Marcellus Lebsack

Marcellus Lebsack



  • Glory Road Glory Road

    Marcellus 2022-01-06 08:01:55

    Thank you, so there is Kobe!

    For American blacks, that was their worst era, and they are about to usher in their best era.

    The echo of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" still echoes the shackles of various ethnic estrangements in the United States, and the blacks are still struggling for their rights. It was an era when secular prejudice believed that only white people could dominate the court. It was an era when countless black men with basketball talents were strangled by racial prejudice. This is their...

  • The Beguiled The Beguiled

    Marcellus 2021-12-29 08:01:46

    Female Gaze

    While studying literary theory, I came across a term, "male gaze". What is male gaze? Generally speaking, it is to look at things and things in this world from a male perspective, with male pleasure as the leading factor. Thousands of years of patriarchal tradition has allowed both men and women to fall into this kind of fixed thinking. The female body is an unprecedented display of desire objects, while men are just the scrutinizing eyes behind the camera, the condescending look. Feel free...

  • Florence Foster Jenkins Florence Foster Jenkins

    Marcellus 2021-12-26 08:01:45

    Counterattack of the world's worst soprano

    [Manuscripts for media, please do not reprint]

    Liu Songtao / Article

        "People may say that I sing badly, but no one can say that I have not sung."

        Florence Foster Jenkins (1868) -1944), a social man who was active in the social circle of New York at the beginning of the last century, a patron who is keen to support the cause of art, a girl who played the piano in the White House, a lady who had a rough love road, A cosplay lover who is passionate about...

  • Hoodwinked Hoodwinked

    Marcellus 2021-12-26 08:01:04

    The point is not to subvert

    If you evaluate "Little Red Riding Hood" from the perspective of innovation, there is obviously no innovation that is admirable in terms of technology or conception, but this does not affect viewing. It is still a well-formed and fun animation.

    In the process of rehearsing traditional fairy tales, there are few that have not been re-added and revised. DreamWorks' "Shrek" is too successful, so everyone often forgets that it is not the founder of the "joking" (it can only be said that...

  • The Lucky One The Lucky One

    Marcellus 2021-12-17 08:01:07


    Some time ago, there was a problem with my ears, my tinnitus was so severe that I could not hear the sound for a while. In the first few seconds when the master opened the gun, the heartbeat buzzing in his head reminded me of the state of those days. All the rhythms in life slowed down instantly, and I could hear my heartbeat, bang, bang, bang at any time. Rarely does this happen, but because I can’t hear it, I can see everything around me more clearly. It's like, suddenly meeting the...

  • The Cell The Cell

    Marcellus 2021-12-10 08:01:37

    Who is the real criminal

    I watched this movie today.. The

    movie is about to end. Peter held He Julie in his arms, Dean held his childhood Scarlet in his arms, and the shots were alternately switched. One is saving lives and the other is salvation. Soul. A victim, Julie, a persecutor, Slika, both need to be saved, who is the real criminal. ??

    Sitting on a bench, Peter told a story about a criminal. Peter said: "Finally he 'S lawyer persuades the jury, saying that he was on this road because...

  • Marcellus 2023-09-24 15:32:20

    The protagonists are all ignorant.

  • Marcellus 2023-09-10 03:47:54

    It's a bit funny to be polished by the times, but it does not weaken the unconscious government apartment attributes~

  • Marcellus 2023-09-06 14:50:43

    rebellious accumulation

  • Marcellus 2023-09-03 12:47:35

    quirky, funny and crazy! A crazy reasoning science fiction drama like a lunatic. Take time to read the original.

  • Marcellus 2023-08-27 08:34:52

    When the picture shakes slightly by dropping frames, the moment suddenly slips into the memory part of a year ago. If this editing method is inexplicable according to the logic of storytelling, I think this large "flashback" is completed. The effect of "You've Never Been Here" nearly screwed up by the special edition, that is, by the sudden loud bang of the present completes the inevitability of the echo from the past, where psychoanalytic and psychological methods come to the fore and even Ineffective, the audio-visual images present a pool of sensual, weightless emotions and sensations that are more realistic than the textual realism that adheres to the tradition of mimeticism (phase, ιδεα).

  • Marcellus 2023-08-21 14:08:48

    tangka is made, watched, prayed, heritated, and mixed to null, b4 the next round.

  • Marcellus 2023-08-05 00:30:54

    Looking at the previous films, I always feel a kind of light makeup. The 1994 explosion scene looks pretty good, kind of like the one in the Cannonball Experts. When the protagonist's wife returns home, the atmosphere where she doesn't know if there is a bomb or where the bomb will come out is very good, and the protagonist's performance is also very good.

  • Marcellus 2023-08-04 02:06:17

    Godard: Just as Marina looks at herself from the role of Juliet, we have to struggle from the position of meaning consumption set for us by the big narrative, and examine the relationship between our subjective consciousness and the composition of images.

  • Marcellus 2023-08-02 11:13:12

    Discussions on public facilities, occupation of libraries, confessions of homeless people.

  • Marcellus 2023-07-31 19:33:59

    Why does red always want to save others?

  • Marcellus 2023-07-25 19:04:52

    Just the shot of hand stroking Mai Lang made my heart tremble. Everything else seems big and unreasonable. A lot of supporting roles have been featured, but there is no story expansion = = The uncle and the nephew of the angel make me crooked. 73th<2000>

  • Marcellus 2023-07-23 22:28:35

    The United States is the United States, and prison life is so colorful. I have to admit that the screenwriters are indeed more imaginative than domestic ones. The fighting scenes are very exciting, and the sound effects make people feel like punching to the flesh, plus the constant fast editing. , a bit dizzying, as for the plot is not the main selling point, but the previous narrative is relatively procrastinated, and a large section is unnecessary elaboration

  • Marcellus 2023-07-03 07:18:25

    In the face of the enormous pressure of death, the indulgent physical indulgence cannot solve the anxious dilemma of life; and the act of serving the society and dedicating others seems to be the last straw that can be found for masturbation, and its effect is quite suspicious. However, Akira Kurosawa's humanitarian concern has left a ray of life for redemption. The final division between the heroes and the masses in "Seven Samurai" is gone in this film, even those employees in the bureaucracy finally returned to their daily lives.

  • Marcellus 2023-06-24 05:43:47

    The finish is too low, the photography is too bad, the story. . . I hope it's because of money or time that I didn't shoot enough material

  • Marcellus 2023-06-18 14:12:25

    The style was considered avant-garde in 1979. Aside from the stick-making story and the funny villain, the soundtrack is pretty good.