Monroe Wiza

Monroe Wiza



  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

    Monroe 2022-03-23 09:01:23


    There is nothing in the world that a watch cannot solve. If there is, then two. ——The Man from UNCLE
    "Secret Agent", also known as "Spy War" (Hong Kong), "Gentleman's Secret Order" (Taiwan), the agent from the Uncle Bureau. Okay, the word spy doesn't seem so neutral, probably because I was influenced by too many domestic spy movies since I was a child. The words of the two male protagonists and gentlemen are really a bit pretentious. I prefer to call them Uncle Bureau rather than Uncle...

  • The Last Laugh The Last Laugh

    Monroe 2022-03-22 09:02:39

    Silent film virgin watch

    It was the first time I watched a silent film in the theater: I didn’t dare to let out a sound, but I could hear the sound of the entertainment blockbuster next door, and the Shanghainese that the projection master spoke when changing the film on the second floor was very clear, which made me dream of going back to the Paradise Cinema; silent film The white powder on the faces of the actors of the era is too thick, reminiscent of old Shanghai movies; Murnau is worthy of the German film...

  • Prison Break: The Final Break Prison Break: The Final Break

    Monroe 2022-03-22 09:02:35


    It feels a bit superfluous. The 4 seasons of Prison Break have been good for a few times. In the last episode, everyone may be a little surprised by the disappearance of M, but in fact, it is not difficult to understand after watching the whole drama. This special article did two things: first, it was edited as a kind of game. Men's prisons have been played, now let's go to women's prisons; the second is to explain the disappearance of M.
    I feel that the special chapter is dedicated to...

  • Before We Go Before We Go

    Monroe 2022-03-22 09:02:09

    Chris Evans' love letter to fans

    In the middle of the night, there is such a silly, white, sweet, warm man who accompanies you all night without sleep and goes all over New York to find your wallet. He is mad at each other with money, and he will listen to your husband's derailment and act as a spiritual mentor to enlighten and relieve you. Chris Evans's directorial debut is about two young people who are worried and tired and meet in New York's Grand Central Station to spend a night...

  • Crank: High Voltage Crank: High Voltage

    Monroe 2022-03-22 09:01:41

    To paraphrase a popular 2008 phrase: very pornographic and violent

    From crank to crank2, this series is full of gangsters, violence, sex, all kinds of things, just letting people release a kind of pressure and find pleasure. As statham said in the ambulance, it feels very high!
    From the beginning of chalio, it was just charging from the car battery, then "rubbing", high voltage charging, etc., gradually brought you to orgasm, Statham removed very The person among the traffickers who had to suit out no matter how hard they fought became Xiaoqiang who was...

  • Sunshine Sunshine

    Monroe 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    dust of history

    A film ruined by the title; Ralph Fiennes starred for three hours; through the fate of five generations of a family, tells how politics affects everyone's fate through the times, and the Jews are undoubtedly the most manipulated by the times, because they are forever It is the most unacceptable social group by any country or political party. They are always on the cusp of the storm and are displaced, so this is a good angle; in order to be accepted, the third generation changed their...

  • U-571 U-571

    Monroe 2022-03-21 09:01:57

    make a hard decision

    what about their lives? . would you be willing to sacrifice his life? Or what about some of the younger enlisted men? A lot of those guys look up to you like a big brother, you willing to lay their lives on the line? You hesitate, but as a captain , you can't. You have to act. If you don't, you put the entire crew at risk. Now that's a job. It is not a science. You have to be able to make hard decisions based on the imperfect information . Asking men to carry out orders that may result in...

  • In Bruges In Bruges

    Monroe 2022-03-21 09:01:12

    The killer has no vacation In Bruges, my personal understanding

    In the movie In Bruges, a central word is principle. When it comes to this movie, in a word familiar to Chinese people, it means meaning, and in a word familiar to Westerners, it means knighthood, which means chivalry. For these principles of life, they have given their lives.
      For a righteous word, Ken spared his life to protect his friend Ray. Facing the situation where loyalty cannot be compromised, he chose loyalty on the tower. Give up resistance. Of course, for the fat Ken,...

  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

    Monroe 2022-03-21 09:01:02

    The end

    The final chapter is indeed the best in the series. Although the previous story with the indigenous people is a bit long, the final battle is still very exciting. The episode where Luck rescued polo made me really worried. Why didn’t Luck bring lightsaber to save people, nothing, empty-handed, but when he appeared, Jedi’s cloak looked a little domineering and controlled the spirit of others. This surprised me! This kid grows up very fast. It's a pity that the rescue process is too cumbersome....

  • Avatar Avatar

    Monroe 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    All people who do big things should be as persistent as Cameron

    Original name: "All the Secrets about Avatar"

    Translator: Smile of the Sea Meilan Sky

    In 1977, 22-year-old truck driver James Cameron went to watch "Star Wars" with a guy. The friend was intoxicated by the movie and couldn't extricate himself; Cameron left the cinema to vent his boxing. He is a college dropout who drives school meals in Orange County in Southern California all day long. But in his spare time, he draws small models and writes science fiction...

  • Dallas Buyers Club Dallas Buyers Club

    Monroe 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    "I'm dying"

    "I'm dying." There is nothing more painful than this sentence.
      These two days have been full of news from Malaysia’s missing Airline. I can’t imagine the cruel mood of the family members who are waiting at Beijing Airport. I can’t help thinking, which one is more painful in the end, tormented by illness and accident?
      This thought passed by, but I immediately realized that as long as the face is death, it doesn't matter what the process is, because that is the most painful....

  • Chocolat Chocolat

    Monroe 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    i love chocolate

    I love chocolate
    and the warmth of those chocolates
    I love comedy
    and those happy endings
    I believe in what my eyes see and what my
    ears hear
    what my tongue tastes I believe in myself I believe in my

    How amazing the world of chocolate is
    Those created are always beyond imagination.
    If there happens to be a person who can guess your favorite flavor in one sentence,
    will you believe that there is a miracle in this world?...

  • The Big Lebowski The Big Lebowski

    Monroe 2022-03-18 09:01:01


    Hippies, alcoholics, avant-garde artists, down-and-coming rich people, Vietnam War veterans, A-film actresses, these people make up the big lebowski's luxurious lineup. It's hard to think of it. I have always admired this way of telling stories. On the surface, things are calm, but things have gone farther and farther in the direction of absurdity and unpredictability, which is unexpected and exciting. In addition, combined with the super bad that I saw in the previous two days, I have...

  • Enchanted Enchanted

    Monroe 2022-03-16 09:01:03

    A crossover between fairy tales and reality~

    Going to see this movie for Mr.Greaming, I didn't have any expectations, but the whole movie feels ok. Anyway, it's also produced by Disney, i am a big girl~i trust disney.
       Real people are too boring and busy , why don't you call the princess' song and dance farce to relax. The princess travel part of the whole song and dance drama gives people a relaxed feeling. I haven't tried this kind of coziness for a long time. It's very comfortable~ The
       unexpected ending changed my usual...

  • Leaves of Grass Leaves of Grass

    Monroe 2022-03-02 08:01:41

    Steve Earle--Lonely are the Free

    The closing credits of "Leaves of Grass" that brought me to tears at the end, with Steve Earl on old kapok guitar and hoarse voice -- are as meaningful as the title: loneliness is freedom.
    As I get older, fortunately, my troubles seem to be less and less. Unfortunately, sometimes I always feel down, and a feeling as thin as a thread keeps dangling in my mind.

    Not every good movie has resonant music, Steve sang it. Just like when you are sad, you just want to hear Faye Wong's...

  • Monroe 2023-09-29 00:13:52

    Wtf... First time watching in US cinema, first time watching raw meat. I wanted to watch thriller, but ended up watching 2 hours of dialogues. The point is that the screenwriter thinks that with an "idea" that split personality is the source of superpowers, everything is there. But in fact, you need logic and more details to support one of your ideas.

  • Monroe 2023-09-26 05:56:43

    2.5. Stahelski's action scenes are by far the best part of this music video style mess and narrative disaster.

  • Monroe 2023-09-25 04:16:23

    This zombie movie is quite "human"

  • Monroe 2023-09-01 07:23:26

    A group of Irish soldiers, sent to Congo as a UN peacekeeper during the Cold War, fought a desperate war between the United States and the Soviet Union. The low-cost war scenes were well shot, but under the complex political situation, the helpless and helpless little people who "do not know who to fight for" did not dig deeply, so it became a mere formal war action film, which is also consistent with netflix. Web drama style.

  • Monroe 2023-08-11 12:47:52

    13. Katedra The Cathedral, 2002 r. Tomek Baginski;CG动画

  • Monroe 2023-08-09 15:34:06

    181007 Baidu Cloud mp4, 1.12G. Very general, creative, story, acting.

  • Monroe 2023-08-05 17:55:51

    The tomato sauce is really hard. Self-love to a certain extent.

  • Monroe 2023-08-03 00:37:10

    Good night and good luck dialogue with Nixon The main news event itself has enough charm, as long as you can be as calm and restrained as reporting the news, you can achieve a good enough work

  • Monroe 2023-07-25 22:05:22

    Similar to a Streetcar Named Desire, a duo of violence and grace

  • Monroe 2023-07-25 12:10:28

    Suddenly I feel that sometimes a movie is a book, some you like and some you don't like, some magnificent, some ordinary life, sometimes it just can't attract you, but you can't deny its meaning, but you can't get most of it People's approval, so the box office will not be good, and gradually the type will decline.

  • Monroe 2023-07-25 05:47:49

    The empty tent is left over from the past family, the past and the present are intertwined, and the narrative is the only place to stand out.

  • Monroe 2023-07-23 11:53:12

    The first season was okay, and the plot of the next three seasons was bad. . . Beautiful and handsome guys were wasted in vain. . .

  • Monroe 2023-06-27 12:59:46

    delete delete delete!

  • Monroe 2023-06-26 05:01:12

    Chris Evans is a hilarious and affectionate kiwi

  • Monroe 2023-06-20 08:05:52

    Inexplicably with joy