Aaliyah Mills

Aaliyah Mills



  • Le Cercle Rouge Le Cercle Rouge

    Aaliyah 2022-01-11 08:02:26

    "Red Circle": A homework template for model students of science and engineering

    This is the second work by Jean-Pierre Melville I have seen, and my previous impressions have been cited one by one again.
    The whole movie is always immersed in a cold and restrained atmosphere. The so-called chivalrous bones are all manifested in the cold behavior of the characters, and the so-called tenderness is all hidden in clues.
    The dialogue from the beginning to the end is scarce and concise, which makes people doubt whether the sound film is meaningful to...

  • The Savages The Savages

    Aaliyah 2022-01-10 08:01:42

    Watch acting, watch stories, watch life

    I didn’t have the chance to watch it when it was released in Hong Kong, and soon I finished the painting. I bought the DVD a while ago, and I was at home for the rest of the day, watching the DVD with

    "The Savages" . It turns out that the Hong Kong translation of "The Savages" is really ugly. . But it is true that the whole film is Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney two people carrying the banner. It is almost just to see their acting skills. The

    story is actually very...

  • John Dies at the End John Dies at the End

    Aaliyah 2022-01-09 08:03:00

    Too mixed, no logic

    Creativity is okay, but all kinds of sporadic new ideas are mixed together, not a system, and there is no way to justify it. For example, where did the black substance Soy souce that made them psychic come from? What is the principle of their reversal in chronological order? How does an individual exist at the same time in two ways? Wait, there is no way to solve it. Just take a look. Their parallel time and space is quite interesting.
    In addition, since it is called John who died last,...

  • War Machine War Machine

    Aaliyah 2022-01-07 15:53:35

    The better Glen, the deeper the irony of the film

    In the comments, many people think that Glen, a black Puritan general, is the main theme of the film.

    really interesting.

    If the director is really satirizing Glen, there is probably no need to shoot so many positive aspects of Glen. Glen insisted on training, Glen tried to love the Afghan civilians, Glen tried to respect the local Afghan government (although he was a puppet), Glen respected and understood every ordinary soldier (though he could not solve the...

  • The Grinch The Grinch

    Aaliyah 2022-01-05 08:01:32

    Grinch, you shouldn’t have that dog—green furry Grinch

    Wearing green in a theatrical performance brings bad luck-Molière died in a green costume before the performance.

    It’s been a long time since I watched a movie like this, which made me feel uncomfortable and kind.

    No other

    Because it feels like it has become a self-searching movie for me.

    There is a child in the town-Little Grinch, a unique Re-Animator Re-Animator

    Aaliyah 2022-01-01 08:01:36

    Are you afraid of jumping corpses?

    Watching film critics said that this movie was a childhood fear of many people, but now when I watch others, I use the word "funny" when recommending it~~ In the process of watching it, I actually can’t laugh. After watching the memories, I feel that some of the plots are also at a loss. The director can think of it, it's too funny, and it's very evil

         . The most terrifying element in it is that I think "geniuses are lunatics". There is no difference between alive and dead in the...

  • Four Rooms Four Rooms

    Aaliyah 2021-12-10 08:01:27

    Garbage mix

    Why is this shit-like combination of nonsensical garbage clips called a movie? !

    The narrative, plot, silhouette, interpretation, etc. have no meaning, nothing to watch, a neurotic exaggerated combination. I can't figure out what it is, but what a thing!

    The score of 7.2 points is brushed? Or is it a natural lick of American dramas? ? Nothing to watch, no depth, not even a fucking exotic show, how did you get into the commentary? ?

    The score of 7.2 points is brushed? Or is...

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Aaliyah 2021-10-22 14:30:57

    You are responsible for making money to support the family, I am responsible for being beautiful

        Father Fox carries a radio on his waist and trots around the tree to do gymnastics while singing.
        Mother Fox walked over, her right hand akimbo and her weight swinging to the right, protruding backwards.
        When I met, I first asked my wife about the results of the visit to the hospital, and the wife ended the topic in a few words, whether it was true or had other intentions. This is nonsense.
        Before the action, father fox asked mother fox whether we should...

  • Kingdom of Heaven Kingdom of Heaven

    Aaliyah 2021-10-20 17:24:28

    King and religion

    Yesterday, I finished watching "The Kingdom of Heaven", the 2005 movie. Orlando Bloom and EVA starring, first praise EVA is sexy. The director’s cut version is nearly 200 minutes, but I think it’s too short. Especially the scene of Baldwin IV. But in just a few short shots, and with only his eyes and a few weak movements, Wang's aura completely overwhelmed the little blacksmith (Blum has started to be a blacksmith in the play), and it seems to be the biggest highlight of the film....

  • Aaliyah 2023-09-17 12:20:02

    3.5 French dramas are relatively few. It went up and down a little bit, but the end of the first season was too abrupt.

  • Aaliyah 2023-08-15 13:04:23

    When you get through to the point where the male protagonist kills three people and asks for help from his brother, then things get better, the plot becomes compact and understandable, contradictions really appear, and all kinds of interesting supporting roles also appear. The latter paragraph is actually worth 4 stars, very literary and has a lingering charm. The grandfather of a gangster in a certain Asian country is really cool.

  • Aaliyah 2023-08-13 05:08:35

    Even when it comes to heavy topics such as life and death, the python can still decompose it into an absurd comedy, touching the essence of life with nonsense, and mocking human desires, sometimes singing that every sperm is sacred, and sometimes making jokes with death. , each chapter has its wonderful jokes, the first section of the building turned into a giant wheel to the financial center is really science fiction.

  • Aaliyah 2023-07-31 12:27:32

    There are quite a lot of patterns, there is a certain imagination, and the rhythm is also very tight and no urine. The fly in the ointment is that the characters are facialized, and there is a lack of shocking points.

  • Aaliyah 2023-07-26 11:29:04

    It is a 162-minute reconstructed version. Some of the heavyweight passages are meant to be commented and analyzed for later generations, but in fact, the overall shot is simple and it is full of iron-blooded and tender man.

  • Aaliyah 2023-07-14 04:01:33

    The good thing about this film lies in the fact that there has been no comment on "Is Diana good or not?". It just shows the faces of sentient beings calmly. It is so calm that it appears that sentient beings are more blind, vulgar, and “ready to be moved at any time”. They are the protagonists of the film.

  • Aaliyah 2023-07-12 11:10:15

    Zombies are not scary, but they are afraid that zombies have brains. The story of one big girl and two girls killing everyone is unreasonable, and there are a lot of bugs. Is it necessary to draw blood and then kill them? Is there a difference? The zombies came in and bit a few people, only the little girl's mother turned into a zombie? Do everything possible not to let others kill the zombies, and then cut off the heads of the zombies with one knife, no need for blood? After research and research, the final conclusion is to directly hit "chicken blood"! WTF!

  • Aaliyah 2023-07-12 09:41:11

    Uh. . . It's actually a darker animation

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-27 17:35:52

    Old movies are good. The actresses were still fat back then.

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-10 08:57:28

    Reminds me of Hal from 2001

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-10 06:00:04

    Just like this, an uncomplicated story in a complex background, it doesn't need to be so tragic, and it doesn't need to be banned to get attention, he just wants to show what a family can best stand the test of time. precipitation.

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-08 04:17:44

    At least it didn't impress me.

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-05 03:30:26

    1. It was very serious at first, but it ended up falling into the routine of commercial films. 2. North Koreans are not as noisy as in the movie. They are very quiet. 3. The time is too long. 4. The ending is nonsense. 5. GD. Who is it? Quan Zhilong?

  • Aaliyah 2023-06-03 12:26:47

    The memory before the anesthesia turned out to be that Brody was too abusive╮(╯_╰)╭ It was said that the pediatrics was because there was no fighting scene. You think that killing people everywhere is not a pediatrician.

  • Aaliyah 2023-05-25 18:22:58

    Billie Piper is not good-looking~