Lesly Kirlin

Lesly Kirlin



  • L.A. Confidential L.A. Confidential

    Lesly 2022-03-22 09:01:03

    The wonderful game of the three men in LA in the police station

    When we watched Los Angeles Confidential in one breath, we were really deeply shocked by this movie. Because of my mood, I haven’t watched a film and television work in the past half a month. Today I suddenly thought of watching a movie. I wanted to look for some excitement on a whim, but I couldn’t find it. In desperation, I still wanted to watch it. In the list, I chose Kevin Spacey’s Los Angeles Secrets. I only know KS and Russell Crowe (I have seen Beautiful Mind). The other male...

  • Stolen Kisses Stolen Kisses

    Lesly 2022-03-21 09:03:00

    In the end, he could also say casually: This man is sick

    After being rejected again and again, he is no longer crazy like an animal in heat. You can also enter the marriage hall with the person who loves your first love instead of the person he loves. You can also watch the stalker wretched man who came to confess to his fiancée, and walked away gracefully with his fiancée in his arms.

    People have been trained time and time again to be less instinctive, know how to resist their own instincts, and how to...

  • Starter for 10 Starter for 10

    Lesly 2022-03-21 09:02:53

    don't know what to say

    The theme of the movie is a little unclear and a little old-fashioned. It seems that as a fresh man, he is looking for true love. When he leaves home, he wears his father's clothes and looks full of ambition. He thinks he is about to start a wonderful life in an ivory tower. The next story is depressing However, the blandness is exactly in line with the life of ordinary people. It is not shocking in the movie, but if it happens to me, it may be unforgettable and there is no jumping movie. Just...

  • The Kite Runner The Kite Runner

    Lesly 2022-03-21 09:01:59

    Comments from Tahara BLOG

    Yesterday, I went to the cinema with my friends to watch "The Kite Runner", and I burst into tears. I was wearing a new top that I bought in a small shop in Nepal, the neckline was loose and low, and the tears flowed all the way down my chest. In light and shadow, I experienced another life. It's an honest movie, with no aggressive actors and no fancy shots. However, we cried one after another. When was the last time you cried so hard? Maybe it's filming, maybe watching a movie... In short,...

  • Vantage Point Vantage Point

    Lesly 2022-03-21 09:01:45

    It's beautiful, a little bit silly

    In fact, it is still very good-looking, and the technique is not new, but the car chase scene is really good.
      Someone in IMDB said a lot of bugs, I think the biggest flaw should be the key item: Sony Ericsson P990i. I know this phone, the running memory is only about 10 megabytes after it is turned on. If you put it there, it can crash if you don't do anything. In the movie, there is also a remote control fan machine gun explosive pack. . . so funny!
      In the end, the villain is...

  • 2.0 2.0

    Lesly 2022-03-20 09:02:35

    This is an anti-science and anti-human ghost film in the name of caring for the environment and protecting birds

    I originally wanted to come for the first part, but I didn't expect the style to change sharply, and I didn't get used to it.

    The movie tells the story of a bird-loving person who, because of his obsession, turned into a ghost after his death, absorbed the ghosts of birds, possessed a mobile phone, and was like a human who harmed birds to take revenge, and then he was beaten to death.

    In the first round, the protagonist builds a beautiful robot, but it can only be used for...

  • The Wolverine The Wolverine

    Lesly 2022-03-20 09:01:07

    I do not believe

    1. I don't believe that this is a 3D movie. I specifically found a cinema with good brightness and changed seats three times, but still couldn't find any sense of 3D, including the title.
    2. I don’t believe that the director of this film is James Mangold. Yes, he hasn’t directed a film in some years, but whoever has watched "Fatal ID" or "Separated Love" can believe that these three films are actually one director?
    3. I don’t believe this is a big production movie. Except for the...

  • Get Out Get Out

    Lesly 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Femme woman, thinking carefully and terribly.

    The idea of ​​the film is novel, and the soul can continue its life by changing its body.

    The angle is so tricky, if it were you, would you change it?

    Why can you be so calm and calm?


    Why do beautiful white women...

  • Cloverfield Cloverfield

    Lesly 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    That night, how should I face...

    That night, how should I face...

    Before I watched this film, there were a lot of definitions around. The Internet, friends, colleagues, etc., all expressed their attitudes towards this and that in their own way, which affected me to some extent. Fortunately, after watching the movie, my various thoughts, feelings and attitudes were not restricted and restricted by my surroundings.

    In the already released special edition of Palladium, the double ending content is enough to...

  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

    Lesly 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    I just finished reading it and can’t wait to write about X, [Detective Sherlock Holmes 2] (Spoiler)

    Let me talk about some general

    music first. The rhythm is good, the plot is high, the ups and downs, and the

    camera cuts. The sense of the picture is super visual. But Holmes, how can your reasoning be reflected in Chinese kung fu-like tricks? !

    The next content has some spoilers

    in depth and infiltration! ! ! ! !

    Make sure to watch the spoilers and continue to pull down ↓↓↓


    ========= I am the dividing...

  • Collateral Collateral

    Lesly 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    People --- all they need is the courage to face life

    The beginning of the film shows a busy and prosperous city. The music is also quite warm, and all kinds of people are dreaming of their own. As the camera unfolds, you will see that everyone has their own worries and various ways to resolve (escape). For one of the protagonists, the black taxi driver Max, his way is to look at the pictures of the Maldives islands and imagine that he can live a carefree life in the resort.
    When he met the beautiful female prosecutor he wanted and...

  • The Royal Tenenbaums The Royal Tenenbaums

    Lesly 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Genius is just some superimposed loneliness

    Order made me feel very comfortable, which may also Wes Anderson film is always one of the reasons that attracted me a lot of places.

    The well-ordered characters, pictures, plots, and the loneliness of each relatively independent character make me feel comfortable. It's like a room with my personal belongings, my desk, my curtains, my bedsheets, my chair, carpet, my dehumidifier, my calendar, and my collection of books, like a My, my, my" room, Wes Anderson -esque security.


  • Psycho Psycho

    Lesly 2022-03-16 09:01:01

    How to create a sense of suspense quietly? Let's pull the film together!

    The weather is getting warmer gradually. Washing away the remaining chill in the bathroom is the most pleasant pastime to welcome tomorrow.

    But, you didn’t realize that the danger is slowly approaching you...


    This intriguing "bath scene" from "The Horror" in just three minutes is one of the most terrifying scenes in movie history. A swinging knife, a murderer who can only see the outline, a woman with no power to hold a...

  • Grave Encounters 2 Grave Encounters 2

    Lesly 2022-03-06 08:01:32

    "You think this is Narnia?"

    After watching the first part yesterday, I was looking forward to watching this second part the next day.

    Seriously,man.This is really sucked!

    The framework of the first part is still used, but the overall rhythm is fast. So I lost the "sense of despair", the essence of the first goblin, and at the end there was a feeling that I couldn't make it and smashed everything on the spot.

    The overall look and feel is like the transition from "REC1" to "REC2", but the difference is...

  • Your Name Engraved Herein Your Name Engraved Herein

    Lesly 2022-02-07 14:56:51

    The name engraved in your heart, seven brushes of mood records

    9/30 I was puzzled after watching the first brush for a while! They were two-way crushes. They were misled by the preview. I really didn't find out at the first time, until Wang Bode said ''I can't have a baby with you'' (tilt head) and then think about the previous sentence ''If you What you give to me is the same as what you give to others, so I don't want it." "Isn't this just asking for a sense of "exclusiveness"? ! Then all kinds of scary graveyards, bullying, jumping off buildings,...

  • Lesly 2023-09-12 10:05:06

    Disobedient to the mainstream to pick up the profound meaning, I like the "unchanged" bird, stupid and cute.

  • Lesly 2023-09-05 04:51:48

    Although I knew what he meant, I was not on his line. Putting aside the shortcomings of the times and the new ideas of Cassavetes, in my opinion, there is a conflict between the expression method and the expression carrier, at least I am skeptical.

  • Lesly 2023-09-04 16:06:05

    Disadvantages: 1. There is no plot, just keep playing. 2. Several fight scenes are not very smooth, and the movements are not coherent. 3. Several supporting roles were once thought to be happy roles. 4. The Chinese is really bad. Advantages: 1. The duel between the male protagonist and Iko Uwais can be called an action movie textbook, and it is really wonderful. 2. In the end, the male protagonist drove to the triad holding a gun, revealing the tragic ending of a lonely hero. 3. Bones, billiards, etc. can be used as lethal weapons. 4. Such a ruthless action movie must be watched alone at night with headphones on.

  • Lesly 2023-08-26 20:56:13

    Woo so warm and so loving~! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Looking for the second season! !

  • Lesly 2023-08-15 09:40:53

    Some people say that there is Gu Tianle in it, but they don't see it. Plus, it's the uncensored version that understands why these agents are so ruthless

  • Lesly 2023-08-12 18:36:09

    Ostensibly a two-way revenge, cop-lawyer, but the actions of the cops are questionable! After all, there is no detailed description of whether the lawyer is at fault, and that horse dog is really a lucky star.

  • Lesly 2023-08-05 03:14:41

    JHart crossing. But the light is very poor, can you fill in the light? What do you mean? The story looks okay, but the actors' performances are almost without tension, and the music can't keep up! A 4.5 on IMDB is simply appalling. In the movies of the couple, the female ticket is very photogenic, and it is worthy of being a model.

  • Lesly 2023-07-16 08:34:39

    Proposition Composition Type Piece

  • Lesly 2023-07-14 19:12:57

    How did I get bent by my uncle this summer. . . PS There is no wind in the house, how can the telegram fall to the ground if it is placed on the table? When the young man said that his family was dead, the uncle was not a little surprised. . .

  • Lesly 2023-07-13 04:28:34

    Conflict is very painless

  • Lesly 2023-07-09 12:18:11

    It feels like I didn't label it a "soap opera" at all when I watched it. Infidelity, coming out, transgender, family education, self-centeredness without considering others, the ability to love and understand... These topics are all covered, I think it's good. Some places are really bloody, but they are also for the plot service.

  • Lesly 2023-07-09 10:47:30

    The director described a juvenile delinquency in a very short period of time (the film is only 70 minutes) in a very convoluted way. If you didn't watch the ending, you would have thought that aliens were coming to capture human subjects.

  • Lesly 2023-07-02 11:12:33

    In the end it turned out to be ladygaga's song. That childish voice. This movie... uh... I'd be 20 years younger and I'd probably applaud...

  • Lesly 2023-07-02 05:56:50

    The story continues with the first one and "Captain America 3". This one is quite streamlined and commercial compared to the previous Marvel works. If it weren't for the Marvel series, it would have passed the standard. The changes in the size of buildings and cars are a little more sensible, and the characters are not as attractive as they were in the first film. The comedy part is also lackluster. According to the plot of the first part, it is reasonable to rescue a generation of wasps, and the theft and BOSS battles are obviously not as exciting as the first part. The connection with the story of the Women's Federation should have been one of the highlights. They are all over the place for the survival of the universe, and here they are making small troubles, just relying on the first easter egg to forcibly connect. The second easter egg is even more forced WTF! The viewing process is also very bad. The second girl in the middle school with a very low laugh and a high laugh, and a fat woman on the right brought a four-year-old daughter to watch. The child did not wear glasses and kept talking and asking questions uncontrollably. Calling mother, mother not only does not stop but also answers her questions from time to time. If I had a gun in my hand, I might shoot them uncontrollably!

  • Lesly 2023-06-12 23:12:14

    Bicycle inspirational youth growth film, full of youth, and several protagonists have distinct characteristics. The dignity that belongs to cutters cannot be violated. It is a very good film about friendship and growth.