Lucile Konopelski

Lucile Konopelski



  • Dream Boy Dream Boy

    Lucile 2022-02-07 14:55:58

    Nathan, and Roy

    Nathan's family is obviously unhappy, his father is a pedophile, a believer in Jesus, and his mother looks young and beautiful, but in fact suffers from inner torment. She wants to protect her son but can't give her a safe and happy family. He wanders. Roy's family seems to be very happy, and his mother takes care of him kindly, but it is obvious that Roy's family does not seem to be rich, so Roy's father often asks Roy to do manual work. Roy also showed that he hated his father.
    Both of...

  • Face/Off Face/Off

    Lucile 2022-01-25 08:02:17

    Face change

    Baidu knows that the face-changing film reviews for the film "face-changing" film reviews, professional, eagerly see all 2 answersWrite an answer and there is a reward for the movie "face-changing" film reviews, professional, eagerly directed by Wu Yusen, starring Nicholas in the United States The film, from the aspects of photography, soundtrack, light, editing, etc. I will write and expand. I will answer and have a reward sadandezuoshou LV.6 2017-09-10 Let’s talk about starting from "The...

  • Ulysses' Gaze Ulysses' Gaze

    Lucile 2022-01-21 08:03:01

    Gentle sadness

    Wen_Fa Bu Zhan Ni "God first created travel, and then doubt and homesickness". This is what the protagonist’s friend said to him in [Ulysses’s Gaze]. This is like a footnote to An Zhe's movie and even his life. If the "search" theme of the "Silent Trilogy" is based on travel as a witness to history, love and the silence of God, then in the "Border Trilogy" counted by [Stork Bird Pai], An Zhe is undoubtedly The focus is on doubt and homesickness. In [Stork bird hesitating], the politician...

  • Monsters: Dark Continent Monsters: Dark Continent

    Lucile 2022-01-20 08:02:16

    A movie, no matter how bad it is, has its own unique features

    A movie, no matter how bad it is, has its unique features. When a movie has no dazzling special effects, no splendid plot, and no grand scene, we can still enjoy its spirit. Just like this "Monster Dark Continent", it makes people feel a kind of real, unfamiliar reality, that is the very real side of war, whether it is the heavily armed that the protagonists can see throughout the film, or the Middle East The hot, dry, sandy and dusty external environment, as well as tense and dangerous shots...

  • Big Bad Wolves Big Bad Wolves

    Lucile 2022-01-17 08:03:44

    there is only one truth

    After reading it, I think the chief of the police may be a murderer. When he said that the protagonist did not know that he might have caused the murderer to cut her head, and then the girl’s head was actually cut off. The phone call may be just a cover, in advance. After the recording, the chief of the police is obviously at odds with the girl's father, so he is the most likely among these people. Why is the teacher not a murderer? The biggest reason is that the first three children hide...

  • Stroszek Stroszek

    Lucile 2022-01-16 08:02:16

    I want to love you my friends

    The madman who came out of the prison was drawn with the whip of the Nazis and knelt on his piano. Although the timbre was not good, there was a place to sing. This stubborn madman, but went from one hell to another, even though I tried so hard to be separated and helpless. I was hitting a wall everywhere, and I was the last one to die-dancing music chicken, 25-cent performance, repeated singing, all the animals shouted for joy, and sacrificed the last for the suicide of the desperate. The...

  • Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

    Lucile 2022-01-16 08:01:37

    Memories of Hours

    In fact, although this movie is not as exciting as it was when I watched Dragon Ball when I was a child, it must be very popular as a Dragon Ball series with a deep mass foundation. The story feels not as fun and humorous as before. It is still an old routine. In this battle, Monkey King's combat value has increased by a notch. However, seeing so many familiar figures still feels so cordial, perhaps no matter how you change yourself, you will still support Dragon Ball. The film can't be...

  • Red Beard Red Beard

    Lucile 2022-01-12 08:01:38

    Kurosawa's merciful work!

    The doctor is kind.
    The red beard is wise and brave, does not fear the power and pity the poor, set an example to move to protect the capital, to protect the capital touched otoyo, otoyo touched the helpers. . .
    Onoyo repeatedly knocked over the potion, and was finally moved by the patience of the bad boy and the break-even. He sympathized with the thief chobo, and then shouted chobo to the bottom of the well with his helper, and it was moving! Chobo spit out the poison and it will be...

  • An Affair to Remember An Affair to Remember

    Lucile 2022-01-12 08:01:22

    Affection to remember

    Even if you watch a lot of romantic comedies from the golden age of Hollywood, it will not prevent you from feeling how different and moving the movie "Golden Jade League" is. Its original intention was not a romantic movie in the traditional sense. The 37-year-old heroine Deborah Kerr has long passed the young and moving age, and her voice is so unfeminine, and her temperament is so. actual. 53-year-old Gary Grant also seems to have taken off the chicness of his Hollywood's first handsome boy....

  • Serenity Serenity

    Lucile 2022-01-10 08:02:17

    Uncle Xiu, please go through that cornfield again

    I bought the movie tickets on the first day of "Storm of the Storm", and I must watch Matthew McConaughey's movie.

    In the movie screening, I was silent in my heart: Great, I finally saw Uncle Xiu drilling the cornfield again! I didn't dare to speak out, for fear that people would be considered lunatic. .

    Really, I saw this scene in a trance, and what was shaking before my eyes was...

  • Richard Jewell Richard Jewell

    Lucile 2022-01-06 08:01:16

    The older and harder Dongmu, you are too bad, I really like...

    Now I really want to call Director Dongmu as "old and immortal." There is no derogatory meaning, but all admiration is like a surging river. Older and stronger, old-fashioned, old-fashioned rightists who stick to their values, the older they are, the harder they are to fight...The 90-year-old can continue to output excellent works with quality and quantity. There have been two in the past year. The last one is "The Mule." "I also participated in the show, too awesome! Watching Dongmu's film...

  • Crimson Tide Crimson Tide

    Lucile 2021-12-10 08:01:24

    Exciting two hours

        The story of the film itself is no longer a turmoil from now on; it's just that the director does excel, and the rhythm of the film is so accurate that there is almost no stop in the entire two hours.

        Whether it was the initial military coup or subsequent missile launching exercises, encountering enemy ships, malfunctioning of the telegraph system, and fighting for command, until the final confrontation between the two sides, at the moment of tension, the highest...

  • Empire of the Sun Empire of the Sun

    Lucile 2021-11-20 08:01:41

    Pure director and not pure audience

    Spielberg probably didn't expect this film to touch sensitive political issues. For him, it is good for an American to shoot such a film from the perspective of a British.
    "Empire of the Sun" refers to the United Kingdom. The former "Empire of the Sun Never Sets". There are British colonies on every inch of the world where the sun shines. This film is only named because it implicitly means The decline of colonialism.
    A British expatriate is weak and helpless in the war, and can...

  • Drag Me to Hell Drag Me to Hell

    Lucile 2021-11-12 08:01:15

    How do you feel that gypsies are stingy and domineering

       If the child is not sensible, the parents personally come to the door to return it, but instead of buying it, he just kills the child.

      The old woman in the back can't say that the hostess and the bank are all wrong. She has problems with her own quality, attitude, and ability to pay debts. She has so many relatives, but she still doesn't want Bo's daughter's assistance. Pushing everything on others, it's damn it.

      The happiest thing is that evil spirit, who...

  • Lucile 2023-09-15 00:41:41

    It's a boring documentary, and the interesting part is in the soundtrack itself.

  • Lucile 2023-08-19 02:20:39

    8.3/10. ①As written in the introduction: Ronin Jinyun Hanshiro went to Ii's house to rectify the name of Qian Qianyan's daughter (his son-in-law) on the grounds of incision. ② One of the roots of all these tragedies is the dogma of Bushido. ③The fixed or slow movement of the camera and the slow and restrained narrative/editing/performance rhythm render the depressing atmosphere, but unfortunately many times the execution is not in place and becomes a traditional melodrama (fighting clips, some fast zooming, narrative structure too much) Dramatic, etc.), resulting in a somewhat disordered temperament of the film. ④ Some symmetrical compositions create a sense of solemnity and regularity, and combined with the repressed atmosphere of the image, it becomes "repressed solemnity"; the photography (texture and composition) is beautiful, and this beauty is used to contrast the tragedy of tragedy; the soundtrack is traditional and precise. ⑤ Most of the use of light and shadow in the first half is very boring and lacking expressiveness, and the second half is getting better and better, and many places are very emotionally expressive; the level of audio-visual narrative is too low: characterization, promotion of plot, central ideas, etc. rely too much on the dictation of lines.

  • Lucile 2023-08-03 17:06:40

    The level is not stable, some episodes are good and some episodes are not good

  • Lucile 2023-07-22 15:28:47

    noir + highway, although low cost and long monologue, but the story is devious enough. The two "murders" at both ends of New York and LA put the protagonist in a dilemma between the classic black image, but the ending is rather blunt.

  • Lucile 2023-07-21 17:26:44

    It looked like a wax in the past, and now I think it's OK

  • Lucile 2023-07-17 08:23:19

    Dennis Villeneuve’s previous work has a very different texture of school violence. The perspectives of several groups of characters are the same tragedy. It is not just an individual, but a crisis-ridden society. Although the motivation for hating feminism is more like one An imaginary enemy. ★★★★

  • Lucile 2023-06-28 14:05:44

    The advantage of Huaquan embroidered legs is that it has a program effect and is highly ornamental. In a boxer like the UFC, I suspect that he can't last a round at all. The ground is so poor, and he dares to punch and kick so recklessly. The opponent drags you to the ground and basically loses. However, since it is a black fist, if the rules are not considered, the ultimate dirty trick such as eye insertion technique is not used. I don't know what to say.

  • Lucile 2023-06-20 15:20:17

    Except for the part played by Gong Li, there is almost no memory left.

  • Lucile 2023-06-18 18:35:14

    ''Fun is Fun and Done is Done.'' Alan thinks too much

  • Lucile 2023-06-06 22:22:19

    20120219 the less pro less calm dex will fight is really good

  • Lucile 2023-06-03 09:27:53

    2 points for atmosphere

  • Lucile 2023-05-29 06:34:23

    I admire Ben Affleck a little bit, not all actors and directors are shitty. The selection of material is good, and the rhythm of the story is well mastered, although I don't know if it's because of the editing. It's still worth watching in a Hollywood entertainment movie.

  • Lucile 2023-05-26 20:14:01

    People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden

  • Lucile 2023-05-13 19:02:39

    Great musical biopic! The beauty and suffering of life are handed over to love and compassion. Dano and Cusack both put on great performances. Brain's classic music is interspersed with it, which is very memorable.

  • Lucile 2023-05-06 17:23:28

    The pagan sense of fantasy is strong, and Shakespeare's expansion has become a film-like naturalistic detail, which is Polanski's imagination, and it is also a strange painting.