Lucile Konopelski

Lucile Konopelski



  • The Lighthouse The Lighthouse

    Lucile 2022-03-22 09:01:47

    island party of masturbation

    Indeed Brokeback Mountain II, not so much a thriller, as a psychological learning material for the study of the outside world and self-communication with a Cthulhu flavor. .

    The movie is quite interesting. It's like a puzzle game, but there are multiple solutions. If you can understand it, you can think of multiple explanations. It's also very good. Interested in learning? Just learn, 1. Good communication (the health of social animals starts❗️) Otherwise,...

  • The Seventh Seal The Seventh Seal

    Lucile 2022-03-22 09:01:34

    Detailed analysis of "The Seventh Seal"

    In the film, Grandpa Bergman showed the audience the different ways that all living beings behave when facing death through the wandering career of the knight and his companions on the plague-spreading European continent. There are 29 specific resolution points as follows:

    1. Dissolve represents a full stop (the end of a play);

    2. The stage play is scheduled, and the scenes are set according to the distance between the characters;

    3. There are two types of objective...

  • The Mist The Mist

    Lucile 2022-03-22 09:01:28

    Crisis of Faith

    The town is shrouded in thick milky fog, mysterious creatures threaten the lives of the residents, and whether the hero, who is regarded as a hero, can lead the residents to escape, the ending is icy and desperate.

    At the end of the movie, it is not accidental that the most heroic male protagonist wasted on life and even killed his parents by mistake. Because the theme of the movie is not a thriller but a reflection, a human self-deprecation: we are ignorant, and what we don't know...

  • Capernaum Capernaum

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:02:33

    Too many problems are intertwined in this extremely cruel movie

    There are too many issues discussed in this film, especially through the echoes and contrasts of the plot, which creates a huge sense of shock, and it is difficult to calm down under the shock.

    about war and survival

    When it comes to Lebanon, the impression has always been a war-torn country. Although the living conditions of the Zane family are extremely poor, there is no war in the place where they live. The little girl who appeared behind was a refugee from Syria. She...

  • Mirage Mirage

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:02:32

    another ending

    to the third dimension. Perfect ending. The heroine has reached the climax of her life. Take her daughter and fall in love with the police officer, and restore the love between the second dimension and Nico. Nico does not report or save the TV to save the heroine's life, no memory.

    The heroine looked very familiar, and it turned out to be the heroine of "Stitch of Time". There should be a small scar on the lower right cheek. It is a pity that An Jie, the suspect in front of him, did...

  • Ray Donovan Ray Donovan

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:02:28

    Wan Jin oil forced the screenwriter to rely on the omnipotent to pretend to force the male pig's feet and finally wiped off the miraculous effect of the Indian oil!

    I accidentally glanced at it many years ago, and in my memory, it was a new drama suspected of pretending to be forceful, that's all. Years later, when I was bored and bored, I decided to go deep into it and see its meaning. I found that the plot can be so "grabbing" and "Bala", and the plot that was originally unreasonable and unexplainable was played to the end. Even though I was at a loss, I gradually accepted the so-called bullshit logic in the play. I didn’t do it at...

  • Jo Nesbø's Headhunters Jo Nesbø's Headhunters

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:02:04

    It's like finding someone who doesn't feel good enough for you.

    At the beginning of the film, the male protagonist introduces his 168 size and a house worth 30 million. It feels ironic that this is the story of a foreign martial artist who married a wife who he felt unworthy and exhausted himself all day long.

    The more a person cares about something, the more inferior he is. The more inferior he is, the more he needs to gain self-confidence through material and superficial success. The male protagonist relies on stealing...

  • Dog Day Afternoon Dog Day Afternoon

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    a long afternoon in history

    I am sick and busy. After two weeks of delay, I will not write a miscellaneous review of "Afternoon on a Hot Day". I am afraid that my IMDb top 250 plan will be abandoned in the second article = =|||

    The film "Afternoon on a Hot Day" Very attractive, but also with a strong sense of the times. The 1970s were peaceful and decadent, but under the appearance of orderly society in the United States, people were so restless and dissatisfied, longing for rebellious heroes like rock stars....

  • Drive Drive

    Lucile 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    Music, lighting, violence, plot

    This crime action film made by a Nordic director in Hollywood has a different temperament from ordinary Hollywood movies. The protagonist Ryan Gosling looks good, but doesn’t follow the idol route at all. Either make movies with complex backgrounds (such as "President Killing Bureau") or make movies with unique styles, such as "Desperate Driving", as the protagonist in this film. No name. In these films, he is basically bloody inside but calm and calm on the outside, and his performance is also...

  • The Lion King The Lion King

    Lucile 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    reappeared yesterday

    "The Lion King" has always been regarded as one of the most classic and influential animated films in Disney's film history. After its launch in the 1990s, it swept the world and nourished countless people's childhood. Impressions are indelible.

    Compared with the previous pure cartoon version, the biggest difference and the biggest gimmick in this remake is the production technology of the so-called "real version". All scenes and characters are presented in a virtual way, and there is...

  • Underworld: Evolution Underworld: Evolution

    Lucile 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Half wolf and half ghost?

    If the plot of the first part is simple, the second part is completely far-fetched. The goal of Selene and that Mike's actions is not very clear. It's okay to say escape or seek. The guy was killed, and it was basically a waste of time, except that the heroine got an upgrade.
    The old man on the big ship at first thought he was a scientist who studies alien species like the general in "X-Men", but he later learned that he was the originator, and he couldn't see it at all. That Marcus is...

  • The Others The Others

    Lucile 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    "Small Island" viewing notes

    This movie, and the "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" that I watched before, is no different in my evaluation.
    This is the horror movie I really like, with a soul, content, and emotion.

    It's not that I'll come to you all in a daze, and you are shaking all over and don't know why.
    The details are piled up bit by bit, and it is difficult to guess the ending. But it is excusable to look back at the handling of any previous plot when the truth is revealed.

    When you...

  • The Insider The Insider

    Lucile 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    great news

    The 150-minute film is considered a classic. When the two movie stars, Old Pa and Crowe, performed the largest public safety claim in the history of the United States on the screen, you can't help but be attentive and admire, every beat. , every look, every movement, every note, is injecting nicotine into your blood.
        Due to irresistible reasons, he has a close contact with the news, and his knowledge and understanding of the news is not weaker than that of the new guy in the journalism...

  • X-Men X-Men

    Lucile 2022-03-17 09:01:01

    Another year of love x-men

    I think that 8 points should be given to the works of 00 years and 20 years later, they are still very nice to wear? There is no shortage of excitement, but it seems that the second half of the wolf is really held by the Magneto Wang Wanke. In addition to bones and recovery, it seems that the ability of Uncle Wolf is quite weak... but the acting and special effects have not to say that the professor's Magneto has some disagreements, but it really does not affect the fear of the unknown and...

  • Interiors Interiors

    Lucile 2022-03-14 08:01:02

    What is prudence?

    This isn't my favorite Woody Allen movie, and it's not dull. What interests me is the "prudent charm of the middle class" embodied by my mother, Eve. Of course, this is probably not the focus of the film, taste is all props.

    In the eyes of the daughters, the mother's taste is always elegant, perfect, and otherworldly, and they have been adored since childhood. What prudence shows in Eve is a seemingly low-key arrogance.
    At the beginning of the film, Eve brought an expensive...

  • Lucile 2023-09-15 00:41:41

    It's a boring documentary, and the interesting part is in the soundtrack itself.

  • Lucile 2023-08-19 02:20:39

    8.3/10. ①As written in the introduction: Ronin Jinyun Hanshiro went to Ii's house to rectify the name of Qian Qianyan's daughter (his son-in-law) on the grounds of incision. ② One of the roots of all these tragedies is the dogma of Bushido. ③The fixed or slow movement of the camera and the slow and restrained narrative/editing/performance rhythm render the depressing atmosphere, but unfortunately many times the execution is not in place and becomes a traditional melodrama (fighting clips, some fast zooming, narrative structure too much) Dramatic, etc.), resulting in a somewhat disordered temperament of the film. ④ Some symmetrical compositions create a sense of solemnity and regularity, and combined with the repressed atmosphere of the image, it becomes "repressed solemnity"; the photography (texture and composition) is beautiful, and this beauty is used to contrast the tragedy of tragedy; the soundtrack is traditional and precise. ⑤ Most of the use of light and shadow in the first half is very boring and lacking expressiveness, and the second half is getting better and better, and many places are very emotionally expressive; the level of audio-visual narrative is too low: characterization, promotion of plot, central ideas, etc. rely too much on the dictation of lines.

  • Lucile 2023-08-03 17:06:40

    The level is not stable, some episodes are good and some episodes are not good

  • Lucile 2023-07-22 15:28:47

    noir + highway, although low cost and long monologue, but the story is devious enough. The two "murders" at both ends of New York and LA put the protagonist in a dilemma between the classic black image, but the ending is rather blunt.

  • Lucile 2023-07-21 17:26:44

    It looked like a wax in the past, and now I think it's OK

  • Lucile 2023-07-17 08:23:19

    Dennis Villeneuve’s previous work has a very different texture of school violence. The perspectives of several groups of characters are the same tragedy. It is not just an individual, but a crisis-ridden society. Although the motivation for hating feminism is more like one An imaginary enemy. ★★★★

  • Lucile 2023-06-28 14:05:44

    The advantage of Huaquan embroidered legs is that it has a program effect and is highly ornamental. In a boxer like the UFC, I suspect that he can't last a round at all. The ground is so poor, and he dares to punch and kick so recklessly. The opponent drags you to the ground and basically loses. However, since it is a black fist, if the rules are not considered, the ultimate dirty trick such as eye insertion technique is not used. I don't know what to say.

  • Lucile 2023-06-20 15:20:17

    Except for the part played by Gong Li, there is almost no memory left.

  • Lucile 2023-06-18 18:35:14

    ''Fun is Fun and Done is Done.'' Alan thinks too much

  • Lucile 2023-06-06 22:22:19

    20120219 the less pro less calm dex will fight is really good

  • Lucile 2023-06-03 09:27:53

    2 points for atmosphere

  • Lucile 2023-05-29 06:34:23

    I admire Ben Affleck a little bit, not all actors and directors are shitty. The selection of material is good, and the rhythm of the story is well mastered, although I don't know if it's because of the editing. It's still worth watching in a Hollywood entertainment movie.

  • Lucile 2023-05-26 20:14:01

    People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden

  • Lucile 2023-05-13 19:02:39

    Great musical biopic! The beauty and suffering of life are handed over to love and compassion. Dano and Cusack both put on great performances. Brain's classic music is interspersed with it, which is very memorable.

  • Lucile 2023-05-06 17:23:28

    The pagan sense of fantasy is strong, and Shakespeare's expansion has become a film-like naturalistic detail, which is Polanski's imagination, and it is also a strange painting.