Edmund Bailey

Edmund Bailey



  • Ballad of a Soldier Ballad of a Soldier

    Edmund 2022-03-23 09:03:09

    Ten minutes of a lifetime - a song written by Li Jian for this film

    Song : Li Keyword: Wang Haitao, I 'm on the long

    way home The returning pigeon has cried and the village I kissed is waiting for me You know this heart has never gone far beyond the moment of hugs Promise me to live well after I leave This happiness is every second cruel and short ten minutes save it for a lifetime hug that Smile for a moment I will cherish this warm smile , every second of happiness slips away in a hurry The short ten minutes are stored for a lifetime I am...

  • Hannah Montana: The Movie Hannah Montana: The Movie

    Edmund 2022-03-23 09:02:37


    The male protagonist is very good-looking..I like the type..(*^__^*) Hee hee...
    Life is like climbing, but the scenery is also very beautiful...
    I like this sentence..I
    cried when I saw it.. .You can not ask for too much..I don’t want to lose my personality.
    I want to live the life I want and
    grow into what I want..
    O(∩_∩)O haha~
    ~\(≧▽≦)/~ La la la love the caterpillars on the tree of
    life . How far is your future? Although you can't go far, you can...

  • Leap Year Leap Year

    Edmund 2022-03-23 09:02:02

    Every silent man has the potential to become a cute thing

    Adorable to nosebleeds.

    It must have been many, many years ago, when my best friend still wore cumbersome props to hide his beauty all day long, and no one noticed the foggy and natural eyes under his glasses.
    hunched back.
    The shirt has holes.
    It's not always good to wash your hair well and obediently.
    It smells bad when you go barefoot at home.
    Super typical engineering boy.

    The thin male friends with soft voice and stubborn temper are always...

  • Defiance Defiance

    Edmund 2022-03-23 09:01:48

    "Rebel", the new 007 to become the guerrilla leader

    New 007 classmate Daniel used his bitter face to play a very frustrated Jewish guerrilla leader. Based on a true story, it tells the story of a group of amateur Jewish refugees who formed a guerrilla group in the forest and tried their best to survive under the ravages of the Nazis and the cold winter. The story is average, no matter how well shot it is, it is difficult to have passion. Basically, I watched it very dull, because it was so based on a true story that there was no high-level...

  • Manchester by the Sea Manchester by the Sea

    Edmund 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    The Color of Sadness - Flashbacks, Empty Mirrors and Double Line Structures

    (First published on the "Iris" public

    account in February) A person who cannot get out of a sad past, such a story is difficult to tell in a movie. Sadness has no substance and no color flavor. How to make the audience feel the sadness of the characters? "Manchester by the Sea" presents us with a good template for grief.

    How does the movie express the emotions of the characters? This problem is far from being as easy as it seems. For example, if you want to show a sad...

  • The Skeleton Key The Skeleton Key

    Edmund 2022-03-22 09:01:53

    "Believe or Be" witchcraft

    Following the logic of the film, Catherine feels that there is a relationship between the stroked old man and the mysterious attic. In the process, she gradually sorts out the relationship, and the old man's stroke is related to witchcraft. He and she decided to break the witchcraft and rescue the old man. But in the last few minutes, she fell into the tricks of the old woman's witchcraft, was possessed by the ghost of the old woman, and became a staunch advocate of witchcraft....

  • Looper Looper

    Edmund 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    Ring messenger: why China is different from the world

    The hottest topic recently is no longer "The Ring Messenger", but Mo Yan. He unexpectedly won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The topic of literature that has rarely entered the scope of popular topics in daily life has been heated up. And this kind of heat will continue to be hot for a while.


    But the same thing as "Loop Messenger" is that the same thing, the voice received in foreign and domestic is different. "Loop Messenger" has received much more praise in North America...

  • Joshua Joshua

    Edmund 2022-03-21 09:03:07

    Devil reincarnated

    I haven't watched a horror movie for a long time, especially this kind of horror movie that makes people chill. I don't think it's an exaggeration.

        * Compared with other movies, it is more hateful + scary than the little girl in Hard Candy / Hard Candy, because it hurts his own relatives;
        * Compared with adults, the role played by Tan Yaowen in Dragon is on the edge has Get a fight;
        * Its treatment is exactly the opposite of the big treasure in the golden...

  • Winter Sleep Winter Sleep

    Edmund 2022-03-20 09:02:09

    good movie

    I mentioned it when I watched this movie with my friends yesterday, if you can meet someone who can communicate with you in the same context, even if you argue and run against you, you will be very lucky. In the film, the dialogue between husband and wife, between brother and sister, and between men is like this. It is much happier to play the piano to Niu than to be around someone with a different level of consciousness.

    The vast majority of people can see your eyes, but you can't see...

  • The Jacket The Jacket

    Edmund 2022-03-20 09:01:49


    Quiet inside has been listening repeatedly these days. Andy's voice lingered, and Jack's frightened eyes appeared from time to time.

      The introduction is written in science fiction, but it is estimated that the whole film can catch up with science fiction. The whole plot began to split when Jack was sent to the mental hospital. Although it seemed to maintain a connection, it was obvious that there was a split. Framing, war, and dying are all irrelevant. The only thing left is the...

  • The Ninth Gate The Ninth Gate

    Edmund 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Movies that I don't understand but still attract me

    For me, it's a religious movie that must be watched. To be honest, I didn't understand it when I watched it. I was simply attracted by the atmosphere of the whole film, and I only understood the gist of it after reading other people's comments.
        This is a magical religious movie. There are no legendary heroes or bizarre and terrifying plots in the movie, but I have always been attracted, curious, and driven to watch this movie. How did they die? who killed them? Why did the male lead...

  • The Sheltering Sky The Sheltering Sky

    Edmund 2022-03-17 08:01:01

    desert of love

    Death does not take away our loved ones, on the contrary, it keeps them, keeps them lovely forever, death is like the salt in our love, and life dissolves love.

    Potter and Katie came to North Africa as a pair of ordinary tourists with unrelated people. They insisted on calling themselves travelers, not tourists, the only difference being that they never thought of leaving.
    The sky here is very strange. It seems that there are countless secrets hidden in the depths...

  • Mon Oncle Mon Oncle

    Edmund 2022-03-15 08:01:01

    rule breaker

    The breakers of the rules are in the beginning of construction, and the cranes are busy working, suggesting that the modernization of the city is in full swing. Then the camera followed the dogs to the home of the sister and brother-in-law. This is a modernist villa with simple lines, various solid-color furniture, and high-tech equipment, like a cold machine. The footage of the sisters and brother-in-law appearing at the window in the back shows that the entire building is like a robot, and...

  • The Children's Hour The Children's Hour

    Edmund 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Abstinence kills

    Watching the entire film directly came to mind.
    Shirley Maclaine is undoubtedly the best part of the film. Her honesty and credibility of Hepburn's inner monologue is heart-wrenching...
    homosexual in a place where people haven't gotten rid of traditional morality and religion. In the era before the sexual liberation movement swept across the United States, it was undoubtedly a guilty and it could be regarded as a top class. The whole film never mentions the word "tong", which shows...

  • Stigmata Stigmata

    Edmund 2022-02-14 08:01:18

    the messenger is not important

    Father:'who are you?'
    Frankie:'The messenger is not important.'

    Thomas Gospel (The Thomas Gospel) said "Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me. Jesus said... the kingdom of God is in your heart, right by your side, and Not in a mansion built of wood and stone, separate a brick and wood, I will be there, lift a piece of rubble, and you can...

  • Edmund 2023-09-16 12:27:24

    Realism, the beginning of work year after year

  • Edmund 2023-08-12 04:06:51

    Very funny movie! Stones, blondes, shampoo!

  • Edmund 2023-08-09 00:57:11

    Black Bond is cute hahaha

  • Edmund 2023-07-10 17:50:03

    Director, let me ask you a serious question, did you use Meitu Xiuxiu's A Bao to color the entire film?

  • Edmund 2023-07-09 01:00:22

    The end is coming, a good scene, a ghost, a lot of faces

  • Edmund 2023-07-07 05:34:40

    The story of an American otaku is suitable for people watching dramas in science and engineering. There are many Chinese elements and lots of laughter.

  • Edmund 2023-07-06 20:53:30

    I am very satisfied with this basic deduction method and natural reasoning. The plot will not be too exaggerated. The selection of several cases is also more representative. The details and prompts are well done. In addition, the music scenes are very elegant. Five stars will be sent to the second season. But I don't know if there is an advertisement inserted in the middle, the switch is sometimes a bit abrupt

  • Edmund 2023-06-22 10:16:50

    The lament of the post-9/11 New Yorker, who understands American culture best today is Spike Lee. Life often jokes with people one way or another. Many times, we are forced by reality and have to make some reluctant choices. Maybe you struggled at first, maybe slowly you learn to adapt. But one day a few years later, will reality suddenly drop you to the bottom and feel like playing a ridiculous joke on you. You suddenly find that you don't have the courage to endure the consequences of your old choices. So you're hopeless, helpless, and you lose all patience and hope for everything so familiar to you, like Edward Norton's classic inner monologue in the bathroom looking into the mirror. In desperation he fucked everyone in his life, fucked everything in the city.

  • Edmund 2023-06-21 16:20:12

    Go shit! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I never want to see this movie again! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  • Edmund 2023-06-20 00:17:33

    A movie that is simple enough to be shot in your own swimming pool, just borrow a few fish from Ocean Park at most!

  • Edmund 2023-06-19 05:00:01

    Tavern, Love, Classic - if Ilsa hadn't walked into Rick's Tavern, we wouldn't have had such a great and rational love to appreciate; if Ilsa hadn't walked into Rick's Tavern, the two of them might have been together for the rest of their lives Don't know how long and deep their love is; if Ilsa hadn't walked into Rick's pub, who would have remembered this touching relationship in Casablanca in Monaco?

  • Edmund 2023-06-17 15:23:27

    Some horror movies tell you that demons used to be good people, and the reason why they became demons was difficult. This film tells you at the end that the devil has been a devil from the very beginning, and there is no hardship.

  • Edmund 2023-06-15 02:44:53

    The fact is that whether a director has talent or not is often seen in his debut. Just looking at the synopsis of the plot, I would think it is a boring story, but PTA can tell such a story so attractively, I can see it with relish, what it relies on, it relies on superb performance, capable, concise and not tight. The narrative is not slow, and the story is photographed.

  • Edmund 2023-06-10 04:36:37

    Reality and Challenge - Sleeping with Madonna - The drama film records some performances and life clips of the famous singer Madonna's "Blonde Ambition" world tour in 1990, and presents the superstar to the audience in a more realistic way. In addition, through Madonna's social activities, we can also see Warren Beatty, Bandaras, Almodovar, Costner, Al Pacino and many other celebrities in the film industry. reality

  • Edmund 2023-06-05 13:36:37

    The absurd imagination of the British is really powerful. A multi-dimensional world with a medieval feeling alludes to the interesting story of the modern online world.