Alan Prohaska

Alan Prohaska



  • Normal People Normal People

    Alan 2022-12-24 16:00:33

    "Ordinary People": the long overdue youth answer

    "Normal People" is on fire.

    Not to mention the high popularity and topicality of the play abroad, even in China, according to the standards of a youth/love drama adapted from a best-selling novel, "Ordinary People" has recently shown some signs of "out of the circle".


  • Steins;Gate Steins;Gate

    Alan 2022-12-22 15:48:20


    I've heard the name of this show for a long time, but never watched it. My roommate has also been Amway before, saying that this show is absolutely a masterpiece, as long as it gets through the first 12 episodes.

    I don't know if it's because I'm interested in this kind of setting that crosses the world line, I didn't find the first 12 episodes difficult. I was already immersed in the plot by the seventh and eighth episodes, and after watching one episode, I wondered what the next...

  • Hichki Hichki

    Alan 2022-12-19 04:48:46

    Lamplighter of the Dark Ages

    In recent years, the dual labels of "India" and "Realism" have become a golden sign. Every year, several local Indian films have achieved both word-of-mouth and box office success in the Mainland. Among them, educational films have repeatedly attracted attention. Previously, "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" and "Starting Line" have triggered phenomenal discussions. "Mr. Hiccup", which landed in theaters in the fall of 2018, is still committed to exploring the possibility of narrative in...

  • 14 Blades 14 Blades

    Alan 2022-12-19 04:47:57

    Qinglong and Tuotuo are a perfect match

    I think Qinglong and Tuotuo should be a couple for the following reasons:

    1. Husband and wife appearance - the two are somewhat similar in face shape to cold temperament.

    2. The family is right in the same household - the first is martial arts. The two are on the same level in martial arts, and they fight for several rounds. The martial artist loves the martial arts. In the future, they can learn martial arts every day when they get married; secondly, according to today's...

  • Waterloo Bridge Waterloo Bridge

    Alan 2022-12-15 05:20:19

    Eternal Love

    Simple and touching love.
    Looking at Vivien Leigh's joy and sadness, the tears in her eyes, the fierce struggle in her heart, the bright and dim eyes in her eyes, my heart was so tightly tied.
    Undoubtedly, she is the biggest highlight of the movie.

    It's just that I still can't help thinking: If she didn't die but chose to tell him the truth, would he still love her as deeply as ever? The director is really smart, choosing such a beautiful ending, and avoiding the cruelty...

  • Ella Enchanted Ella Enchanted

    Alan 2022-12-13 23:19:36

    This is what a fairy tale looks like - Magic Cinderella

    This is an age where cruelty is discussed all over the world.

    Because of the title, I keep putting this one at the end of my queue of movies. Then I read Susu's book for a while and decided to finish reading her. Not only because of her gorgeous colors, Annie's beautiful big eyes, but also because of that little heartless feeling that I haven't had in a long time.

    The blueprint of Cinderella, a little bit of magic, a little bit of conspiracy, the happy ending that was...

  • Fairy Tail Fairy Tail

    Alan 2022-12-06 15:13:18

    This is the funniest manga I've ever seen

    I love Fairy Tail so much.
    Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, the characters can't die no matter how they fight. In the fight against the bad guys, they will win no matter what.
    But their bright spot is that no matter what, they have an optimistic, confident and enthusiastic heart.
    Among them, Natsu and Hubby are my favorites.
    Love that they always rant no matter what the situation.
    It doesn't feel like watching a tense, terrifying fight.
    And can face any...

  • Les Misérables Les Misérables

    Alan 2022-12-01 18:00:50

    my miserable world

    If all people live in misery, it must be a problem with the social system. If there is something wrong with the social system, then most will be miserable. When I was in school, my history teacher said that the French are particularly revolutionary. They are the country with the most revolutions and the most thorough revolutions in the world. At that time, I didn't understand it, thinking that everything was a coincidence. It's a pity that I didn't have the conditions to...

  • Time of the Gypsies Time of the Gypsies

    Alan 2022-11-22 17:10:16

    A goofy movie

    "Dom za vesanje" is a movie I accidentally discovered. I was just curious. Although I didn't understand Romani and didn't read Chinese subtitles, the picture was so interesting that I watched the entire feature film one after another.

    From the impression I get from the picture, this is a movie that is jumping around, usually only in rough countryside. The story it tells takes place in the 1970s. It has a very strong local flavor, and is full of ruffians, but it is also mixed with...

  • The Classic The Classic

    Alan 2022-11-22 15:11:06

    If God makes you give up

    When the glossy cover of the diary was scratched by the years, when the color of the photos was soaked into yellow by time, when the letterhead was blurred by dust, who was holding them in his hand, reading word by word, moved We have moved, saddened the sadness we have had.
        If love has the will of God, will God bless the lovers to be married, or let the people who love each other end up with a difference in fate?
        When you walk away slowly with my love, you ca n't hold back...

  • The Mist The Mist

    Alan 2022-10-22 11:07:13

    "The Mist" movie old-fashioned plot, but the ending is eye-catching

    I haven't watched the TV series yet, but I've seen the movie "The Mist" of the same name, and the content is almost the same, the old-fashioned plot - people united in a difficult situation hurt each other, and the ugliness of human nature is exposed. Different endings - Difficulties bring despair, no survivors, but "The Mist" is different, the ending is really desperate but full of hope - The male protagonist raised a gun to himself in the car and was about to pull the trigger to commit...

  • You You

    Alan 2022-10-15 08:47:46

    In the end, it's just a game of redemption

    After finishing the first season of "you" in a short time, I understand that this drama is a self-help request of an autistic mentally disordered patient, expressing his own understanding and cognition of the world in the name of love, eager to be accepted and saved, But he forgot that the only one who can accept and save him is himself.

    I don't think Joe loves Beck that much. Just like at the end of the shot, Joe is looking forward to the next hunt again. For him, Beck...

  • When Marnie Was There When Marnie Was There

    Alan 2022-10-14 12:11:23

    Love is magical and can overcome all the restlessness and loneliness of growing up

    After reading "Marnie in Memories" by Studio Ghibli, I haven't been so moved for a long time: there are bays, postcards, and birds pecking their nests under the eaves. There is a light in a window that opens towards the lake. The girl Marnie is like a small boat in the vast wetlands, living alone and working hard~~ The process of watching is a bit sad, such as Marnie who was born into wealthy parents but has not been around for a long time. A friend who was abused by a servant; Anna was loved...

  • The Last Dance The Last Dance

    Alan 2022-10-13 09:53:56

    Jordan is really the best basketball player and LeBron is the greater basketball player

    Nowadays, people who see LeBron "pointing the rivers and lakes" like Wang Chongyang, it is hard to imagine how a "Dugu seeks defeat" played 20 years ago.

    The gap between top athletes is a thousand miles away, let alone two players with very different styles. Even today, it is difficult to find someone who can match Jordan.

    So when Michael chose to release the documentary ahead of schedule, LeBron was in a storm of public opinion. It is true that Jordan has a very perfect career,...

  • Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu

    Alan 2022-10-11 04:19:38

    It’s totally incomprehensible, subverting the previous understanding of the Destiny Stone worldview

    After reading the big post, I couldn't understand it at all. I felt that it had subverted my previous world view of "Stone of Destiny".
    1. First of all, the so-called 0.000001% deviation world means that there is no real SG, right? ?
    2. There is only one world line, right! ?
       So here comes the problem. The reason why Yuzhen was excluded from the SG world, if I understand correctly, is that he has always had too many coexisting memories of other lines and doubts the authenticity...

  • Alan 2022-10-06 17:51:54

    It's a relatively unremarkable one in the old film, and the lines don't have any bright spots. In the end, it didn't push the tearing to a new height. It was over inexplicably, a little confused. I can't say that I'm imitating Bergman, it's not as conscious as I am. But the mood shaping is okay, it's the photography, scenery, and costumes that help me a lot. It was Ronan Farrow who was born that year. It is conceivable that Woody Allen and Mia Farrow were quarreling, filled with anxiety.

  • Alan 2022-09-30 21:11:30

    The plot characters all undertake the previous works. At the beginning, the jokes are dense, with a 5-point level, and the style is more like a giant python troupe than the previous work "The Source of Stephen Chow's Style". Then I started to use the stalks of the previous work, such as Tang Seng nagging to death, not to be lazy, but to continue the style of this series. But some stalks were not clever in the previous work and were less interesting due to abuse, such as some very simple homophonic stalks, deliberately and mechanically understood and executed the other party's speech in a literal sense. These are not terrible in themselves, because later comedies are not used. Probably from the first third, more and more copies, less and less creation, and finally no more funny, only embarrassment. The impression was that I was downgraded from 5 points and didn't keep 3, which is a pity.

  • Alan 2022-09-16 00:40:29

    The title Les femmes de l'ombre pays homage to the French spy war classic "Shadow Army" L'armée des ombres, which may be better translated as "Shadow Girl Spy".

  • Alan 2022-09-10 00:15:02

    Somewhat old-fashioned.

  • Alan 2022-09-06 05:00:04

    Procrastination. . .

  • Alan 2022-09-04 19:16:58

    In fact, the story is very old-fashioned, but the reason to become a palace is only because of Garbo's expressionless but expressive face.

  • Alan 2022-09-02 02:10:33

    The ending is a classic, I'm crying

  • Alan 2022-08-15 14:34:35

    Just like the director's predecessor "Storm of the Crocodile", I didn't care about it amidst the screams. At present, there are many statements criticizing the film because it has too many shadows from other films, which directly concludes the remarks of Chen Chen Xiangyin in this film. Indeed, "Buried", "The Sinner", "127 Hours", "Hunger", "Gravity" and even a few films that are very spoiler at first, we can all see more I don’t think of these movies at all, but then, is this a fundamental problem? I am still that point of view. As long as it is not plagiarism, creators should not be afraid of great works of the same type that have mountains in front of them. Classics are never established there to keep people away from them. Classics are used to surpass. It's not fun for everyone to take a detour, it's fun to dare to face the challenge. What does it matter whether you succeed or not, besides, this so-called success is not entirely up to others.

  • Alan 2022-06-21 15:15:41

    I actually finished all 112 episodes! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! What should I do if Amway became a Tibetan Flying Party at Station B! ! ! ! (Although the body is also my goddess) TM is my childhood! ! !

  • Alan 2022-05-21 19:17:58

    Everyone has an unreliable life trajectory, see who can be unreliable to the end!

  • Alan 2022-05-06 06:01:08

    Bette Davis was top billing in that era, but it was overplayed in this movie.

  • Alan 2022-04-25 06:01:01

    The masterpiece after BSG (but I couldn't lift my spirits to watch the second season).

  • Alan 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    I don't like such a sad and gloomy movie, the whole color and picture are too depressing, and in the end it's very hopeless.

  • Alan 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    08.3.17 It is still possible to watch and play. WWII. Father and son. Children and monsters. old-fashioned. But Mum was an actor at Gosford Manor and The Mill on the Forose, and I stared at it for a while before I recognized it. I wanted to make up a little story between my mother and two men, but I just couldn't incite it. Maybe the original novel has done better.

  • Alan 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    The first two sets of Hotel Transylvania focus on family affection and racial integration. Different races are not allowed to intermarry. Liebu more comprehensively describes that monsters have various family problems. Traditions do not necessarily have to be followed. Single parents can find happiness. A new beginning, happy, warm and touching is this set of animations to make you feel, and it is worth watching the whole family. From the first one to marry a daughter, the second to take care of the grandson, until the third one has a second spring, the screenwriter can be regarded as a perfect ending for a vampire! As long as you live! Easily! Just smile for half an hour!