5 stars when I saw Mercury orbiting the sun

        However, in the second half, everything began to collapse sharply. First of all,...

  • A Coffee in Berlin A Coffee in Berlin

    Andy 2022-02-04 08:14:42

    Passen sie gut auf sich auf Das mache ich Das machen wir

    'oh, boy'

    1 hour and 25 minutes in the movie, a day in Niko Fischer's day,

    It was also the 1 hour and 25 minutes that my mind wandered freely with niko in Berlin's Friedrichstraße neighborhood.

    The movie pictures based on black and white are not as gorgeous as colors, but instead make people pay more attention to the things that happened to this boy.

    The storyline of the film is also presented with the boy as the carrier:

    Seven Psychopaths Seven Psychopaths

    Andy 2022-01-27 08:03:25

    This is a story about Duke Ye's love for dragons.

    When I saw the first scene of this film, I remembered that I had seen it, should it be when I was in college? It must be a long time. But I can't remember the plot at all. After watching it, I found that I can't remember very normal, because this is a neurotic movie. Except for Colin Farrell, who is an alcoholic, the others are basically neurotic, the unpredictable kind, and you can make others think of yourself in order to have a satisfactory plot. Filling bullets, trying...

  • Andy 2023-09-30 20:21:52

    "Being around Meadow was like being in New York City. It made you want to find life, not hide from it." That's remembering Lola Kirk.

  • Andy 2023-09-17 14:53:32

    A family life drama about a middle-aged crisis. Sometimes life is full of internal and external troubles with no choice, but always move on. Zhengtai who plays the youngest son is very cute, and the scene where the three generations of grandparents listen to music and play drums is quite warm. But compared to "Another Year", the narrative level is slightly weaker, and some details are not explained clearly enough, and the line is a bit disconnected.

  • Andy 2023-09-11 02:35:39

    Just like a dream. Beautifully shot. But the plot didn't attract me.

  • Andy 2023-08-23 07:41:53

    It's mainly the dubbing that attracts me~ It's still imaginative in the back, but the story is still a bit old-fashioned

  • Andy 2023-08-17 08:20:10

    At the beginning of AB's appearance, he was very imposing. At the end of the first episode, he died. Looking forward to getting together next time to expand and fight back?

  • Andy 2023-08-16 22:58:29

    Who says beautiful women have no brains? Blonde beauty...

  • Andy 2023-08-06 04:45:56

    The actor is so handsome to me, although the real person is not that good. The plot is the same, but the dance film in3D is quite exciting, and it’s really good for Americans to make this kind of film.

  • Andy 2023-08-01 14:19:35

    After all, they are the original cast of "Night Demon", too "Night Demon". Such a cool set of masks was not used much.

  • Andy 2023-07-31 07:15:56

    The popcorn movie can be regarded as a little box office contribution to Cage's escape from the predicament.

  • Andy 2023-07-28 17:17:34

    Monroe, sexy is synonymous with you, in the movie, passion is your attitude towards love. The mashup of love + comedy + gangster, everything is just right, lively, but not to the extreme, the final ending is also the director's mantra "Well, nobody is perfect!". Surprise, a bit like the ending of the base film

  • Andy 2023-07-06 08:49:23

    Some people actually say that this heroine is pure and kind, I say she is stupid and cruel! PS, the heroine looks like Lana Del Rey.

  • Andy 2023-06-29 18:45:59

    It was confused with a recent Du Qifeng film, but I didn't expect it to be 15 years ago. A very nice looking base.

  • Andy 2023-06-22 21:54:19

    I gave one star because I don't understand, what kind of deformed world view is this, because it is the protagonist, so it has to be forcibly distorted? The Winter Soldier claims to never kill anyone, and is it so hard to hit those special forces? Same with Captain America, because a friend against the world? The law enforcer who established himself outside the rule of law in the matter of signing the agreement, are you God? In the whole play, does stark have a wrong position, and finally played the person with the most correct position, betraying each other?

  • Andy 2023-06-17 06:01:47

    She is always being cruel but correct. And the lack of feeling is really exhausting. “I wondered if memory is something you have or something you've lost.”

  • Andy 2023-06-17 01:05:10

    The ending is a bit unexpectedly sad