Isabel Klocko

Isabel Klocko



  • Dark Matter Dark Matter

    Isabel 2022-02-28 08:01:47

    Director and others

    This Chen Shizheng is the one who directed "The Peony Pavilion".
       I don't know why, but I remembered a passage from Nabokov's "About a Book Named Lolita": "My personal tragedy cannot and should not be anyone's concern, but my tragedy is , I had to discard my innate language habits, my free-spirited, expressive Russian, and replace it with second-rate English."
       I don't mean that the film is Second-rate art, compared with Kunqu Opera, is undoubtedly more durable and timeless. If we...

  • The Storm Riders The Storm Riders

    Isabel 2022-02-26 08:02:15

    An advanced martial arts movie

    Women's values ​​are ahead

    【Nie Feng's mother】

    When I was young, I thought she was a slut and abandoned her family as much as possible.

    In modern times, what she pursues is a life with the same three views. For the purpose, value and meaning of life, they could not be satisfied since they returned to the pastoral field, so they divorced and remarried. She thought that the "love" with Xiongba was nothing...

  • Charlotte Gray Charlotte Gray

    Isabel 2022-02-20 08:02:29


    "Looking back, It all seemed so simple. We were at war. The Nazis were the enemy. And because good must triumph over evil, so we would triumph over them. How could we have know that war ever trades in such certainty? That we are nothing is unthinkable. Anything could be true. Even a lie."

    "Of these three, which in your view is the most important: Faith, hope or love?


    "Nobody fights for their country. Only for their family. For someone...

  • An American in Paris An American in Paris

    Isabel 2022-02-07 14:45:34

    Nice musical and heroine like a donkey

    Very classic musical, I have only seen Moulin Rouge and Chicago, but the musical rehearsal of this one is very good, except for the final male protagonist, yy, the great harmony of life, I like the pianist lying on the bed and daydreaming the most. a paragraph. I remember a lyric: it's him, it's him, it's him, ours..., that daydream is him, it's him, it's all him, haha. I don't know if there is a small detail that anyone noticed. Even the audience named bravo at the end has the face of a...

  • Mildred Pierce Mildred Pierce

    Isabel 2022-02-07 14:44:52

    From my mother's standpoint, I gave the film a 5 out of 5

    As a face-blind person, I recognized the heroine at first sight as the wheelchair-bound sister in "The Surprise of Lan Boo". It was indeed the unique temperament of Joan Crawford (Joan Crawford). At first glance, I was a little worried about the old-fashioned old-fashioned movie. My "fear" of romance movies is a bit like the feeling of watching "Story Meeting" more than 30 years ago. Some are reluctant. However, the shooting at the beginning and Joan Crawford's wobbly footsteps by the river...

  • Love's a Bitch Love's a Bitch

    Isabel 2022-01-26 08:09:59

    What we gain from infinite loss is ourselves

    We are on the road. We throw everything away for the people and things we hold dear. When we were young, we never regretted it. As we get older, we learn to seek perfection. When we are about to die, we realize that what we love will turn into hatred, what we have abandoned will become cherished, and everything we have lost has become who we are today.
    The French sighed that this is life (c'est la vie); the Mexicans were more direct, they cursed: "Love is a bitch (Amores perros)"....

  • Face/Off Face/Off

    Isabel 2022-01-25 08:02:17

    May the face change only exist in the movie

    After watching this movie on April 13, 2020: Indulge in fighting, marvel at the plot, praise the actors... But when it seems that every police film has the scene-justice defeats evil, there is silence, and only the sirens sound. Lost in the contemplation of the whole movie.

    In the movie, the face has changed, but it is not just the face, but also the character, thought, and attitude of the character. This poses a big problem for the actors. However, the actors perform very well, which...

  • Running Out of Time Running Out of Time

    Isabel 2022-01-23 08:03:12

    Romance between men, but a secret battle

    The doctor said: "It seems that we will never see again."
    Andy Lau chastely dropped a sentence: "This life is only."
    "I want to play a 72-hour game with you."
    Liu Qingyun made up his mind to stay with him to the end. There was half a sandwich in it.
    In this way, the two Liu Tianwang met.
    Andy Lau hid in the dead corner of the sniper and asked him: "Am I very smart?" A look of awkwardness can almost be described as a villain.
    Liu Qingyun remembered her...

  • Graduation Graduation

    Isabel 2022-01-18 08:01:50

    In the end, I decided to be a good person

    For those who have gone through small detours, made small mistakes, and repented in time afterwards, everyone will always appear to be very tolerant. Even the mistakes they made before, feel that they are part of their human charm. For example, Zhang Ga in Xiong'an New District, JJ Baxter in Peach Apartment, and Romeo, a Romanian doctor who was struggling for his daughter's graduation exam.

    Romeo is the returnee elite after the Romanian Democratic Revolution in 1991. As a doctor, he...

  • Mutant Chronicles Mutant Chronicles

    Isabel 2022-01-13 08:02:52

    God is here again

    Such a good subject matter and why is it such a good style of God somehow to oh my god
    imagination can be very
    ha ha
    style super like
    but there are a lot of bug, but absolutely no impact on the overall style of the film
    , such as 70 years after the plane actually in addition to strong weapons or coal-fired ha ha
    the first fight under the lens than the big rain than has Cock cigarette Haha
    capsule like a meteorite falling inside did not even have air bags. . I...

  • Planes Planes

    Isabel 2022-01-08 08:02:19

    Cute & Cute.

    Looking at it as a whole, there is a feeling of touch that is-cute!
    Like Cars, the angularity of the vehicles has been weakened.
    Instead, the sleek lines feel like a pinch to get water...
    and the round and round big eyes and the left and right mouths...
    it's really pleasing.
    Boyfriend loves airplanes so he has a soft spot for this film.
    The dialogue is particularly humorous.
    I found that every movie must have a Spanish-speaking tease, and it’s almost becoming...

  • Bitter Moon Bitter Moon

    Isabel 2022-01-07 15:54:13

    Love is actually like this

    It’s a long time ago. I’m not going to download videos from the Internet yet. I bought the bitter moon’s CD. I was seeing Mimi spit milk on her breast during breakfast. Oscar came to lick her nipples. Passed.

    Later, I will down the movie, and the computer will be disconnected as soon as the bitter moon is down, so I never know what I did after Oscar finished licking.

    Later, I found several pornographic films on my colleague's mobile hard drive, among them the bitter moon,...

  • Ice Age: Collision Course Ice Age: Collision Course

    Isabel 2022-01-06 08:01:13

    It doesn't matter if you are ugly, I'm blind! The heroes ushered in a mid-life crisis!

    Peach is blind in the eyes of Dad, and people who like Hilde are blind in everyone's eyes.

    I started looking forward to 5 last year. After reading the trailer, I thought that Squirrel's role would be very big and it would be filmed in a special form.

    Well, Manny and his friends continue to save the world and save their lives by the way.

    Besides, it will be spoiled. 23333 is

    rarely seen on the day of the release, and it is freshly released. In a brief...

  • Mindhunters Mindhunters

    Isabel 2021-12-31 08:03:02

    many bugs

    A group of FBIs are too low-level and handcuffed people casually. You are professionally engaged in analysis, so you can’t rigorously point a
    lot of anticlimactic places
    . The captain will not just stand there as long as he walks a few steps while watching the dominoes, just like you put a basin of water on the door, not necessarily hit people
    murderer how to find a teacher, if it is a peek map, what documents should also give a shot
    on board a bomb murderer is brought to...

  • Titans Titans

    Isabel 2021-12-16 08:01:03

    Impressions on the third episode of Titans: This comic-changing American drama is really hanging!

    After watching the third episode, there is no doubt that this American drama has become my first choice on the list. From the Tucao in the first episode to the turning fan in the second episode and then the crazy in the third episode, after calming down the little excitement, I can only say that it suits my appetite too. If you want to watch the darkest comic American drama with the best special effects in history, then this "Titan" will definitely not let you down. If you want to see the...

  • Isabel 2023-09-26 10:07:33

    As a documentary, it is more suspenseful than a feature film. I feel that future suspense films can learn from the narrative techniques of this film. In the detective or crime films we have seen in the past, the police always look for clues to uncover the truth, but this film uses the perpetrator as the keynote speaker, and he personally explains the occurrence of the crime, which can not only promote the development of the plot but also Analysis of criminal psychology, it is eye-catching

  • Isabel 2023-09-23 14:25:15

    This uncle's pre-arrangement is a bit convoluted, and the whole film is like a mess of sand

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 09:22:35

    Heaven, earth, how could I have seen such a vile and low-level movie?????

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 00:17:43

    It reminds me a little of the wonderful brush, but I think this film is better. At first, I thought it was a fantasy world in the male protagonist's head, but later I understood that it was three timelines... I moved forward little by little. I really think this film is very good! I like this kind of feeling a little cold and depressing.

  • Isabel 2023-09-17 19:12:18

    I bought the novel and haven't read it. After watching this movie, I don't want to read the novel anymore.

  • Isabel 2023-09-13 12:30:03

    It's a bit fake, especially the action, the plot is simple, and the rhythm is very loose. Make do with it,

  • Isabel 2023-09-10 16:34:31

    "I'm a sad dick, and in order to earn respect, I have to be strong all the time; you're my daughter, and I'll make you a woman." I've watched a lot of films about midlife crisis recently, compared to my classmate Manas from the alcohol program, This piece of impotence anxiety is the most serious. It's just that the male protagonist is a born loser, his life is in crisis, he fails to fight against the society, and he can't get revenge on the society. Moral rotten, lonely and world-weary, just like the big brother in Gotham City next door. But when he photographed this man, he actually highlighted a kind of social group portrait, and he photographed the total collapse of French society around 1988. It's really a complete collapse. It's like shooting a piece of shit. Gasparo not only has to turn the shit over, chop it up for research and research, but even let the camera pick up the shit, lick it, chew it, and taste it. Highlight a color and flavor.

  • Isabel 2023-09-02 19:30:10

    I thought it was normal at first, but then I thought it was okay

  • Isabel 2023-08-20 00:50:00

    Really quite amazing first half, the second half is not very fond of, but considering the 1959 shoot this kind of film is already a very NB

  • Isabel 2023-08-19 14:47:18

    Seven parts were made in this series, and there is one remake. The first part is so low, and the next one is not as good as one. Who gave you the courage to shoot it? In the original version of this movie, the ending is that Vicki, played by Linda Hamilton, was killed by the children. She joined the "Blue Man" and had her eyes gouged out. This ending was too bloody and was deleted.

  • Isabel 2023-08-10 02:11:02

    Can be viewed as a landscape

  • Isabel 2023-08-01 07:42:00

    Ingrid Bowman's "Battlefield Bells" is poignant. A contemporary writer once said: "The mark of an immature person is a willingness to die heroically for a cause, and the mark of a mature person is a willingness to live humbly for a cause." Who are these fearless dying people in the movie? What about species? The time of crisis is different, and the limit of life and the ideal height are also different. The unbearable lightness in life is not on the surface, but in the very deep inside. The moment it dissipates, it is as light as a feather, and there is no trajectory to follow.

  • Isabel 2023-07-30 09:03:21

    The story takes place in Ireland in the 1990s, when homosexuality has not been officially legalized, but it has been decriminalized. The first part of the film looked good, but I really couldn't understand it later. Eddie I'd rather this character ignore Amber when she comes out, it's better than scolding her, and the gay guy he's been eyeing kicks him in training, but Eddie is really influenced by the environment of the whole place and has been deceive yourself and hurt others. The relationship with Amber was even close to a fight later. The plot of les and gay pretending to be a couple in the front of the film is relatively new. If Eddie didn't help him and gave him the money he saved, he would never dare to go out. Amber has been able to come out and meet parents in more difficult situations. Ireland's age setting and sexual orientation self-identification are all good. The second paragraph mentions the things Eddie did and the sudden reconciliation of the two at the end, and even found the girl at the beginning to pretend to be heterosexual. The director wrote The script has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Isabel 2023-07-17 06:11:02

    If there is no tolerance, no integration, and no mutual respect, the contradiction between the various ethnic groups will lead to big problems.

  • Isabel 2023-07-15 01:10:01

    Colin is what keeps me watching.