Leonel Pagac

Leonel Pagac



  • The Sweet Life The Sweet Life

    Leonel 2022-03-21 09:02:10

    Analysis of "Sweet Life"

    The analysis is mainly divided into two paragraphs:

    1. Two helicopters flew over Rome:


    The beginning is a long-range picture, the helicopter is in constant motion, from entering the camera to constantly driving out of the camera, and then there is a boy playing football, a construction site.

    On the platform on the roof of the building, there are several girls wearing swimsuits...

  • The Hunt for Red October The Hunt for Red October

    Leonel 2022-03-21 09:01:24

    hunt red october

    I have heard about this movie starring the handsome old man Sean Connery for a long time. I watched it today and it was really shocking. I am also a military fan. For a while, I especially liked to watch things about the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union and the arms race in the Cold War era. In fact, I was particularly inclined towards the Soviet Union. So after watching this movie by Sean Connery, I felt even more. too much.
      Let’s talk about the movie. The...

  • Howl's Moving Castle Howl's Moving Castle

    Leonel 2022-03-21 09:01:18

    Still pretty good-looking

    Diana Pooh Jones... I really fell into her trap. For female readers, her story is very realistic, but Diana doesn't care much about how to set the world in the novel. In her novel, all men are like her husband, with a little sadness, standing quietly somewhere. And the magic in the book doesn't have any rules...even out of control. But I am not going to explain the rules of magic in the film, that would become a video game. Therefore, the film did not explain the logic of magic, and as a...

  • The World Unseen The World Unseen

    Leonel 2022-03-20 09:02:59

    The silence of the whole summer is inhabited in her eyes.

    All the wild summer was in her gaze
    throughout the summer quiet, perched in her eyes.

    every night, I empty my heart
    every night I emptied their minds

    But by morning it's full again.
    But when the early morning of all, have returned to the old new addition to

    Slowly.droplets of you seep in through the night 's soft caress.
    You gently turned into droplets penetrate caress night's

    At dawn i overflow with thoughts of us
    in our twilight...

  • Somewhere in Time Somewhere in Time

    Leonel 2022-03-20 09:02:25

    Somewhere in Time, just for the name

    "Déjà Vu", also known as "Seventy Years Back in Time", is obviously a translation of the name based on the plot when it was introduced to China, because everyone who has seen the film knows that it is actually only sixty-seven years back. The 1980 film, but very classic, the male lead is Christopher Reeve, who later became famous as Superman. Later, he was paraplegic, and then passed away. The heroine is not familiar, but the voice is very nice, not singing, just voice. The first time I saw it...

  • Wings of Desire Wings of Desire

    Leonel 2022-03-20 09:01:58

    "Under the Berlin Sky" and Post-screening Notes

    1. The look and feel of the first half is exhausting, especially today is also very tiring. Complicated verses, complicated inner monologues, and dark images all make one feel exhausted, and the Als das Kind Kind war keeps repeating in my mind...a nightmare. But at the same time it feels interesting and special, without being bored and lethargic. Fascinated by the looking down camera and the angel's loving smile.

    2. After the color in the second half appeared, it suddenly became fun....

  • Prometheus Prometheus

    Leonel 2022-03-20 09:01:07

    Create me, destroy me. -"Prometheus"

    Is life a word created by God? What did the Big Bang prove?
      Human beings come from the theory of evolution? Why does the fossil evidence between apes and humans break? Why 90% of life on Earth did not appear in the 4.6 billion years before the earth’s 4 billion years of history, but broke out in the short 1% of the Cambrian’s historical moment , Suddenly the evidence of life on the earth?
      Prometheus used a DNA verification strip to prove that humans and "engineers"...

  • 2012 2012

    Leonel 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    (Transfer) 2012 Chinese Online Edition

    I saw this article before I went to watch the movie, so that I was laughing all the time, which drew my roommate's attention: watching disaster movies can laugh like this, this kid has something wrong with his house? ? ! !
    Not much nonsense, put the text:

      "I hope we will not disappoint the earth, and good luck." Ohama closed the folder, looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the face of China on the opposite side.

       The heads of countries walked out of the...

  • Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

    Leonel 2022-03-18 09:01:04

    Another vampire version of Qiong Yao drama..

    The vampire is gorgeously coming.... the vampire is stepping on the red carpet of Grandma Qiong Yao's gorgeously coming...
       I said what happened? ? Vampire-themed Qiong Yao dramas are very popular recently in Europe and the United States, "Underworld Legend", "Twilight", "True Blood", oh no! no! no!
       What can I do? I've watched the first two, so this one can't be left behind! Besides, the plots from hundreds of years ago that were revealed in the previous plots felt pretty good,...

  • Falling Down Falling Down

    Leonel 2022-03-16 09:01:03

    City Elegy

    The director and screenwriter have great ambitions, but it is just like the congenital malformation of the heart, and they have no choice but to prescribe emergency medicines like Suxiao Jiuxin Pills. I don't know if the screenwriters have mixed so many elements that can reflect social reality into a film, and the feeling of being at a loss is either intentional or unexpected, but what I want to say is this way of using macroscopic From the perspective of narrating the core of...

  • The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter

    Leonel 2022-03-16 08:01:02


    Originally published in: Mo Shen's Ordinary Shrine http://www.thinkjam.org/mercury/archives/2005/03/eiecie2005ie.html

    The movie "The Scarlet Letter" (1995) I watched last week was very touching. Maybe some experts, especially literary people, will have a lot of criticism when they use the original framework to frame her. But from the point of view of the film and the adapted screenplay, it is undeniable that "The Scarlet Letter" is a success.

    She did not completely copy the...

  • The Fly II The Fly II

    Leonel 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Science is a double-edged sword - playing with fire

    First, let's talk about science fiction. Not to mention the conversion device, pure science fiction. We should be familiar with the rest, that is, gene recombination and fusion (the first part), gene separation and selection (the second part). The famous "Alien" series is also based on genetic selection or DNA fusion.

        Second, look at the release years of a few movies.
        "Alien" 1-4, respectively 1979, 1986, 1992, 1997
        "Fly Man" 1-2, respectively 1986, 1989...

  • The Big Short The Big Short

    Leonel 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    This year, American values ​​went bankrupt for the second time

    I remember that when Obama was still in office in 2016, the official account of the US Embassy in China posted such a post.

    He said:

    One of America’s greatest strengths is our free market. A prosperous private sector is the lifeblood of our economy...The most important component of a healthy and free market is competition...

  • Fading Gigolo Fading Gigolo

    Leonel 2022-03-05 08:01:50

    Only the director knows the charm of this man!

    I like the style of drama ethics films. The subject matter of this film is also content and fresh enough. It is good to spy on the alternative life abroad through the film.
    But, unfortunately, there is no content to express at all, the male pig's foot has a dull expression throughout the play, and I don't know why those women can't stop going to bed with him. Thoughtful, romantic, man, exciting? It may be outside the screen of this movie, only the director knows, but unfortunately, he did...

  • Before Sunset Before Sunset

    Leonel 2022-01-26 08:12:48

    before sunset

    This is a movie that doesn't show off its skills and doesn't use a lot of symbolic lenses, but because of the sense of reality brought by this return to the basics, people can't tell whether this is their own life or the life of the people in the movie. The film that produces this illusion is opium. Movies that are far away from reality will not have a vague feeling because they are far away from reality, because they allow people to gain space for thinking.

    Throughout the movie, we...

  • Leonel 2023-09-29 16:59:56

    A courtroom unlike any other series. The overall progress of the plot is very fast, but it gives people a sense of difference, a sense of difference in chaotic life

  • Leonel 2023-09-25 20:36:01

    It's another fight with the old mage, and Hopkins won't disappoint. To commit crimes in the United States not only requires superb modus operandi, but also exploits legal loopholes; no matter how strict the system is, there will always be loopholes.

  • Leonel 2023-09-12 09:01:12

    A crazy dad played football with a group of kids, and he was very moved at the end

  • Leonel 2023-09-10 20:41:36

    The Story of Selling Format

  • Leonel 2023-09-05 22:33:13

    Asimov's three laws of robotics

  • Leonel 2023-09-03 07:26:42

    On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of smurfs on the other side of the sea

  • Leonel 2023-08-30 02:04:02

    That part of the shoemaker chasing the thief is really big! I recommend watching silent

  • Leonel 2023-08-29 15:33:23

    D / The boring thing is not that only the 5th paragraph is good, but that although only the 5th paragraph is good, the other 5 are also indispensable.

  • Leonel 2023-08-22 14:34:07

    Cut into two sections, there is no problem in the front, and the back is a bit loose, but the combination of handsome men and women and uniforms has made up for the lack. I recommend watching, ahem, the two male protagonists are so handsome.

  • Leonel 2023-08-15 09:56:16

    6.5 points. The whole is not as good as the previous one. I always feel that they are old folks, lacking fresh content, and the part of the computer that is particularly disappointing is easily taken over by a stroke, which is too wasteful. Rocky XXXII on the wall is more interesting~~

  • Leonel 2023-07-29 06:51:57

    Filmed to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America, from project establishment to execution, it is more like a popular feature film for children. The film is 154 minutes long, but there is no story. The opening seeks to support the original dream of voyage. In the middle stage, it is discovered that the New World returns to China. In the final stage, the return to the Caribbean is unable to suppress the local people's resignation. Abuse of slow motion and naturalistic content organization led to the slow pace of the whole film. There are two main points in writing about Columbus, one is the dream of voyage to chase the truth, and the other is the humanitarianism towards the Indians (a murderous officer is arranged to do the right thing with him). Generally speaking, the play is both tacky and plain, nothing. Eye-catching place. The Spanish organization in the opening period was also too superficial, as if the queen was hesitant to support Columbus because of the lack of the money, which was obviously inconsistent with history. Religious elements have been added a lot. In addition to the realistic characteristics of Spain, Ridley's personal taste should also be in it. In fact, he is very much like a crusader in thought. Its soundtrack "Conquest of Paradise" is much more famous than this movie. Great efforts were made in visual creation, both in ancient costume scenes and brutal battles in the jungle.

  • Leonel 2023-07-25 04:25:15

    I was so frightened that I screamed...the end was even cooler

  • Leonel 2023-07-24 19:00:02

    [10.01.25]★★★☆I think it is better than Zombieland, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the portrayal of the character of the younger brother is very unsuccessful, the character performance is inconsistent, or the change is too fast to explain the change process at all, It's as if the same actor played two roles in a movie, which is very abrupt.

  • Leonel 2023-07-02 07:29:13

    Watching the movie was a puzzling ordeal. . . Okay, I've forgotten the plot

  • Leonel 2023-06-25 02:33:48

    Fortunately, it's much better than the previous work, and it's the powerless narration that I hate