Leonel Pagac

Leonel Pagac



  • Themis Themis

    Leonel 2022-04-20 09:02:42

    Do your best to be an ordinary person

    As Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory says, people must first have a sense of security, belonging and love before they can think about ideals and life pursuits, and want to be a different flower. When life is a piece of chicken feathers that cannot be changed, the ordinary is the greatest desire. What some people have at their fingertips may be what some people try hard to get.

    Divorce seems to be a common phenomenon now, and it was not until I heard...

  • Next Gen Next Gen

    Leonel 2022-04-20 09:02:21

    Nightmare presentation

    Su Mai lives with her mother after her parents divorced. Mothers fill empty hearts with smart robots, ignoring daughters. Su Mai turned his hatred for his father and his mother into a disgust for robots. She strayed into Dr. Mi's laboratory and met the super robot 7723 secretly made by Dr. Mi. 7723 escaped from the laboratory and returned the schoolbag she had left behind to Mai, and then became Mai's friend to help her eliminate the unpleasant robots. Settle down the classmates who bully...

  • Farewell My Concubine Farewell My Concubine

    Leonel 2022-04-20 09:02:12

    Not crazy, not live

    My roommate was Amway before, but I didn't care about it at the time and didn't read it. I took a look at it some time ago and fell in love with it. I have to say, this is a classic, and it deserves such a high rating.

    The beginning of the movie echoes the ending, and after seeing the ending, I can't help but go back to the beginning and watch it again. Cheng Dieyi was the child of a prostitute. She was handsome, but she was a man. She couldn't live in a brothel. It is worth mentioning...

  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

    Leonel 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    escape in the name of love

    Saw this movie a few days ago. Many pictures have been shaking in front of my eyes. Sometimes it seems as if I have become the protagonist, looking at the world helplessly and powerlessly, and there are swaying figures everywhere.
    Is this an inspirational movie? I don't feel that way, but at least I'm in awe of the protagonist's transcendence at the end of his life. Is there anything else that impresses me? Yes, but it has nothing to do with the author, it was brought to me by someone...

  • Ghost in the Shell Ghost in the Shell

    Leonel 2022-04-20 09:01:29

    Compared with the original version, is the live-action version useless?

    On the occasion of the release of the live-action version of "Ghost in the Shell", almost all the critics blamed the bottomless gap between the live-action version and the original in 1995.

    About how awesome the original is, please go to this article of mine:

    "Ghost in the Shell", where are the cows?

    So, is the live-action version useless?

    First of all, in terms of the expressiveness of cyberpunk style, the live-action version is even better. From the...

  • Finding Vivian Maier Finding Vivian Maier

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:03:15

    Lonely Vivian

    After watching this documentary, I was relieved that it was not my ignorance, but that she hid herself too deeply for too long. In art, there are too many people who have talents and talents that others envy and cannot surpass. Vivian is in photography. So I'm superficial and one-sided that she knows her talent and loves her talent. She looks down at the viewfinder and presses the shutter. Maybe she already knows what she's taking. She doesn't need to release it to the public. She also knows...

  • Spellbound Spellbound

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:03:05

    Son Ye-jin's high-sweet horror sketch 10 years ago, "My Ghostly Girlfriend" is heart-wrenching 3 steps

    (This article was first published on the public account Wufengzhi, welcome to pay attention!)

    "I'm really afraid to interact with you. When I'm alone, I always feel that something is crawling on my back, and when I lie down, I feel like someone is staring at me all the time. I'm very uneasy and scared, so I can't sleep. You know this How tired?...

  • A Ghost Story A Ghost Story

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:02:29

    lonely soul

  • The Ninth Gate The Ninth Gate

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:01:43

    WATCH: How one woman ruined a movie

    1. Johnny Depp starring
    2. About the book
    Even these two factors are the absolute reasons to attract me. For example, the old orange lights, the leather book covers, the two quirky old men with books, and Johnny's leather bag are all so appealing to me, plus the theme of the movie is about secret societies and The devil is related, so it can be regarded as having a "good beginning", but - since the appearance of the green-eyed woman, it means that there will be no "good ending"....

  • The Artist The Artist

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:01:38

    there is nothing better

    There is nothing better.
        Ideals, glory, love, and a happy destination after ups and downs.
        The elegant and sweet dream of falling in love starts with a secret hidden in the heart, but that is not enough.
       "Unless it is me, familiar with the pulse of your life, let me get close to your soft heart, and let you see through my good and bad."
        Thanks to the director for poking at the weakness that the audience expects to be poked. Although such a story has always...

  • Zero Dark Thirty Zero Dark Thirty

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:01:26

    The helplessness of grassroots workers

    I didn't expect the rating to be so high. If you haven't read no easy day, it would be more difficult to watch this movie. At least in the last part of the action, many details will not be clear, but after reading the book, I found that the degree of reduction is quite high. The book is about the action part, and the movie complements the work of the intelligence officer "Jen" in the book. Why did Maya cry at the end? You say relief, guilt, and bullshit. That's grievance and sadness. You see...

  • The Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz

    Leonel 2022-04-19 09:01:11

    【The Wizard of Oz】A Sweet Escape

    There is a fairy holding a fairy stick in the mind of every little girl.
        After watching the film, my heart is very warm. Why didn't I watch such an educational and entertaining musical film when I was a child. The education of truth, goodness and beauty can be so positively and actively promoted.
        Dorothy has the rebelliousness, curiosity, and fantasies that children of that age have. He does not want to be taught and restrained by his parents. He has his own little ideas. And...

  • The Capture The Capture

    Leonel 2022-04-18 09:01:20


    Lawyer Charlie and Lawyer Hannah play the soldiers like toy soldiers at will, and treat the law like a joke. They even have the face to say that they want to clear the crimes of the terrorist suspects for the sake of justice. While playing with the law, they pursue legal justice. , the screenwriter is completely contradictory, and after watching the whole play, I felt lonely.... The heroine was brought to the rhythm all the way, and finally found out that "the clown turned...

  • The Kindergarten Teacher The Kindergarten Teacher

    Leonel 2022-04-09 09:01:08

    I don't want to be a mother

    Writing poetry also has to sign up for classes, this is silly.

    A teacher who teaches poetry. Just an old bastard. Does this work too? Does he dare?

    Then the heroine starts stealing poems, stealing poems from little boys. (I have a question, is there such a little genius in reality? Is this an exaggeration? This may also be a dream in the director's heart. The little boy is the perfect genius image in his mind, and he can only make boring movies. , like the heroine inside, living...

  • Leave No Trace Leave No Trace

    Leonel 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    Movie Notes_Leave no trace

    The so-called fate is that some people will meet again and again by accident. Last year, I saw his "Going through fire and water". The silhouette of the two brothers playing against the brick red twilight of the west made me unable to let go for a long time. He always comes up with the kind of character who doesn't have much words, but can pluck the strings in your heart. This year, I accidentally saw his Sylveston and left no trace. The characters he plays all have deep love in their...

  • Leonel 2023-09-29 16:59:56

    A courtroom unlike any other series. The overall progress of the plot is very fast, but it gives people a sense of difference, a sense of difference in chaotic life

  • Leonel 2023-09-25 20:36:01

    It's another fight with the old mage, and Hopkins won't disappoint. To commit crimes in the United States not only requires superb modus operandi, but also exploits legal loopholes; no matter how strict the system is, there will always be loopholes.

  • Leonel 2023-09-12 09:01:12

    A crazy dad played football with a group of kids, and he was very moved at the end

  • Leonel 2023-09-10 20:41:36

    The Story of Selling Format

  • Leonel 2023-09-05 22:33:13

    Asimov's three laws of robotics

  • Leonel 2023-09-03 07:26:42

    On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of smurfs on the other side of the sea

  • Leonel 2023-08-30 02:04:02

    That part of the shoemaker chasing the thief is really big! I recommend watching silent

  • Leonel 2023-08-29 15:33:23

    D / The boring thing is not that only the 5th paragraph is good, but that although only the 5th paragraph is good, the other 5 are also indispensable.

  • Leonel 2023-08-22 14:34:07

    Cut into two sections, there is no problem in the front, and the back is a bit loose, but the combination of handsome men and women and uniforms has made up for the lack. I recommend watching, ahem, the two male protagonists are so handsome.

  • Leonel 2023-08-15 09:56:16

    6.5 points. The whole is not as good as the previous one. I always feel that they are old folks, lacking fresh content, and the part of the computer that is particularly disappointing is easily taken over by a stroke, which is too wasteful. Rocky XXXII on the wall is more interesting~~

  • Leonel 2023-07-29 06:51:57

    Filmed to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America, from project establishment to execution, it is more like a popular feature film for children. The film is 154 minutes long, but there is no story. The opening seeks to support the original dream of voyage. In the middle stage, it is discovered that the New World returns to China. In the final stage, the return to the Caribbean is unable to suppress the local people's resignation. Abuse of slow motion and naturalistic content organization led to the slow pace of the whole film. There are two main points in writing about Columbus, one is the dream of voyage to chase the truth, and the other is the humanitarianism towards the Indians (a murderous officer is arranged to do the right thing with him). Generally speaking, the play is both tacky and plain, nothing. Eye-catching place. The Spanish organization in the opening period was also too superficial, as if the queen was hesitant to support Columbus because of the lack of the money, which was obviously inconsistent with history. Religious elements have been added a lot. In addition to the realistic characteristics of Spain, Ridley's personal taste should also be in it. In fact, he is very much like a crusader in thought. Its soundtrack "Conquest of Paradise" is much more famous than this movie. Great efforts were made in visual creation, both in ancient costume scenes and brutal battles in the jungle.

  • Leonel 2023-07-25 04:25:15

    I was so frightened that I screamed...the end was even cooler

  • Leonel 2023-07-24 19:00:02

    [10.01.25]★★★☆I think it is better than Zombieland, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the portrayal of the character of the younger brother is very unsuccessful, the character performance is inconsistent, or the change is too fast to explain the change process at all, It's as if the same actor played two roles in a movie, which is very abrupt.

  • Leonel 2023-07-02 07:29:13

    Watching the movie was a puzzling ordeal. . . Okay, I've forgotten the plot

  • Leonel 2023-06-25 02:33:48

    Fortunately, it's much better than the previous work, and it's the powerless narration that I hate