Lucile Konopelski

Lucile Konopelski



  • My Love from Another Star My Love from Another Star

    Lucile 2022-09-26 19:19:53

    The heart-wrenching performance, the audience still buys it

    At the beginning of 2017, it has been several years since I finished chasing this popular TV series in 2014.
    I heard the news of "Professor Do" and Jun Zhixian marrying into a wealthy family and giving birth to children.
    I deeply despised it in my heart. , a group of irrational silly girls
    . Then, I found that laughing at people is really not suitable for me
    to laugh at, and I will become someone who is in my 30s. How about that? First of all, what

    is the five-body...

  • The Way We Were The Way We Were

    Lucile 2022-09-13 07:43:04

    The feelings of the past, once the sea

    THE WAY WE WERE, Chinese name "Feelings of the Past". I paid attention to this film back then, no doubt because of the famous song by Barbra Streisand. At that time, I couldn't find this film anywhere, and it was the first time I watched it after I mailed a DVD in the UK. It was not easy to fully understand this deep-rooted film without Chinese subtitles, but when the first scene of the film appeared, I was attracted by the melodious theme soundtrack and the strong images of the times, which...

  • Initial D Initial D

    Lucile 2022-09-12 07:11:38

    I won't see this movie until 2022

    I only watched this movie in 2022, because I was mature when I was young, and I disdain to watch this type of movie. Now I miss those years so much. The movie is really a good thing. When you want to recall the past, you can open it and have a look. You can see the youth of the people in the movie as well as your own youth. The talented Jay Clen, the handsome Edison Chen and Shawn Yue, have all eyes on them. It is the story of Huang Qiusheng and the silly Du Wenze. After...

  • Cut Off Cut Off

    Lucile 2022-08-27 09:04:27

    Can only watch it once, not recall

    The atmosphere was very tense for the first time, and the editing was excellent. The parallelism of the two lines and the tension between the past and the present created a good sense. However, it can't stand scrutiny, and the BUG is huge. First: Three people commit suicide just for the protagonist to play an exciting game. Thinking about changing the system, the protagonist must also be a person who has the ability to change the system. Or the purpose is to kill the protagonist. On the one...

  • S1m0ne S1m0ne

    Lucile 2022-08-21 03:14:29

    Constructed Idols and Us Who Constructed Idols

    We are not unfamiliar with the word idol. It is recorded in "Shuowen", "I, Kirito", "Xiang, Xiang also, literally, refers to the statue of the god made of earth and wood. By extension, it is a mysterious power. Symbols are the concrete of ideals and beliefs, and they are worshipers who can abandon logic and reason and be unconditionally convinced. Idols are not only the gods of clay sculptures, but also not only the devils mentioned in the Taiping army's words, they are accompanied by crazy...

  • Hogfather Hogfather

    Lucile 2022-08-19 21:03:49

    What's the point of saving human's imagination and creativity?

    susan: Now, tell me...
    grandfather: What would have happened if you hadn't saved him?
    susan: Yes
    grandfather: The sun would not have risen
    susan: Then what would have happened?
    grandfather: Coming out a ball of flaming gas would have be illuminating the world?
    susan: All right, I'm not stupid. You're saying that humans need fantasies to make life bearable
    grandfather: No, humans need fantasy to be human, to be in the place where the falling angel meet the...

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Lucile 2022-07-06 17:58:29

    Woman on the brink of collapse: modernity/struggle, order/gaffe

    If it weren't for "Feminist Cinema: Chantal Attaman 70", the screening section of the 4th Yamaichi International Women's Film Festival, I probably would not have been born in the film "Jeanne Dillman". After 45 years of actively opening it, after all, I have no way of guaranteeing whether I can concentrate for a full 201 minutes without watching it in a theater environment, or it is such a special, so-called avant-garde film with no discernible genre elements.

  • The Good Fight The Good Fight

    Lucile 2022-06-26 17:35:12

    "The Best of the Best S01E01" Legal Guide to Watching the Drama (including spoilers)

    S01E01 At the beginning of the story, Diane Lockhart, played by Christine Baranski, was sitting in front of the TV, watching US President Trump's inaugural speech in shock. Diane, a supporter of the Democratic Party, was so angry that she immediately turned off the TV, and she was hilarious about the election result. The response is - yes! retreat! stop! ▼

    In fact, the screenwriter Kings and his...

  • Dangerous Liaisons Dangerous Liaisons

    Lucile 2022-05-21 19:39:38

    Those dangerous relationships

    I'm sorry to say this but those who are most worthy of love are never made happy by it. Do you still think men love the way we do? No... men enjoy the happiness they feel. We can only enjoy the happiness we give. They are not capable of devoting themselves exclusively to one person. So to hope to be made happy by love is a certain cause of grief.

    this is John Malkovich's aunt sat crying lady Michelle The old lady spoke carelessly and meaningfully in a dialogue that Pfeiffer said by...

  • The Princess Diaries The Princess Diaries

    Lucile 2022-04-23 07:01:45

    Princess Diary

    Courage is not theabsence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. A prudent person will not live forever, but a cautious person will not survive at all. To be not who you are, but who you can be. Because you saw me when I am invisible. Every girl turns into a princess when she overcomes her weakness. [/cp]

  • There Will Be Blood There Will Be Blood

    Lucile 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Human nature annihilated, deviant, demons nurtured

    Bloody black gold, on the surface, there will always be people injured or even killed when mining, but it still won't stop the pace of mining.

    1. The greed, selfishness, and profit-seeking of capitalism

    The oil tycoon, in order to obtain more oil mining land, adopted a son, and used the banner of a family business to make people eat bread for the sake of the rich and powerful side. Oil is extracted from it.

    2. The gradual annihilation of human nature, adopting HW, ---...

  • Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

    Lucile 2022-04-23 06:01:02

    What kind of dish is this in a pot...

    European literary and artistic filming techniques. American gangster films. Nindo-style stubbornness in Japanese films. Occasionally a little British humor. Even the Matrix-style "bullet time" is used. Spike Lee floats during the period. The smell of an anti-racism fighter ends with a tribute to American Western movies. These things are mixed together and it is a tangled look. I don’t know if the director wants to show his extensive research or really wants to pursue the ultimate. Style above...

  • Spellbound Spellbound

    Lucile 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    Watching the movie in shock

    Watching a movie in an inexplicable mood, especially at night, I don't even know why.

    There are laughs, tears, and horror in this movie. Although I feel that there are horror elements when I look at the title, I didn’t expect such a horror plot to frighten me. :-(

    Fortunately, the ending is a bit joyful, A fairly successful horror romance film, because her ending is good, so I can only name it that way. I recommend friends to watch it, of course, don't pick the big night,...

  • Dragon Tiger Gate Dragon Tiger Gate

    Lucile 2022-04-22 07:01:49

    I can beat it! Go heads-up!

    Ye Weixin is an extremely unstable director. Looking at his works in the past 10 years, the bad is much better than the good. He can't compare with To Qifeng in this regard, but the good works of Ye Weixin are outrageously good. "Juliet and Liang Shanbo" and "Burst Detective" are all unexpectedly good works. There's no limit to how bad it is. The most extreme is "Small Things in a Big City". It seems that I haven't seen such a bad movie in a long time.

    Everyone likes to compare...

  • Eat Pray Love Eat Pray Love

    Lucile 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Food is an excuse to start, love is the end of the end!

    It's interesting to say, I haven't written a movie review for a long time. Whenever I watch a movie and want to indulge in the text, there will always be something disturbing. The bedroom is still a place where I can't give myself space for thinking. After watching this film today, it was really boring, cliché-like rhythm at first, and I paused to watch a woman in her 30s who was restless and groaning.

    I have to admit that the climax of the film is not at the end of the film, it...

  • Lucile 2023-09-15 00:41:41

    It's a boring documentary, and the interesting part is in the soundtrack itself.

  • Lucile 2023-08-19 02:20:39

    8.3/10. ①As written in the introduction: Ronin Jinyun Hanshiro went to Ii's house to rectify the name of Qian Qianyan's daughter (his son-in-law) on the grounds of incision. ② One of the roots of all these tragedies is the dogma of Bushido. ③The fixed or slow movement of the camera and the slow and restrained narrative/editing/performance rhythm render the depressing atmosphere, but unfortunately many times the execution is not in place and becomes a traditional melodrama (fighting clips, some fast zooming, narrative structure too much) Dramatic, etc.), resulting in a somewhat disordered temperament of the film. ④ Some symmetrical compositions create a sense of solemnity and regularity, and combined with the repressed atmosphere of the image, it becomes "repressed solemnity"; the photography (texture and composition) is beautiful, and this beauty is used to contrast the tragedy of tragedy; the soundtrack is traditional and precise. ⑤ Most of the use of light and shadow in the first half is very boring and lacking expressiveness, and the second half is getting better and better, and many places are very emotionally expressive; the level of audio-visual narrative is too low: characterization, promotion of plot, central ideas, etc. rely too much on the dictation of lines.

  • Lucile 2023-08-03 17:06:40

    The level is not stable, some episodes are good and some episodes are not good

  • Lucile 2023-07-22 15:28:47

    noir + highway, although low cost and long monologue, but the story is devious enough. The two "murders" at both ends of New York and LA put the protagonist in a dilemma between the classic black image, but the ending is rather blunt.

  • Lucile 2023-07-21 17:26:44

    It looked like a wax in the past, and now I think it's OK

  • Lucile 2023-07-17 08:23:19

    Dennis Villeneuve’s previous work has a very different texture of school violence. The perspectives of several groups of characters are the same tragedy. It is not just an individual, but a crisis-ridden society. Although the motivation for hating feminism is more like one An imaginary enemy. ★★★★

  • Lucile 2023-06-28 14:05:44

    The advantage of Huaquan embroidered legs is that it has a program effect and is highly ornamental. In a boxer like the UFC, I suspect that he can't last a round at all. The ground is so poor, and he dares to punch and kick so recklessly. The opponent drags you to the ground and basically loses. However, since it is a black fist, if the rules are not considered, the ultimate dirty trick such as eye insertion technique is not used. I don't know what to say.

  • Lucile 2023-06-20 15:20:17

    Except for the part played by Gong Li, there is almost no memory left.

  • Lucile 2023-06-18 18:35:14

    ''Fun is Fun and Done is Done.'' Alan thinks too much

  • Lucile 2023-06-06 22:22:19

    20120219 the less pro less calm dex will fight is really good

  • Lucile 2023-06-03 09:27:53

    2 points for atmosphere

  • Lucile 2023-05-29 06:34:23

    I admire Ben Affleck a little bit, not all actors and directors are shitty. The selection of material is good, and the rhythm of the story is well mastered, although I don't know if it's because of the editing. It's still worth watching in a Hollywood entertainment movie.

  • Lucile 2023-05-26 20:14:01

    People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden

  • Lucile 2023-05-13 19:02:39

    Great musical biopic! The beauty and suffering of life are handed over to love and compassion. Dano and Cusack both put on great performances. Brain's classic music is interspersed with it, which is very memorable.

  • Lucile 2023-05-06 17:23:28

    The pagan sense of fantasy is strong, and Shakespeare's expansion has become a film-like naturalistic detail, which is Polanski's imagination, and it is also a strange painting.