Jean Wolff

Jean Wolff



  • The Killing Fields The Killing Fields

    Jean 2022-09-29 17:26:45

    Red disaster

    After Cambodia occupied Phnom Penh in 1976, the story of a mass murder was launched.

    I have watched this movie before. The only memorable scene is that Pran walks alone across a ridge full of human bones. Looking at it now, it seems very likely that this lens will still be the most impressive in the future.

    Sometimes I wonder how unreliable my brain is. Many movies are forgotten after they have been watched. The speed of forgetting far exceeds the speed of watching them....

  • Home Home

    Jean 2022-09-16 12:58:54

    Absorb and reuse the home

    The water washes away the minerals in the rock formations, brings in the salt, and forms the landforms. 70% of the oxygen supplied by nature is provided by the algae on the sea surface. Every organism depends on other organisms to survive. The fragile balance of standardized production in agriculture has replaced the diverse sex. The energy (oil, water) consumed for it is not worth mentioning. For countries with limited human resources, those resources with extremely low consumption...

  • Creepshow 2 Creepshow 2

    Jean 2022-09-10 03:51:16

    It is more suitable for friends who want to watch horror movies but dare not watch them

    If you have to say the depth of this movie, it is obviously a bit far-fetched, but if you look at it from the author's point of view (it is said that the ghost show series is based on science fiction), it is still a pretty good movie. The idea is very wonderful, The response is also very good.

        The first story: the resurrection and revenge of the Indian patriarch, makes people feel very happy, and it seems that this is also the author's good wish. I watched this film with my...

  • Shanghai Express Shanghai Express

    Jean 2022-07-10 22:11:41

    There is really no good or bad in every movie

    If I had watched this film before translating Jack Smith, I would have thought it was very ordinary, just an ordinary Hollywood film of the 1930s, but what Jack Smith saw was different from what I saw. He admired this director because this director The storyline can be sacrificed to achieve the beauty of a woman. In his films, women are jewels, shining with the charm of other people. The whole film is used to show the beauty of women. The price is very high. In that era, it was true It's a...

  • Hausu Hausu

    Jean 2022-05-13 19:59:41

    The strange chicken movie that you can't put it down

    It's hard to judge what kind of movie this is, "Lightning's Cat's Eye", "Round Egg and Watermelon", "The Head Biting the Ass", "The Girl Eaten by the Piano", "The Skeleton Dancing to the Music", "Blood Water Left Unintentionally" and "The house that suddenly swelled" and so on
    confuses various movie elements, experiments, animations, advertisements, thrillers, pornography, warmth, blood, etc. . . . It can be said to be inclusive of all things, boiled into a pot of strange porridge. I...

  • The Words The Words

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:03:08

    When I saw the end of the story, I always thought that the girl was the daughter of the old man's ex-wife

    I don't know if I understand it, the beginning and the end of the film are based on the story written by another ordinary person to tell the story of two layers of writers from different periods. But I thought the narrator of the movie was an old man drinking red wine, and I thought it was Rory, but that's not true, right? The movie review said nothing. I thought that Luo Rui was an old man with red wine. In the end, he didn't have a good relationship with his wife. In the end, after life, he...

  • Triangle Triangle

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:02:21

    YOU NEED TO RETURN--Details discovered after watching Horror Cruises a few times

    Some of the key little details, I don't know if you have noticed it if you look carefully.
    Horror Cruise TRIANGLE (Lost Delta)
    character list: Jess
    PS. The names mentioned below will be replaced by initials. The details below are not in order...

  • Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:02:17

    How to get out of trouble with post-traumatic stress disorder

    Some people do not experience immediate symptoms of injury after a major disaster, accident, or abuse, but develop symptoms at a later time, known as PTSD.

    The little Oscar in the film seems to have this symptom.

    1. Repeated intrusive flashbacks that make it painful.

    When he locked himself in the room, the vibration caused by his mother repeatedly pushing the door, he imagined the instant noodles falling from a height, and then the image of his father falling from a...

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still The Day the Earth Stood Still

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:01:52

    On the importance of writing a movie review, this movie is repeated. .

    I vaguely remember that I had seen this movie, and Amway couldn't help but watch it again, and I have already seen it, it's an anticlimactic movie. The background of the movie is so grand, but the alien aliens quietly left. The commander of the US military in the film starred in the American TV series Prison Break. The aliens in human appearance are exactly the same as the men who camped in Kunlun decades ago. The movie did not explain the situation. It's interesting to have an undercover...

  • The Descent The Descent

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:01:31

    Really good!

    2005, adventure action horror thriller "Dark Assault | The Descent"

    The representative work of group suicide, the short review said it well, monsters are innocent, these middle-class women have a strange reason to fight monsters. . There is no way, the reason at the beginning is very far-fetched, but the dark performance in the hospital. . It's amazing, it scared me. In the film, there are a lot of scary scenes that suddenly appear. . It's a test of the audience's psychological...

  • Zack Snyder's Justice League Zack Snyder's Justice League

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:01:23

    Two brushes feel

    Really good. The six main characters (including several new characters) were clearly explained in four hours (the only downside was that Daben was in poor mental state and became fat at that time, and his face was a bit wide and humming). Zha Dao himself cut it into two hours, and it would not have been like that in that year. The screen uses a relatively dark tone, which is in line with the needs of the big screen. The narrative structure is complete, there are various foreshadowings and...

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Jean 2022-04-23 07:01:15

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Whenever I get stuck, I always come here to find answers

    So Miles used electricity to break free and climbed to the top of the skyscraper again in the dark.

    A flash of lightning flashed across his face, and the split light reflected on his face, but this time, what accompanied him was no longer fear and anxiety, but a tenacious faith.

    A leap of faith.

    So, what's up danger?

  • Hostel: Part II Hostel: Part II

    Jean 2022-04-23 06:01:02

    Blood sacrifice! Humanity = animality

    After watching "People 2", many friends said that 2 is a bad film or that 2 is much worse than 1. I don't quite agree with this view. I think the 2 to 1 shot is good! Fortunately, the director has injected a lot of human thinking into 2 on the basis of the visual limit impact caused by the pure pursuit of bloody scenes on the audience.
    Of course, this does not mean that 2 is a perfect movie. Let’s talk about its good parts first:

    1. The first thing that shocked me was that when...

  • Le Trou Le Trou

    Jean 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    human cave

    I really hope they can escape and be free! However, Gaspar actually betrayed them, why? Didn't he say that his decision to participate in the jailbreak plan was the best decision he had ever made in his life?

    Follow the director's rhythm and witness a prison escape spectacle, which is shockingly real!

    Had to admire Orland's technology, tied the broken lens to the toothbrush to make a small detector. In order to prevent them from being discovered by prison guards, they made...

  • Luca Luca

    Jean 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Summer is more than just a sunny day

    If you analyze this film from the structural logic, it is worth 5-6 points at most. You can even guess that it will have a turning point and a happy ending in the classic animation plot. But the highlight of the film is its contradictions. When Luca shouted out the words "sea monster" to Abeto, I was first stunned, then shocked and surprised. In fact, it is not difficult to understand why the story is based on a sea monster that can become a human. I think it is not a theme...

  • Jean 2023-09-27 04:02:54

    Eve Salvail & Georgianna Robertson & Tara Leon & Ute Lemper & Various Actresses

  • Jean 2023-09-26 06:02:22

    Although it's Shakespeare's, but I don't like it very much... the plot is a bit strange, and the actors feel that Keanu's acting is a bit bad.

  • Jean 2023-09-11 08:19:36

    A typical German drama is to rely on the appearance of secondary characters to slowly explain his relationship with the protagonist, thus closing the loop at the end. The Adlon Hotel, our parents are actually the same, and the shots are very modern (so I saw the first In the second season, do you think the director is intentionally creating a sense of the 80s camera: tilt, big depression angle. In short, I don’t think there is much desire to pursue it)

  • Jean 2023-09-04 12:25:50

    It's really funny, don't worry about the logic of the story, it's solidly funny. I especially like the 360-degree viewing angle, beyond my prediction~

  • Jean 2023-08-16 17:13:10

    Who the hell should watch a zombie film with a literary film!

  • Jean 2023-08-09 23:01:14

    The drama is a good drama. The fly in the ointment is that it does not explain clearly how the man should heal himself and deal with his life after being sexually assaulted. The Xiaoguan in it does not seem to have grown up.

  • Jean 2023-08-06 21:48:56

    The director made a horror movie, and it was fresh; even more perverted, the director was obsessed with sending out box lunches, which were bulk and cheap.

  • Jean 2023-07-27 18:41:25

    The 3.5 tone is too much, the story is a bit high and low

  • Jean 2023-07-21 05:41:56

    Another tragicomedy by Ryazanov. . The Soviet flavor is very strong, not Russian. . The first half is as noisy as the 'office story', and the second half, especially the ending, is very sentimental and can be said to be laughing with tears. . There are many helpless loves in life, and they know that they cannot be achieved, but they have to stick to the end. . When you hear familiar music, you know the beam style. . Great old voice. .

  • Jean 2023-07-06 15:52:47

    Jet Li's Huang Feihong has both the righteousness of a teacher and the cunning and playful nature of an urchin.

  • Jean 2023-07-01 15:54:42

    I watched the 8 sets in the center. The voice for her brother is the one with Miss Mermaid. She has such a cute voice.

  • Jean 2023-06-20 23:05:03

    This is really a piece of exquisite shit. Every scene is pitiful. Fu Mao must have never watched the film before.

  • Jean 2023-06-12 20:36:20

    The cannibal witch doctor and single mother has no way to teach her daughter. She has changed her soul countless times for her daughter who died of education failure in the laboratory of another world. The daughter is still rebellious and disobedient. In the end, she teamed up with the little punk girl to give her mother a headshot. These two directors have too many things to talk about. They may not know what they want to shoot halfway through the filming. At the end, the whole girl Feitian is like a fairy tale, which is much worse than their previous "Being In It"...

  • Jean 2023-06-03 23:23:00

    It's somewhere between a literary film and a road horror film, but unfortunately neither is qualified. Oops.

  • Jean 2023-05-14 17:46:50

    There are three vampires, who cares if they are not pretty?