Viviane Bailey

Viviane Bailey



  • Smallfoot Smallfoot

    Viviane 2022-03-21 09:02:45

    just some thoughts

    This movie is the best movie I've seen recently. After watching it, I'm really enlightened and understand the phrase "Always question everything u see and hear" that university teachers often say. It must be the truth of things. You must have the courage to find the truth of things and not live under white lies Method to express from the beginning of the film the director has expressed the yeti's perception of their world through the story of the snail sun and cloud island, and then also...

  • The Bow The Bow

    Viviane 2022-03-20 09:02:43


    Since I watched <> alone in the middle of the night a few days ago, I haven't made any comments. It's
    not that I'm lazy, but I'm afraid.
    The whole process of watching the movie has been inexplicable excitement, thousands of feelings,
    but in the end But I can't say anything, because it is wrong to say it.
    I just remember: the innocent smiling face of the girl; the sad music; the dazzling clothes at the end...
    There are hundreds of movies at hand that I haven't seen...

  • Brexit Brexit

    Viviane 2022-03-20 09:02:41

    Play and Farce

    As a loyal fan of BC, it is not easy to endure watching this show, especially when I just watched "Stuart Rewind Life" and "The Third Star" a few days ago, and I was young In the case of the beauty... well, yeah, it's only one episode but it's still a drama, and I'm surprised too.

    I believe that almost everyone knows that Brexit has become a farce. There is a lot of noise in the UK (it seems to understand why this is a drama), and people all over the world are eating melons...

  • Twilight Twilight

    Viviane 2022-03-20 09:01:07

    I don't understand you, I love you more

    Compared with "Four Hundred Years of Thrilling", "Twilight" is not a thrilling movie. Edward the vampire falls in love with his new female classmate Bella. She has the same cold face and the same look in his eyes. The most important thing is that he, who has the ability to read the mind, can't read Bella's heart.

    I love you if I don't understand you.

    [Original link, welcome to leave a message: ]

    Yes, yes. If you have...

  • Rise of the Guardians Rise of the Guardians

    Viviane 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    The story is cliché, but as innocent as ever

    Just finished watching this movie.

    To be honest, it was boring at first. The whole film is said to be a 3D group of How to Train Your Dragon. To be honest, I only saw that the snowflakes are 3D.

    There are basically children around. holding popcorn. Creep, creak,

    there's a scene where Jack falls from a tree. Unexpectedly, all the children in the audience laughed. As a 20-year-old who loves watching animated movies and prides himself on protecting his innocence, I...

  • The Thing The Thing

    Viviane 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    At that time, such a movie could be made

    As a 1982 movie, "Strange Shape" was able to create such a vivid and intimidating monster image at the time, which is truly breathtaking. "Alien" in 1976 and "Weird Shape" in 1982. In that era when there were no special effects of "fifty cents", through a series of scenes and props and the wonderful acting skills of the actors, they opened up the classic science fiction horror monster theme. Had a far-reaching impact. Today, future generations of science fiction, horror and monster movies...

  • RED 2 RED 2

    Viviane 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    as usual

    Now I have a headache when I stare at electronic devices for a while, and I also have a headache when I watch this movie. In the past, Hu Da seemed to always say that he had a headache.
    I had a headache and even more sleepiness when I saw half of it. It may also be the reason for leaning on the bed and watching.
    I originally wanted to write something, but I forgot about it, and my memory is really getting worse and worse.
    The actors in this movie are all very good, the lovely...

  • Uncut Gems Uncut Gems

    Viviane 2022-03-16 09:01:03

    Advocate civilization and put an end to gambling - "Rough Diamond"

    Advocate civilization and put an end to gambling - "Rough Diamond"

    Today, let's talk about the movie "Rough Diamond".

    Title Uncut Gems (2019), alias Uncut...

  • Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

    Viviane 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    There is more than enough to be cool, but not enough to rob the grave

    Julie's famous film, although it seems that her style is a bit earthy now, but you can imagine how explosive and handsome this style was in 2001!

    The character of Laura lacks some of the cuteness of "saving the cat": Laura is a person without weaknesses, and the film is basically played from beginning to end, and there is no obvious change in the character of Laura (only one beginning refuses to be feminine). Dressed up, except for a skirt at the end, but the process of this change was...

  • My Golden Days My Golden Days

    Viviane 2022-03-07 08:01:48

    There are only three memories in our youth

    When we reach middle age, we are forced to recall our youth, and when we find that our youth is nothing but memories and loneliness, we may be at a loss, we may wave our hands and deceive ourselves and say, "Forget it, those are all over anyway. ”. Arnaud Desplechin's film "Three Memories of Youth" is now being shown at the Beijing Film Festival and is also on the schedule of the French Cultural Center, so for such a film with a new wave color, the editor decided to keep it simple...

  • Deathwatch Deathwatch

    Viviane 2022-02-20 08:02:39

    Don't believe in "science"

    I don’t remember when I watched popular science such as battlefield hallucinations and supervising howls. I only remember that it was described in a desperate situation. As long as someone is overstressed and suffers a psychological breakdown, other people will be easily infected. This caused a wide range of violence.
    To put it bluntly, it’s a similar situation for Juvenile Pie. Many people have analyzed the so-called teeth on the island, implying that Pie ate the corpse, but in other...

  • All That Jazz All That Jazz

    Viviane 2022-01-29 08:08:19

    The subtext is: I don't want to die

    This is a song and dance film with narcissism and self-deprecation as the main tone, telling the story of a rambunctious song and dance director who died in his own way. "Smoke so many cigarettes, drink so much alcohol, engage in so many women, I knew there would be retribution." It is said that this film can be called the foresight autobiography of director Fox, and the content described in the film became ten years after its release. reality. In addition to the promiscuous women whom he has...

  • A Dirty Carnival A Dirty Carnival

    Viviane 2022-01-24 08:01:40

    For Bingdou

    I watched "Despicable Street" quickly, more or less looking at the cruelty of the gang, wanting to shock my nerves with bloody and cold things.
        The names of the Koreans who flashed throughout the film didn’t remember much, but I remembered the words of Bing Dou and his younger brother when he was educating his younger brother, “Even if the gang is starved to death, they must rely on their self-esteem. Once they discard their self-esteem, they are a hooligan. "I found that I didn't get...

  • Red Desert Red Desert

    Viviane 2022-01-18 08:01:26

    Fashion classics in the red desert-just a feeling

    I admit that the reason why I sold this disc from a video store and watched it with 200% patience was all to study the costume of the heroine.
    As for the ideological and artistic value of the film, its outstanding position in the history of modern film has little to do with me. Here, I don’t want and have no ability to discuss it. What I see is only the wonderful colors and mysteriousness of the film. Monica Witty.

    Italians are natural tailors and singers, just as Germans are...

  • Camp X-Ray Camp X-Ray

    Viviane 2022-01-11 08:01:55

    In this human struggle, there is no winner.

    The first impression is very depressing. K was dispatched to the Guantanamo Bay Prison as a recruit, like a child entering the world, feeling fresh about everything, believing in the past, and opening a new chapter in his life with the vision of "do something right, something good".

    However, the longer I stay, the more I feel that things are not as I imagined. The people in the cell are not called...

  • Viviane 2023-09-29 22:17:57

    Fabulous! Why are Monty Python movies so funny?

  • Viviane 2023-09-14 23:49:42

    The heroine's last performance is classic

  • Viviane 2023-09-11 22:03:52

    Logic high score... Matsuoka voice high score...

  • Viviane 2023-08-23 12:53:05

    I feel like my life can be divided into pre-daftpunk and post-daftpunk love shep

  • Viviane 2023-07-29 08:37:00

    Is the heroine really like a blushing lead singer in puberty? I'm probably the only one who doesn't like the heroine so give Park Seo Joon one star

  • Viviane 2023-06-20 10:38:58

    Saw it at Hans' house. It happens to be a movie with a gay plot. Julianne Moore plays the wife of a same-sex affair in conservative-minded America in the 1950s, who happens to have feelings for a black gardener. Gossip is terrifying, and it has brought a series of psychological trauma to her.

  • Viviane 2023-06-19 12:17:21

    People who have experienced life and death, in the face of ordinary life, can naturally handle their girlfriends with equanimity.

  • Viviane 2023-06-14 00:48:31

    It looks like it was supposed to be a ghost & a hot girl, but unfortunately the rendering effect is mediocre. In other words, I quite like the Cult bus at the beginning.

  • Viviane 2023-06-09 12:58:38

    There is no charm at all, the rhythm is a mess, the screenwriter is in a mess, the digging holes are not filled, the foreshadowing should not be made, and the greed is not enough. In the meaningless crazy flashbacks and mysteries, suspense is not suspenseful, thriller is not thrilling, narrative is not narrative, audio-visual is not audio-visual, and there is only a ridiculous pretense from beginning to end.

  • Viviane 2023-05-22 21:33:07

    It's all because of norm, but who can tell me what kind of bird situation is in episode 8, super 2

  • Viviane 2023-05-20 22:24:42

    False political propaganda does not help people stay away from war. Anyone who advertises knows how fake it is, and the shooting techniques are meh. ball ball, you have to watch the political propaganda to see the victory of the will, okay?

  • Viviane 2023-05-12 02:29:28

    On 6.5, the commander reneged on his promise while despising the fact that his subordinates were no different from barbarians. But this is actually the truth of the fact that the Americans have been robbing large tracts of land in the West.

  • Viviane 2023-05-07 21:23:41

    The rating is so low... Personally, I think the filming is very good. The acting skills of the two actors are simply too natural. The pacing of the clips is also good. It doesn't feel like pornography, because there is no color, it's more of love.

  • Viviane 2023-04-30 08:23:28

    Lovely film, hilarious for the most part, but still very sentimental at the end. . .

  • Viviane 2023-04-22 02:20:44

    For music, for dreams