Alexys Schultz

Alexys Schultz



  • Westworld Westworld

    Alexys 2022-12-30 09:12:37

    Children of Men

    If it is by rearing children that we come to understand our parents, then perhaps, it is by fashioning another consciousness that we come to understand our own.
    Thank not those that bring you gold, frankincense, and myrrh; thank not those who bring you joy, serenity, and love. Thank those who bring you pain, the splitting that drives you into being, the beam that burns.
    On a quest to rescue his beloved, the boy becomes a man; as he tastes the impossibility of any rescue,...

  • The Baader Meinhof Complex The Baader Meinhof Complex

    Alexys 2022-12-23 03:06:17

    My heartfelt condolences to comrades Badr and Mainhoff

      In the 1960s and 1970s, US imperialism invaded Vietnam, which aroused the unanimous condemnation of peace-loving people all over the world. Under the chairman and the wise leadership of our party, the whole world has started a great revolution that touched people’s souls, heading on to all challenges of the bourgeoisie in the ideological field, using the proletariat’s own new ideas, new culture, and new customs. , New habits, to change the mental outlook of the entire society....

  • Seven Swords Seven Swords

    Alexys 2022-12-21 18:26:27

    Heroes Twilight - Tsui Hark "Seven Swords"

       Tsui Hark finally left Tianshan with "Seven Swords" and returned to the rivers and lakes, but as a fan who is not loyal, the mood of watching "Seven Swords" is by no means as simple as happy grievances and blood and rain in rivers and lakes. Tsui Hark's name and his films have become a synonym for martial arts films in the 1980s and 1990s. His films always have a kind of detachment and the artistic conception of a ranger and a high-ranking guest above the rivers and lakes. This...

  • The Banker The Banker

    Alexys 2022-12-16 18:06:16

    Large lineup

    Unexpectedly, the chief of the Avengers and the Falcon’s real main business is buying a house and buying a bank. This white man belonged to the X-Men, and he was so handsome. The atmosphere in the movie theater should be better. I look forward to the introduction from China! It's really pretty! The equal rights of blacks and people of color in the United States is an ongoing struggle not only before but also now. Compared with the "Green Book", the protagonist has a greater sense of social...

  • 84 Charing Cross Road 84 Charing Cross Road

    Alexys 2022-11-16 10:27:36

    hello mr frank del

    I really like this kind of long and narrated vlog-like imagery. My ideal sixth love or Platonic love is probably like this.

    Reading is a conversation with the author and the millions of readers who have seen it.

    Why do humans love old books? Because tens of thousands of souls have walked on those yellowed papers, leaving some footprints for the latecomers to pursue and explore. It's really fun to read old books. Share a joy or any other emotion.

    100 Things 100 Things

    Alexys 2022-10-30 11:07:39

    Love the gold master's car

    One of the main actors and the director look a lot like a German friend of mine, and they have the same height, the same name, and the same hometown. And such a coincidence.

    I rarely watch German comedies, and after watching it, I want to say that it is right to watch less. Why don't you like German comedies? A lot of the plot is a bit deliberate, including the line design and acting. In contrast, the British are superior. The theme of the movie is good, but...

  • The Hourglass Sanatorium The Hourglass Sanatorium

    Alexys 2022-10-27 13:37:14


    A hat, a candle, a train... This is the image of a conductor and an extradition person. In Tarkovsky's "Nostalgia", there is a very long shot. The protagonist holds a candle and protects the candle from one end to the other again and again... There is a legend in this that as long as the candle does not go out, plug it in at the other end, can go back to hometown. Tarkovsky was abroad when he made this film, and could not return to the country due to political reasons. "Nostalgia" can be said...

  • Billions Billions

    Alexys 2022-10-21 19:50:41

    People like this can be framed.

    Compared with the hypocrisy and cold-bloodedness of the elite, I hate the ignorance and double standards of the rabble even more. These people claim to be righteous and criticize the elite, but it is because they do not have the ability to be among the elite. In Poppy's words, no one doesn't want to be a lion, it's just that most people can't. Elites use blood-stained money to do charity, while ordinary people will break the bottom line for petty profits once they have the opportunity. Anyway,...

  • Spiral Spiral

    Alexys 2022-10-14 13:10:16

    Nothing but surprise

    Disappointed, still disappointed. Can you hire a few screenwriters if you have the money? Even if you don't call it a chainsaw, you can score a little higher.

    I remember that before graduating from college, I watched the first few chainsaws together with my first love girlfriend hiding under the quilt. What I saw was numb scalp and cold sweat. But what about later? Disappointing one after another, the director seems to have blood for the sake of blood, do you think the audience is...

  • The People vs. George Lucas The People vs. George Lucas

    Alexys 2022-10-13 23:15:57

    Will it die?

    If a Martian who has never been exposed to Star Wars sees our movies, they might say that Star Wars 1 (1977) is not that good, and Prequel 1 is not that bad.
    It's strange for people on earth to live and die for this kind of thing.
    Unfortunately, as a human being, it is impossible to break away from the global Star Wars culture and look at these six movies objectively.
    The first Star Wars cannot be changed, not even Lucas himself!
    What is this called? Fundamentalism!...

  • Paperman Paperman

    Alexys 2022-10-09 09:35:35

    chase and love

    She has feelings for chasing and
    watching paper people. She likes micro-movies in this style very much. They are short but powerful, making people smile when they accidentally think of a certain scene. This is her unique charm.
    The gray and white color did not bring us a sense of bearing and depression, but brought an inexplicable warm texture to the whole film. The plot setting is predictable yet hilarious. The designs of small eyes and big eyes are also very unique. What impresses...

  • Monsters of Man Monsters of Man

    Alexys 2022-09-09 18:32:01

    realistic sci-fi

    The application of artificial intelligence robots in the battlefield is so close to our life. Maybe somewhere in the world something similar is happening all the time. Moreover, Laomei also put such a test in the Golden Triangle test sneakily. For the sake of profit, he will do whatever it takes, without a trace of emotion, whether it is an official, the owner of a private weapons manufacturer, or a field agent.

    The three R&D personnel, especially...

  • The End of Summer The End of Summer

    Alexys 2022-08-28 23:47:52

    Unforgettable sophistication and elegance - Si Ye Zi

    I watched this Ozu color film quietly at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, which is perfect and exquisite!
    "Autumn of the Xiaobayakawa Family" is much more engaging than "Autumn Harmony". Emotional expression is contained but not revealed to the point, and even death is so calm and calm. The language of the shots does not have to be the usual Ozu characteristics. From the characters, costumes, props, scenes, and the soundtracks are all simple and beautiful, but with a touch of sadness....

  • Lupin Lupin

    Alexys 2022-08-21 12:07:56

    Yasen Robin丨I need to improve my aesthetics of black actors

    I finished the new Netflix drama #亚森罗宾# in two days. The start is said to be 8.0, but it was still 7.9 when I watched it. As a TV series, the ratings are pretty good, and the reputation of Netflix's drama is fair.

    Since the title of the play is "Athen Robin"*, it is hard not to think of "The Detective Sherlock" produced by the BBC. Similar to Shen Xia, this drama is also a re-deconstruction of the classic detective (the thief) image in the contemporary...

  • Red Joan Red Joan

    Alexys 2022-08-20 20:56:34

    Protagonist face

    There is a certain suspense in this movie. In the first half, I have been guessing who the boy will be. This suspense has always supported me to see the end. Of course, the suspense was also revealed at the last moment.

    Except for the suspense and the scenery of Cambridge of that era, everything is a bit mundane.

    Especially this is a movie with no surprises. Every character, every character’s appearance and personality are in the routine, only Sophie and Leo...

  • Alexys 2022-03-22 09:03:00

    Belonging to the era of super romantic feelings, leisure pace and love time. Cyrano is a happy unfortunate

  • Alexys 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    The first season fights monsters, and the second season fights zombies. Is the glass part of Jurassic Park NETA? Missing pinky...and where did 'Wash' Alan Tudyk sing like the smuggler in Firefly?

  • Alexys 2022-03-22 09:01:28

    Only the first season is recommended... The first season is exciting and tense

  • Alexys 2022-03-22 09:01:21

    It was really shocking. Especially the part of the two-carriage race, which is said to be completely real shooting, resulting in the death of some staff. .

  • Alexys 2022-03-22 09:01:04

    A subtle irony: After being betrayed and murdered by everyone, Sophie's mobile phone rang "Friendship Forever". Quentin's postmodernism is really the coolest, but it's easy to be mistaken for it to be a joke.

  • Alexys 2022-03-20 09:01:44

    Forgot to mark it, the original vampire movie has a very strong sense of hierarchy in the photography!

  • Alexys 2022-03-20 09:01:31

    The Demon King's Carol, Cinderella's Stepmother made me watch it no less than three times, this movie seems a bit boring for me who likes fast pace

  • Alexys 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    It seems to be out of touch with the French New Wave. . So far I haven't found a New Wave thing that I particularly like. .

  • Alexys 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    The deepest impression: Shaolin Temple picking up Tongren!

  • Alexys 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Three and a half. After the second hour, the theme of the film is how two big men who must be together for a long time raise a little girl like a flower, I didn't mean to rot~ Both old women are soy sauce. . If time is tight, watching the end of the movie will be fine. The little girl is very tired~ PS: Compared with Germany, American houses are simply small rural cottages. .

  • Alexys 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    Please call it by the name of a bad movie.

  • Alexys 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    N times worse than the previous two

  • Alexys 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    No more loving, no more believing, no more expressing, or going with the flow, your world has come to an end.

  • Alexys 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Stewart, you play any role with an expression. Does anyone owe you 250 dollars?

  • Alexys 2022-03-16 09:01:03

    It's still a good-looking animated version from a foreign teacher~