Noah Legros

Noah Legros



  • Castle in the Sky Castle in the Sky

    Noah 2022-03-23 09:01:40

    my favorite city in the sky

    The little girl Hida is the descendant of the legendary "City in the Sky Laputa" royal family. It used to be an aerial civilization that surpassed the civilization on the ground for thousands of years. However, for some reason, Hida's ancestors left the "City in the Sky" and abandoned the developed world. technology and live a reclusive life on the ground. One day, however, several unidentified men appeared at her door. The story begins when the army flying ship Hedda is sitting in is attacked...

  • Fahrenheit 9/11 Fahrenheit 9/11

    Noah 2022-03-22 09:01:38

    The Bush Administration's Incompetence and Greed

    The title is an extension of the famous [Fahrenheit 451], but the central idea of ​​the film and that famous book is the same, which is to oppose the government's personal centralization and speech censorship.

    The entire film revolves around 9/11 to show the incompetence and greed of the current Bush administration. The film roughly follows the events in chronological order, from 9/11, to Afghanistan, and finally to Iraq. There are some things revealed in the film that I didn't know...

  • You've Got Mail You've Got Mail

    Noah 2022-03-22 09:01:24

    The Allegory of the Electronic Love Letter

    In "Beijing Meets Seattle", Tang Wei explained her purpose of going to Seattle to the staff when she went through customs. She said that she was a movie fan and reluctantly pieced together the name of the movie "Sleepless in Seattle". I really like the neurotic Meg Ryan in the movie. Later, when I saw her second collaboration with Tom Hanks in "Electronic Love Letter", she was still neurotic and a little playful.

    Women are familiar with the words in "Pride and Prejudice", and men...

  • Children of Men Children of Men

    Noah 2022-03-22 09:01:04

    Son of Man: Humanity Symbols in the Last Days

    Those who enter this door should give up all hope Dante’s "Divine Comedy: Hell"

    I remember I used to like to read Dan Brown ’s works, one of which is called "Hell". The villain in the book finally succeeded in their conspiracy. After the virus is released, humans will have a half chance of being unable to bear children. Yes, you heard...

  • Next Gen Next Gen

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:03:04


    Shock! A robot boyfriend meets a scumbag and gives up moving bricks for love to gain a happy smile. But the scumbag in distress finds out that he has no money and is dumped. In the war with an infatuated boyfriend, he chooses to sacrifice himself to keep his girlfriend well-rounded. After the scumbag loses her boyfriend, she realizes that love is precious again Guarding the amnesia boyfriend to accompany his growth. To be honest, I was really looking forward to seeing the trailer for the...

  • BPM (Beats Per Minute) BPM (Beats Per Minute)

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    While talking about "love", we are also obliged to talk about "AI"

    Four stars for the movie and one star for the theme

    After watching "Portrait of a Burning Woman", I was followed by Adela and watched this movie. Some of the gay movies I've watched before are basically about love, and the forbearance of love or the burst of passion in it is also very touching, but "AIDS" is actually a topic that is difficult for the gay community to escape. But as an "unflattering" topic, there are very few movies on this subject. The reality is, as long as there is...

  • The Breadwinner The Breadwinner

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:02:58

    Washington Post: "Afghan Villagers Living in America's 'Heritage': Everyone Here Hates Americans"

    What is the truth? See this report from The Washington Post on October 7, 2021

    At the air raid site, the villagers of Xinxi Village hung white flags to commemorate. Screenshot of the Washington Post report

    "Everyone here hates the Americans. They murder civilians and commit atrocities."...

  • Raya and the Last Dragon Raya and the Last Dragon

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:02:08

    Let me tell you about my movie viewing experience

    I just finished watching the movie, and I want to write about my feelings after watching the movie. The content contains some spoilers, so please read carefully. First, the overall evaluation of the movie is suitable for children to watch, and there is no content that is not suitable for young children to watch. The theme of the movie should be "trust", which starts with a question of trust and ends with trust. Disney princesses should belong to the Southeast Asian style, including clothing,...

  • The Basketball Diaries The Basketball Diaries

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    The peerless beauty of "Little Plum" will always make you fascinated

    This movie is a movie of Leonardo's youthful period in his early years. It tells how a high school boy who loves to play basketball fell from a good boy of a rising star to a street drug-addicting "rat". This matter is adapted from a real person. At the end of the movie, the prototype character is introduced after experiencing this bad news-like rebellious adolescence. Finding the meaning of his life, he is still the boy who loves to write a diary. He has successfully published...

  • Winterfell Winterfell

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:52

    Seriously funny? So you are such a "Game of Thrones"! (Updated the Night King chapter)

    I'm the Night King who doesn't talk much, this time I want to speak for myself!

    Hello everyone, I am the Night King . You can also call me Aye. At this time, I am in hell and looking back on my tragic life.

    In view of my outstanding contribution to the improvement of global warming, they did not put me in the eighteenth hell where I will never be born again, but restored me to the way I was.

    They asked me to undergo reform through...

  • 10,000 BC 10,000 BC

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:45

    10,000 Years Prehistory: No Revelation

    By the time he entered the theater, Dale was already fighting the "four-legged demons" in the jungle. Just watching the part in the jungle suddenly reminds me of Mel Gibson's Apocalypse. There are indeed many comparisons between the two. Both backward tribes are enslaved by powerful civilizations, and the male protagonist will get rid of the fate of himself or his tribe being enslaved. But apparently Roland Emmerich found that it is much more difficult to set a setting that is basically in line...

  • Zack Snyder's Justice League Zack Snyder's Justice League

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:21

    History has no if

    Try to imagine that we live in a free country where art is supreme. There, the film is a purely personal expression, and the director has the absolute right to speak. The audience's preferences, market feedback, and financial pressure can no longer forcefully change the face of a movie. The quality of the film depends only on the director's aesthetic taste, expression and ambition for a grand idea. Also there, the criteria for evaluating a movie are pure. There is no...

  • Being John Malkovich Being John Malkovich

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:16

    A complete guide to reasonable fertility for homosexual couples.

    Most of the movies I watched recently feel that the meaning contained is relatively unique. Even if the performance is extremely difficult and difficult to understand. But the center is always easy to understand. Comparatively speaking, this movie is very interesting.

    Life on the 1.7th floor. Half of the walk. Go to the 8th floor. Walk halfway to the 7th floor. Weak-willed and hesitate and finally stay on the 7th and a half. No way up and down. Difficult to get up and down....

  • Crash Crash

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:11

    Dreamed by America--Rereading "Crash"

    This film is really good. It is the third film that touched me after "Oasis" and "Schindler's List".

      The film has an interesting name, "Crash". After watching the film, I would like to ask a question. Does this film come up with a series of ideas based on the title, or after thinking about the story, come up with a series of amazing ideas, or the title, the ideas appear in the mind of the playwright or the director. In your head? For me as an ordinary viewer, this is simply a...

  • 500 Days of Summer 500 Days of Summer

    Noah 2022-03-21 09:01:07

    No initiative, no rejection, no responsibility

    I wanted to describe the plot with my friends, but I always felt that there seemed to be something more vivid, and I didn't remember it. I finally remembered that the male protagonist in the movie seems to have suffered from the common problem of men nowadays. When the actor suddenly realized his feelings for summer, he had obviously missed her completely. I thought it was gained by taking advantage of it, but I didn't know that it was completely lost. No matter how active a woman is, she needs...

  • Noah 2023-09-26 04:15:22

    The little boy is rotten and cute, but it's okay. . . The last boss turned out to be my father~

  • Noah 2023-09-25 09:43:37

    The Chinese army has attacked and the US military does not need tanks to save the refugees!

  • Noah 2023-09-22 05:38:22

    It is a homicidal movie that combines the fear of the waters of "Jaws", and it is also packaged into a mature commercial film, which is very good. The soundtrack of the photography is excellent, the POV perspective of the opening "Water Ghost" is impressive, and the speedboat chase that everyone praised is a bit lengthy. 75

  • Noah 2023-09-21 22:56:39

    Yes, using the shooting method of modern dramas, the interpretation of contemporary rebellious girls and contemporary fashionable music for BGM may be closer to you and your inner universe. Anti-bone stiff neck, smart and cute, romantic and free. The predicament of women more than 100 years ago and the present situation are wonderfully intertextualized, generating resonance and strong emotion across time and space.

  • Noah 2023-09-18 16:28:06

    Ex is really a stumbling block in your pursuit of happiness. Frankie is scum, but she is so beautiful, I can't bear to blame her. Sam is so handsome! She is the embodiment of my perfectionist partner! And Tess is a good girl, I really want to see it By the time she was successful and happy. Episode 5 was the saddest episode in my opinion, Tess was the saddest, and episode 6 was WTF! And Tess proved that when things go bad, everything turns around .

  • Noah 2023-09-14 06:18:28

    Why do I have an inexplicable affection for black fat guys?

  • Noah 2023-09-09 06:57:32

    The secret suspense is not strong but there is, the cast lineup is not huge but there is, the retro with props, clothing and light and shadow is great. Nice new series.

  • Noah 2023-09-07 06:11:28

    Never seen such a lengthy action movie

  • Noah 2023-08-26 23:25:10

    Little fat Jonah Hill suddenly became a serious reporter, which made people a little uncomfortable. Fu Lanlan even played a silent murderer, which was somewhat unexpected. As for the endless thoughts of the two sitting up together, it was unbearable. Come on, let's go back to comedy. Even if this is a true story, it gives people a very unreal feeling, and this is not a celebrity comeback. 6.0 points

  • Noah 2023-08-22 09:51:49

    Abandoned 2 episodes, not too interested in the unit drama...

  • Noah 2023-07-27 00:47:36

    The lost sense of sight will definitely be pitted

  • Noah 2023-07-08 17:46:41

    I watched it at the French Film Festival, and the effect of watching it in the cinema was many times better than that of Avatar.

  • Noah 2023-06-24 17:03:23

    The purpose is clear and the texture is lacking. It's not as straightforward to make a popcorn movie. Now it looks pretty good and forgets about it. Cousin really only has short hair.

  • Noah 2023-06-18 05:45:02

    I'm crazy, I can't keep my sanity

  • Noah 2023-06-14 03:53:13

    It's really not's fake--