Makayla Olson

Makayla Olson



  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe The Autopsy of Jane Doe

    Makayla 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    On the first day of 17 years, I got such a hanging horror movie

    As a horror movie, this idea is absolutely awesome (do you dare to believe that the naked girl is really motionless?!), I still believe this must be the last 30 minutes of riding on the horse It was set up by a perverted killer (mostly Baron Flaying 233), there must be a scientific explanation for this, but I found out at the end that this horse is really a ghost movie"(ºДº*) (This made me It reminds me of the stupid [Demon in the Elevator]. Well, as such an awesome witch, I have to make a...

  • Red Cliff II Red Cliff II

    Makayla 2022-03-27 08:01:01

    Streaming from the will of Chibi, a god-man's god-pull

    Today I accompany my lovely dance teacher sister to cut a movie, although I am a person who likes movies very much, it is rare to cut a movie. The reasons are:

    1. Tickets are too expensive, the main reason is

    2. The foreign films of the movie Wan are all dubbed by Chinese people who are quite unscrupulous, and everything is still the original version

    . 3. The movies have been sadly castrated

    4. There are always little kids making troubles in the movies....

  • Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo

    Makayla 2022-03-26 08:01:01

    stupid gay

    Shinji: Brother! ! ! ! I'll pull this thing out and save the world! ! ! ! ! ! !
    Kaoru: ...Well, don't pull it out yet...(loud voice) (thinking)
    Shinji: Brother! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! If I don't pull it out, my daughter-in-law will be beaten to death! ! !
    Kaoru: Don't pull out... (loud voice) (thinking)
    Shinji: Brother! ! ! ! ! ! I pulled it out! ! ! ! I pulled it out! ! ! !
    Xun: Don't... (loud voice) (thinking)


  • Mr. Holland's Opus Mr. Holland's Opus

    Makayla 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Life is beautiful because of you

    The title is translated very well. Actor Richard Dreyfuss was nominated for Best Actor at the 68th Academy Awards for this film. A high school music teacher, with his thirty years of music teaching, helped clarinet girls who lacked self-confidence to get out of their inferiority complex, taught black boys how to play drums, and sent away a class of graduates, while his son was born deaf and mute.
    The first half of the film is a little dull, until the teacher is middle-aged, and the...

  • Silent Hill: Revelation Silent Hill: Revelation

    Makayla 2022-03-24 09:02:26

    From a small white flower to a female Chinese paper

    Still barely 3 points.

    Speaking of which, I went to a cinema next to Pigeon Square to watch 3D on my birthday, and the 3D effect was only to the extent that I could still see the slightest difference even after taking off my glasses. Not worth 13 pounds.

    There are only less than 20 of us in the entire auditorium that can seat 200 people. Before we went in, they told me that Twilight 5 was released, so why not watch it? I hate it! The make-up in the film is very scumbag, but...

  • The Farewell The Farewell

    Makayla 2022-03-23 09:02:34

    don't tell her

    At the end of this movie, I was so angry that I couldn't help but scolded my hometown dialect. There is an old Chinese saying: "If you know something, you know it, but if you don't know it, you don't know it." Like her knowledge of the old Chinese saying, "Chinese people often say that if you get cancer, you have to die." Who said that? Isn't it Lu Xun?

    Before watching the movie, the narrative angle...

  • Tower Heist Tower Heist

    Makayla 2022-03-23 09:01:46

    A modern version of Robin Hood

    It's a light comedy of the crime genre that tells the story of how the little guys go to great lengths to defeat the big guys. The plot of the film is ups and downs, and when you watch it carefully for the second time, you will find that the tools and methods of the crime behind it have paved the way for the switching of the film, and it is coherent. The protagonist plays a modern version of Robin Hood, and although the ending is not good, the crime will eventually be punished. The protagonist...

  • Big Nothing Big Nothing

    Makayla 2022-03-21 09:03:19


    I still like the dark humor in the UK, but the ending of the protagonists is very crippled, which is not the same as what I have seen before. In the past, it was "stupid people have stupid blessings", but this time maybe because their motives were originally wrong, so in the end, "you deserved your sins". Schwimmer is destined to not get rid of the role of Ross, that is too classic; Pegg has gained a lot of weight, did he gain weight for the movie? I hope it's not caused by alcoholism, the...

  • Police Story Police Story

    Makayla 2022-03-21 09:03:15

    "Police Story" Movie Notes

    General summary: The main line is the story of the police station trying their best to bring the gang boss to justice.

    Important characters: Black boss Zhu Tao, his secretary Salina, police officer Chen Jiaju, lawyer.

    Minor characters: Chen Jiaju's evil colleague (Road Blocker), Chen Jiaju's righteous colleague (Yuan Biao), Chen Jiaju's girlfriend (often ignored), and the helper of the black boss (playing the role of evil and resistance).

    Plot design: The ineffectiveness of...

  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

    Makayla 2022-03-21 09:02:30

    If this is "fake", please post more on the screen

    Injured to the hospital,

    Where should I go when my feelings are hurt?

    This is not a brain teaser, and the answer is not a mental hospital.

    When the male protagonist's wife asked this question, the male protagonist's father was...

  • Raya and the Last Dragon Raya and the Last Dragon

    Makayla 2022-03-21 09:02:08

    community with a shared future for mankind

    I have seen too many domestic commercial theater films with uneven quality of digital IMAX 3D. It is still cool to have a Disney family carnival that is carefully produced in one go, not to mention that other people’s production lines have been innovated and improved, and many settings are still quite interesting, and Different from the original Disney animation, the concept of "Princess Movie" will no longer exist, so there will be no need for a prince; the cultural background...

  • Get Out Get Out

    Makayla 2022-03-21 09:01:09

    The horror shines into reality

    When "The Cry" was released, Hitchcock had peeped at the audience's reaction in the theater. When he went to the bathroom to kill someone, he was accompanied by ups and downs of music. The audience screamed and vented their fears and anxiety. .

    Such movies are called thrillers. The movie frightens the audience in many ways. If the audience shouts louder, the little devil in...

  • The Collector The Collector

    Makayla 2022-03-20 09:02:05

    I call for Ajin

    A demon wearing a mask, dragging a suitcase and walking in the depths of the darkness, using discolored eyes to observe who can be included in his collection.

    As a plasma tablet lover, I am not afraid of a few tons of plasma, but I am afraid that I will be bored and not stimulated, and I will not be able to exhale after reading it. This film is really commendable. The male protagonist, Ah Jin, is very well chosen. He is not very handsome, thin, but a little hunchbacked, but the wisdom...

  • Godzilla vs. Kong Godzilla vs. Kong

    Makayla 2022-03-20 09:01:43

    This is the most appropriate evaluation I can think of.

    First of all, I have to brag about the promotion of the movie. I haven't found the existence of Steel Sla. The battle between good friends has turned into a coordinated battle between good friends, and it's still a lot of surprises. The movie is very enjoyable from the beginning to the end, but why is it that when I walk out of the movie theater, I feel like I have eaten a stuffy fart, and I can't get up at all. In fact, when the little fart kid in the play said something like...

  • A Walk to Remember A Walk to Remember

    Makayla 2022-03-20 09:01:25


    It has been down for a long time, but it has been forgotten by me in the corner. After the excitement of the pub ended on a Saturday, I began to want to organize the films placed in the root directory of the film D disk, and I was moved that I did not delete it!
    First love, a word I can't define yet.
    In Chinese, it is a life-changing love for the male lead. It doesn't mean that the lovers are each other's schools. That's it~ The
    heroine has a faint and light temperament, which...

  • Makayla 2023-09-25 14:46:43

    Three and a half. At the end of the film, the director said, since Jackal is not Cha, then who is he? He is a gentleman killer who is calm and careful and never backs down. The last 20 minutes of the film didn't have a few lines, but it pushed the battle of wits and courage in the previous two hours to a climax. The appearance of the disabled soldier made me feel refreshed. It's just, good luck makes people ah~~

  • Makayla 2023-09-20 15:53:55

    This film is so American. Like space travelers, it was made into a romance film with a sci-fi background. The alternation of light and dark throughout the film dazzled my eyes.

  • Makayla 2023-09-13 15:07:24

    Four stars for the editing of the bank robbery and the acting of the two leading actors. But to be honest, it is a bit inappropriate to translate it into a dragon and a phoenix, and it is more appropriate to steal the love. After all, most of the films are romance films, and the battle of wits is only reflected in the first half, especially the chess part. When the heroine starts to think about the hero, she has already lost.

  • Makayla 2023-08-07 09:32:48

    In fact, it's good to leave an uncertain glance at the end. The tangled thing is not that the happy ending is always fun.

  • Makayla 2023-07-26 04:11:27

    The film is clearly a history of human struggle within the family. Father, mother, son, the three of them have a love-hate relationship, and they are each in their own way. It's like three reefs in the sea, eagerly looking forward to in the stormy waves, but can't be reunited for life. The use of sound-picture montage and Rembrandt-style lighting in the film is unique, which suddenly enhances the dramatic effect of the characters' inner world.

  • Makayla 2023-07-25 14:09:14

    3.5 stars, the overall is pretty good, especially the witty Colbert and God assisting John (I laughed when I called) It is DA's approach of "digging three feet to find you" that makes me feel a little nervous... …

  • Makayla 2023-07-03 18:12:29

    An ode to a passion for science.

  • Makayla 2023-06-10 07:07:23

    French Surrealism. The restoration of dreams, the depiction of films beyond reality.

  • Makayla 2023-05-25 19:20:51

    Supplementary note, although it is not as funny as the first one, it makes Renault's melon skin head really cute.

  • Makayla 2023-05-19 11:10:17

    The plot is illogical, can a group of red-clothed men kill the heroine run past them and can't see it? When it is used for group performances, it is possible to arrest people and pretend to be blind when not needed.

  • Makayla 2023-05-11 01:11:44

    Volume in space. [Another episode of Tye Tye that nobody cares about.

  • Makayla 2023-05-04 07:25:25

    The music plus one star is predictable throughout. When the song of nina simone rang at the funeral, it was very moving

  • Makayla 2023-05-03 15:03:00

    "Good" is a very expensive word, incompetent to appreciate the translation, forcing myself to listen to the original version~

  • Makayla 2023-04-28 22:31:23

    This plot of chasing the murderer and revenge is very good, and Stallone, who is a tough guy with facial paralysis, has no sense of substitution, and the latter can be said to be an adult version of "Home Alone".

  • Makayla 2023-04-25 06:36:27

    A movie that blinded the actor.