Timmy Huels

Timmy Huels



  • Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights

    Timmy 2022-07-13 17:06:03

    A painful and irritating tangled love

    I just finished watching the 2009 version of Wuthering Heights last night. First of all, aside from the plot, I have to confess the male protagonist Heathcliff's good looks. Oh my god, he can give him five stars for his good looks. People who watch the plot have itchy teeth. Fortunately, I have been reading the novel for many years, and I don’t remember the details too much, otherwise I would definitely be a fan of the original novel, but I still remember that in the whistling cold...

  • The Mists of Avalon The Mists of Avalon

    Timmy 2022-06-27 22:50:09

    Movies to watch, but not recommended

    I haven't read the original, but I believe the original is better than the movie, because it has become a law that the movie cannot surpass the original.
    The author of the original book is a woman, and the story of King Arthur's era is narrated from the perspective of Morgan, the heir to the sacrifice of the goddess of the lake, so the film is filled with women's sadness and sorrow. The first third of the film is a fatalistic argument, one of the three in the middle is full of accidental...

  • Young and Innocent Young and Innocent

    Timmy 2022-05-10 18:49:19

    You are my ministering angel.

    Based on a novel published a year ago. The detective part of the book is omitted, and the innocent male protagonist's experience as a fugitive is highlighted. In fact, this setting of "being planted for a desperate life needs self-evident innocence" Hitchcock had just used it in "The 39 Steps" two years ago, and whether it is the case level or The degree of tension in this film can not be compared with the previous work (the protagonist in "Steps" is chased by black and white, and the heroine...

  • Ghost Ghost

    Timmy 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    Love is what needs to be touched

    At the recommendation of a friend, I took the time to watch "The Ghosts of Humans". I didn't cry like he did, I just had a sour nose and moist eyes. In my opinion, this movie interprets the love that spans life and death, expressing the heart-piercing love that is separated by death, compared to "Brokeback Mountain" and "Before I Met You", which cannot be loved in one's lifetime. Stories, maybe the latter two can touch my tears and pain points more. However, this movie gave me a new...

  • A Werewolf Boy A Werewolf Boy

    Timmy 2022-04-22 07:01:51

    An unforgettable love movie

    The first time I saw this movie should have been many years ago. At that time, I was still in middle school. The deepest impression when I watched this movie was that I was so full of tears that I couldn’t calm down after watching it for a long time. Still can't wait for the heroine, this ending once made me feel uneasy.

    In fact, this film is not only a pure love film, but also reveals human nature in the process of these two pure souls coming together. The good and...

  • Phone Booth Phone Booth

    Timmy 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    Some thoughts on post-war soldiers

    War will change a person more or less. From the inside to the outside, the killer in this film is an extreme. Thinking about why a soldier who served in the Vietnam War would do anything to get a PR person to recognize the real ugly self, especially when it comes to emotional sex, there may be a reason that makes sense - the soldier came back and found him His wife ran away with someone else. So he wanted to vent his anger, but the principles of the military prevented him from...

  • Hellboy II: The Golden Army Hellboy II: The Golden Army

    Timmy 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    Why is Niubi's enemy defeated, because the screenwriter is bad enough

    I didn't read 1. Powerful underground groups have been suppressed by humans for so many years. It is normal to counterattack. Why not take precautions? It's too difficult for you little monsters who are not particularly strong to win. I want to ask those who eat Where did the little tooth go? That damn traitor fish is still alive at the end, right? Wouldn’t it be best to know that the fragments could be goldized earlier? I don't think I like this series of things. In addition, it is quite...

  • Braveheart Braveheart

    Timmy 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    forever heart

    "History is written by those who execute heroes," but the stories of heroes can be handed down orally and told from generation to generation. Whether it is false or exaggerated, people are willing to listen and talk, because every era longs for heroes, and every era needs heroes. What is a hero? "The real warrior dares to face the bleak life and the dripping blood" is the hero in Lu Xun's eyes; "the one who creates life regardless of life and death" is the hero in Gorky's eyes; The man of...

  • In This Corner of the World In This Corner of the World

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:03:53

    Just a little insight

    The person who made my heart hurt the most in this movie is Zhe. If there was no war, wouldn't Zhe be hostile to the ocean, wouldn't he have left without seeing Sisi for the last time in the sea? If there is no war, Sisi and Zhe will be together, right? Every time I think of Zhe, my heart aches for no reason. However, Zhe is also very pleased, the person he cares about most, and the person he loves the most, are living in this corner of the world in an ordinary life. Ling, that lovely woman...

  • Monster Monster

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:03:50

    monster - scary, monster - cute

    I was born to obliterate you with flowers and there is a set point in "Legend of Earthsea" - the name, the real name that can't be easily spoken, and the confusion without a name
    Name is the shortest spell.
    57,68 episodes are good to see burst.
    Who is the one who was abandoned?
    Claude Pape is actually a timid old man. He should be a person 10,000 times stronger than the demon guy in his imagination, but after looking at it, it seems that the author's arrangement seems...

  • Girl with a Pearl Earring Girl with a Pearl Earring

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:02:12


    Children who grew up in the celestial dynasty are inevitably late in their sexual enlightenment. I remember that in high school I accidentally borrowed an unabridged version of the Korean movie "Walking in the White Night", and I was completely frightened... Maybe it was the shadow of that fright. After that, I became interested in the passionate scenes in the film. are not interested. After studying in college, I found that many of my peers were keen on romantic action movies. The first time...

  • No Strings Attached No Strings Attached

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    American "Ambiguous"

    Most of the "ambiguity" of Chinese people is based on the spiritual level, while the old beauty is based on the body. Both theory and practice show that the two cannot be separated, but there are countless films that like to tell about the American-style "ambiguity"; and most of them start and end with a happy ending.

    No Strings Attached also fell into this set. Although it was old-fashioned, it also moved the "useless" me.

    This film started from 15 years ago when Adam and...

  • Baby Driver Baby Driver

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    I thought it was a real gta, but it turned out to be social and legal

    The first half of 80 is as refreshing as the gta live-action version. Under the uninterrupted bgm, the climaxes come one after another. The characters are also well portrayed. The friendship between the protagonist and the adoptive father, and the love at first sight with his girlfriend are also very warm. After that, it took a nosedive, and there was no logic at all. The team members don't have any particular dislikes. Instead, they are portrayed with flesh and blood, and they take lunches...

  • American Sniper American Sniper

    Timmy 2022-04-21 09:01:09

    Mainstream American values ​​as the film promotes

    A movie I watched by accident. I didn’t like war movies very much at first, but I was attracted by the gimmick of a biopic adapted from a true story. There was nothing commendable about the scenes of U.S. troops stationed in Iraq, and it didn't make much of an impression on me. What left a deep impression on me in the whole film was the values ​​of the mainstream American public from beginning to end, and the film also made a positive identification with these concepts. Especially at the end of...

  • Johnny Mad Dog Johnny Mad Dog

    Timmy 2022-04-20 09:02:39

    Brutal Rules of War: Survive or Die?

    Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed. —— Clausewitz

    Throughout the ages, war exists because of political games, and is a violent means of continuation of political games. In some countries with frequent civil wars, the wars are even more prosperous. The rebel army and the government army, as the two sides facing head-to-head confrontation under the political game, under the banner of "peace, justice, freedom and liberation", with the help of guns and...

  • Timmy 2023-09-05 11:06:15

    All-star lineup. Natural selection of the fittest will eventually kill human beings.

  • Timmy 2023-08-27 17:12:56

    It took a long time. A simple truth took two and a half hours to talk about. It turns out that winning the game depends on the cheerleading team. I thought I used the "Tian Ji horse racing" strategy in "The Art of War".

  • Timmy 2023-08-19 10:07:32

    Self-destructing personality plus the influence of various factors, I can't bear to listen to Amy anymore

  • Timmy 2023-07-29 04:15:48

    The first to watch a complete American drama, not a sitcom

  • Timmy 2023-07-24 14:46:28

    The power of women and mothers, you can never estimate

  • Timmy 2023-07-11 06:15:40

    The plot really can't be complimented, but I still love Nicole.

  • Timmy 2023-06-29 09:04:03

    The cruel campus F4 in Northern Europe, but these beautiful blonde youths look really good in school uniforms. Compared with the first caged woman, it has made a lot of progress. It is a good crime commercial film. The focus is still not on how to solve the crime but about human nature. In addition, the clammy feeling of Danish movies is still very good. Asbach always plays dicks in Tobias' films, and it feels good to play a rich second generation here.

  • Timmy 2023-06-29 05:30:38

    BAM! bang bang bang.

  • Timmy 2023-06-22 17:02:51

    A bit rotten, dull and boring, slow paced

  • Timmy 2023-06-03 23:04:37

    Free America, shooting every day. .

  • Timmy 2023-05-31 06:21:09

    The magical effect of oblique side light, large area and deep shadow, a little bit of expressionism and Hispanic suspense. Harsh and strict tutoring and rigid school education have ushered in a bright and optimistic ending, which is extremely awkward, and Bergman's script has been tampered with.

  • Timmy 2023-05-28 12:49:15

    It's pleasing to the eye

  • Timmy 2023-05-27 00:48:27

    I feel that national conditions affect the aesthetics. They live too happy and are a bit boring, so there is this kind of movie. It is not like French humor, it takes time to understand, German humor is actually too comfortable and boring. In a word, this is a pretty boring movie.

  • Timmy 2023-05-23 04:25:28

    It's a little distorted calmly, or the new version of the realistic special effects and dog blood love is better.

  • Timmy 2023-05-17 19:55:35

    This is the loss of having no monitor, and the abnormal personality is also caused by the mother's neglect. But in the end, the chilling thing is that the aunt killed it = =