Darion Weimann

Darion Weimann



  • W.E. W.E.

    Darion 2022-03-24 09:03:30

    Sacrifice for love is to make love happy

    On a winter afternoon, I randomly selected this movie that had been stored on the computer for a long time. I didn’t know its background or plot. I was ignorantly attracted by this slightly sensational title. It was my original intention to have fun, but when the film ended, I was full of turbulence, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time. It was like a sigh of relief for the twists and turns of the story, and more because of it, I seemed to have some new perceptions of love....

  • Sword of the Stranger Sword of the Stranger

    Darion 2022-03-24 09:03:22

    Laughing proudly.

    The best Japanese martial arts movie I've seen so far.

    The previous versions of "The Girl Killer Amo" and "Woman Zotoichi" Kitano Takeshi's version of "Zatoichi" are all rich in style, and the fighting is not enjoyable. The fighting in "Koga Ninja Post" is also very stiff, and it is in the live-action version. In "Rurouni Kenshin", the fighting finally appeared to be dogged and changed. The martial arts in this film are very rich. It is not a single move and a second. Each action is...

  • Weekend Weekend

    Darion 2022-03-24 09:03:14

    Don't worry, don't care, don't pretend, that's fine

    Whenever a director is willing to project his own life experience, perception of life, his world view and love view into the story, and make it into his own movie, everything always wants to appear real and charming. With sincerity, a little more sentiment or feelings, a little more charming characters and characters, and a little more infectious love, everything can be equated with perfection. I'm so happy, it's almost all here!
    The charming romantic atmosphere emanating from the inside...

  • Powder Powder

    Darion 2022-03-23 09:03:17


    I thought, what should I do if the hardships I have suffered in the past few years have no results in the future? If you think like this often, you will often fall into an unnamed bad mood. Looking at this film, you can call it a science fiction film or an ethics film, but I only see people's hearts anyway.
      Powder is a person who is lonely for half his life, but has a peerless and superb IQ. He can see through the minds of people, can sense everything such as storms and souls,...

  • The Last Station The Last Station

    Darion 2022-03-23 09:02:57

    flee to heaven

    Because I have seen Zweig's "When the Human Stars Shine", I will find that everything is so familiar when I compare my memory of "Escape to the Sky".
           It can be regarded as the movie version of Escape to Heaven. Leo Tolstoy's deathbed escape is undoubtedly one of those historic moments. It wasn't until that moment that he dared to truly break with the life he had been hesitant to live in for years. And the walls of the waiting room that separated Leo Tolstoy from the horde of...

  • She's Out of My League She's Out of My League

    Darion 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    In ideal you are Molly, in reality you are Marnie

    In fact, I really enjoy the process of watching the film, because I feel that this kind of film is good after laughing, and it is good to regulate emotions. ——In the morning, I saw myself in the photo mourning for my friend's two thick legs, and feeling restless about the exchange rate of the British pound. After watching this in the evening, I was not so depressed. Although the legs are still the same thick and the pound is still the same,

    I have passed the age of crazy buying...

  • Appleseed Appleseed

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    Greater Japanism and self-inflation under the packaging of technology

    Strictly speaking, this film is not the pinnacle of Japanese animation. It was not in the past, and it will not be in the future. It is
    the processing from the script to the animation. This film is considered a high level. At least, this is a yardstick of my own
    . One, there is no need to watch the second, the second is purely a tribute to John Woo, the rotten pigeons with strong reproductive ability have made me visually tired, and besides the improvement of the animation production...

  • The Angry Birds Movie 2 The Angry Birds Movie 2

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:02:38

    Dear birds and pigs

    I give the little birds a giant touch! I love it so much! Pigs are cute too

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  • Battle Royale II Battle Royale II

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:02:32

    A touching little plot at the end of the film

    The teacher in Escape 2 changed into a cool sweater (after he had woken up) and
    appeared at the exit with a football.
    Then before he exploded, the young man went to the exit, he jumped into the pool of explosion shots, his face seemed to be full of life and sunshine, which made me suddenly moved.
    It has a different effect than the death of Takeshi Kitano's teacher at the end of Battle Royale.

    Some of the bad guys (the two teachers) in Escape Games seem to have an...

  • The General's Daughter The General's Daughter

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:02:05

    Did the general do right or wrong? this is a problem.

    After his daughter was gang-raped, was the general's compromise and silence for his own promotion or the honor of the military academy, or both? This is an unclear question. Paul and the audience will think that the general sacrificed his daughter's humiliation for his own promotion. But I think that what the general considers more may be the honor of the military school, that is, the honor and disgrace of the individual must be sacrificed for the overall situation. Although this sacrifice and...

  • About Time About Time

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:01:20

    A few chats after reading

    In fact, every moment you are experiencing should be cherished and experienced. After all, we don’t have the ability to travel back like them, and there is no chance to experience it again. The same day, with a different mentality, is a completely different day. , Why not let yourself be happy every day (of course not every day I want to experience it again).

    There is love and family affection in the movie, but it feels more important to tell the love of the father. For example, when...

  • Terminator Genisys Terminator Genisys

    Darion 2022-03-22 09:01:18

    [Movie] 15044 [9.27] "Future Warrior: Genesis"

    The translation of the movie mainland is called "Terminator", but it is a series that can never be "terminated" in the history of movies. The "Judgment Day" on one timeline is erased, and the other timeline will become the theme of the next episode. , in the end, it was impossible to tell whether the traverser on the sideline was the only one. It should be Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous saying, "I will be back."

    In fact, I have never been I like Arnold Schwarzenegger so much because I...

  • The Way of the Dragon The Way of the Dragon

    Darion 2022-03-21 09:02:39

    (ZZ) Bruce Lee - the Chinese spiritual "Nietzsche"

    Who put the Chinese people on the "sick man of East Asia" hat? Who was the first to remove this hat from the Chinese?

       There has always been a specious claim that the Japanese were the first to wear the hat of "Sick Man of East Asia" to the Chinese. In a widely circulated story about Chinese martial arts master Huo Yuanjia, Chen Zhenfei kicked and smashed the plaque that the Japanese samurai insulted the Chinese, and the words "Sick Man of East Asia" were...

  • Hustlers Hustlers

    Darion 2022-03-21 09:02:09

    The point is that those who get stolen are fools, not how pretty the dancers are

    This is a 2019 family movie reviewed by The New York Times, so I took it over and watched a short section and felt nothing new. The first half of what I watched was about the daily life of strippers, whether Asian or American. None of us are interested. Those so-called Wall Street elites live a debauched life in private, but if they really want to smear the upper echelons like this, I think it should be right to find a few people who are stressed during the day, indulge themselves at night,...

  • The Color Purple The Color Purple

    Darion 2022-03-21 09:01:55

    Talking about

    Women's rights in the West, like black people, have been fighting all the way. In our country, the status of women is relatively low in history, and there seems to be no history of resistance. Our women's rights have probably been granted by the constitution since the founding of New China. Although nominal, it is also important. In recent years, feminism in our country has been "clamored" on the Internet quite powerfully, and we are working hard to "implement" the real equality between men...

  • Darion 2023-09-07 17:14:11

    Handsome guy pretends to be demented for 100 minutes

  • Darion 2023-08-23 18:31:45

    It is estimated that more than half of the fans in the theater are Jing Boran fans. Who said that playing with cartoon characters does not see acting skills? Bai Baihe is nothing but cute. Although the plot is low and the acting is not good, I am still glad that the domestic CG technology can make the little monster so flexible, and the overall is at least better than most domestic movies. With Jiang Wu, disappointed

  • Darion 2023-08-23 04:57:55

    Thick pink Formal, short cute peanuts, fan queen, Tsundere Maige, pink box, nude temptation, stubborn Yiren: The BBC version should not be affected too much by this version! But compared to BC, this version of Former is more like Professor Snape who stole Mrs. Hudson’s mascara

  • Darion 2023-08-19 06:10:09

    We all know the world is unfair. But try to believe in the existence of fairness. Emotions have always been infected by Rory. In his short life full of vitality, in the end, Mike cried unconsciously when he won the allowance for Rory.

  • Darion 2023-08-11 15:18:09

    Still full of classics!! The representative work of Danzer Washington!!

  • Darion 2023-08-10 22:42:00

    The most far-fetched "Groundhog Day"

  • Darion 2023-08-07 14:58:41

    What kind of life would you live if you had very powerful superpowers? See "One Punch Man" for Saitama's, "The Catastrophe of Saiki Kusuo" for Kusuo Saiki, and "100% Psionic Power" for Shigeo Kageyama. Special mention to episode 11, which is funny and warm, I like it. - Linghuan Xinlong: Listen, even if you have special superpowers, the fact that you are a human will not change. Some people run fast, some people are smart, and some people are very smelly, so superpowers are just one of the characteristics. You can only accept superpowers as a personal trait and live an active life every day. The essence of glamour is the human touch, you know?

  • Darion 2023-08-05 07:07:17

    The whole child is entertaining himself, the picture is still quite amazing

  • Darion 2023-08-03 04:15:43

    Children's films are always so healing, and diseases will also be cured.

  • Darion 2023-07-26 03:14:06

    Hugh Grant doing a camp cockney accent is something I never thought I needed or could have, but now I can't get enough of it. #ThankyouGuyRitchie

  • Darion 2023-07-18 19:35:38

    I watched it while playing with my phone, basically, "Ah, the black and white picture + the music is really pleasing to the eyes" and then I lowered my head and continued to play.

  • Darion 2023-06-12 19:11:10

    Who the hell added the suspenseful label, grass!

  • Darion 2023-05-28 17:28:24

    This story shows that people still have to have love and kindness. This woman should be passionate about helping others twice, so she saved innocent people and found the murderer, and also got love.

  • Darion 2023-04-18 03:25:03

    The 1234th part as a commemoration is the Darnay brothers who have not seen it all the time. There are no superfluous adjectives, I just want to make a movie like this.

  • Darion 2023-04-16 18:26:00

    I found myself enjoying watching this kind of dark humor comedy with a bit of political material. The episode at the end of E07 where the black science team disrupted the show of hands with an alien high-frequency recording was too funny! The plot summary of the title song has its own sand sculpture physique. PS is obviously not over, why are this style of dramas being cut, and "The Edge of Political Situation" is only one season T^T