Reyes Mante

Reyes Mante



  • Benny's Video Benny's Video

    Reyes 2022-11-27 11:08:32

    Video soul, materialized person

    Haneke's film explores the unconsciousness of people. According to psychology, unconsciousness is the result of long-term imperceptibility. Benny has been living in the video of the video for a long time, and his heart has been imaged. Therefore, his numbness to killing has reached a non-verbal state: after killing someone, sit quietly and do homework! The child is no longer human. Also, just like the unconsciousness of homicide of a girl, it was also unconscious to report the parents to the...

  • Ju Dou Ju Dou

    Reyes 2022-11-25 14:24:56

    Sure enough, the tragedy is more shocking.

    After reading "Alive", I thought that the national teacher was still a soft-hearted person. Now that I've finished watching "Judou", I don't feel that way anymore. Director Zhang was very decisive this time, and the ending was a complete tragedy, burning all suffering in the fire. As if all the struggles are pointless, the fate has been doomed, this is the re-enactment of the Oedipus-style tragedy.

    The root of this tragedy is, of course, the feudal etiquette and ethics that have...

  • Eureka Eureka

    Reyes 2022-11-19 06:00:39

    The light-hearted and humorous plot is also unconventional

    It's a shame that the show was cut.
    I saw it last year, not bad. The tone of the film is relaxed and humorous. The protagonist’s IQ is not high enough, the family is not happy enough, the daughter is in the rebellious period of youth, and the love scene is also embarrassing. Basically it is a crowded loser, but it’s okay, the protagonist is still the protagonist, I I just like his a little handsome, a little mature, a little wit, a little silly. Anyway, the facts of each episode are...

  • El Topo El Topo

    Reyes 2022-10-21 22:16:47

    A must-see pilgrimage movie for Cult fans!

    Since the 1970s, Weasel has become a must-see pilgrimage movie for Cult fans.

    [Weasel] is not only regarded as the favorite movie by the late Beatles frontman John Lennon,
    but also includes celebrities in the music and film industries such as Bob Dylan, Marilyn Manson, and David Forest. its number one fan.

    It was also because of Lennon's strong support that he spent a lot of money to purchase copyrights, so that [Weasel] could quickly become popular in the world, break...

  • Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer

    Reyes 2022-10-21 06:31:49

    This is the beautiful world in my heart.

    I have always liked supernatural movies and liked to scare myself.
    But halfway through, I suddenly gave up the thrill of seeking horror pictures.
    The beautiful heroine is always calm, with her own superpowers and feelings of redemption to deal with every lost soul in the world.

    Fascinated by the heroine.
    The heroine has a beautiful and moving appearance, a smart and calm mind, a kind heart, a husband who understands and loves her, and a sense of responsibility for the...

  • Love in the Afternoon Love in the Afternoon

    Reyes 2022-10-15 13:20:37

    moral victory

    After experiencing the acquaintance, love, jealousy, suspicion and shaking of the first five moral stories, the last story finally walked into a happy marriage hall, and finally there is no endless vacation, and finally can see the French petty bourgeoisie Their more real lives, and finally put the concept of the middle class into the script.

    So this final test is also the most difficult. The former lover triangle is different from the women who met or were introduced in the...

  • Lymelife Lymelife

    Reyes 2022-10-05 22:33:02

    "Lime Life" sick life

    I must first explain "Lyme disease". When I watched the film, I thought it was a new term born for art. It was really ignorant. After Baidu learned about it, the disease mostly occurs in forest or rural areas. Diseased or carrying animals are the source of infection. People are usually infected by the bite of ticks carrying spirochetes. This disease will damage the human nervous system, and the patient will gradually lose the ability to work, lose human dignity in pain, until the ability and...

  • Death in Venice Death in Venice

    Reyes 2022-10-03 13:14:51

    Dedicated myself to Venice for you

    Artists have a lot of discussions on art, beauty and love. The shock of the male protagonist in "Breakthrough Venice" begins when he encounters a person who makes him unable to move his eyes and can't stop sighing and praise. The answer gradually subverts and changes. To reveal the true body, no matter what the road is, the discovery of love and beauty requires the ultimate experience. This is also the experience of artists who are obsessed and mad for love and beauty. The composer Gustav...

  • BoJack Horseman BoJack Horseman

    Reyes 2022-09-26 13:58:00

    Do you feel lonely?

    "Just finished watching the first season of Ma Nan, the 2014 animation. It feels like a really good movie. Will anyone see their own shadow in Bojack? Selfish narcissism sometimes even self-destruction Tendency, and at the same time think that he is a good person deep down. Afraid of being alone to death, looking for someone to fill the shadows of his childhood. Will fall in love with someone who can talk to, and think she understands me. Think it will be Love. Hope everyone admits: hey,...

  • My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday

    Reyes 2022-09-26 04:40:03

    "Tomorrow's Me Dates Yesterday's You" Sometimes it's love at first sight, just a glance

    Our love at first sight is as beautiful as a shooting star, but in fact you and I are both prisoners of God's wanton play. The wrong track makes two hearts collide in a split second. Tomorrow will fall back into loneliness and slowly turn to ashes. However, if I could do it all over again, I would still meet you without hesitation, because we agreed, "see you tomorrow". When it comes to pure love movies, the best ones are probably Japan. For example, "April is Your Lie", "Hengdao...

  • Mad Detective Mad Detective

    Reyes 2022-09-26 00:11:35

    When there are more and more ghosts, how should we deal with it?

    In the end, the ghost in the An Xin He family came out, and my parents were extremely depressed. My father kept saying that he would have retribution. But in reality, the grandmother who was bumped was lifted up but she was imprisoned; she jumped into the water to save someone and strangled herself, and the person who rescued them walked away without a word; she sent a pregnant woman who fell to her home, but she was raped and then killed. The Radio, Film and Television Bureau makes everyone...

  • Death of Me Death of Me

    Reyes 2022-09-20 03:21:17

    How much does Maggie Q love this "Magic Island" theme

    In the same year, he participated in at least two films about the theme of mysterious vacation islands, and the other one was in "Fantasy Island";

    The scene where the heroine's memory flashed back to the beach several times is somewhat similar to the setting of the plot of "Neverland"~

    The fingernails are too long, the whole process looks at the pointed fingernails of the heroine;

    Mistress, mistress, you got the gun and broke the second girl's head, why didn't you remember...

  • Home Home

    Reyes 2022-09-09 04:19:40

    "All thanks to you. The earth continues to be beautiful Home The Story of a Journey" aerial documentary of the earth

    In April 2013, I watched the aerial documentary of "It's all about you. The earth continues to be beautiful. Home The Story of a Journey". With Cantonese dubbing. The earth is beautiful, and it is so beautiful. But photographers don’t just shoot to show us the beauty of the planet. The original intention of the cameraman for the film: "If you are interested in nature, then you are interested in the impact of people and people on the earth. Then the snow that will never...

  • Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Fletcher

    Reyes 2022-08-26 17:03:31

    I was pleasantly surprised by the exquisiteness and vastness of this show, I really like it!

    I have a good impression of this drama because in the first episode, she drove her son to college and said to her son that you have to be kind to women. Because a girl went to her house in the morning. When she went to wake up her son, she heard his son say "little slut" "Do you like licking?" So, on the road, she said that to her son very seriously, to be kind to women.

    I am a little touched to see this.

    Each episode is very trivial but very real. I have had the fantasies of the...

  • Looking Looking

    Reyes 2022-08-25 16:38:07

    Destroyer and builder

    I don't know how many times I have looked at this. I also recommended this show to many people. I remember feeling boring the first time I watched it. The second time I watched it, I felt it hit my heart. This time I found it to be boring.

    Whether it is the first season, the second season or the movie ending, the most worrying thing is PK love. From the second season, like finding true love, even building each other’s lives together to abrupt cessation and destruction, to the last...

  • Reyes 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Black humor jokes against war, typical Ultraman-style group portraits plus Wilder's high-density bombing of lines. It is impossible to enjoy Ultraman's ingenious humor unless you have to work your brains at full speed to absorb and sort out the intricate and fleeting amount of information.

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    cross-cutting four historical epochs.

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    A single middle-aged mother travels across America with a weird son (with a childhood cameo from Jodie Foster).

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    A woman's request is actually quite simple. . .

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    I watched it a long time ago, but now I remember the storyline. It seems that the hero did not obey the military order to save people alone on the Iraqi battlefield. Although the hostages were successfully rescued, the people in the White House still decided to retire for him. A rich man harassed a lady from the building. The rich man tried to do it, but he was beaten, and he lost his security job. He went on a long trip with his wife and met a robber who kidnapped his wife. Then he rescued his wife.

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    When I saw Eva Mendes, I vomited like a little three. I still like Aunt Bening's short hair=3=two hours is too long orz! ! ! !

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    Wearing a magical hat can't hide the fragile plot. If a little girl can change the world by just writing and reading it, then all her efforts are in vain! Eventually a timid, cowardly man came back to his wife, wondering why he couldn't read his wife out? You must know that there is no shadow in this world!

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    The classic beauty of Angelina Jolie. Love is our original sin.

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Politically correct new age mutant stories~

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    So you wanna be a sicario. Let's talk about your future.

  • Reyes 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    The plot is old-fashioned, and there is no big scene. But the subject of human cloning and immortality through cloning is full of philosophical thinking

  • Reyes 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    Sangpo series. The whole idea is pretty good. The shaved Batman and the unhappy professional Sandra accidentally hit the road movie and are full of calls. However, the ending is too unholy. There is a traitor in the romance movie. I don't listen to it. I don't listen to it.

  • Reyes 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    "Vengeance" only begins in the middle, and it is opened by a psychedelic introduction: from the passive persecuted object at the beginning to the end of the active anti-kill subject. A few insinuations are very thoughtful: a few firelights, a spider struggling in urine, a small part of the ear (earring) that has been blown off. The ending is a bit broken, and it is too deliberate to ridicule this stupid "villain setting", but it is still a surprise.

  • Reyes 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    I laughed when I said this was shot by the American decoration team; I laughed when I saw the cute and naive green monster in the picture; there are a lot of little jokes in it, but it's okay. Not too demanding! Give three stars!

  • Reyes 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    it is a story about wait.