Lesly Kirlin

Lesly Kirlin



  • Cliffhanger Cliffhanger

    Lesly 2022-02-07 14:09:40

    Extreme sport

    What is the limit is to challenge life. Bare-handed climbing is the most challenging sport. It cannot be done without excellent physical fitness and coordination.
    The rock climbing in the film is also frightening and makes people unable to adapt. I really want to try it. Stallone's muscles have also been fully developed, although not as the main fight like Rimboli, but the visual impact is still very fierce.
    The plot in the film is also very good, one link after another, I...

  • My Boy Jack My Boy Jack

    Lesly 2022-01-28 08:22:59

    World War I glory

    (2009.11.12) Everyone has their dreams. There are very few who can open their minds and move forward boldly. It may be the closure of reality, or it may be the difference of ideology between people. In the age of raging wars, it is a choice whether to live in a comfortable nest at the rear, or to rush through the hail of bullets and heavy enemy defenses like a man. And whether it is the roaring front line or the quiet rear, the monument will soothe all anxiety and danger. It is glorious. Those...

  • Nine Lives Nine Lives

    Lesly 2022-01-22 08:03:19

    Simple people, complicated lives, bravely live now

    I still don’t understand and look back at the Nine Lives

    Article 1: The prisoner Sandra took the initiative to clean. The Officer told her the routine here. Don’t let everyone here know you. Only 5 minutes of jail visit, the phone is really broken, the kind of despair and failure in front of her daughter don’t want to grow old. Staying in this prison after that, just like that old woman;A woman will make mistakes and enter prison. If you want to behave well, the unspoken rule...

  • 12 and Holding 12 and Holding

    Lesly 2022-01-22 08:03:17

    Stars for the soundtrack

    Because JR went to see this movie. The result was quite unexpected, leaving the JR part aside, whether the three children are friends or not does not seem to have much to do with the movie.
    But the three children are indeed outstanding representatives of American teenagers on certain issues. Obesity, precocious puberty, low self-esteem. Every child has his own troubles that he doesn't want to talk about, and digests the pain on his own as he grows up. But all this will pass. All slowly...

  • Sweet Bean Sweet Bean

    Lesly 2022-01-22 08:01:59

    Lines in the tree Xilin film.

    "Because we are entertaining them, they come all the way from the ground.

    It would be too rude to cook it right away. We have to adapt the beans to these sugars. For example, it's like a first date. Young people need to spend time getting close.

    When I make bean paste, I always listen to the stories told by the beans and imagine the sunny and rainy days that the beans have seen. The breeze blows over the content of the beans'...

  • Naked Weapon Naked Weapon

    Lesly 2022-01-21 08:03:29

    Deep temptation, infinite sexy

    Wearing a sexy coat and playing Chinese Kung Fu, you don’t have to think about knowing who the idea is. Wang Jing’s business acumen has never rusted. The Charlie girl next door became a hit, and he immediately invited Cheng Xiaodong to be the director. Connecting the fancywork of Daniel Wu and Maggie Q, the two sexiest abc idols, constitutes a seemingly gorgeous action blockbuster! However, the title of the film is a bit unsatisfactory. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call Naked...

  • The End of the Tour The End of the Tour

    Lesly 2022-01-17 08:01:22

    This article settings do not allow comments

    It's been a long time since I wrote a review. One is that no special works have been encountered during this period of time, and the other is that when you are commenting on other people's works, your comments will always become works for others to comment on. Just like Lipsky interviewing Wallace, his interview was written into a book, and now everyone is watching a movie adapted from this book.

        Perhaps the recent experience made me feel more empathetic to Lipsky. When you talk...

  • The Legend Is Born: Ip Man The Legend Is Born: Ip Man

    Lesly 2022-01-14 08:02:16

    List of IP Man Series Movies

    Ip Man series movies that have been released: 2008-12-12 Ip Man (Yen Zidan as Ip Man, Xiong Dailin as Zhang Yongcheng) 2010-04-27 Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster (Yen Zidan as Ip Man, Xiong Dailin as Zhang Yongcheng) 2010- 06-24 Ip Man's Prequel (Du Yuhang as Ip Man, Huang Yi as Zhang Yongcheng) 2013-01-08 The Great Master (Leung Chaowei as Ip Man, Song Hye Kyo as Zhang Yongcheng) 2013-03-22 Ip Man: The Ultimate Battle (Huang Qiusheng as Ye...

  • Restless Restless

    Lesly 2022-01-14 08:02:03

    To waterfowl

    For a director who has been famous for a long time like Gus Van Sant, the difficulty of making a small and fresh film is too low. Even in the eyes of most people, "Throbbing Heart" is a standard small fresh movie, the protagonist will do some idle and boring (in the eyes of most people), but it is still different from the Japanese or Taiwanese small Fresh, at least on the screen, it looks a little gloomy, there is not so much sunlight, and it does not engage in the beautiful scenery with...

  • Restless Restless

    Lesly 2022-01-14 08:02:03

    Lonely ghost

    If watching a movie requires a sense of substitution, which role do you want to choose for yourself?

      In "Restless", I don't think I will be the heroine, with white skin and long hands and feet, persistently like waterbirds, and want to know how much life is left.

      I can't be a leading actor either. I like to draw the outline of my body with chalk to make the lines like the scene of the accident; I used a hammer to smash my parents' tombstones, and asked them sadly and...

  • Deadfall Deadfall

    Lesly 2022-01-09 08:02:52

    A movie that saw tears

    The last to see a gangster film cry, full of love, misunderstanding, family, love
             and finally
            all come together ......
          brother certainly not be the last shot, he was just a test Jay, he might have guessed if My sister really cares that he will shoot at himself, because my sister has a gun, because he taught her how to use a gun, everything will be over, even if the sister does not shoot, the police who rushed over will also shoot. The time is a matter of...

  • The West Wing The West Wing

    Lesly 2022-01-01 08:01:59

    I can still taste dishes that weren't made by Aaron Sorkin

    TWW was so exhausted that the president's daughter was kidnapped, and it was almost 24 hours. Like 24 hours, ZOEY will not die, but since it is indeed not 24 hours, the ending is a bit inexplicable. Of course, the kidnapping was also true. After the president’s family prayed in the church (including coins? I don’t understand very well) the camera turned to the CIA, and then said that the kidnapper was drunk (the translation is not good, I’m exhausted, and I didn’t listen carefully), and ZOEY...

  • Vampires Suck Vampires Suck

    Lesly 2021-12-26 08:01:18


    Really expressive~ I
    satirize Twilight from the plot setting to the actor's performance very well~ The
    heroine's artificial expression, the werewolf naked upper body from the beginning to the tail, the male protagonist's pale face, every time I see this movie Interpretation, I can't help but laugh ~ I
    really want to admire the creativity and imagination of Americans.

    I have to say that this type of film still has limitations.
    First, you must have watched the...

  • The Iron Lady The Iron Lady

    Lesly 2021-12-14 08:01:16

    Anyway, she can't control what future generations want to write and shoot.

    Although I really cried and my eyes were swollen again.
    It's not so sensational.
    I watched other review rounds before writing this film review, and it was about the same as what I wanted to say. And since I have no research on various political issues in Britain, I can only look at this woman who was once called the Iron Lady through the eyes of a celestial person.
    By the way, when I was in elementary school, Hong Kong returned.
    Then many reports at the time praised...

  • Monster's Ball Monster's Ball

    Lesly 2021-12-11 08:01:26

    Love is not love, love is just need

    This is a complex, oppressive film that is saturated with the entanglement of men and women, races, joys and sorrows; even, there is no hope, only despair.

    Race: The director struggled to express the hatred between black and white people, and then desperately to bridge the gap between the two. In a sense, after more than two hours, the basic gap seemed to be closed, but the scar gap was still deep.

    Men and women: In response to the topic of this article-love is not love,...

  • Lesly 2023-09-12 10:05:06

    Disobedient to the mainstream to pick up the profound meaning, I like the "unchanged" bird, stupid and cute.

  • Lesly 2023-09-05 04:51:48

    Although I knew what he meant, I was not on his line. Putting aside the shortcomings of the times and the new ideas of Cassavetes, in my opinion, there is a conflict between the expression method and the expression carrier, at least I am skeptical.

  • Lesly 2023-09-04 16:06:05

    Disadvantages: 1. There is no plot, just keep playing. 2. Several fight scenes are not very smooth, and the movements are not coherent. 3. Several supporting roles were once thought to be happy roles. 4. The Chinese is really bad. Advantages: 1. The duel between the male protagonist and Iko Uwais can be called an action movie textbook, and it is really wonderful. 2. In the end, the male protagonist drove to the triad holding a gun, revealing the tragic ending of a lonely hero. 3. Bones, billiards, etc. can be used as lethal weapons. 4. Such a ruthless action movie must be watched alone at night with headphones on.

  • Lesly 2023-08-26 20:56:13

    Woo so warm and so loving~! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Looking for the second season! !

  • Lesly 2023-08-15 09:40:53

    Some people say that there is Gu Tianle in it, but they don't see it. Plus, it's the uncensored version that understands why these agents are so ruthless

  • Lesly 2023-08-12 18:36:09

    Ostensibly a two-way revenge, cop-lawyer, but the actions of the cops are questionable! After all, there is no detailed description of whether the lawyer is at fault, and that horse dog is really a lucky star.

  • Lesly 2023-08-05 03:14:41

    JHart crossing. But the light is very poor, can you fill in the light? What do you mean? The story looks okay, but the actors' performances are almost without tension, and the music can't keep up! A 4.5 on IMDB is simply appalling. In the movies of the couple, the female ticket is very photogenic, and it is worthy of being a model.

  • Lesly 2023-07-16 08:34:39

    Proposition Composition Type Piece

  • Lesly 2023-07-14 19:12:57

    How did I get bent by my uncle this summer. . . PS There is no wind in the house, how can the telegram fall to the ground if it is placed on the table? When the young man said that his family was dead, the uncle was not a little surprised. . .

  • Lesly 2023-07-13 04:28:34

    Conflict is very painless

  • Lesly 2023-07-09 12:18:11

    It feels like I didn't label it a "soap opera" at all when I watched it. Infidelity, coming out, transgender, family education, self-centeredness without considering others, the ability to love and understand... These topics are all covered, I think it's good. Some places are really bloody, but they are also for the plot service.

  • Lesly 2023-07-09 10:47:30

    The director described a juvenile delinquency in a very short period of time (the film is only 70 minutes) in a very convoluted way. If you didn't watch the ending, you would have thought that aliens were coming to capture human subjects.

  • Lesly 2023-07-02 11:12:33

    In the end it turned out to be ladygaga's song. That childish voice. This movie... uh... I'd be 20 years younger and I'd probably applaud...

  • Lesly 2023-07-02 05:56:50

    The story continues with the first one and "Captain America 3". This one is quite streamlined and commercial compared to the previous Marvel works. If it weren't for the Marvel series, it would have passed the standard. The changes in the size of buildings and cars are a little more sensible, and the characters are not as attractive as they were in the first film. The comedy part is also lackluster. According to the plot of the first part, it is reasonable to rescue a generation of wasps, and the theft and BOSS battles are obviously not as exciting as the first part. The connection with the story of the Women's Federation should have been one of the highlights. They are all over the place for the survival of the universe, and here they are making small troubles, just relying on the first easter egg to forcibly connect. The second easter egg is even more forced WTF! The viewing process is also very bad. The second girl in the middle school with a very low laugh and a high laugh, and a fat woman on the right brought a four-year-old daughter to watch. The child did not wear glasses and kept talking and asking questions uncontrollably. Calling mother, mother not only does not stop but also answers her questions from time to time. If I had a gun in my hand, I might shoot them uncontrollably!

  • Lesly 2023-06-12 23:12:14

    Bicycle inspirational youth growth film, full of youth, and several protagonists have distinct characteristics. The dignity that belongs to cutters cannot be violated. It is a very good film about friendship and growth.