Leonel Pagac

Leonel Pagac



  • Patrik, Age 1.5 Patrik, Age 1.5

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:20

    very lucky people

    Is there really such a beautiful person in the world as Göran? When I was disheartened, sad and disappointed, I pulled out the flowers, and then quickly replanted them again. Was broken up, kicked the trash can, and soon went to straighten the trash can and put the trash back. I was dumped and wanted someone else to come back. Shouldn't someone like Göran be cherished? Fortunately, Göran has a well-paying job. At least materially rich.

    Patrick is the creator of his own destiny in this...

  • Stranger Than Paradise Stranger Than Paradise

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Daze is life

    Life is not all stories of "occurrence, development, and end" and conflicts of "generation, intensification, and resolution", as well as indifference and daze without pursuit.

    Jarmusch's films are full of literary and artistic style, and each film has a core keyword. "Patterson" is poetic connotation, "Ghost Dog Killer" is the adherence to the Tao, and this film is a life of nothingness.

    A few actors, three young people and an old lady, they have no pursuit, what are they going...

  • Awake Awake

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Operating table helpless

    After watching it, I feel that mother's love is really great, and there are some words from the elders that I really want to hear, and the idea of ​​this movie is really perfect, the only thing that can't explain clearly is that since you are married, why do you want to murder your husband? This is the movie An unfillable hole. In short, once you lie down on the operating table, you have to hand over your life to the doctor, which reflects cruel social problems. Doctors and hospitals must...

  • Sense8 Sense8

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Not bad, you can take a look

    The subject matter is quite interesting, it feels like playing a game, and the 8 cow B skills can be eaten casually. I didn't like to look back at each protagonist's life like lost before, but this film is okay, because there is still communication between the protagonists and I don't find it boring. There are more gay couples than the average drama, but the filming is very good. Even if I have seen Shameless Family, the taste of episode 10 is still too heavy. The color of the picture is very...

  • A Serious Man A Serious Man

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    new cohen

    The tornado at the end moved me, why don't you care about 20 yuan, because the tornado is coming, because there is a bigger crisis to face, or there are more shocking things to be used for aesthetics.
    Structure: The little story at the beginning is a prophecy, each of which leads to two alternatives for the state of affairs, and each has its own inclination.
    The whole big plot after that draws a circle with small bumps. Pay back the money at the beginning, pay back at the end; change...

  • X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Apocalypse

    Leonel 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Black boss was arrested again after being released from prison, affecting social order

    In fact, no matter from the box office or word of mouth, the performance of "X-Men: Apocalypse" is not satisfactory. But the movie itself is a work of conscience in all fairness. Although the overall quality is not very good, it can still be achieved at a good level worth the price.
           The film tells the story of the first mutant Apocalypse in history. Since the beginning of human civilization, he has been worshipped by the world as a god. He relied on the spiritual transfer to seize...

  • The Pacific The Pacific

    Leonel 2022-03-24 09:01:57

    no hugs

    In my impression, I thought that the Pacific War was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and then the Americans attacked the Japanese mainland, and then dropped two atomic bombs, and Japan surrendered.
    I don't know how to describe the horrors of the Pacific War. Maybe the driver who took Luckie home in the last episode said it best, he said, I might've jumped into Normandy, but at least I got some liberities in London and Paris .You GI-rines ,you got nothing but jungle rot and malaria....

  • Savages Savages

    Leonel 2022-03-24 09:01:45

    start point end point

    I thought Ben was better than Joe at the beginning. When Joe asked Ben, would you like to trade your life for Ou, I felt that the first impression was an illusion. Joe is a man who is good at covering up all his ugliness.
    Finally, he gave two endings. Is it Ou 's own imagination or the three people in reality are all so harmonious
    Ben asked Joe if you said you loved me, Joe said yes, didn't you just say it this morning?
    How should I put it? The film expresses an...

  • The Sound of Music The Sound of Music

    Leonel 2022-03-24 09:01:24

    sound of Music

    It seems that I learned a song when I was in English class in junior high school, "1, a deer, a famous deer; 2, ..." Well, I can only sing the tune, but I can't spell it, maybe it's wrong, now the English is Basically back to the teacher. In the play, Maria's love for music and her attitude towards life not only motivated the children of the host in the play, but even moved us. It was also during World War II, so it was difficult to find such happiness. Besides, Maria was a nun. There are...

  • World Trade Center World Trade Center

    Leonel 2022-03-23 09:02:22

    unrelated idea

    Watch World Trade Center today. Suddenly, 7 years have passed. I still remember that after I got the newspaper in the class mailbox at the school gate, I walked down the avenue back to the dormitory, crying for the suffering of unknown people on the other side of the ocean.
    These days I try hard not to let tears flow from my eyes. I don't want to prove that I am a stronger person than before, and I can't imagine where I would get the courage to persevere if I was crushed to the...

  • Finding Dory Finding Dory

    Leonel 2022-03-23 09:01:36

    We are all Dolly, just don't know where to go...

    From elementary school to college graduation, after 13 years, Pixar's classic "Finding Nemo 2" is finally here! Feelings supported the box office, and the special effects were slightly improved. Unfortunately, it failed to capture our tears like the first film, like other "General Mobilization" and "Flying House".

    Maybe it's because we're adults, or maybe it's not what Pixar intended to do!

    If the first part focuses on Marin's fatherly love and learning to be willing, as...

  • Hustle Hustle

    Leonel 2022-03-22 09:03:02

    Liar's Story

    As a story about a liar, HUSTLE is relatively successful. Liars also have the morals of liars, which I appreciate the most. Many First Rules make people feel that liars are actually quite cute. The deception of many liars is deduced in the play, and there is no lack of family, love and friendship. In fact, money is secondary, love is eternal. Whether it's Danny's unsuccessful confession, the encounter between Stacie and his ex-husband, or the divorce of Michae and his wife, the uninterrupted...

  • Finding Neverland Finding Neverland

    Leonel 2022-03-22 09:01:25

    miscellaneous again

    1. The world in the eyes of magical people is extraordinary, and the unsatisfactory drama makes the world rain. The child flew out of the window in a leap, and the frail mother must have been like a elf at some point, taking care of the children. The summer garden is their never island. Never, what never, happiness never ends, never sorrow? But mother's breath gradually weakened, and finally the light slowly went out. For Barry, the island of never really only exists in memory forever. I don't...

  • The Red Balloon The Red Balloon

    Leonel 2022-03-21 09:03:26

    Analysis of "Red Balloon"

    "Red Balloon" is a fantasy short film by French director Albert Lamoris in 1956, which won the Palme d'Or in the main competition unit of the 9th Cannes Film Festival. In this film, Lamorris creatively endows the inorganic object⁻⁻ red balloon with a personified subject consciousness, so that the focus of the film is not limited to a normal character. This processing makes the image narrative and emotional expression parallel and symmetrical. the main subject without appearing to be...

  • Waking Life Waking Life

    Leonel 2022-03-21 09:02:17

    "Half-Dream Life" in the movie book

    great movie 3
    [US] Roger Ebert / 2021 / Guangxi Normal University...

  • Leonel 2023-09-29 16:59:56

    A courtroom unlike any other series. The overall progress of the plot is very fast, but it gives people a sense of difference, a sense of difference in chaotic life

  • Leonel 2023-09-25 20:36:01

    It's another fight with the old mage, and Hopkins won't disappoint. To commit crimes in the United States not only requires superb modus operandi, but also exploits legal loopholes; no matter how strict the system is, there will always be loopholes.

  • Leonel 2023-09-12 09:01:12

    A crazy dad played football with a group of kids, and he was very moved at the end

  • Leonel 2023-09-10 20:41:36

    The Story of Selling Format

  • Leonel 2023-09-05 22:33:13

    Asimov's three laws of robotics

  • Leonel 2023-09-03 07:26:42

    On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of smurfs on the other side of the sea

  • Leonel 2023-08-30 02:04:02

    That part of the shoemaker chasing the thief is really big! I recommend watching silent

  • Leonel 2023-08-29 15:33:23

    D / The boring thing is not that only the 5th paragraph is good, but that although only the 5th paragraph is good, the other 5 are also indispensable.

  • Leonel 2023-08-22 14:34:07

    Cut into two sections, there is no problem in the front, and the back is a bit loose, but the combination of handsome men and women and uniforms has made up for the lack. I recommend watching, ahem, the two male protagonists are so handsome.

  • Leonel 2023-08-15 09:56:16

    6.5 points. The whole is not as good as the previous one. I always feel that they are old folks, lacking fresh content, and the part of the computer that is particularly disappointing is easily taken over by a stroke, which is too wasteful. Rocky XXXII on the wall is more interesting~~

  • Leonel 2023-07-29 06:51:57

    Filmed to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America, from project establishment to execution, it is more like a popular feature film for children. The film is 154 minutes long, but there is no story. The opening seeks to support the original dream of voyage. In the middle stage, it is discovered that the New World returns to China. In the final stage, the return to the Caribbean is unable to suppress the local people's resignation. Abuse of slow motion and naturalistic content organization led to the slow pace of the whole film. There are two main points in writing about Columbus, one is the dream of voyage to chase the truth, and the other is the humanitarianism towards the Indians (a murderous officer is arranged to do the right thing with him). Generally speaking, the play is both tacky and plain, nothing. Eye-catching place. The Spanish organization in the opening period was also too superficial, as if the queen was hesitant to support Columbus because of the lack of the money, which was obviously inconsistent with history. Religious elements have been added a lot. In addition to the realistic characteristics of Spain, Ridley's personal taste should also be in it. In fact, he is very much like a crusader in thought. Its soundtrack "Conquest of Paradise" is much more famous than this movie. Great efforts were made in visual creation, both in ancient costume scenes and brutal battles in the jungle.

  • Leonel 2023-07-25 04:25:15

    I was so frightened that I screamed...the end was even cooler

  • Leonel 2023-07-24 19:00:02

    [10.01.25]★★★☆I think it is better than Zombieland, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the portrayal of the character of the younger brother is very unsuccessful, the character performance is inconsistent, or the change is too fast to explain the change process at all, It's as if the same actor played two roles in a movie, which is very abrupt.

  • Leonel 2023-07-02 07:29:13

    Watching the movie was a puzzling ordeal. . . Okay, I've forgotten the plot

  • Leonel 2023-06-25 02:33:48

    Fortunately, it's much better than the previous work, and it's the powerless narration that I hate