Davonte Howe

Davonte Howe



  • Last Year at Marienbad Last Year at Marienbad

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:02:11

    about a year

    The most famous work of French left bank master Alain Resnais, an absolute revolution in film language. Alain Resnais combined Griet's rigorous, repetitive and unconnected reminiscence murmurs into a picture with concise and sharp editing and shot arrangement. The interspersed memories and the present, cross montages, still figures, moving shots, beautiful.

    It's a movie with no story at all. All elements in the film come from Mr. X's memories. He met Ms. A in the splendid Baroque...

  • The Normal Heart The Normal Heart

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    "Ordinary Heart" Face every slump with an ordinary heart

    Since ancient times, people have been willing to bow down to the knees of the gods and become the most devout believers.

    When the difficulties were solved, the words that blurted out were "Thank goodness"! In the face of suffering helpless, most of the prayers in my heart are "God bless"!


  • Mindhunters Mindhunters

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:55

    Who is the murderer?

    The idea of ​​the movie is really good, it feels like a chainsaw and death are coming,

    but why do people still doubt the black big brother? The answer is that everyone forgot the scene where he risked his life to save people. Assuming the black man is the murderer, how could he risk his life to go to the wheelchair brother. At least I forgot about that snippet. It can be seen that people are white-eyed wolves, and when they are in danger, they will doubt everyone around them,...

  • Unthinkable Unthinkable

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    Sometimes I feel that believing in God is the same as believing in the devil

    Muslims always choose terrorist attacks because Allah supports a just war?
    Killing a smaller number of people in order to punish those who killed tens of millions of people?
    Are terrorist attacks more effective than other methods?
    In reality, cowards with power are more powerful than untitled heroes, and justice has no right to speak in the face of power.
    The name of war is ever-changing, but the war will not stop.
    Sometimes I feel that believing in God and believing in...

  • Kramer vs. Kramer Kramer vs. Kramer

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:35

    free woman

    Before watching "Mrs. Kramer", I always thought that women should not be bound by family and lose themselves by being bound by family, but although Mrs. Kramer escaped from family in pursuit of self-worth and sought a life that can be realized as a woman, I am inexplicable. It is a bit disgusting, disgusting this kind of self, for the pursuit of self, regardless of the reality and the behavior of the people around. Instead, Cramer's disgusting workaholic machismo at the beginning completes a...

  • Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:31

    Assassin's Creed between movies and games

    From Assassin's Creed 2, until now, this series has been a must-play game for me every year, so when I saw this movie released, I went to the cinema impatiently to watch it. As a result, only It can be said that this is an Assassin's Creed that is not like Assassin's Creed.
    Old players know that the story of Assassin's Creed is a confrontation between two ancient camps, the Templars and the Assassins, one who claims to lead mankind to a higher civilization in order to control the world,...

  • 3 Idiots 3 Idiots

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:14

    follow.your heart

    There are too many people who can't help themselves in life, and it is not easy to follow the feeling like Lancher. Farhan loves photography, but because of his father's obstruction, he can only study engineering at Imperial College, which he is not interested in, so he became the second-to-last, but when he decided to pursue photography, he successfully opened a door to him. Men; Radu, a poor student, faced with various pressures from his family, he can only pin his hopes on God. His fear...

  • The Rock The Rock

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:11

    We need to hold on to the good, but also to restrain the evil

    I wanted to denounce fairness and justice, but in the end it became injustice. Sometimes in the face of injustice, we need to pay twice or even multiple times the cost to maintain fairness and justice. At this time, some people cannot condemn it because the price is too high; some people want to get justice at an equal price, but they use evil to defeat evil; The society that does not defend itself starts, claiming that everything about itself is the fault of society. Only a few...

  • My Neighbor Totoro My Neighbor Totoro

    Davonte 2022-04-20 09:01:11

    I want a small chinchilla

    The most unforgettable thing is that the little girl was lying on the body of the chinchilla and suddenly felt that her childhood was so simple, and she suddenly went to an unknown place where there are big trees, birds, flowers, grass and a fat dragon The cat dream is nothing but that. Hayao Miyazaki's cartoons always have a magical power that makes you want to look down. It's full of surprises, but it's still quiet. There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people and I want...

  • Mr. Holmes Mr. Holmes

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:02:26

    More than just wonderful fanfiction

    When did filmmakers stop shooting those immortal images without a voiceover? Even the director Baz Luhrman, who seems to be stoned, finally realized that "The Great Gatsby" needs to use the original text. However, this film, which has nothing to do with Conan Doyle, is still at a loss to the original novelist and current screenwriter Jeffery Hatcher. The monologue written by the quiet, sad but repressed old Sherlock Holmes stood still. Ian Mckellen gave one of the best performances of his life,...

  • Southpaw Southpaw

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:38

    How hot is the trailer, how impotent the feature film is

    Another best-looking movie in the trailer.

    At that time, I watched the trailer OST Eminem sang with a special feeling that Jack Shuai transformed into a muscular face. After watching the feature film, I just wanted to call the director a fool. The daughter's casting is too ugly and unpleasant, and being forced to separate from her daughter is too far-fetched as the reason for the male protagonist to stand up again.

    Watching the movie and holding back the anger and waiting...

  • Superman Returns Superman Returns

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    a few regrets

    I think it's the second best film in the "Superman" series, second only to "Superman II", and Lois's performer Kate Bernster is amazing. I think the future is limitless, and if the film is selected properly, it can completely compete Carrie Johansson, a charming and intelligent person. Disappointment instead made Kevin Spacey, after "American Beauty", I haven't seen any commendable work from this dude, "The Seven Deadly Sins", "The Usual Suspects" are unique and emotional His anti-bone...

  • Split Split

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:11

    What are the recommended highlights of "Split"?

    After watching the film, I concluded the following points:

    The horror atmosphere is well created, and all the elements are used. The excessive use of religious elements makes the film tend to be a godsend film. Because I know the background story, it is easy to accept the setting. It may be difficult for a person who has not understood it to enter the play so quickly. Maybe I gave up at the stage of laying out in front of me, but I think the tension in the back is worth feeling. When I...

  • Frozen Frozen

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:10

    Classic Disney, Volkswagen's Disney

    (Gossip, non-direct film review)
        Before Christmas, I went on a business trip to four European countries. Everyone was busy preparing for Christmas. As a foreigner, I always felt like an arrow. However, every time I go to a country, I notice that the big screen in the most lively place is promoting two movies, Lord of the Rings and Frozen, which attracts me so much. It seems that Frozen is more in my heart, and I want to take time to see it. It's a pity that I couldn't feast my eyes...

  • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    I'm going to complain about this movie, will I be scolded?

    First let me say that I am a big fan of the Lord of the Rings series, and like all the fans who like the Lord of the Rings, I also feel that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is almost "sacred", and everything is aimed at this perfect epic trilogy. Qu's criticisms are all nitpicking. Of course, as a prequel, The Hobbit naturally has such a halo, but after all, The Hobbit is not the Lord of the Rings, it lacks 100% of the original support, and there is more room for directors and screenwriters to...

  • Davonte 2023-09-24 00:12:02

    quite boring actually

  • Davonte 2023-09-20 01:33:39

    The ingenious fusion of magical realism in watercolor animation, "The Boy and the World" presents a bizarre world from the perspective of a child. The profound and in-depth oppression of people, a simple animation, leaves the audience with infinite reverie and contemplation.

  • Davonte 2023-09-16 21:06:20

    schizophrenia, revenge for son

  • Davonte 2023-08-26 22:11:16

    A very different World War II movie, with a life of escape without risk, Jewish children growing up in panic, witnessing the whole process of the fall of France in World War II, very warm, even a little weird and comedy.

  • Davonte 2023-08-15 20:45:17

    My parents are willing to watch it, but I didn’t understand anything when I was young, so I followed along.

  • Davonte 2023-08-09 15:28:38

    it's is a very stereotype story. in the world, some people are fat, bald and black. Just take the physical defect which you can not change even work very hard about it. I believe confidence also make people handsome.

  • Davonte 2023-08-06 12:07:48

    I actually watched the remake...and the original sound was used for the singing part (as if I watched the remake when I was a kid). Pure and beautiful, a series of stories of American immigrants returning to their hometown of Ireland, in a closed environment, it is very important to identify with and abide by the local unwritten rules (the male protagonist's confusion lies in this), in such a closed community, All "trouble" needs to be solved by following the rules and making the society harmonious. But through marriage and obedience to the rules, the male lead is finally accepted. Although this film is in color, the location is very beautiful.

  • Davonte 2023-07-31 15:57:20

    A promotional video for tourism persuasion on a small island in Thailand. . .

  • Davonte 2023-07-24 02:49:57

    The Japanese uncle speaks fluent English. . .

  • Davonte 2023-07-21 07:28:55

    The movie is well thought out, beyond the realm of a thriller.

  • Davonte 2023-07-19 08:18:56

    I found that most of the people who watched Stargate didn't like this show, but because of Mao I thought the plot was interlocking and fascinating, but the screenwriter was too big and didn't know how to end it.

  • Davonte 2023-07-06 10:41:38

    After going through the first three seasons, ignoring the heroine's appearance and hoarse voice, you will find that this film is more and more attractive, and mutual redemption must finally break the curse. Curiously, the first season has already had a happy ending, how should the second season be filmed? Is it possible to change the male and female protagonists and then change the soup instead of the medicine?

  • Davonte 2023-06-28 03:37:33

    Pseudo-documentary style, inside point of view... cold and cruel, full of characters. On November 6th, Suo Yabin's last lesson of the semester...

  • Davonte 2023-06-15 01:26:02

    8. The backstage scary part is good

  • Davonte 2023-06-13 07:56:46

    Husband is really tall, rich and handsome, with a pure mind and only loves music, and will order takeaways to wait for you when you get home; students who do not care about their reputation and career are ugly and short, their heads are so big that they seem to have special effects, and they spend money to sleep with them to help the college entrance examination: not a choice Director Jiao is blind, but the screenwriter is brainless. Ps. Resolutely report the relationship between teachers and students