Aaliyah Mills

Aaliyah Mills



  • Sex and the City Sex and the City

    Aaliyah 2022-12-20 11:56:45

    What Sex and the city taught me

    What really matters is Label and Love. Ultra-expensive Manolo Blahnik blue satin shoes make a marriage proposal. It's just that a man like a big man is more suitable to be a lover, not suitable for Sauvignon Blanc. Although he has everything, but lacking what a woman needs most, a man who broke the marriage contract was finally forgiven, hey. He has the charm of a mature man. The big man has built a wardrobe and a big shoe rack. At that moment, I feel that even if this man...

  • 13 Reasons Why 13 Reasons Why

    Aaliyah 2022-12-18 11:32:15

    Who killed Hannah Baker?

    "13 Reasons Why" (13 Reasons Why): This American drama has been brushed to the fifth episode in one breath, and it is impossible to stop. The plot focuses on the generation of rumors and the great harm that school bullying can do to people, and gradually unfolds through Clay Jensen, who had a crush on Hannah, following the thirteen tapes he left behind as clues. The character setting of Clay is very interesting: he comes from a family of lawyers in the upper middle class....

  • John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

    Aaliyah 2022-12-16 21:11:24

    From martial arts movies, to kung fu movies, to action movies, but you can see the chivalrous sentiment in the hearts of Chinese people

    When I saw the eyeball with a throwing knife, I pressed my chest and felt very uncomfortable: Don't shoot like this! The fourth part must not be imported in China! ! !


    I have watched the "Quick Kill" series of trilogy, and turned a few pages of short and long comments from netizens under the trilogy. I deeply feel that this chivalrous sentiment of walking through the rivers and lakes with swords has long been ingrained in the...

  • The Host The Host

    Aaliyah 2022-11-17 02:07:29

    Koreans are also proving themselves

    In my influence, Korean films have their own characteristics, but like American films, they can only be watched as serials, entertainment.

    "The Host", it's an award-winning Asian best film, so I'm curious to know why a Korean film would be the best Asian film, and a Japanese film would be the best Asian film, I'm not surprised, Taiwanese film It is not surprising to me to be the best in Asia, and it is not surprising that mainland films are the best.

    Of course, it's not that...

  • Parasyte: The Maxim Parasyte: The Maxim

    Aaliyah 2022-11-08 07:00:28

    Life may have no rules

    This is definitely the most worth watching anime in recent years (although it is banned, but there is a movie version). When it comes to cannibalism, many people think of Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan for the first time. But I think Parasite is definitely better than both.

    In the end, everyone remembers the super-burning line "it's not me, it's the world" at the end of Tokyo Ghoul. Indeed, after reading Kaneki's experience, you will find it very suitable for this sentence (of course...

  • O.J.: Made in America O.J.: Made in America

    Aaliyah 2022-10-26 16:39:06

    hustle and bustle

    The reason for watching this film is that a teacher who teaches "Comparative Constitution" used it as a pre-class assignment. The teacher arranged this film to give us a general, perceptual, and intuitive understanding of the American Constitution and the American social and cultural environment. In the author's opinion, this film not only discusses grand and professional narratives such as race and the constitution, but also shows us the good and evil of human nature. Even though we...

  • Burnt Money Burnt Money

    Aaliyah 2022-10-22 03:03:51

    What is the biggest pain in straight people acting in gay films?

    PS A big movie is a big movie, even a 2000 movie looks so perfect now. The two protagonists in suits and ties are so handsome and manly.

    What is the biggest pain in straight people acting in gay films?
    Going to bed with a woman, but resisting being unable to get an erection in the face of a woman's sex; sex with a man, not feeling an erection
    in the face of a man's sex is okay, but having an erection is embarrassing;

    What, but scratching on the younger brother...

  • Megamind Megamind

    Aaliyah 2022-10-16 16:09:48

    The penetration of heroism

    This movie comes after I've seen a lot of American animated movies. Because the continuous viewing makes me feel the infiltration of heroism in American movies, even if it is deeply hidden, it can still be felt.
        It's still heroism, and in the end, the super villain becomes a superhero and saves the world. The only bright spot may no longer be a super villain turning into a superhero, but the hero's suspended animation, an urge to return to his original life under the light. Let us...

  • Messengers 2: The Scarecrow Messengers 2: The Scarecrow

    Aaliyah 2022-10-13 20:32:37

    changed angle

    The theme of the first part is how to regain trust between a wrong girl and her parents. This part has become a story of how a poor couple can maintain trust, and the story of what happened is relatively clear. From this point of view, In the context of the entire production team changing, and Hollywood has always been a sloppy sequel, just grab a handful and leave, this film should be considered a good one. . .
        It's a pity that there is no Kristen Stewart in the first film. Of course,...

  • The Collector The Collector

    Aaliyah 2022-10-10 15:12:06

    Game of Thrones between the sexes

    The two dialogues between the characters at the beginning of the film are very philosophical and fascinating. They explored the perception of charm between the mind, appearance and the sexes. They are very profound and powerful. They are the introduction of the three protagonists’ personalities in the film. Preface, these two dialogues can be said to be the thought introduction to the whole film, and these topics themselves are also thought-provoking.

  • Father and Daughter Father and Daughter

    Aaliyah 2022-10-08 02:32:46

    Human tragedy, as in the bottom of my eye

    When they got to the shore, the daughter stretched out her arms for her father to hug for the first time, but the father hesitated for a while. He went down to see the situation on the lake first, and then came up to hug his daughter.

    The father had to leave due to special reasons. He knew that the chances of coming back were not high, so he hugged his daughter very hard for the second time.

    Some people in the short comments said that it...

  • Shanghai Shanghai

    Aaliyah 2022-09-05 03:40:54

    save whore xx

    There have been a lot of spy movies recently, and this movie feels like the mainland version of Saving Private Ryan. The plot is actually very general, that is, sacrifice a lot of comrades for an outdated information. The only thing that impresses people is that the film is still very delicate, and it feels very realistic to copy the big Shanghai of Shiliyangchang, without over-promoting the CCP's V5, and without too much fabricated American heroism.

    The rhythm of the movie is still...

  • Train of Life Train of Life

    Aaliyah 2022-07-08 16:38:10

    hit the road...

    In 1941, a small town boy ran to the villagers foolishly and shouted: "The Nazis are coming!" For a while, people were panicking, and he had a plan. It was better to pretend to be the Nazis, jump on the train, and claim to be heading for the concentration camp. flee to another country. The train and his party were startled. The Germans stopped the road twice to pick up the investigation. Fortunately, they crossed the sea once, and bumped into the same person. But the train traveled thousands...

  • Pele: Birth of a Legend Pele: Birth of a Legend

    Aaliyah 2022-06-01 18:35:52

    Poor people’s children headed home early

    8 points. A biographical film of Pele.

    In the poor and backward football kingdom in the 1950s, the Pele family was also impoverished. Bailey helped others polish shoes since he was a child, but he didn't have shoes to play football. In the Country Youth Championship, Pele stood out and was spotted by scouts, but his parents didn't want him to become a player and hid it. Little Bailey was blamed for the death of his friend. Instead of being a naughty child, he followed his father for...

  • Thinner Thinner

    Aaliyah 2022-05-12 20:44:42

    Who should die?

    The male protagonist in the film has several options for killing:

    1. When visiting the perjured sheriff, the sheriff wanted to shoot him to kill the gypsies. At that time, he believed that the curse could be lifted through communication, but he refused.

    2. The male protagonist failed to negotiate with the gypsies. He said to them in the gypsy gathering area, I will curse you. This is a curse from the white people in the city. At this time, I thought he had murdered them to...

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    The heroine is fascinating

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    It is wonderful to be able to see such a film when I was a child.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-25 09:01:04

    With two guns in the body, I found passports of various countries printed with my photo, various cash, guns and ammunition in the box. He was observant and agile. I couldn't guess what I was doing.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    Check out the three seasons. It feels like they are always on the verge of death, jumping sideways and hurting each other endlessly. Coupled with the barrage of misogynistic tendencies, it is really tiring to watch. But the whole drama is picturesque, the costumes are exquisite, the soundtrack is beautiful, the actors' acting skills are online, the plot is ups and downs, the characters are entangled and contradictory and vivid and three-dimensional. Overall, it is really a well-made and excellent drama.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:03:05

    20181205 finished taking notes yesterday. Ang Lee has been expressing "love", "the difficulty of love", "the suddenness of love" and "the immorality of love". In his stories, the strongest people are often the least courageous, because they have too many scruples to be reckless. His film technique teachers were Yasujiro Ozu and Hitchcock: Conflict of Delay and shot-reverse-shot. He has a lot of boyish hobbies. For example, when the cat is calling Chun, his father is copying the prescription for nourishing the kidney. For example, when the eldest sister is in love for the first time, it is the male body who has been injured and then recovered. He is very smart. After filming the wedding banquet, he used this to practice his skills and practiced how to make the audience identify with characters who were originally morally flawed. This is a very advanced skill. For the story, his basic idea is to first create a seemingly solid and well-functioning system, and then at a certain moment, cruelly extract a small part and watch the entire system collapse in an instant.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:02:59

    The viewing experience is really amazing. It’s not that I haven’t seen the films that were not made in the later stage, but from time to time, hand-drawn storyboards appear on the big screen. When the rabbit speaks, its mouth does not move, and it suddenly turns into a stop-motion animation frame by frame. , The Weiya rope on the person did not fall off, and there were often paper roosters and hand-painted villains... It was really hilarious. When did the male protagonist get so handsome for the first time! I really want to fall in love with him! The lady is so beautiful too!

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:02:55

    I wish I saw this movie when I was in middle school and high school

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:01:39

    When I watched it, I knew it was an adaptation of a real case, but I didn't think so. It was only when I came to London that I found out that JACK and THE RAPPER were very famous.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:01:07

    Heath Ledger is really a lunatic.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-23 09:02:25

    A very solid textbook film, the theme and presentation are straightforward and sharp, the momentum and atmosphere are cold and indifferent, and the abrupt ending is just right.

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-23 09:02:19

    Luke Wilson is always so sad and happy...

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-23 09:01:02

    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-21 09:03:00

    It's weak by Herzog's standards, but the ending is okay. Needless to say, a confiscated bird, a barbed iron railing of the Empire State Building, has said exactly what needs to be said about America. There is also the red lens with a light in the upper left corner, as if viewing from the lens, the magnificent sunset is also severely limited. So later on it was weaker. The contrast between America and the Nazis is interesting. The electrical experiment is a metaphor for what is not seen. In the end, the bank robbed and Bruno ran away. I knew it couldn't end like this, and I would definitely have to call again. But the result was not as ruthless as I imagined... ps suddenly became absurd. Is it a tribute to Kafka's missing person?

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-21 09:01:22

    There are indeed many old folks, thanks to the three male protagonists for choosing the right ones. Maybe everyone thinks this is a very tacky popcorn entertainment film, but after looking up a lot of friends' characters, my biggest feeling is: life may have been set for a long time, maybe you will meet different people and things, and always want to jump out of the chessboard when encountering difficulties. , But you can’t. You have to constantly recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, and use your talents to work hard to survive. Life is really like this!

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-20 09:02:59

    2016.06.05 The plot is relatively general and the tension is not enough, but it is indeed not easy for such a small number of characters to perform a thriller in such a single scene. The perverted security guard is actually quite embarrassing. Wes Bentley's acting skills are really good.