Isabel Klocko

Isabel Klocko



  • Tian xia wu zei Tian xia wu zei

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:02:37

    sad black humor warm still sad

    The music goes great! At the beginning, the scene of extortion by beauties dared to use a refreshing song like "Do You Know", which was somewhat helpless and ironic. On the train, the fierce robbery and robbery in the background is based on the Buddhist Heart Sutra, which reveals a trace of desolation.
           This is the second time to watch the film. I originally wanted to revisit Li Bingbing's beauty, but I found it more interesting to watch the details and lines. Li Bingbing's...

  • Operation Red Sea Operation Red Sea

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:02:31

    Sorry I can't embarrass Operation Black Red Sea

    When I walked out of the cinema, it was almost one in the morning, and there were very few people on the street. I looked up at my father beside me, and I had only one feeling—I was so happy.

    Whether it's the military parade marking the 90th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, or looking at the photos of various wars, I feel more than once: I am Chinese, and I live in such a peaceful and peaceful land. It is good to have family and ideals. . But this time, when the war...

  • Filth Filth

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:01:44

    Homophobia is a closet, honestly don't deceive me.

    1. Research shows that younger brothers between brothers are more likely to be gay (this is a mess);

    2. Showing disgust to gay colleagues, but seeing each other's phantoms in suffocating sex;

    3. Getting angry (and fearful) when posting pictures of naked women in the toilet when he can't get an erection normally, transferring his anger to a gay colleague and writing attacks on him in the collapse;

    4. The male protagonist said "don't go" many times in the film, one of which...

  • Finding Neverland Finding Neverland

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:01:23

    God's will again

    I was in such a state of mind, but I just saw this when I opened a movie. It was supernatural again, and felt the presence of God again.

    I recently read a book on film composition. This film is a reference film. It can be seen that it is indeed elegant in terms of photography, composition and art. This also matches its background - London aristocracy.

    It's about high society in London, so we can see some British flavors like Pride and Prejudice. And the emotion in it has the...

  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:01:03

    old man, new life

    It was released worldwide, and it went away. I was born a little late, and didn't catch up with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when the first, second, and third scenes were infinite, and I only knew that it had been 27 years since the first film was born.
    Although the handsome guy is old, he is still very attractive; although it is difficult to dodge and jump, he is still graceful; although his son is a little ugly, he is still a little funny; although the old lover has a little thicker waist ,...

  • Dragon Tiger Gate Dragon Tiger Gate

    Isabel 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Dragon Tiger Gate at Midnight

    At midnight, watch a midnight show - "Dragon Tiger Gate". The darker and quieter it was outside, the more intense the fight inside.

    For a comic that has been around for so long, 90 minutes can't cover everything. For me, if I don't have a basic understanding of comics, I might just watch it as a martial arts movie, at least not in vain for Donnie Yen's scheming.

    I was a few minutes late, and I didn't watch all the opening scenes, but then the scene at the Japanese...

  • Possession Possession

    Isabel 2022-04-19 09:02:38

    "Possessed" 8

    "Possessed" 8

    She approached silently from behind, holding a knife and preparing to kill, with a childlike ignorance and purity on her face. She is so beautiful, even if she is bewitched by the devil, she is still as bright as an angel, and the blood of hell has become the decoration of her all kinds of amorous feelings.

    It's not surprising that this kind of woman gets married and goes home. It's not surprising to say that she's sulking because of her disagreement, and...

  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

    Isabel 2022-04-19 09:02:17

    society or jungle

    There are movies in Korea. Dissection, cremation, grave digging, carotid artery rupture, head beating into slag, and child molestation (damn)... These scenes are so cruel. I scrubbed my sister, the little girl sat on her stomach and lay down on her knees, fell in love with you the moment she saw your eyes, secretly held the hand of her dead girlfriend in the elevator, sat in her daughter's transparent ball, hugged Daughter in the water left water marks in the living room...these shots are...

  • Carol Carol

    Isabel 2022-04-19 08:01:03

    Her dusty girl's heart is about to be thawed by this movie

    Before watching this movie, I was busy comforting my partner, an Italian girl in her thirties.

    She said, I slept with many girls but I never had a girlfriend. I just want true love; I just want to spend my life with the only one . I really feel lonely. I'm so lonely. Holding back tears, I thought, who can comfort me?

    It's better to be
    alone, to be single, and to be free
    . I just want to have fun occasionally, and forget about being in a relationship.



    Isabel 2022-04-12 08:01:01

    What are we talking about when we talk about 'Sundance movies'

    Author丨DAVID FEAR

    Originally published in Rolling Stones

    When someone says "It's a Sundance movie," you probably know what they mean: Low-budget or even scribbled film -- but Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival in Utah Become a goldmine for finding popular alternatives to big-budget movies. You don't need to be at the Sundance Film Festival to see a Sundance film - if you find yourself caught...

  • A Cry in the Dark A Cry in the Dark

    Isabel 2022-04-09 08:01:03

    true ending

    After four trials in Australia's 32-year-old infant death case, Darwin Magistrates Court

    announced on Tuesday that the baby's death was not related to its parents and was caused by dingoes.

      Marathon lawsuit ends

      A court in Darwin, Australia, on Tuesday acquitted the victim of a 32-year-old baby's death in a 32-year-old

    death that a 9-week-old baby was caused by a wild dog. The unsolved case came to an end, and the Chamberlains

    ended their...

  • By the Sea By the Sea

    Isabel 2022-04-04 08:01:01

    Sesame big things, blind melancholy

    Recently, I often see the news of the marriage change of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, a model couple in the eyes of the world. There are media reports that they are divorced, even taking the reasons for the divorce and property division into account, for fear of missing this good show; there are also reports that Julie dismissed a close female assistant because the other party was too close to her husband. , I feel that in the battle of defending marriage, Julie has never...

  • White Christmas White Christmas

    Isabel 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    real, center

    I love this theme.
           Great stuff discussed. There is a lot to talk about, and many of them have been discussed many times.
           I'll just say something about the real, it's weird that something that feels real feels most real if it feels tangible or has a physical presence. However, the most real truth in the world is hidden in all things. You can't touch him, you can only feel it, and the feeling is so illusory.
         Just like in a human body, completely different cells...

  • Never Let Me Go Never Let Me Go

    Isabel 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    Born to be human, why?

    Born as a human why?

    born human

    Three years ago, I marked "want to watch", but I forgot about it and disappeared. After all, there are as many as 1,000 movies in this list of mine. This afternoon, I was drowsy, so I looked for a movie to refresh myself, and I randomly clicked on one of the Tencent...

  • The Secret Life of Pets The Secret Life of Pets

    Isabel 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    a little different

    It's a decent cartoon.
    There's nothing unusual about it,
    but it's very good in many places. For example, the handling
    of the villain Little White Rabbit. For the male and female protagonists, well, it's not actually a movie with two male protagonists. It's paralyzed. boss dog's attention is also very good to draw attention to the pet aging and diseases of concern
    to arrange for care of the household is politically correct plot is also very fond of this man save the Lord's...

  • Isabel 2023-09-26 10:07:33

    As a documentary, it is more suspenseful than a feature film. I feel that future suspense films can learn from the narrative techniques of this film. In the detective or crime films we have seen in the past, the police always look for clues to uncover the truth, but this film uses the perpetrator as the keynote speaker, and he personally explains the occurrence of the crime, which can not only promote the development of the plot but also Analysis of criminal psychology, it is eye-catching

  • Isabel 2023-09-23 14:25:15

    This uncle's pre-arrangement is a bit convoluted, and the whole film is like a mess of sand

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 09:22:35

    Heaven, earth, how could I have seen such a vile and low-level movie?????

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 00:17:43

    It reminds me a little of the wonderful brush, but I think this film is better. At first, I thought it was a fantasy world in the male protagonist's head, but later I understood that it was three timelines... I moved forward little by little. I really think this film is very good! I like this kind of feeling a little cold and depressing.

  • Isabel 2023-09-17 19:12:18

    I bought the novel and haven't read it. After watching this movie, I don't want to read the novel anymore.

  • Isabel 2023-09-13 12:30:03

    It's a bit fake, especially the action, the plot is simple, and the rhythm is very loose. Make do with it,

  • Isabel 2023-09-10 16:34:31

    "I'm a sad dick, and in order to earn respect, I have to be strong all the time; you're my daughter, and I'll make you a woman." I've watched a lot of films about midlife crisis recently, compared to my classmate Manas from the alcohol program, This piece of impotence anxiety is the most serious. It's just that the male protagonist is a born loser, his life is in crisis, he fails to fight against the society, and he can't get revenge on the society. Moral rotten, lonely and world-weary, just like the big brother in Gotham City next door. But when he photographed this man, he actually highlighted a kind of social group portrait, and he photographed the total collapse of French society around 1988. It's really a complete collapse. It's like shooting a piece of shit. Gasparo not only has to turn the shit over, chop it up for research and research, but even let the camera pick up the shit, lick it, chew it, and taste it. Highlight a color and flavor.

  • Isabel 2023-09-02 19:30:10

    I thought it was normal at first, but then I thought it was okay

  • Isabel 2023-08-20 00:50:00

    Really quite amazing first half, the second half is not very fond of, but considering the 1959 shoot this kind of film is already a very NB

  • Isabel 2023-08-19 14:47:18

    Seven parts were made in this series, and there is one remake. The first part is so low, and the next one is not as good as one. Who gave you the courage to shoot it? In the original version of this movie, the ending is that Vicki, played by Linda Hamilton, was killed by the children. She joined the "Blue Man" and had her eyes gouged out. This ending was too bloody and was deleted.

  • Isabel 2023-08-10 02:11:02

    Can be viewed as a landscape

  • Isabel 2023-08-01 07:42:00

    Ingrid Bowman's "Battlefield Bells" is poignant. A contemporary writer once said: "The mark of an immature person is a willingness to die heroically for a cause, and the mark of a mature person is a willingness to live humbly for a cause." Who are these fearless dying people in the movie? What about species? The time of crisis is different, and the limit of life and the ideal height are also different. The unbearable lightness in life is not on the surface, but in the very deep inside. The moment it dissipates, it is as light as a feather, and there is no trajectory to follow.

  • Isabel 2023-07-30 09:03:21

    The story takes place in Ireland in the 1990s, when homosexuality has not been officially legalized, but it has been decriminalized. The first part of the film looked good, but I really couldn't understand it later. Eddie I'd rather this character ignore Amber when she comes out, it's better than scolding her, and the gay guy he's been eyeing kicks him in training, but Eddie is really influenced by the environment of the whole place and has been deceive yourself and hurt others. The relationship with Amber was even close to a fight later. The plot of les and gay pretending to be a couple in the front of the film is relatively new. If Eddie didn't help him and gave him the money he saved, he would never dare to go out. Amber has been able to come out and meet parents in more difficult situations. Ireland's age setting and sexual orientation self-identification are all good. The second paragraph mentions the things Eddie did and the sudden reconciliation of the two at the end, and even found the girl at the beginning to pretend to be heterosexual. The director wrote The script has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Isabel 2023-07-17 06:11:02

    If there is no tolerance, no integration, and no mutual respect, the contradiction between the various ethnic groups will lead to big problems.

  • Isabel 2023-07-15 01:10:01

    Colin is what keeps me watching.