Yvonne Smitham

Yvonne Smitham



  • The Hummingbird Project The Hummingbird Project

    Yvonne 2022-12-29 11:17:34

    time is the theme of the movie

    Is time money? A millisecond gap can generate billions of value on Wall Street. It seems that time is money. Then why is the farmer featured in the movie using primitive horses and human to carry? And why are several rich bosses intriguing for a few milliseconds and no one has a good result in the end?

    Speed ​​can not be measured only by time, as said in the play: only 16 milliseconds of time can also be like living 100 years. Interests can't represent everything. What is nobler than...

  • La Belle Époque La Belle Époque

    Yvonne 2022-12-22 22:15:33

    the meaning of time

    I've been terrified countless times about the passage of time

    Especially when you know you're having the best time and you're overwhelmed

    I'm worried that in a few years, I will forget my whole youth or be frustrated by mediocrity

    People always don't cherish the present, people are not as good as new, and all the good is attributed to the first acquaintance

    At the same time, humans also bear huge fears that other creatures do not need to consider.

    Afraid of...

  • American Murder: The Family Next Door American Murder: The Family Next Door

    Yvonne 2022-12-20 06:10:32

    The horror of reality is always beyond imagination

    This is definitely the scariest horror movie I've ever seen.

    Because this is what really happened, and it comes from the real world in which you and I live.

    When I saw the second half, "what the fuck" was echoing in my head.

    Put aside all the discussion about marriage,

    The discussion itself is a kind of chaos.

    I want to explore more, how to find such a demon in reality.

  • Elephant Elephant

    Yvonne 2022-12-17 14:35:23

    Each of us is a sick child

    If I hadn't come to auntie, I would never have finished watching this movie.

    The camera is very slow and slow, just in line with my feeling of painless pain.

    The boy in the camera is very dazzling, so I always thought he was the protagonist, but the director did not let him monopolize the film, but depicted more people of all kinds in adolescence.

    For example, the three beauty-loving girls complained about the restraints of their parents,...

  • Blindspotting Blindspotting

    Yvonne 2022-12-05 21:33:36

    In 2018, the good is good, the bad is still bad

    An apple, showing signs of rot the size of a thumb cap on the skin, seemed to be able to continue tasting by scooping it out with a knife. It seems that the pulp of other parts is still intact, but what is happening in those places that we cannot see with the naked eye?

    Dreadlocks are the nigga that is constantly ravaged by racism and resists self-rot. He has little gold teeth and is white.

    "If I really thought nigga was discriminatory and insulting, how could I call you black...

  • Journey into Night Journey into Night

    Yvonne 2022-12-03 17:35:34

    "Westworld" S02E04: A person's life is the process of pursuing oneself

    There is such a story in ancient Greek myths and legends: a human-faced sphinx named Sphinx is stationed at the gate of the ancient city of Thebes. Anyone passing by must guess her riddle, and if they guess wrong, they will be punished. eat. The riddle is "What animal walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?" The answer to the riddle is precisely humans. We all know that a person needs to go through three stages: childhood, middle age and old age: when we...

  • Le renard et l'enfant Le renard et l'enfant

    Yvonne 2022-11-08 13:23:47

    Love is about giving and giving, not about giving you ownership of the other person. Once requested, once bound, it is actually a form of blackmail in disguise. You know, love is not possession, but freedom and companionship.

    The film introduces a childish and lovely little girl, Kare, who grows up in a natural and rustic landscape. One day on the way to school, she came across a fox that was catching a field mouse. The girl was fascinated by the beautiful fox and hoped to see it again.

    From autumn to winter, the girl has been looking for where she saw the fox. Spring is the season for fox...

  • The Guardians The Guardians

    Yvonne 2022-11-03 22:32:24

    Only the special effects, the value of the ending song, can't be more

    First, one star for special effects. After all, in addition to Hollywood blockbusters, if there are such special effects production, the old hair can do it, at least not domestically.
          Then, one star is given to the face value. The most impressive thing is the beginning. The slow motion picture of the pseudo-Persian prince pulling out the double-moon scimitar is so handsome! There are also all kinds of long-legged girls in the film.
          The last star is given to the ending...

  • Bad Times at the El Royale Bad Times at the El Royale

    Yvonne 2022-10-18 21:25:28

    The main dish is not fragrant, and no matter how good the accessories are, it will not stand the test of time.

    The director wants to express too much and lacks the ability to control, which is the final effect of this film.

    It can be seen that he is trying hard to get closer to the classic movies with multi-line structures such as pulp fiction. Parts of the chapters stand out on their own, but when put together they lack coherence. Indulging in the overwhelming little details but forgetting the theme that the core of the film wants to express, not only makes the work fall into an embarrassing...

  • The Face of Another The Face of Another

    Yvonne 2022-10-08 18:55:25

    you are the mask

    "The mask lives on your body every day.
    A face that can be taken off.
    A world without family, friends, or enemies.
    No crime, because there will be no criminals.
    No one will desire freedom, because we will all be free .
    No one will run away because there will be nowhere for them to escape.
    Loneliness and friendship will be one.
    There will be no duty of trust between people, no guesswork and betrayal."

    Above is the Doctor in the tavern The dialogue,...

  • Seven Days in May Seven Days in May

    Yvonne 2022-10-03 15:10:30

    [Excerpt of Highlights] HMV-Seven Days in May

    HMV Exclusive commemorative Blu-ray, plastic box jacket hard paper box, a poster & four postcards included; extras include the commentary soundtrack and trailer recorded for the DVD version by director John Frankenheimer in 2000

    I have to complain about this terrible subtitle... I don't know if it is the same as Warner's own US version. Not to mention the capital letters, it is often a second or two behind the...

  • The Shield The Shield

    Yvonne 2022-10-01 19:13:05

    Human nature and the impotence of reality

    You think you have the next second might lose
    you never get to do everything possible you want to get

    a chain of clues and proof of this is the story all

    work exhausted the means of preservation and possible salary just to get black money supply ex-wife and children to autism
    , but his ex-wife could easily put a message telling myself Vic boyfriend Dutch
    can only provoke a Kav askance prosecutors to give up all the things Vic and told him
    to save...

  • Flying Swords of Dragon Gate Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

    Yvonne 2022-09-21 23:24:59

    Longmen flying armor, really fake

    "Dragon Gate Flying Armor " is good,

    it 's good A pregnant woman and a group of people ran to Longmen, let alone the West Factory. They are really awesome. They ran from Nanjing to Longmen. They are

    really close to Longmen. Ah, it turns out that there is such a noble love between the opposite sex, but Nima she is alive and

    alive Ah, I also helped Li Daxia as a mistress. Xun Xun took the clothes. You said that you can't use Xiaomei and Chen Kun. I...

  • Big Fish & Begonia Big Fish & Begonia

    Yvonne 2022-09-16 16:16:03

    There's a vaguely gay feeling of remaking the world

    Why do you say that. . .

    Everyone has seen the female protagonist without Mimi, and everyone has seen that the male protagonist is so good-looking. It feels like the gay creator and classmates forcibly LGBT, and brought their love of Zhengtai's aesthetics into the work.

    Looking at the relationship between Brother Songzi and Brother Zhu Rong, the child asked "Brother Zhu Rong, aren't you with Brother Songzi today?" I feel like the village of their relationship knows it, oh...

  • Man on the Moon Man on the Moon

    Yvonne 2022-09-13 06:10:44

    The Interactive Fusion of Carnival Dreamland and Absurd Reality

    Audiovisual language This is a biopic with a sense of play and absurdity. With stylized audio-visual, combined with grotesque performance techniques and narrative angles, it leads the audience to walk back and forth in the two emotions of sorrow and joy, intertwined between dreams and reality, ingeniously showing the short-lived but short-lived comedian Andy Kaufman The legendary life makes people feel like they have experienced a grand and tricky carnival, full of impact. The protagonist...

  • Yvonne 2023-06-05 22:32:38

    @Not recommended to show it to my daughter in the future, of course, to watch Walken

  • Yvonne 2023-06-05 15:08:13

    The combination of Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg is getting stronger: From "Lone Survivor" four years ago to last year's "Deep Sea" to this year's "Patriot's Day," every one is real Event adaptation, each one is full of American themes - each one is wonderful! The group portrait scene at the beginning echoes the ending at the end of the film, and it also achieves a moving effect. PS: The street fight in the block was pretty cool~

  • Yvonne 2023-06-04 23:29:16

    Children's stories do have older people playing them. The beginning of the bridge and the final confession are interesting.

  • Yvonne 2023-06-03 18:13:22

    Netflix's first... What's wrong with me?

  • Yvonne 2023-05-31 13:47:06

    There is an eye-catching beginning, and I also feel that it is really challenging for the male protagonist of "Gossip Girl" to play such a role. But it started to get weak after three episodes, and the fourth episode was really boring. The major problem was probably that the heroine couldn't be portrayed properly. Although the fourth episode increased the ability of the father and her to write, it was too weak. So is it a perfect match for the male protagonist, who is a pervert who wants to take one step at a time, and the female character who is struggling on both sides without reaching the shore? There's still a second season, so I'm not interested. Abandoned after four episodes

  • Yvonne 2023-05-30 17:13:07

    I started watching this show after the sixth season of Bones. It feels too similar to bones, but Peter obviously doesn't have the style of booth, and the forensic anthropologist doesn't have the professional sense of that forensic anthropologist at all. Doctor Hunt is so overwhelmed by external and internal feelings that the entire show loses the thrilling and professional feel of a professional crime drama

  • Yvonne 2023-05-25 12:32:16

    The Affleck family are all rubbish

  • Yvonne 2023-05-07 07:19:58

    Darren continues to tell the story of humanity, and it still doesn't disappoint. That's the story of Mother Earth from the Old Testament to the New Testament, where the covered scars in that house are signs of the current state of ecology [but don't expect Mother Nature to revive you every time]. Those who only see the immigration issue and slap them in the face, the pattern can only be so small.

  • Yvonne 2023-05-04 19:42:38

    Re-watching the works before the new wave, Renoir's status may not be shaken, but Viggo must be a director who needs to be re-examined. If the new wave teenagers inherited the realistic shooting techniques from the former, then their core should benefit from the latter. The rebellious spirit and left-wing stance in the film are undoubtedly in the new wave teenagers' debut and 68 years of politics. Undoubtedly revealed in a batch of films produced during the turmoil. However, upon closer inspection of the text, the authoritarian presentation represented by schools seems to be limited to the presentation of facebooks, and focuses on the subversive behavior of these "system destroyers". In the end, they climbed and stopped abruptly, suspending the harsh reality of the post-revolution. An idealized romantic hymn.

  • Yvonne 2023-05-03 07:57:31

    I just watched it after I got back from Amsterdam~ I don't think it's too scary-________-''

  • Yvonne 2023-04-28 22:26:10

    130 minutes of drama, 10 minutes of air combat, it is indeed easy to make people drowsy. .

  • Yvonne 2023-04-27 09:23:44

    First time seeing so many ugly Germans gathered together.

  • Yvonne 2023-04-13 23:54:08

    Laomei's Chicken Soup for the Soul is not bad.

  • Yvonne 2023-04-08 06:39:38

    How will you balance work and family? …

  • Yvonne 2023-03-21 08:02:46

    80's - There are no words that better sum up everything I've seen and heard. That unsullied quality, just like Hughes' films, is reminiscent of the feeling of holding pure fine sand in the palm of your hand: rough and smooth, hot and cold. When it passes from the hand, it will make people feel a hopeless sense of nostalgia in their hearts.