Garfield Howell

Garfield Howell



  • Night at the Museum Night at the Museum

    Garfield 2022-04-20 09:01:13

    Another Hollywood fairy tale for adults

    A half-new movie has been released for a long time, but I haven't watched it. Coincidentally, this time as a "homeless person" at home, "open and aboveboard" turned it over to see.

    There are no surprises.
    All the way to special effects and sound effects, plus a little bit of little love (or more accurately, goodwill) as embellishment. A Hollywood-style adult fairy tale ends with a "hero" victory - in the end, a "failed" father wins his son's respect, a man who has repeatedly...

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Garfield 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    The Adventures of Heroes in Western Mythology——Interpretation of "Harry Potter 4" with reference to the hero's journey story line

    Some research scholars believe that "the modern Western magic myth "Harry Potter" is inextricably linked with the ancient Greek mythology." After carefully savoring the storyline of Harry Potter 4, and briefly browsing the heroic After the trip, I strongly agree with this view. There are many similarities between the origins and transitions, the portraits of characters, and the multi-line narrative, which are worthy of our in-depth exploration and discussion.

  • Mojin: The Lost Legend Mojin: The Lost Legend

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:03:08

    China's blockbuster Long March is only halfway through

            Since the grand premiere of the Beijing Wanda CBD store last weekend, the following circle of friends has been swiped by "Long search", and all kinds of praises have been heard, as if the film and "Avatar" started an era, but calm I still hope to read these reviews after watching the movie.

              I don’t really like reading Chinese novels, including tomb robbery themes. In addition to the three “Notes on Tomb Robbers”, I have also read one and a half of “Ghost...

  • The New Girlfriend The New Girlfriend

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:02:52

    Tear off the label to accept the difference

    The French are avant-garde, really avant-garde!

    It's time to put on the French national motto: liberté, equalité, fraternité. Liberty, equality, fraternity. These three words explain it very well.

    Back to the movie, there are two questions worth pondering. First, David is a man, but he aspires to be a woman and falls in love with Claire. Is her love gay or straight? The ending is also quite intriguing. The two good friends hold hands to pick up the children of their...

  • Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:02:38

    gesture of love

    I can hardly believe this is an Almodovar movie. Not because there is no dense color and rhythm, but because he actually describes a happy ending: no death, no miss, no death...
       Ricci's life is, as he said, like a subway line (línea de metro ). Since he became an orphan at the age of three, his life has been wandering one post after another until he met Malina. "My life has changed since then," he said of their meeting.
       I believe everyone is moved by Richie's confession "I am 23...

  • American Honey American Honey

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    American Honey

    The top three of the year, the last surprise of 2016! I'm really touched. It's really unexpected that I can see such a great movie with full marks at the end of this year.

    163 minutes, but it doesn't feel long at all, every minute is enjoyable. From collecting garbage at the beginning, to various things happening on the road in the middle, and finally sinking into the water. love it.

    A pseudo-documentary road movie? This is an American girl's film about independence, about...

  • A Lot Like Love A Lot Like Love

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:02:18


    > A chance encounter in New York, a
    man made a life plan, to have a house, a car, a career, and then consider a woman;
    the woman lost a boyfriend;

    > 3 years later, the woman called the man and the
    man's career was just beginning Starting, the planning seems to have taken the first step;
    the woman once again lost a man and was deeply injured, and the man left her a canon;

    > 2 years later, the man appeared at the door of the woman. The
    man's career is...

  • After Earth After Earth

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:01:38

    The purpose of making a movie is [to make sickness meet medicine]

    First of all, I want to say that everyone is saying that Shi Huang made a movie to support his son. I just want to say that it's none of your business, that may be his purpose, and our purpose is to watch movies.
    Last week, I went to a choreography class with a friend. The teacher said that
    the purpose of making a movie is [to make the disease meet the medicine]

    , so AFTER EARTH did it, and it was a combination of
    [family affection] and [courage]
    as one. In a...

  • Donnie Brasco Donnie Brasco

    Garfield 2022-04-19 09:01:19

    lion king in the night

    "Donnie Blasco," a Depp and Pacino film, wasn't a success. But this is starring two of my beloved American men, and perhaps because of that, my hopes are too high. In fact they didn't disappoint me too much, at least, Al Pacino, didn't.
    "If, say, if Hollywood becomes a stage and the time goes back to the Renaissance, how many idol stars will go to pieces?"
    Reading this text in the cold, time instantly warmed up.
    "Guarding the handsome flag of the movie will be a short, sharp-eyed...

  • Certain Women Certain Women

    Garfield 2022-04-05 08:01:01

    Bittersweet Flatness

    "I am a lawyer, and my client is illiterate. I explained the law for eight months and he would not listen. I asked an old fellow to come and repeat what I said to him. My client finally believed it. "The reason is, I'm not an old man, I'm a beauty.

    "I am a mother, a wife, and the pillar of a family of three. I go to the hall, go to the kitchen, and take my children to camp to negotiate home decoration and building materials. My husband does nothing...

  • Love Love

    Garfield 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    Hate and remembrance are heavier propositions than love

    If the stream of consciousness is brought into the movie, the plot of this movie will not be so bad. The director's ideas are very advanced. Unfortunately, the plot can't keep up with the thoughts, just like the material can't keep up with the spiritual awakening. It's a pity. I've seen so many erotic movies, but this one is not the sex scene that fills the screen, but the heroine's complete hatred of her boyfriend after she encounters her boyfriend's derailment and betrayal-because she...

  • Stonehearst Asylum Stonehearst Asylum

    Garfield 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    No way out

    60 points, I watched the film on the same day as "Veronica Decides to Die", and found that the magic teacher in Harry Potter is now obsessed with a mental hospital. He is in both films, and both work in a mental hospital. , let's remember his name: David Thewlis.
           The film is adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's novel. It should be said that the aura controlled by the director is relatively close to Edgar Allan Poe's gloomy suspense novel style. Several actors also basically performed...

  • The Maiden Heist The Maiden Heist

    Garfield 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    "Girl Thief"

    The three interesting old men, especially the one who fell in love with the bronze ware, had to take off their clothes and admire them every time. Even in the process of stealing, they were not afraid of the cold, and spared more than ten minutes to indulge.

    The first joke was Two old security guards found him in the surveillance video, so they ran out to seek an ally. The old guy became angry and came to the sentence——"I am a happily married man!" to wash away the fact that he fell...

  • Robin Hood Robin Hood

    Garfield 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    No spoilers - A class/class struggle/struggle guide film (Fog)

    I stepped into the theater with the relaxed mood of watching an action movie, and then I was fed two hours of class/class struggle/struggle consciousness and anti/imperialist/imperialist thoughts. I just wanted to cry without tears. Robin Hood, is it the legendary test screening? He even gave me a cup to bribe me to wait for the spectators.


  • A Short Film About Killing A Short Film About Killing

    Garfield 2022-03-24 09:03:49

    Personal and Penalty as Murderer

    "The Killing Short" is the fifth commandment in the "Ten Commandments" by Polish film master Krzysztof Kieslowski. As the title suggests, this is indeed "a short film about killing". The film starts from before the murder and outlines the general living conditions of the murderer Yazek, the slain taxi driver, and the lawyer Peter in three lines. After the driver is killed, the three lines converge into one line. The action as a clue tells the whole story of Yazek's execution by hanging. There...

  • Garfield 2023-09-30 03:58:09

    Give them two old four stars ................................

  • Garfield 2023-09-27 17:12:42

    The next one....Looking for it

  • Garfield 2023-09-14 19:36:09

    Those who can see clowns are all children with shadows of childhood. Overcoming this fear requires friends and courage, and in part shows how friendship can make up for the character flaws that family brings. The 27-year-old clown's return to the soul emphasizes that this defect will accompany a lifetime and will not be eliminated. What's interesting is that it was only at noon that I chatted with Sister Xianyu about the harm caused by incompetent parents to their children. I couldn't help feeling, why should parents who are giant babies themselves have to give birth to children?

  • Garfield 2023-09-07 12:57:57

    What is the August 1st badge for?

  • Garfield 2023-09-02 23:57:04

    The advantage is yasashi, the disadvantage is that it is too yasashi. 2021.11.08 Second brush to become Samsung. The second half is really aesthetically tiring. No matter the process of the burial or the feelings for the deceased relatives, there are only routines, superficial, and no new ideas and sublimation. In addition, it is still a story in a patriarchal society, and the setting of Ryoko Hirosue's wife is too idealistic.

  • Garfield 2023-08-29 21:01:43

    I like the dark style, but what the hell is this plot?

  • Garfield 2023-08-27 13:11:00

    Guys who are not stingy are the most ruthless Guys, and Guys who are politically incorrect are the most rambunctious Guys. Guy is well versed in the rules of the underground world of "golden belt of murder and arson". Come to China to make a version. Anyway, instead of imitating you with the "disciples and grandchildren" here, it is better to raise the banner yourself.

  • Garfield 2023-08-12 19:30:21

    This film is always compared to Pixar's "Cars". Although it is not as good as "Cars" (the first film), in Hollywood, where business is paramount, and a fairly mature industrial chain system, the box office is insufficient, and the surrounding areas will make up for it. Compared with the previous one, the narrative is more logical and persuasive, and the scenes are greatly improved to be pleasing to the eye. In the standardized routine, being yourself is the most important thing.

  • Garfield 2023-08-12 00:25:50

    This drama is very real, not only the doctor trying to save people, but also all kinds of shady scenes, Bell and Lane they are simply perfect for each otehr. Can't think of any words to describe such disgusting people. For Matt's sake, but it always feels like he's going back to being a lawyer in the next second. Another example is that Nic goes to prison, I just want to say that you are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., find a cap to save you.

  • Garfield 2023-08-11 04:44:34

    Kim Basinger pays homage to Veronica Lake's blond, curly-haired milf look. Guy Pearce's handsome image in it can't be reminiscent of his look in Memento. With Kevin Spacey and Russell Crowe, the three team up for a perfect cop Movie.

  • Garfield 2023-07-23 15:49:39

    That evil Zhengda is still quite cute, the plot is very ordinary

  • Garfield 2023-07-10 05:21:14

    It's actually okay...but the plot is really weird, especially at the back. The comedy atmosphere in the front is actually quite good, but the court lawsuits and other things have become too fast in the back... But the songs are all very good, and the male lead and male lead are both handsome...

  • Garfield 2023-07-03 19:06:31

    The failure of the assassination is fate. If Germany is not completely destroyed, it cannot be reborn, and German nationalism cannot be completely eradicated.

  • Garfield 2023-06-19 08:25:31

    A woman with big breasts and a brainless man and a horny man with a crooked mind, watch a movie just to see a scene.

  • Garfield 2023-06-13 23:28:18

    Unexpectedly beautiful!