Freddy Feest

Freddy Feest



  • Season of the Witch Season of the Witch

    Freddy 2021-12-15 08:01:01


    "Keep fighting until all the enemies of God fall!"
    "Have you ever thought about how many enemies God has? It's not easy to want to be his friend."

    I swear to God, but not to kill in his name.

    The church is a place of oppression.

    Witches are very deceptive.

    Some good things will happen, but you have to find them in bad things.

    We only believe what we are willing to believe.

    Compared with thousands of people, what are four...

  • All About My Mother All About My Mother

    Freddy 2021-12-13 08:01:09

    Everything about our mother

    I heard that Almodovar was because of a friend in college. I remember it was a post on the forum that discussed the director who had the most influence on him. She was talking about Almodovar, saying that he influenced the perception of her own female identity. I just wanted to see the work of this Spanish director who had only heard the name before.

        I don't want to talk about the bright and rich colors and the gentle, soothing and slightly sad music in the film. They certainly...

  • Just Like Heaven Just Like Heaven

    Freddy 2021-12-12 08:01:14

    I wanna be in that tremendous heaven, too...

    Before choosing this movie, I didn't know the specific content of the movie. I just thought that Reese Witherspoon's romantic comedy is definitely My Style, so just watch it and kill the time.
    The concept of the movie is obviously clichéd, the entanglement of people and ghosts, the 180-degree transformation that hates each other to attract each other, the perfect ending of a happy reunion, the pairing of handsome guys and beautiful women...all the entertainment elements are used....

  • Sister Act Sister Act

    Freddy 2021-12-09 08:01:25

    Very impressive film

    I saw the film many years ago, but I was very impressed.
        I still remember that it was watched on TV (please forgive me for using such a cheap way, because I didn’t expect it to be so interesting). I didn’t know about nuns. I thought the life of nuns should be very mysterious and boring. In the madness, we really saw a group of crazy, bloody nuns with their own thoughts. Their behavior and language made me amazed, this group of American nuns. . . It's amazing.
        I really like...

  • The Night of the Hunter The Night of the Hunter

    Freddy 2021-12-08 08:01:39

    [Psychoanalysis and Movies] Hunter’s Night

    In the modern industrialized society, we don't need God. Science has brought the development of science and technology, and machines satisfy our material pursuit. How much human beings think that it is possible to move towards an ideal life in this way, to reach a utopian state in which the ultimate development of science brings complete material satisfaction and complete spiritual comfort. So we abandoned God, because the turmoil of war and the economic depression made us completely...

  • Under the Skin Under the Skin

    Freddy 2021-11-29 08:01:21

    Under the skin is desire, desire is weakness, and if there is weakness, it becomes the target of hunting.

    The movie "Under the Skin" tells the story of how an alien woman turns from a hunter into a hunted one. The cause of this transformation of the alien girl is that she has human emotions and desires.

    To prove this point, we need to describe this transformation process a little bit. Alien women must wear human skins to make simple contact with humans. The purpose of contact is to hunt humans, and hunting humans is to obtain the nourishment for survival. At the beginning, she...

  • Adventureland Adventureland

    Freddy 2021-11-29 08:01:18

    Plain youth

    Under the strong driving force of the nympho, I watched the old film "Adventure Land". I have been short of interest in this movie before. I watched super bad, but I didn’t have a good impression. I didn’t like the actor. I saw At the time of the poster, I mistakenly thought that it was the male lead again, and I thought enough. In fact, just look at them now. Of course, my dear Jesse is more cute, more natural, more pure and pure... (the adjective 500 words are deleted below) The...

  • Carlito's Way Carlito's Way

    Freddy 2021-10-22 14:31:12

    escape to paradise, live in the hell

    If it wasn't for Sean Penn, who I like, to star in, I wouldn't want to watch this botched movie. It is botched because the story is simple and confusing. It is neither like the panoramic description of family crime inheritance in "The Godfather", nor does it see the deep digging and accusation of gangs. Some are just rough imitations of "The Godfather." Adding a little description of the depravity of a black lawyer, Al Pacino's old-style boss background and loyal love can only be...

  • Freddy 2023-09-03 19:43:14

    "Revolution" is always unavoidable "blood sacrifice".

  • Freddy 2023-08-21 21:35:32

    The French are really open enough. . Couples can fuck. . From the movie, the two people use each other a bit, one editor and one writer. . Movies are boring. .

  • Freddy 2023-08-17 03:59:19

    Freud's psychoanalytic theory reappears

  • Freddy 2023-07-18 12:16:50

    Basically relying on the lines, but this line didn't feel anything to me, so I couldn't accept shooting a 90-minute subject for two and a half hours -- maybe because I thought it was an exploitative film because of the name, my psychological expectations were not right.

  • Freddy 2023-07-10 14:09:58

    The audience observes the two male protagonists from the perspective of the female protagonist. From this perspective, misleading and suspenseful can be said, but when the female protagonist is not present, the two male protagonists are still misleading the audience, which is very boring... Not to mention Originally, the story is almost like no, and the suspense is so thin that it is almost transparent

  • Freddy 2023-07-04 08:26:02

    The dislocation of mother and daughter roles, as well as the mutual projection of actor/screenwriter identity and life, enrich the story. An unforgettable scene is that the camera quickly pans with Binoche to the mother-daughter frame, and the words of snakes and scorpions, jealousy, and grudge are all shattered by the tender core. The play within the play is unique and the actresses are all beautiful.

  • Freddy 2023-07-01 21:51:20

    Watching it with my family, we were so moved, hallelujah!

  • Freddy 2023-06-17 19:12:43

    The pain that can be expressed is not pain, so Hong Sangxiu uses the heroine to express anger, remorse and regret, but it is just a sophistry to whitewash introspection. Kim Min-hee obviously saw through all of this, and ignored his tricks, instead of becoming a speaker for his confession, only showing the helplessness of alienation. I believe this is why Hong Sang Soo fell in love with her and won the Berlin Actress. They may never understand each other's loneliness, but no one can deny that they are deeply in love.

  • Freddy 2023-06-17 11:01:04

    The logic is a bit confusing. The white elf is simply the predecessor of Avatar, ha

  • Freddy 2023-06-15 14:33:21

    I don't know what to say, one star to Pepe

  • Freddy 2023-05-07 16:29:01

    Although the suspense is a little off, the atmosphere is created well, and the longline search is quite good

  • Freddy 2023-04-24 23:33:32

    The contrast between Bina and marina is very sharp. Women can't be too selfish and stupid. Sometimes revolutionary feelings can be praised. In times of war, children are like adults. I was shocked to see how strong the little child who lost his mother still gave his stepfather the silk scarf that his mother gave him.

  • Freddy 2023-03-30 10:01:37

    In fact, I am most interested in all kinds of gossip about Da Vinci...

  • Freddy 2023-03-27 17:25:04

    Outlaws, tangled! The two male protagonists should switch roles~Eduardo is mature~~~alone

  • Freddy 2023-03-18 21:30:55

    Why women love roofers