Webster Ledner

Webster Ledner



  • The Chorus The Chorus

    Webster 2022-01-04 08:01:24

    Spring is in that crisp singing

    On Friday night, I watched this movie with my daughter. After watching this movie, my daughter kept humming the songs in the movie with her so-called beautiful voice, and didn't even stop during the bath. I think this is the charm of this movie!
        A group of "problematic" children, a closed special school, and a bossy and violent principal are what we and the new teacher Matthew saw at the same time. There is no special rendering, no deliberate before-and-after comparison, in...

  • The Piano Teacher The Piano Teacher

    Webster 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    Drooping eyelids

    The most prominent facial expression of the heroine is the drooping eyelids, as is her posture in life, unsmiling, looking down on sentient beings. But maybe only she herself can understand the inappropriate innocence behind this dignified posture. The book, I have read half of it, the language is rather obscure, full of self-love, self-pity and self-destruction, lust is distorted into a kind of peeping and rejection, constantly peeping at sexy images, arousing vigorous desires, and rejecting...

  • Detroit Detroit

    Webster 2021-12-29 08:01:38

    Clearing a bar 50 years ago resulted in a great riot in a city

    July 23, 1967, 3:45 in the morning.

    On the corner of Twelfth Street and Cremon Street in Detroit, the police raided a bar (because the bar was suspected of operating without a license) and found that there were 82 blacks celebrating two black soldiers returning from the Vietnam War.

    Operating a bar without a license is a relatively serious violation of the law in the United States. The police decided to vigorously clear the bar and arrest all the black people...

  • Wristcutters: A Love Story Wristcutters: A Love Story

    Webster 2021-12-26 08:01:14

    Live back for love

    Why did you commit suicide? Avoid emptiness, pain, momentary anger?

    It's a pity that Zia still can't escape the emptiness. In the world of suicides, he is still alive and unconscious, and the dead world has no taste of relief at all.

    Did he love his girlfriend before he died? can not tell? Then why die? I didn't get love.

    Instead, he felt love in the world after death. What a pity? No regrets! It is always happy when and where to feel love.

    We can choose...

  • Diary of the Dead Diary of the Dead

    Webster 2021-12-24 08:01:45

    so so

    Anyway, the movie has to be more than an hour. You have to make sure that you are not bored and want to turn off the computer when you watch it. This movie does it. The plot and development are all OK. The director probably doesn't want to be the same as other zombie movies, so Cm is quite humanistic, but I personally feel that the actors have no vivid performances in this regard, and the heroine encounters such a bad scene. . Nima, I was impressed by her calmness when I wanted to feel it. I...

  • Battleship Potemkin Battleship Potemkin

    Webster 2021-12-20 08:01:14

    Analysis of the film and television literature group work "Battleship Potemkin": Director Sergey Eisenstein

    "Battleship Potemkin" is a former Soviet film released in 1925. After the film was released, it caused great repercussions around the world. It is still a "textbook" for the world's major film academies to study film editing techniques. Director Eisenstein is internationally renowned for this film, and the innovative montage style in the film has influenced it to this day. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts named the film the best film of 1926, and the Paris Art Exhibition in France...

  • Baahubali: The Beginning Baahubali: The Beginning

    Webster 2021-12-20 08:01:01

    Understand the Hindu culture behind India's most expensive movie "Baahubali"

    On July 22, "Baahubali: The Beginning" was released in the mainland. The production cost of the film is the most expensive film in Indian history, and the overall cost is about 160 million yuan. Last year, it set the first place in the Indian box office. The global box office totaled more than 6 billion rupees (about 90 million US dollars), and the box office revenue in India exceeded 5 billion rupees (about 74.8 million US dollars), ranking third in the history of Indian movies....

  • The Prince of Egypt The Prince of Egypt

    Webster 2021-11-16 08:01:27

    Watch "Prince of Egypt" again

    I don’t remember when I saw the Prince of Egypt for the first time.```````It's just a vague impression. It's not a cute movie like "Cat and Mouse" or "Garfield". ``
    Today, I appreciate it again. Compared with the naive ideas many years ago, it seems to be much more professional now.
    I turned off Baofeng Yingyin, but my mind kept reappearing all kinds of pictures in the play ``````Perhaps this is the charm of excellent cartoons``````
    Beginning, slaves' massive engineering...

  • All About Eve All About Eve

    Webster 2021-11-13 08:01:22

    Woman's success

    A man's success may only need to believe in himself, but a woman's success also needs to deceive himself.

        Now I see "the protagonist not only reflects the vigorous and positive self-enterprising spirit, but also the spirit of speculation and unscrupulous climbing is also worthwhile." The evaluation of "critical" is discouraged. I don’t understand what this commentator wants our protagonist to do. In the unspoken rules of many industries, these two aspects are...

  • Webster 2023-09-16 01:32:40

    The adaptation of real events is very touching!

  • Webster 2023-09-03 12:19:06

    The little fairy that I love the most, every move and every move is so cute, and in the end, it is Peter Pan who is rescued, although Peter Pan loves the new and hates the old!

  • Webster 2023-08-31 02:36:24

    Originally wanted to see: Introduction? "Touched by [Please call me by your name] and [God's kingdom]" What? ? ? Congrats to Wuli Dolan, it took only ten years to get out of the family problem theme and follow the trend to make a flirtatious film! ! ! (Hahaha, I think what I wrote is very thief, I don’t want to delete it) I have read: Dolan is exploring something new, new to himself and new to the audience at the same time. I have scolded a lot in here, and of course I will also like what I like. Generally speaking, it is stupid to keep staring at Cannes (if you want to attract investment and make money, I will say another), the most popular of literary and romantic films. It's a bunch of easy problems, but it's okay to watch in a queer movie. Maybe this single love topic is really not suitable for him?

  • Webster 2023-08-21 00:35:00

    It is undeniable that Spielberg has made many war films torturing human nature, which has been so profound in less than 20 years. Kristen Bell, amazing acting!

  • Webster 2023-08-03 17:38:18

    Good Boy Bubby. Good Boy.

  • Webster 2023-07-30 07:46:06

    Vincent Gallo is gentle and gentle.

  • Webster 2023-07-25 09:57:35

    A fairly standard fantasy film, combining time travel, HG Wells and Jack the Ripper is enough to fascinate sci-fi fans, plus the acting of a Clockwork Orange starring a lot of extra points, the only downside is the heroine who never has an expression

  • Webster 2023-07-08 17:46:00

    2 Bad movies have no plot to discard

  • Webster 2023-06-25 22:25:10

    Smile with tears, full of warmth

  • Webster 2023-06-25 02:46:02

    Evocation marks are evident, including posters. James Wen's random book.

  • Webster 2023-06-18 01:08:08

    The background sound is great and the photography is great.

  • Webster 2023-06-15 20:24:34

    Times are changing, marriage forms are changing, but people's pursuit of emotions will not change. No matter what the marriage system looks like, contemporary people care too much about the form, and are too lazy to explore what love is. Episode 2: The most probable solution to cheating and the most basic step is to build communication between the husband and wife. It is impossible to unilaterally try to recover (especially for women who take the mistake on themselves), and the reason for cheating is not at all. One side has done something wrong, it's that this side has additional needs (and men never mind having more women in their arms, so accepting a woman's sexual needs never means they promise anything, they'll say, What's there to refuse). People who care too much about things outside themselves are easily threatened. An open relationship is not as simple as "I allow you to go on a date". The complexity of people's hearts and interpersonal relationships cannot be explained by words. When there is no good psychological state to deal with the fact that emotions may deteriorate or even disappear at any time, the more The more restrained emotions you have, the more likely you are to be caught off-guard and face unimaginable harm.

  • Webster 2023-06-08 05:32:40

    The wonderful youth of Karen Roe

  • Webster 2023-05-26 07:57:30

    Boy's happiness is coming

  • Webster 2023-05-02 09:16:03

    There is a thrill of Rome all over again!