Leonel Pagac

Leonel Pagac



  • Backtrack Backtrack

    Leonel 2022-08-21 21:02:58

    Your memory is not necessarily true

    I am hesitant
    to talk about the plot between 3 stars and 4 stars. It is not complicated, the characters are relatively simple, and the level of excitement is moderate; but the visibility is good, and it is very compact, especially this kind of layer-by-layer advancement method, which is not spoiled. Under the circumstances, it is quite worth seeing.

    Speaking of the plot, there are spoilers below. Those who have not seen it are best to watch the movie first.

    At first it...

  • Horsemen Horsemen

    Leonel 2022-08-20 15:06:37


    This film has a bad reputation, and some people have watched "Thunder Rolling", saying that it doesn't feel as scary as a crime film at all.
    When I read it, I also felt that it was not very good, and I felt that many things were not understood. There are many parts of a movie that I don't understand whether it is a peerless good film or a peerless bad film. I don't know the film, so I can't judge. After reading the comments, I confirmed that this is a bad film.
    But I think to say that...

  • Journey's End Journey's End

    Leonel 2022-05-09 18:07:31

    Can you decide who will die when it crashes

    Read your comments and almost missed this movie! Quite an excellent war movie, good-looking!

    Some people say that it is flat and straightforward, so why did you always want to see the hero company commander earlier? You said that there is no plot conflict, then Jimmy was sent to perform the task, don't you sweat it for him! It is almost on the verge of collapse, still clear execution Command, think about it, can you find it?

    The general said: catching a captive may allow us to...

  • Revolution Revolution

    Leonel 2022-04-24 06:01:01

    Those who haven't watched "Lost" should not criticize this show, you don't understand it! ! ! !

    Many people who have watched this drama may have all kinds of questions and do not understand why the government will fall if there is no electricity, why mankind regressed to the Middle Ages instead of the steam age, why use cold weapons, etc., it seems everything They are all illogical. Actually, I don’t understand a lot, but just like "Lost", you will find it incredible at first, "It’s impossible at all." But the mysteries are solved one by one, let you Knowing how things happened!

  • Bad Genius Bad Genius

    Leonel 2022-04-23 07:03:53

    Life is unfair and fair

    The talented girl has an extraordinary IQ, and the talented boy is a super scholar. However, they all come from poor backgrounds and are struggling to make a living. Little Ba Grace is rich and beautiful, but they are stupid and not good at learning. Therefore, life is like this. It is very rare to want to be perfect and have no regrets. Money can't exchange for high IQ, and high IQ can't exchange for birth with a golden key, and then the intersection of these two groups triggered a...

  • Biutiful Biutiful

    Leonel 2022-04-23 06:01:02

    Some things have nothing to do with the plot

    Regarding the end point, we did not foresee, but at a certain moment, we will be told that the end point is right in front of us. We were caught off guard and started to summarize the future path for the people around us, but didn't want to tell them the truth, while pretending to live a peaceful life while dealing with it. The trivial things around, once again correct the problems around me that have not been corrected for many years. Knowing that the result is not too bad, I still plan other...

  • The Turin Horse The Turin Horse

    Leonel 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    It feels like HIFI metaphysics. . .

    It started with a story about Nietzsche's death. Regarding Nietzsche, I have limited knowledge of him. I only know that he is a great philosophical master and a little paranoid. I have bought one of his books, but the book has been eaten up on the bookshelf and I haven't read it much. In the next 4-minute long shot of the film, an old man walks in a carriage, the wind is howling, the sky is gray, and the sky is full of dead leaves, and a slightly sad BGM is added. It seems boring. . . . There...

  • The Weather Man The Weather Man

    Leonel 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    weather forecaster

    This is a movie about a midlife crisis. No wonder I didn't understand it after watching it once. I couldn't understand it with my current qualifications - my experience is still shallow. However, as a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, I always have a way to finish the movie without fast-forwarding the whole process, that is, I look up to Nicolas Cage's handsome face. Yes, you heard that right, Nicolas Cage, not Nicholas Hoult, although I did watch this movie for Hoult. Hoult is too young in...

  • Nine Lives Nine Lives

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:03:52

    Do you see the cute stupid cat in "Nine Lives"?

    My cousin went to college in Shanghai, and I went to play at home today. In the afternoon, I took her to the movies and watched the lighthearted and funny "Nine Lives". In the process of watching it, I feel that this movie is the best movie I have seen in the cinema in recent years (in fact, the frequency of going to the cinema two or three times a year, hehe). But after watching it on the way home, I thought about it carefully, and I probably won't watch it a second time.


  • Under the Sun Under the Sun

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:03:42

    Have no idea

    The whole article shows a thriving, harmonious and beautiful scene, and everyone is calm without a trace of waves. It can be seen that the director is trying to find a difference in this great and prosperous world. He captures the expressions on everyone's faces through the camera. Unfortunately, they are all empty and dull, but one of the dancing girls is too looking in the mirror to organize her clothes. You can see It is revealed that she still has a girl's love for her appearance, showing...

  • Aftershock Aftershock

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:03:23

    Master Feng has not been a director for many years

    "Tangshan Earthquake" is not a movie, but a commodity. The text of this film is not correct, and it cannot be considered a success; but if you look at it as a commodity, it is extremely successful in terms of marketing, and we all know that the so-called marketing is a science of selling garbage as gold.

    People are grateful. In the past, the spiritual life of Chinese people was very poor. The famous directors were very popular. Master Zhang, Master Chen, and Master Feng were able to...

  • Miracle in Cell No. 7 Miracle in Cell No. 7

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:03:03

    very good video

    When I watched it, my roommate and I were crying, Xiao Yisheng was so cute and sensible. When I was in prison, I still brought a lot of joy to the prisoners, but being so sensible at such a young age makes it even more distressing to see that they are all good people, not to mention those who are handicapped and suffer from society. Such unfair treatment can only be said that the society is too dark, bullying the weak, and I really cried to death when the sentence was finally sentenced. The...

  • Dark Shadows Dark Shadows

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:01:37

    Dark Shadows micro-film review non-spit - -

      Watching Dark Shadows late at night, the first thing I feel is the strong British atmosphere coming from the title, as well as the gloomy and eerie style unique to Tim Burton's films, which laid the mysterious dark tone of the whole film. Leaving aside the male protagonist Barnabas, the several beautiful women in the film have different personalities, which also adds a touch of light to this slightly darker-looking film. The witch Angelique is the one who I think is the most brilliant to...

  • Notting Hill Notting Hill

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:01:19

    Related video

    One sentence comment:

    Can the most famous film star in the world fall for just an ordinary guy

    The film is very cheerful, the dialogue is very intelligent, and Roberts and Grant are simply adorable. —The Chicago Sun-Times

    film is a fairy tale, and screenwriter Richard Curtis knows how much audiences love fairy tales. - Behind the scenes at DVDTOWN.COM


      【About the film and actors】

      The film started shooting on April 17, 1998 at...

  • Spider-Man 3 Spider-Man 3

    Leonel 2022-04-21 09:01:06


    For "Spider-Man 3", there are still good things to watch in terms of action effects, shocking pictures, etc. Even if the storyline is not so exciting, the overall expression is still good, and it may be popular and commercialized now.

    One of my favorite things about this movie is probably the collaboration between Spider-Man and the New Green Goblin. Maybe they are cooperating for the first time, or maybe they have been cooperating all the time, but no matter which aspect, I want to...

  • Leonel 2023-09-29 16:59:56

    A courtroom unlike any other series. The overall progress of the plot is very fast, but it gives people a sense of difference, a sense of difference in chaotic life

  • Leonel 2023-09-25 20:36:01

    It's another fight with the old mage, and Hopkins won't disappoint. To commit crimes in the United States not only requires superb modus operandi, but also exploits legal loopholes; no matter how strict the system is, there will always be loopholes.

  • Leonel 2023-09-12 09:01:12

    A crazy dad played football with a group of kids, and he was very moved at the end

  • Leonel 2023-09-10 20:41:36

    The Story of Selling Format

  • Leonel 2023-09-05 22:33:13

    Asimov's three laws of robotics

  • Leonel 2023-09-03 07:26:42

    On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of smurfs on the other side of the sea

  • Leonel 2023-08-30 02:04:02

    That part of the shoemaker chasing the thief is really big! I recommend watching silent

  • Leonel 2023-08-29 15:33:23

    D / The boring thing is not that only the 5th paragraph is good, but that although only the 5th paragraph is good, the other 5 are also indispensable.

  • Leonel 2023-08-22 14:34:07

    Cut into two sections, there is no problem in the front, and the back is a bit loose, but the combination of handsome men and women and uniforms has made up for the lack. I recommend watching, ahem, the two male protagonists are so handsome.

  • Leonel 2023-08-15 09:56:16

    6.5 points. The whole is not as good as the previous one. I always feel that they are old folks, lacking fresh content, and the part of the computer that is particularly disappointing is easily taken over by a stroke, which is too wasteful. Rocky XXXII on the wall is more interesting~~

  • Leonel 2023-07-29 06:51:57

    Filmed to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America, from project establishment to execution, it is more like a popular feature film for children. The film is 154 minutes long, but there is no story. The opening seeks to support the original dream of voyage. In the middle stage, it is discovered that the New World returns to China. In the final stage, the return to the Caribbean is unable to suppress the local people's resignation. Abuse of slow motion and naturalistic content organization led to the slow pace of the whole film. There are two main points in writing about Columbus, one is the dream of voyage to chase the truth, and the other is the humanitarianism towards the Indians (a murderous officer is arranged to do the right thing with him). Generally speaking, the play is both tacky and plain, nothing. Eye-catching place. The Spanish organization in the opening period was also too superficial, as if the queen was hesitant to support Columbus because of the lack of the money, which was obviously inconsistent with history. Religious elements have been added a lot. In addition to the realistic characteristics of Spain, Ridley's personal taste should also be in it. In fact, he is very much like a crusader in thought. Its soundtrack "Conquest of Paradise" is much more famous than this movie. Great efforts were made in visual creation, both in ancient costume scenes and brutal battles in the jungle.

  • Leonel 2023-07-25 04:25:15

    I was so frightened that I screamed...the end was even cooler

  • Leonel 2023-07-24 19:00:02

    [10.01.25]★★★☆I think it is better than Zombieland, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the portrayal of the character of the younger brother is very unsuccessful, the character performance is inconsistent, or the change is too fast to explain the change process at all, It's as if the same actor played two roles in a movie, which is very abrupt.

  • Leonel 2023-07-02 07:29:13

    Watching the movie was a puzzling ordeal. . . Okay, I've forgotten the plot

  • Leonel 2023-06-25 02:33:48

    Fortunately, it's much better than the previous work, and it's the powerless narration that I hate