Reyes Mante

Reyes Mante



  • Dark City Dark City

    Reyes 2021-10-22 14:32:45

    When we live in the zoo of an alien civilization

            Recently, artificial intelligence has been heatedly discussed, and some movies on related topics have also been brought out. This Dark City is one of them, and the others include The Thirteenth Floor and so on. One of the topics that has been mentioned the most is whether the world we live in is virtualized by advanced civilizations? Can we perceive it? Are we a bunch of codes?
            Although this film does not directly discuss the AI ​​part, it has vivid...

  • Reyes 2023-09-29 21:16:44

    People have the right to live, but also the right to die~

  • Reyes 2023-09-13 06:35:04

    Every two years, there is a great independent film in the United States that hits me directly

  • Reyes 2023-09-08 04:20:37

    My quality is low, I can't understand, the above...

  • Reyes 2023-09-04 18:08:03

    The more I see the back, the more I hate otis and maeve, which makes me want to label them. However, the director is still sincere, at least there is nothing to hide or whitewash. The right to praise the beautiful black gay eric, he is really the soul of the whole show, and it is him and the bimbo Amy who support me after watching.

  • Reyes 2023-09-02 12:23:02

    Fritz Lang's expressionism is a masterpiece, and it's hard to imagine a five-hour silent film that packs a tight plot and a deep meaning. Dr. Mabuse's criminal methods are astonishing even now, instigating crowd riots to kill prisoners while taking advantage of the chaos is really clever, and Oswald probably became a victim after JFK's assassination. The similarity between Dr. Mabuse and Hitler's personalities and the control of the masses' minds makes this film not only an insinuation of German society after World War I, but also a prophecy of German society during World War II. It is really a black humor brought by life. . What's even more ironic is that Thea Von Harbou, the screenwriter who created such a masterpiece, also joined the Nazi party before World War II. Life is indeed more dark and humorous than the movie. 【Murnau 271mins】9.7/10

  • Reyes 2023-09-02 10:49:20

    It's so-so, the heroine's figure is very good, and the Chinese name is not good...

  • Reyes 2023-08-31 19:33:31

    Uber Crisis 2019.10.18 Asan and the Brawny?

  • Reyes 2023-08-15 23:32:49

    Budget: 175 million First weekend box office: 15.37 million North American box office: 39.17 million Global box office: 148.67 million Release date: 17.05.12 Release week: 10 weeks : 3 Publisher: Warner Bros.

  • Reyes 2023-08-07 19:50:08

    Episode 3 TAT Iwasawa TAT

  • Reyes 2023-08-05 06:59:16

    Excessive pursuit of picture quality leads to the feeling of some CG animation patchwork, and the processing at the end also unabashedly borrows the model of "Hero". However, the casting of the film is perfect, the plot is hearty and vivid. When the crossing colors are too prominent, they quickly use history to complement each other. The pursuit of stunts and the sublimation of enmity into righteousness have carried out a technical and emotional balance. In contrast, this is a film worthy of learning from China's so-called blockbuster directors. Who said there are no blockbusters in Asia.

  • Reyes 2023-07-27 03:36:58

    In the Bible, day and light represent Christ, while night and darkness represent Satan. In the title of the film, "Satan" and "Sunshine" are juxtaposed and mixed together, which seems to imply that people's life in the world is to be constantly involved in the struggle between God and Satan. Satan's victory in the world is acquiesced by God. "Evil" can be expressed as the hatred, murder and suicide of the girl Mushayt; it can also be planted in the heart of a devout priest, allowing him to show Satanism in an arrogant manner. fanaticism and a seemingly godlike dislike of pleasure. The film generally retains the plot of the novel version, focusing on the use of light and shadow, and the highlight moment of the whole film is the death of the priest in the confession room. He's dead in sin, with a gleam of light on his cheeks in the dark, and this is about the only time in the film that he's not completely in the dark. The inner transformations and struggles of the characters are covered in large sections of dialogue in the film. The stage-style long shots and details of the lines are too verbose, making it a bit tiring to watch, like a thesis film.

  • Reyes 2023-07-22 03:33:17

    Anti-fighting dog, anti-abuse dog. It hurts to see.

  • Reyes 2023-07-21 03:13:33

    Thoughtful but mediocre in tension, the idea of ​​everything that doesn't work out has the shadow of Doom Patrol, but it's not as dark, and it's not as terrifying as DC's imagination. I still want to see the true face of the black-bellied stepfather

  • Reyes 2023-07-10 06:36:37

    The nostalgic adventure movie of the Brooklyn boy playing the bad guy doesn't seem to be suitable for Chinese people to watch~~~

  • Reyes 2023-07-05 02:33:19

    The old couple's (loving) affection, illness, and deathbed are told in a journey through a journey, showing their crisis, dependence and final dignity, and the revealing of secrets makes their relationship more intimate. However, there is too much idle writing in the play, and it is constantly creating conflicts in the organization of events. Fortunately, there are old dramas who perform movingly, including Dick Gregory, who appeared for the last time.