Isabel Klocko

Isabel Klocko



  • Swamp Thing Swamp Thing

    Isabel 2022-06-28 16:44:09

    Fastest cut in history

    It was broadcast on May 31, and for a week so far, it was determined that the show had been cut, and the next few episodes will be broadcast. I think everyone is very excited, but I don't know if this news will affect everyone's mood. Warner executives were dissatisfied with the script, but it was a drama supervised by our Wen Ziren. It's a pity to think about it.

    Most viewers also felt that it was too fast, so they just cut it off after just one episode. This wave of operations is...

  • Creepshow 2 Creepshow 2

    Isabel 2022-06-21 23:52:16

    How many years of shadow

    When I was a child, my father secretly bought a video recorder and lied to me that it was from a borrowed unit. My uncle, aunt, uncle, and all the young people are very excited to know that I have a VCR at home. Regardless of whether it is a public machine or not, the video tapes used in the cultural life of the barren county were borrowed to my house.
        On a cold weekend evening, I was allowed to watch a movie together before going to bed. The text written on the video cassette is not...

  • Two Days in New York Two Days in New York

    Isabel 2022-06-05 20:52:03

    A star from Julie Delpy

    ’ve seen the beauty of Julie, the second part of the series, and I ’ve seen it,
    and I ’ll understand the American French femininity
    that is different from Tato and Marion . I don’t know how French people think of her,
    but I think American men should be. Incomparably useful. Is
    n't such a real, romantic and life coexisting woman the
    best partner?

    But at the end of the story, it was disappointing. The
    off-line dad and sister disrupted the whole plot...

  • The Lazarus Effect The Lazarus Effect

    Isabel 2022-04-28 06:01:02

    What about Superman Dog

    I like Olivia Wilde very much, so I basically didn't fast forward to the end of the film. .
          The previous plot was very slow, and the actors were all eye-catching. From the moment the dog climbed onto Wilde’s bed and looked at the king, I started to watch the film a bit~~
          Yes~ My friends in the laboratory found out After the dog was resurrected, the brain was full of vitality, the first thing I thought of was Planet of the Apes, and then it climbed onto the king’s bed. It...

  • Shin Godzilla Shin Godzilla

    Isabel 2022-04-23 07:05:08

    Ugliest Godzilla ever

    The IP of "Godzilla" has also been smashed, but there is still a mysterious magic that attracts the audience to the pit, and "New Godzilla" also has a lot of slots. The film does not have too much foreshadowing, and goes directly to the theme. When I saw Godzilla, who had not fully evolved, climbed onto the land, the mentally retarded monster face, I couldn't help laughing at this moment, the scene that should have been seriously replaced is in I laughed again with the slightly exaggerated...

  • A Better Tomorrow A Better Tomorrow

    Isabel 2022-04-23 07:03:41

    2016.7.26 mark

    I can't believe I'm only watching this movie
    now, it's still a classic story. One side is the righteous brother and the other is the real brother, who is being pulled, but the persistence in his heart is never forgotten.
    The strange thing is that even though Brother Ma has so many lives in his hands, he is still the person who moves me the most. There is no right or wrong in his heart, only loyalty. Applejack is just the opposite, with only justice in his heart. Ah Hao has both, of...

  • The Color Purple The Color Purple

    Isabel 2022-04-23 07:02:06

    destiny and struggle

    The movie contains a lot.

    The life of the protagonist in it is really tragic. In that era, as a black woman, and without her own father, it was very sad. However, there is a big difference in the lives of the two sisters, Celie and Nettie. It is not only the difference in character but also the difference in fate.

    The most impressive thing is that in fact, Albert people are not bad, but because of his father's teaching, he treats Siri well and often beats her and yells at her,...

  • Law Abiding Citizen Law Abiding Citizen

    Isabel 2022-04-23 07:01:22

    The plot is probably

    His wife and daughter were killed in front of his eyes, and the culprit was caught. The evidence is conclusive, but because of the pedantic judicial procedure and the degeneration of the black male protagonist who was obsessed with winning the case, the first culprit finally got only 3 years in prison, and the accomplice became the deputy. Lamb, executed after 10 years in prison. But the accomplice who was supposed to be euthanized was injected with poison and died in pain....

  • Infernal Affairs II Infernal Affairs II

    Isabel 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    Edison Chen interview

    Infernal Affairs Prequel: Even if he is not good to the whole world, but if he is good to you, you have to recognize him. If there are no good people in this world, make yourself one. Still be a good person. Q: In "Infernal Affairs I", you played the young Andy Lau, but there were few scenes, but in "Infernal Affairs II", you are already the protagonist of the whole film. What preparations have you made for this? Edison Chen (hereinafter referred to as Chen): I didn't expect to play this...

  • The Boy and the Beast The Boy and the Beast

    Isabel 2022-04-21 09:03:52

    Personal bravery and fantasy heroism without real morality

    It was released very late in North America and was released in March 2016. I wanted to watch zootopia today, but I was curious when I saw a Japanese anime movie, the beast and the son. I like Beauty and the Beast, what happened to this boy and the beast? (Okay, I just replaced son with boy, haha) Of course, given the name and the Japanese style heritage, I already understand that this is another story that promotes masculinity. Anyway, it has nothing to do with women. related! ! Brave...

  • Front of the Class Front of the Class

    Isabel 2022-04-21 09:03:23

    'Call Me Number One': A Masterful True Story Adaptation

    A few days ago, I watched "I am not the God of Medicine". That movie, based on a true story, was also highly rated. But I personally don't like it, the main reason is that it doesn't look good. Although the social and practical significance of that film is good, in terms of storytelling, it is really bland, and many times I fast-forward. In short, I don't think I'll watch it a second time.

    That's when I thought of "Call Me Number One". This film is also based on reality, but...

  • Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and Clyde

    Isabel 2022-04-21 09:02:06

    Watch "Bonnie and Clyde"

    The handsome, bold and unruly Clyde is the redemption of Bonnie, who dropped out of school and lived a dull life as a waitress in a restaurant.

    Since Clyde stole Bonnie's mother's car in front of Bonnie and robbed the convenience store, Clyde has captured Bonnie's heart. The two embarked on a robbery road. Every time the robbery succeeds in driving away, there is a cheerful soundtrack - the joy of life is nothing but that. After recruiting a young car mechanic, the trio was perfect,...

  • The Skin I Live In The Skin I Live In

    Isabel 2022-04-21 09:01:56


    If your daughter was raped, traumatized and committed suicide, how would you take revenge as the protagonist?

    The answer given by "The Skin of My Living" is: kidnap him, give him sex reassignment surgery, plastic surgery, long-term imprisonment, will destroy the will, so that the rapist will be transformed into a woman from physical and psychological, and then have sex with him

    However, this revenge story ended with an...

  • Moonlight Moonlight

    Isabel 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    The Blue of Eternal Life——A Discussion on "Freedom" in "Moonlight"

    He said “I started over, built myself hard”

    Compared with the label of "same sex", I think that growth is the theme of this film. Choosing to sink in the eyes of others, or constantly chasing the light under the moonlight, this is the point of this film.

    As soon as Chiron appeared, he was a taciturn boy who was as hard as a stone. He was chased, spurned and even beaten, his classmates, and his mother too. So one day, he sat next to Juan's desk and asked, "What is a pervert? How...

  • Doomsday Book Doomsday Book

    Isabel 2022-04-20 09:02:43

    The idea of ​​each small story is good ~ it's a pity that they are all so short!

    "Brave New World" This is of course not Huxley's one, but the first chapter of the film ~
    if you add a subtitle, it is - the Resident Evil caused by BAD APPLE.
    The idea is very good~ but it's too short! It's over before it's cool enough... By the way, I also hacked a TV political debate...
    The chapter of "Heavenly Creation" has a strong meaning. The advantage is that the setting is worth thinking about deeply. The disadvantage is that although it is worth going deeper, the film...

  • Isabel 2023-09-26 10:07:33

    As a documentary, it is more suspenseful than a feature film. I feel that future suspense films can learn from the narrative techniques of this film. In the detective or crime films we have seen in the past, the police always look for clues to uncover the truth, but this film uses the perpetrator as the keynote speaker, and he personally explains the occurrence of the crime, which can not only promote the development of the plot but also Analysis of criminal psychology, it is eye-catching

  • Isabel 2023-09-23 14:25:15

    This uncle's pre-arrangement is a bit convoluted, and the whole film is like a mess of sand

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 09:22:35

    Heaven, earth, how could I have seen such a vile and low-level movie?????

  • Isabel 2023-09-21 00:17:43

    It reminds me a little of the wonderful brush, but I think this film is better. At first, I thought it was a fantasy world in the male protagonist's head, but later I understood that it was three timelines... I moved forward little by little. I really think this film is very good! I like this kind of feeling a little cold and depressing.

  • Isabel 2023-09-17 19:12:18

    I bought the novel and haven't read it. After watching this movie, I don't want to read the novel anymore.

  • Isabel 2023-09-13 12:30:03

    It's a bit fake, especially the action, the plot is simple, and the rhythm is very loose. Make do with it,

  • Isabel 2023-09-10 16:34:31

    "I'm a sad dick, and in order to earn respect, I have to be strong all the time; you're my daughter, and I'll make you a woman." I've watched a lot of films about midlife crisis recently, compared to my classmate Manas from the alcohol program, This piece of impotence anxiety is the most serious. It's just that the male protagonist is a born loser, his life is in crisis, he fails to fight against the society, and he can't get revenge on the society. Moral rotten, lonely and world-weary, just like the big brother in Gotham City next door. But when he photographed this man, he actually highlighted a kind of social group portrait, and he photographed the total collapse of French society around 1988. It's really a complete collapse. It's like shooting a piece of shit. Gasparo not only has to turn the shit over, chop it up for research and research, but even let the camera pick up the shit, lick it, chew it, and taste it. Highlight a color and flavor.

  • Isabel 2023-09-02 19:30:10

    I thought it was normal at first, but then I thought it was okay

  • Isabel 2023-08-20 00:50:00

    Really quite amazing first half, the second half is not very fond of, but considering the 1959 shoot this kind of film is already a very NB

  • Isabel 2023-08-19 14:47:18

    Seven parts were made in this series, and there is one remake. The first part is so low, and the next one is not as good as one. Who gave you the courage to shoot it? In the original version of this movie, the ending is that Vicki, played by Linda Hamilton, was killed by the children. She joined the "Blue Man" and had her eyes gouged out. This ending was too bloody and was deleted.

  • Isabel 2023-08-10 02:11:02

    Can be viewed as a landscape

  • Isabel 2023-08-01 07:42:00

    Ingrid Bowman's "Battlefield Bells" is poignant. A contemporary writer once said: "The mark of an immature person is a willingness to die heroically for a cause, and the mark of a mature person is a willingness to live humbly for a cause." Who are these fearless dying people in the movie? What about species? The time of crisis is different, and the limit of life and the ideal height are also different. The unbearable lightness in life is not on the surface, but in the very deep inside. The moment it dissipates, it is as light as a feather, and there is no trajectory to follow.

  • Isabel 2023-07-30 09:03:21

    The story takes place in Ireland in the 1990s, when homosexuality has not been officially legalized, but it has been decriminalized. The first part of the film looked good, but I really couldn't understand it later. Eddie I'd rather this character ignore Amber when she comes out, it's better than scolding her, and the gay guy he's been eyeing kicks him in training, but Eddie is really influenced by the environment of the whole place and has been deceive yourself and hurt others. The relationship with Amber was even close to a fight later. The plot of les and gay pretending to be a couple in the front of the film is relatively new. If Eddie didn't help him and gave him the money he saved, he would never dare to go out. Amber has been able to come out and meet parents in more difficult situations. Ireland's age setting and sexual orientation self-identification are all good. The second paragraph mentions the things Eddie did and the sudden reconciliation of the two at the end, and even found the girl at the beginning to pretend to be heterosexual. The director wrote The script has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Isabel 2023-07-17 06:11:02

    If there is no tolerance, no integration, and no mutual respect, the contradiction between the various ethnic groups will lead to big problems.

  • Isabel 2023-07-15 01:10:01

    Colin is what keeps me watching.