Davonte Howe

Davonte Howe



  • Happy as Lazzaro Happy as Lazzaro

    Davonte 2022-04-12 09:01:10

    I have always had a fallacy of "subjective happiness balance" and thought it was God's greatest fairness

    In that paradise from Lazzaro, there is nothing wrong with hungry wolves that can eat people. If you smell like a good person, the wolf might just walk away.

    This is the story Antonia tells when she leaves the village.

    Then the story cuts to modern civilization, and I've been waiting for the node where the wolf metaphor is revealed. until the last scene.

    Lazzaro, a man who suddenly broke into modern civilization from the rural order of his hideaway. He went into the bank...

  • Guardian: The Lonely and Great God Guardian: The Lonely and Great God

    Davonte 2022-04-06 09:01:07

    [Looking back at Baixiang Shidi's speech from the talk show dialogue] Kong Liu, a man who is weak and goes upstream

    Ported from Weibo

    Blogger: The make-up teacher is crazy today, I won't allow anyone who hasn't read the "Lee Dong Wook Wants Talk" Kong Liu chapter! I sighed at Lee Dong Wook's ability to control the field, the comfortable and natural chemical reaction between dead ghosts, and the most impressive thing was Kong Liu's clear and interesting conversation. Kong Liu's career explosion was concentrated in 2016-2017 - the movies "Men and Women", "Train to Busan", and "Spy" made him achieve a...

  • Gods of Egypt Gods of Egypt

    Davonte 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    The dark god who is close to perfection, why did he end up being thrown to death in the end? Tucao emperor.

    The tyrannical Dark God, set to use money to measure people's life, and crusades and builds ruins, can be described as a great achievement. Later, by combining the divine power of the gods into one, the film in the most important decisive battle actually threw such a powerful person to death, and I was also drunk.

    The God of the Sky used a dagger to chop off the wings that the Dark God had taken from his ex-wife, and was then crippled. I am dissatisfied.

    Remember, there is a...

  • Mommy Mommy

    Davonte 2022-03-27 09:01:13


    Great, very immersive actors. Female teacher Kayla's gentle and shy, timely outbreak, outsider's hesitation and contradiction. The unbearable, rough, forbearance and struggle of a manic mother.
    Everything corresponds to "I Killed My Mom".
    The main actor is not Dolan, a little sad, but still a crazy and scolding dialogue. The white tender meat that replaced Dolan in the film is also hysterical. Hyperactive, split, and full of problems. Craving for love, craving attention. Love and...

  • All About Eve All About Eve

    Davonte 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    Selling soul and body = gaining money and power

    Every character in the movie has their own character image that is very three-dimensional, and the decisions they make are beyond the audience's expectations, but they are very in line with their personal settings when they think about it. Even the last shot of each character's exit contains a wealth of information. The exit of one man is used as a metaphor for the exit of another man, and many storylines are hidden behind the scenes. Especially the scene scheduling, the use of camera...

  • Sweet Home Alabama Sweet Home Alabama

    Davonte 2022-03-23 09:03:12

    good schizophrenia movie

    The Caller 2011 can be seen as a supernatural horror film, which is obvious, but it can also be read in fine detail.
    The heroine, Mary, is actually a poor woman who suffered from physical defects caused by a scalding accident when she was a child, and was raped by her husband when she grew up.
    Rose on the phone, John the ideal lover, George the friendly gardener, the miracle of jumping in time and space, etc., were just imagined by Mary in a state of finesse to explain the...

  • Saving Face Saving Face

    Davonte 2022-03-23 09:03:11

    Trimming Chinatown with lace

    I'm not a love fundamentalist, so all love is good, regardless of age, race and of course gender.
           From the perspective of the heroine Wil, three forms of love are reproduced in the film. The first is the love of grandpa, which is the most traditional Chinese style of love. Old husband and wife, after vicissitudes of life, time has become the witness of their love. The second is the love of a mother. First, she married someone who didn’t love because of her parents’ orders. She was...

  • Blue Jasmine Blue Jasmine

    Davonte 2022-03-23 09:01:36


    It's good to meet someone who is handsome, rich and willing to spoil you when you are young, but just like in movies, people will get tired and episodical. No matter how good they are at the beginning, they need continuous efforts later. I used to think that liking is unreasonable and should be long-term. Now it seems that if I keep procrastinating and unwilling to make progress, the other party has been working hard to move forward and may not be able to ask the other party to love me all the...

  • The Tale The Tale

    Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:42


    The composition of the film is wonderful, the content is a little sensitive, and it feels a little bit of a parallel space, and it is an impressive and very cohesive work to look at fiction. Most people in the domestic society have an evasive attitude towards xing education. In recent years, more and more child victims have been exposed. In addition to being forced to harm, many are also coaxed. The evasive mentality has led to many children not being properly guided. So I don't know how to...

  • Somewhere in Time Somewhere in Time

    Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:29

    beautiful and shocking

    Perhaps, America is not for nostalgia, it is modern, it is high-speed. The elegance and delicate emotions that need to be tasted slowly can only be precipitated in Europe.
       The film has a gorgeous shell---a gorgeous name, a gorgeous plot, and a gorgeous music...but it lacks a detail. The heroine's sincere lines confessed to the hero's sacrifice for love. The gorgeousness of these loves is dazzling, but the shocking emotion is not only the madness of love's life and death, but also exists...

  • Boy A Boy A

    Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:25

    Anyway, be brave

    Dear Eric, I want to call you that name because that's who you are.
    Everyone must be brave to be themselves, although you have to choose to be Jack, but you still have to be brave, and have more courage than everyone!
    There is no way to forget the problems that everyone faced in the past. The key is to deal with the relationship between your thoughts and reality, and you can't let yourself get stuck and can't get out. Shrinking in the corner is just a temporary feeling, but you must...

  • Two Lovers Two Lovers

    Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:25

    When there is a feeling in front of you, please grab it

    The entire film is depressing and monotonous.
    From the beginning of the protagonist jumping into the river to the end of walking to the beach, the male protagonist has been fucking up.
    Until the lost glove appeared, I thought it would be taken away by the tide, but it was left behind by the power of nature, and the direction of the finger was towards the hero, suggesting that there are still people in this world who are willing to walk with you. Only after that did the male...

  • Duplicity Duplicity

    Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:11

    You lie to me, I lie to you, but neither of us can lie, I love you, and you love me too

    Men lied to women, and women lied to men, but they ended up together, because no matter how big or many lies, the lies of not loving each other just couldn't be told, and they couldn't lie to themselves, so how could they lie to him (her)? Two people who are on the same road, know each other's psychology and lies, lie to and fro, two people who don't fully trust, and enjoy the game of lies, but when she says, I love you, she is I was nervous, but after getting his response, it was finally over....

  • Army of Shadows Army of Shadows

    Davonte 2022-03-21 09:03:26

    human story

    A political film without a preset position, it tells about the various struggles between fascist forces and resistance movement in France during World War II, and within the resistance movement. The success of the heroes praised by the victorious side of the revolution is of course because they adhered to the correct position, followed the bright beliefs, and conformed to the trend of history, but the film did not blindly beautify this just organization. And deliberately highlighted the various...

  • The Boss Baby: Family Business The Boss Baby: Family Business

    Davonte 2022-03-21 09:03:11

    Those you love moved you just fine

    Just watch a show and find what you like and feel. There is no one-size-fits-all so-called judging standard, some just need to follow their own heart.

    Some moments of the movie are captured and the aftertaste becomes different. I grab every point I like, and I am afraid that I will forget a little bit in the long river of memory.

    After reading 1, I will watch 2 immediately. The plot...

  • Davonte 2023-09-24 00:12:02

    quite boring actually

  • Davonte 2023-09-20 01:33:39

    The ingenious fusion of magical realism in watercolor animation, "The Boy and the World" presents a bizarre world from the perspective of a child. The profound and in-depth oppression of people, a simple animation, leaves the audience with infinite reverie and contemplation.

  • Davonte 2023-09-16 21:06:20

    schizophrenia, revenge for son

  • Davonte 2023-08-26 22:11:16

    A very different World War II movie, with a life of escape without risk, Jewish children growing up in panic, witnessing the whole process of the fall of France in World War II, very warm, even a little weird and comedy.

  • Davonte 2023-08-15 20:45:17

    My parents are willing to watch it, but I didn’t understand anything when I was young, so I followed along.

  • Davonte 2023-08-09 15:28:38

    it's is a very stereotype story. in the world, some people are fat, bald and black. Just take the physical defect which you can not change even work very hard about it. I believe confidence also make people handsome.

  • Davonte 2023-08-06 12:07:48

    I actually watched the remake...and the original sound was used for the singing part (as if I watched the remake when I was a kid). Pure and beautiful, a series of stories of American immigrants returning to their hometown of Ireland, in a closed environment, it is very important to identify with and abide by the local unwritten rules (the male protagonist's confusion lies in this), in such a closed community, All "trouble" needs to be solved by following the rules and making the society harmonious. But through marriage and obedience to the rules, the male lead is finally accepted. Although this film is in color, the location is very beautiful.

  • Davonte 2023-07-31 15:57:20

    A promotional video for tourism persuasion on a small island in Thailand. . .

  • Davonte 2023-07-24 02:49:57

    The Japanese uncle speaks fluent English. . .

  • Davonte 2023-07-21 07:28:55

    The movie is well thought out, beyond the realm of a thriller.

  • Davonte 2023-07-19 08:18:56

    I found that most of the people who watched Stargate didn't like this show, but because of Mao I thought the plot was interlocking and fascinating, but the screenwriter was too big and didn't know how to end it.

  • Davonte 2023-07-06 10:41:38

    After going through the first three seasons, ignoring the heroine's appearance and hoarse voice, you will find that this film is more and more attractive, and mutual redemption must finally break the curse. Curiously, the first season has already had a happy ending, how should the second season be filmed? Is it possible to change the male and female protagonists and then change the soup instead of the medicine?

  • Davonte 2023-06-28 03:37:33

    Pseudo-documentary style, inside point of view... cold and cruel, full of characters. On November 6th, Suo Yabin's last lesson of the semester...

  • Davonte 2023-06-15 01:26:02

    8. The backstage scary part is good

  • Davonte 2023-06-13 07:56:46

    Husband is really tall, rich and handsome, with a pure mind and only loves music, and will order takeaways to wait for you when you get home; students who do not care about their reputation and career are ugly and short, their heads are so big that they seem to have special effects, and they spend money to sleep with them to help the college entrance examination: not a choice Director Jiao is blind, but the screenwriter is brainless. Ps. Resolutely report the relationship between teachers and students