Ayla Koepp

Ayla Koepp



  • Honey Honey

    Ayla 2022-03-22 09:02:18

    See how beautiful women want to be like the wind and the rain

    This film tells the story of how a beautiful and talented girl has to weather the storm. At first I thought it was an inspirational film. The protagonist would suffer a lot of hardships. Who knew that he would soon be photographed by a well-known director and become a choreographer. Then he thought that he would encounter many difficulties and grievances at work. Appreciated by the boss and many celebrities; then thought that he would fall heavily when the limelight was in full swing, but even...

  • Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and Clyde

    Ayla 2022-03-22 09:01:48

    The Way of Asura

    When the wild west wind ruffled Bonnie's hair, when Clyde's sharp eyes were blurred by the dust of the road, when the gunshots were mercilessly remembered with the flying birds, the premonition of the future became close at hand. Brutal reality. Who can tell me why those bright and glorious days are so easily gone forever; who will remember the thief bastard who was wanted, hunted, and cursed. The stories recorded on the film "Bonnie and Clyde" are gradually blurred by the passage of time, but...

  • The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man

    Ayla 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Only human hands can save Spinderman

    At the end of work, colleagues collectively project for recreation.
    The viewing process was hearty, but even if you have watched it.
    The doctor's mentality is very complicated. After the metamorphosis, he was very crazy. After the climax, he recovered his senses and grabbed the spider-man without spider web who was about to fall from the building!
    (The two look at each other very well!)
    But the young man Shen, the doctor's strange hand has withered again at this time, and he...

  • The Twilight Samurai The Twilight Samurai

    Ayla 2022-03-22 08:01:02

    chrysanthemum and sword

    This film is said to be very successful. It swept the Asian Film Festival and won numerous awards. It has an excellent reputation among the audience and praised it at home and abroad. The box office should also be very impressive. It is a rare good work that achieves a balance between art and business. I also like it very much, thinking that this excellent film will become a classic in Japanese film history and will be liked by a wide range of people across time and space, because she is very...

  • Love and Other Disasters Love and Other Disasters

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:03:02

    A nostalgia for all the good things in the past, a tribute to true love...

    When I went to watch this film, I was deeply attracted by its Chinese translation.
      "Love Acacia"
       is a bit vulgar,
       but it is very cute.
       Everyone has a lonely time.
       At the beginning of Hua Deng, the eyes are full of joy and entertainment. ,
       I just feel that I am missing a person who understands me best and
       can deeply affect my body and mind... The

       film gives people the feeling of Paris in the 1960s.
       JAKES is wearing an...

  • Waitress Waitress

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    This is definitely an inspirational movie!

    When I saw the recommendation on Xunlei, I thought it would be the youth romantic comedy I have always liked, but as the story progressed, my disappointment at the beginning turned into tears.
        Jenna lives in a small place, a tax auditor with an annual income of 30,000 can be proud of her ability, and she is just an ordinary pizza restaurant waitress, not even like the girl in "Idol Have a Date", who can get lucky and The idol's dating opportunity, and there is a chance to turn a...

  • Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:32

    Maybe grow up and no longer Dracula

    The plot of the film is very simple and cliché, and the themes are also family, love and justice.

    Dracula has always been an inescapable part of the vampire series of movies and TV series. In the dark castle of Germany, there is a noble and cold creature who is bloodthirsty. Time is no longer flowing. For him, life does not count down, but begins a long one. wait. I think it's a kind of punishment for people when they feel that time passes very slowly, but there is infinite...

  • Wild Child Wild Child

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    An American-style youth campus cool film

    Someone recommended it, saying that it was recommended by a teacher in high school to watch movies about cultural differences between British and American and distinguish between British and American accents, but I didn't expect to see such movies. Although the plot is quite bloody, but maybe because I haven't seen it, I really think it looks good hahaha, the heroine is so beautiful, I like it, and the gentle hairstyle I changed later is also too good-looking. But is it really okay for...

  • Original Sin Original Sin

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:16

    Waitz Into Darkness

    ORIGINAL SIN is a sexy, suspenseful thriller about the dangerous and sometimes lethal power of love and obsession. This is the first sentence of orininal sin's official website's overview of the film~

    The film uses a rhythm similar to Waitz, with devilishly seductive sex, with The poetic Love, with the rich and insolent human nature, shows us a story about love with the charm of the movie.

    Know yourself, find yourself in him (her), and indulge in sin and redemption in the...

  • Out of Africa Out of Africa

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    To an Athlete Dying Young

    To an Athlete Dying Young

    to an athlete who died young

    -----by AE Housman (1859-1936)

    The time you won your town the race
    We chaired you through the market-place;
    Man and boy stood cheering by,
    and home we brought

    you shoulder - high all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. , the town is solemn and peaceful for you Smart lad, to slip betimes away From fields were...

  • The Incredibles The Incredibles

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    Ordinary life has lost imagination

    To put it bluntly, in my opinion, this film is not outstanding in the animation produced by Pixar. I have watched it two or three times, but I will soon forget its plot because the Super League of Legends movie is too Too much, "Avengers", "Fantastic Four", "Justice League"...It's really dazzling. However, this film came out early. The 2004 work was an animated film more than ten years ago. At that time, it was much more advantageous than watching it now.
    In terms of novelty, "Superman...

  • Groundhog Day Groundhog Day

    Ayla 2022-03-21 09:01:02

    I need a fire in winter

    Winter is a period of high incidence of romantic light comedies.
    Feed yourself at night, lie in bed and browse groups of men and women looking for, dancing, vows, sex, breaking up, kissing, crying, hugging, laughing. Regardless of whether you step into the auditorium or not, there will always be someone who readily accepts what another person says: I love you more than I can say. I think this is very good. In the tone of the opening film, you know that your expectations will not be lost....

  • Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed

    Ayla 2022-03-20 09:01:31

    Fa Shark's Monster Fighting Upgrade

    Whoa whoa whoa! The 1942 footage is spectacular. It's a pity I didn't experience that kind of special effects in the cinema. The story, I have never played this game, the ins and outs were told for three minutes at the beginning, and the background was never explained afterward? Oh, the shark has grown up, oh, the shark has been controlled, oh, the shark has returned to the memory of its ancestors, oh oh Sharks are going to betray, oh ho, the sharks don't change their original intentions! !...

  • Lincoln Lincoln

    Ayla 2022-03-20 09:01:26

    This time, history is written by great men.

    Aside from the output of values, "Lincoln" is worthy of the pinnacle of Spielberg's legendary film students!

    The slow-simmering technique, restrained and restrained narrative, see strength in calm, and touch history deeply! The pressure inside and outside the party, the entanglement of wife and children at home, the call of national progress, he was angry, frustrated, crying and even bribed, a great man with flesh and blood was resurrected!

    The abolition case, which has exhausted...

  • Lost in Translation Lost in Translation

    Ayla 2022-03-20 09:01:10

    The loneliness lost in the hustle and bustle

    There is such a short story in the posthumous work of master Antonioni, "Days on the Clouds": In a cafe, Irene read a good story from a magazine and took the initiative to find a middle-aged American man who had never met on the street. share.
        "In Mexico, the expert is going to move to the top of the mountain, and the workers are invited to move the ceremony. Somewhere, the workers stopped moving. The expert was furious, but couldn't tell them to continue, and couldn't guess why they...

  • Ayla 2023-09-30 18:27:49

    You can see the end when you look at it...

  • Ayla 2023-09-30 14:52:18

    Pond mud! ! ! It’s not easy to be strong to a certain level...

  • Ayla 2023-09-12 11:42:49

    I watched the first part of this series, and then I went to search the previous ones. I think 1~4 are good, each with its own characteristics, B-level films, although low-cost, but the atmosphere and the plot progress and the protagonists fight wits with monsters The process of Yong is very interesting. The front is very western style, and the style has changed in the fifth part, but it can still be watched, but it is a bit ridiculous and not very convincing.

  • Ayla 2023-09-10 20:59:51

    The film, which makes people not thinking about it and is extremely scary, also leaves a "bright" ending. It is estimated that there will be many brainless fans to follow. . .

  • Ayla 2023-08-22 14:51:57

    It's right that Grace didn't win the award, she's the worst performer of 3 people. . . . . . - -

  • Ayla 2023-08-05 22:34:51

    The long shot at the beginning of childbirth is okay, the scene is rendered in place, and the eyes are full of tears. But the whole film is speechless, especially the paragraph at the end of the trial. The heroine's smile makes me unconvinced. Most of the front is paving the way for my mother's frustration, helplessness and loneliness. Instead, after seeing the photos taken by my husband, I suddenly let go and forgive everything and forcibly add value. The male protagonist's design is too deliberate, and he is scumbags for the sake of scum. After the death of his daughter, he smoked, drank, drugged, cheated, and had sex, and his departure came to an abrupt end. This character is unnecessary, and there is no need to expose the scene. The rupture of the relationship between the male and female protagonists only grasps the class difference, just like the theme of the film, it is superficial and powerless.

  • Ayla 2023-07-29 12:56:57

    Smooth photography and smooth editing

  • Ayla 2023-07-15 15:53:23

    There are very few films that can tell the story to this level. After watching it, I hate my country for not being able to make such a masterpiece. It is the first time that I have this kind of violence and human nature. The rhythm of the story is perfectly combined. I am surprised. It's from the Oscars

  • Ayla 2023-07-09 11:47:42

    If a woman marries a wealthy family, it will make things difficult in every possible way. It is natural for men to eat soft rice. After watching the ending, I still feel unfulfilled. The efficiency of the big epilepsy police is really uncompromising. On second thought, suffering from inner torment for a lifetime is indeed more tormenting than the atonement and reflection in prison.

  • Ayla 2023-07-06 13:08:03

    It's a bit hollow, but the photography is still too much fun

  • Ayla 2023-07-04 05:56:44

    A movie that will change your impression of the entire Japanese film industry after watching it. The women are extremely beautiful, but it's a pity that Jishang Jiji disappeared after the 1980s. This is definitely a weird chicken movie. The success is not in the story at all, but in the high level of techniques such as freeze-frame, focus, advertising, drama, singing and dancing, etc. Density mix. Classic places such as piano cannibals, human-headed frogs, playing with small balls, human fire, psychedelic limb ghosts, etc. The final photo is also full of strange chicken style

  • Ayla 2023-06-21 14:18:22

    It's the return of Xiaoxitian again... Frankly speaking, after looking back, I found that many of the schedulers didn't like it haha, I'm sorry Director Xing Dingxun...

  • Ayla 2023-06-10 23:41:35

    All you can watch is in the trailer, watching the whole movie is a waste of time

  • Ayla 2023-05-24 21:07:34

    one episode, give up

  • Ayla 2023-05-03 23:25:52

    Devil truth. Every industry has ANNA WINTER. But in fact, it is her colleague GRACE who is very interesting.